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@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ So far ``_gui_setup`` is empty. Create a window by adding the following lines wi
As far as EFL is concerned, a window is just another object. You can declare it with ``Eo *win;``. The ``Eo`` type is the base object system for EFL. Most graphical elements such as windows, text boxes, buttons, sliders, etc. are ``Eo`` objects. You can give your window any name you wish but for now call it ``win``for simplicity's sake.
The next part of the code defines the window itself. The ``efl_add()`` method creates a new object of the class specified in the first parameter and puts it inside the already existing object specified in the second parameter. In an EFL graphical application widgets are inserted inside other objects. For example, you can place a text object inside a text box inside a window and so on. In this case we want to create a window (``EFL_UI_WIN _CLASS``) which must be a child of the application's main loop, so it can receive application events (see the [Main Loop programming guide](/develop/guides/c/core/ You can always retrieve the application's main loop using ``efl_main_loop_get()``.
The next part of the code defines the window itself. The ``efl_add()`` method creates a new object of the class specified in the first parameter and puts it inside the already existing object specified in the second parameter. In an EFL graphical application widgets are inserted inside other objects. For example, you can place a text object inside a text box inside a window and so on. In this case we want to create a window (``EFL_UI_WIN_CLASS``) which must be a child of the application's main loop, so it can receive application events (see the [Main Loop programming guide](/develop/guides/c/core/ You can always retrieve the application's main loop using ``efl_main_loop_get()``.
The rest of the parameters of ``efl_add()`` are a list of methods that will be called in order, normally to configure the object we have just created. You can add as many configuration methods as you want in this list and can use the special symbol ``efl_added`` to refer to the created object if you need to.

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@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ The ``Efl_Event`` structure contains an array with all the command line paramete
Finally, the array can be found in ``args->argv``. Arrays in EFL are handled with the ``Eina_Array`` type, so you can use ``eina_array_count()`` to retrieve the number of elements in an array and ``eina_array_data_get()`` to access the contents of the array.
In the above example, if no parameters are passed to your program (``eina_array_count(args->argv) == 0``), it just prints "Hello World!". Otherwise, the first parameter is retrieved and printed. Try compiling again your program and running it with your name as the first parameter:
In the above example, if no parameters are passed to your program (``eina_array_count(args->argv) == 1``), it just prints "Hello World!". Otherwise, the first parameter is retrieved and printed. Try compiling again your program and running it with your name as the first parameter:
./hello-world Mike

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@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ This will produce a folder named ``efl-X.XX.X``.
Before you can compile and install EFL you need to install the required software packages and tools:
pacman -S meson ninja pkgconf gcc binutils python2 avahi bullet curl fontconfig harfbuzz fribidi gst-plugins-base-libs luajit libexif libgl libinput libpulse libspectre libraw librsvg libwebp libxcomposite libxcursor libxinerama libxkbcommon libxp libxrandr libxss libunwind mesa openjpeg2 poppler shared-mime-info ttf-font scim libibus glib2 pulseaudio gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly gst-libav libreoffice
pacman -S meson ninja pkgconf gcc binutils python2 avahi bullet curl fontconfig harfbuzz fribidi gst-plugins-base-libs luajit libexif libgl libinput libpulse libspectre libraw librsvg libwebp libxcomposite libxcursor libxinerama libxkbcommon libxp libxrandr libxss libunwind mesa openjpeg2 poppler shared-mime-info ttf-font scim libibus glib2 pulseaudio gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly gst-libav libreoffice check
### Step 4: Building and Installing ###

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@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ As well as the dependencies specific for EFL:
sudo apt install libssl-dev libsystemd-dev libjpeg-dev libglib2.0-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev liblua5.2-dev libfreetype-dev libfontconfig-dev libfribidi-dev libavahi-client-dev libharfbuzz-dev libibus-1.0-dev libx11-dev libxext-dev libxrender-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libgif-dev libtiff5-dev libpoppler-dev libpoppler-cpp-dev libspectre-dev libraw-dev librsvg2-dev libudev-dev libmount-dev libdbus-1-dev libpulse-dev libsndfile1-dev libxcursor-dev libxcomposite-dev libxinerama-dev libxrandr-dev libxtst-dev libxss-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev doxygen libopenjp2-7-dev libscim-dev libxdamage-dev libwebp-dev libunwind-dev libheif-dev libavif-dev libyuv-dev libinput-dev
> **NOTE:**
> Unless you are already running Ubuntu 23.04 or a higher version (simply install libjxl-dev), JPEG XL has to be compiled from source. If you need jxl support in efl,
> Unless you are running Ubuntu 24.04 or a higher version (simply install libjxl-dev), JPEG XL has to be compiled from source. If you need jxl support in efl,
> please visit their [GitHub repository]( for more information.
### Step 3: Configuring the Software ###