Notes on configuration options, and other info bits.

SVN revision: 26363
This commit is contained in:
Kim Woelders 2006-10-05 19:13:29 +00:00
parent 991b15d976
commit 0f8af4c56b
1 changed files with 321 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Contents
- Session Scripts
- Composite manager notes
- Default keybindings
- Configuration options
- Using e16 with GNOME
- Using e16 with KDE
- Migrating from Enlightenment 0.16.7 to 0.16.8
@ -217,7 +218,7 @@ Applications unintentionally using an ARGB visual will normally not be
rendered properly at all and should be started with the environment variable
To fix border rendering on "real" ARGB windows it is required to use imlib2
with version > 1.2.2 (i.e. CVS, atm.).
with version >= 1.3.0.
@ -276,6 +277,311 @@ Alt-Ctrl d Switch dragbar position
Alt-Ctrl o Switch dragbar button ordering
Configuration options
The available configuration options are shown below. Values are the defaults.
# [bool] High quality background rendering
backgrounds.hiquality = 1
# [bool] Prefer user selected backgrounds over theme settings
backgrounds.user = 1
# [int] Time out for unused background image pixmaps
backgrounds.timeout = 240
# [bool] Enable composite manager
compmgr.enable = 0
# [int] Composite manager mode (always 2 atm)
compmgr.mode = 2
# [int] Dropshadow mode (0: off, 1: sharp, 2: blurry, 3: echo)
compmgr.shadows.mode = 0
# [int] Dropshadow offset
compmgr.shadows.offset_x = 3
compmgr.shadows.offset_y = 5
# [int] Blurry dropshadow radius
compmgr.shadows.blur.radius = 5
# [int] Blurry dropshadow opacity(%)
compmgr.shadows.blur.opacity = 75
# [int] Sharp dropshadow opacity(%) = 30
# [bool] Hack to fix problems with resize on old xorg servers
compmgr.resize_fix_enable = 0
# [bool] Experimental - leave at 0
compmgr.use_name_pixmap = 0
# [bool] Enable fading
compmgr.fading.enable = 1
# [int] Fading time step(us)
compmgr.fading.dt_us = 10000
# [int] Fading opacity step
compmgr.fading.step = 0x10000000
# [int] Composite redirection of override-redirect windows (0: off, 1: on map, ...: testing)
# Should normally be 1 but 0 may be a partial workaround of problems with vanishing
# pop-ups on certain X-server/toolkit versions.
compmgr.override_redirect.mode = 1
# [int] Opacity of override-redirect windows (pop-up's, etc)
compmgr.override_redirect.opacity = 90
# [int] Number of desktops
desktops.num = 2
# [int] Desktop dragging direction
desktops.dragdir = 2
# [int] Desktop dragbar width (0: disable)
desktops.dragbar_width = 16
# [int] Desktop dragbar length (0: full)
desktops.dragbar_length = 0
# [int] Desktop dragbar button ordering
desktops.dragbar_ordering = 1
# [bool] Wrap around on desk switch (last <-> first on next/prev)
desktops.desks_wraparound = 0
# [bool] Slide desks in when switching
desktops.slidein = 1
# [int] Desk slide speed
desktops.slidespeed = 6000
# [int] Size of virtual desktop
desktops.areas_nx = 2
desktops.areas_ny = 1
# [bool] Wrap around on area switch (last <-> first on next/prev)
desktops.areas_wraparound = 0
# [int] Edge flip resistance(pixels)
desktops.edge_flip_resistance = 25
# [bool] Enable ripples effect
effects.ripples.enabled = 0
# [bool] Enable waves effect
effects.waves.enabled = 0
# [int] Focus mode (0: pointer, 1: sloppy, 2: click)
focus.mode = 1
# [bool] Raise window when clicked
focus.clickraises = 1
# [bool] Transients are placed where leader is
focus.transientsfollowleader = 1
# [bool] When a transient is mapped the desk/area is switched to where the transient appears
focus.switchfortransientmap = 1
# [bool] Focus new windows
focus.all_new_windows_get_focus = 0
# [bool] Focus new transients
focus.new_transients_get_focus = 0
# [bool] Focus new transients if group is focused
focus.new_transients_get_focus_if_group_focused = 1
# [bool] Raise window on focus next
focus.raise_on_next = 1
# [bool] Warp pointer to window on focus next
focus.warp_on_next = 0
# [bool] Always warp pointer into window when new window is focused
focus.warp_always = 0
# [bool] Enable autoraise
focus.autoraise.enable = 0
# [int] Autoraise delay(ms)
focus.autoraise.delay = 500
# [bool] Default group settings
groups.dflt.iconify = 1
groups.dflt.kill = 0
groups.dflt.mirror = 1
groups.dflt.move = 1
groups.dflt.raise = 0
groups.dflt.set_border = 1
groups.dflt.stick = 1
groups.dflt.shade = 1
groups.swapmove = 1
# [string] Language used by e16 (dialogs, tooltips, etc.)
# Inherit from environment if not set
locale.internal =
# [string] Language exported when starting applications
# Inherit from environment if not set
locale.exported =
# [bool] Animate menus
menus.animate = 0
# [bool] Keep menus on-screen
menus.onscreen = 1
# [bool] Warp pointer when sliding menus
menus.warp = 1
# [bool] Enable icons in menus
menus.show_icons = 1
# [int] Menu icon size(pixels)
menus.icon_size = 16
# [int] Menu navigation keycodes
menus.key.left = 0xff51
menus.key.right = 0xff53
menus.key.up = 0xff52
menus.key.down = 0xff54
menus.key.escape = 0xff1b
menus.key.ret = 0xff0d
# [int] Button move resistance(pixels)
misc.buttons.move_resistance = 10
# [bool] Show headers in dialogs
misc.dialogs.headers = 0
# [bool] Enable images on dialog buttons
misc.dialogs.button_image = 0
# [bool] Enable docking of dockapps
misc.dock.enable = 1
# [bool] Make all dockapps sticky
misc.dock.sticky = 1
# [int] Dock direction
misc.dock.dirmode = 3
# [int] Dock start position
misc.dock.startx = 0
misc.dock.starty = 0
# [bool] Enable desktop background compatibility mode
# Fixes background in many apps using pseudotransparency
# May cause major slowdowns in certain setups
misc.hints.set_xroot_info_on_root_window = 0
# [int] Move mode (0: opaque, 1: technical, 2: box, 3: shaded, 4: semi-solid, 5: translucent)
misc.movres.mode_move = 0
# [int] Resize mode (0: opaque, 1: technical, 2: box, 3: shaded, 4: semi-solid)
misc.movres.mode_resize = 2
# [int] Geometry indicator mode (0: off, 1: window center, 2: screen corner)
misc.movres.mode_info = 1
# [bool] Send synthetic ConfigureNotify's while moving
# Causes pseudotransparent apps to update while moving (expensive)
misc.movres.update_while_moving = 0
# [int] Composite opacity of menu windows
misc.opacity.menus = 85
# [int] Composite opacity of windows being moved
misc.opacity.movres = 60
# [int] Composite opacity of tooltip windows
misc.opacity.tooltips = 80
# [bool] Place windows manually = 0
# [bool] Place windows under pointer = 0
# [bool] Slide windows in = 0
# [bool] Slide windows around while cleaning up = 1
# [int] Window slide-in mode (0: opaque, 1: technical, 2: box, 3: shaded, 4: semi-solid) = 0
# [int] Window slide-in speed = 6000
# [int] Window cleanup slidespeed = 8000
# [bool] Ignore windows with struts (e.g. panels) when placing new window = 0
# [bool] Raise fullscreen windows (increase stacking level while fullscreen) = 0
# [bool] Enable session scripts
misc.session.enable_script = 0
# [string] Session script
misc.session.script = $EROOT/scripts/
# [bool] Enable logout dialog
misc.session.enable_logout_dialog = 1
# [bool] Enable reboot/halt in logout dialog
misc.session.enable_reboot_halt = 0
# [string] Reboot command
misc.session.cmd_reboot = reboot
# [string] Halt command
misc.session.cmd_halt = poweroff
# [bool] Enable animation of window shading
misc.shading.animate = 1
# [int] Shading speed
misc.shading.speed = 8000
# [bool] Enable resistance when moving windows
misc.snap.enable = 1
# [int] Resistance at other window edge
misc.snap.edge_snap_dist = 8
# [int] Resistance at screen edge
misc.snap.screen_snap_dist = 32
# [bool] First time flag
misc.startup.firsttime = 0
# [bool] Enable sliding startup windows
misc.startup.animate = 1
# [bool] Test options (do not change)
misc.testing.argb_internal_objects = 0
misc.testing.argb_internal_clients = 0
misc.testing.argb_clients = 0
misc.testing.argb_clients_inherit_attr = 0
misc.testing.use_sync = 0
misc.testing.mask_alpha_threshold = 8
# [bool] Save configuration changes
misc.autosave = 1
# [bool] Keep memory usage down (should probably always be 1)
misc.memory_paranoia = 1
# [bool] Use save-unders when appropriate
misc.save_under = 0
# [bool] Enable pagers
pagers.enable = 1
# [bool] Enable zooming of pager snapshot windows
pagers.zoom = 1
# [bool] Show window name pop-ups
pagers.title = 1
# [bool] Enable high quality snapshots
pagers.hiq = 1
# [int] Pager mode (0: simple, 1: snap, 2: live)
pagers.mode = 1
# [int] Scan/update speed (lines/updates per second. Used only in snap or live mode)
pagers.scanspeed = 10
# [int] Pager buttons
pagers.sel_button = 2
pagers.win_button = 1
pagers.menu_button = 3
# [bool] Enable sound
sound.enable = 0
# [string] Use sounds from theme (not implemented)
sound.theme =
# [string] Theme = winter
# [string] Colon separated list of directories containing e16 themes
theme.extra_path = /mnt/fc4/src/E/themes/e16
# [string] Colon separated list of additional TrueType font directories
theme.ttfont_path =
# [bool] Enable tooltips
tooltips.enable = 1
# [bool] Enable root window tooltips
tooltips.showroottooltip = 1
# [int] Tooltip delay
tooltips.delay = 1500
# [int] Theme transparency(0-255)
transparency.alpha = 0
# [int] Item transparencies (0: off, 1: background, 2: glass) = 1
transparency.menu_item = 1
transparency.tooltip = 2
transparency.widget = 1
transparency.hilight = 0
transparency.border = 1
transparency.iconbox = 1
transparency.dialog = 1
transparency.pager = 1
transparency.warplist = 1
# [bool] Enable focus list (alt-tab)
warplist.enable = 1
# [bool] Show sticky windows
warplist.showsticky = 1
# [bool] Show shaded windows
warplist.showshaded = 1
# [bool] Show iconified windows
warplist.showiconified = 0
# [bool] Warp pointer to focused window
warplist.warpfocused = 1
# [bool] Raise window while selecting
warplist.raise_on_select = 1
# [bool] Warp pointer to window while selecting
warplist.warp_on_select = 0
# [bool] Icon mode (0: none, 3: e/app/snap, 4: app/e/snap)
warplist.icon_mode = 3
Using e16 with GNOME
(Using Fedora Core 4, may be pertinent to other distributions as well).
@ -352,10 +658,22 @@ collisions with the new enlightenment DR17.
executable `enlightenment` must be edited to the new e16 program.
Note! The section below is obsolete as of
A few themes have to be tweaked to work with 0.16.8.
Some themes (Maw, Black E) have an actionclasses.cfg like:
#include <definitions>
#include </usr/local/enlightenment/config/actionclasses.cfg>
#include </usr/share/enlightenment/config/actionclasses.cfg>
The absolute path is obviously no longer valid.
The most sensible fix for these themes is to remove the themes
actionclasses.cfg. e16 will then fall back to the default one.
Note! The section below is obsolete as of
For the AQUA theme (and derivatives) this can be done as follows:
1) move to AQUA theme directory