/* * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Carsten Haitzler, Geoff Harrison and various contributors * Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Kim Woelders * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies of the Software, its documentation and marketing & publicity * materials, and acknowledgment shall be given in the documentation, materials * and software packages that this Software was used. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "E.h" #include "desktops.h" #include "ewins.h" #include "groups.h" #include "screen.h" #include "slide.h" #define DEBUG_ARRANGE 0 #define ARRANGE_BY_ORDER 0 #define ARRANGE_BY_SIZE 1 /* fine ARRANGE_BY_POSITION 2 */ typedef struct { void *data; int x, y, w, h; int p; } RectBox; typedef struct { int x, y; int p, q; } RectInfo; static int ArrangeAddToList(int *array, int current_size, int value) { int i, j; if (current_size >= 2 && (value <= array[0] || value >= array[current_size - 1])) return current_size; for (i = 0; i < current_size; i++) { if (value < array[i]) { for (j = current_size; j > i; j--) array[j] = array[j - 1]; array[i] = value; return current_size + 1; } else if (value == array[i]) return current_size; } array[current_size] = value; return current_size + 1; } static void ArrangeMakeXYArrays(int tx1, int tx2, int ty1, int ty2, int fitw, int fith, const RectBox * sorted, int num_sorted, int *xarray, int *nx, int *yarray, int *ny) { int j, x1, x2, y1, y2; int xsize, ysize; xsize = 0; ysize = 0; /* put all the sorted rects into the xy arrays */ xsize = ArrangeAddToList(xarray, xsize, tx1); xsize = ArrangeAddToList(xarray, xsize, tx2); xsize = ArrangeAddToList(xarray, xsize, tx2 - fitw); ysize = ArrangeAddToList(yarray, ysize, ty1); ysize = ArrangeAddToList(yarray, ysize, ty2); ysize = ArrangeAddToList(yarray, ysize, ty2 - fith); for (j = 0; j < num_sorted; j++) { x1 = sorted[j].x; x2 = x1 + sorted[j].w; xsize = ArrangeAddToList(xarray, xsize, x1); xsize = ArrangeAddToList(xarray, xsize, x2); xsize = ArrangeAddToList(xarray, xsize, x1 - fitw); xsize = ArrangeAddToList(xarray, xsize, x2 - fitw); y1 = sorted[j].y; y2 = y1 + sorted[j].h; ysize = ArrangeAddToList(yarray, ysize, y1); ysize = ArrangeAddToList(yarray, ysize, y2); ysize = ArrangeAddToList(yarray, ysize, y1 - fith); ysize = ArrangeAddToList(yarray, ysize, y2 - fith); } #if DEBUG_ARRANGE for (j = 0; j < xsize; j++) Eprintf("xarray[%d] = %d\n", j, xarray[j]); for (j = 0; j < ysize; j++) Eprintf("yarray[%d] = %d\n", j, yarray[j]); #endif *nx = xsize; *ny = ysize; } #define Filled(x,y) (filled[(y * (xsize - 1)) + x]) static void ArrangeMakeFillLists(const RectBox * sorted, int num_sorted, int *xarray, int xsize, int *yarray, int ysize, unsigned char *filled) { int j, x1, x2, y1, y2, k, y, x; /* fill the allocation array */ for (j = 0; j < (xsize - 1) * (ysize - 1); filled[j++] = 0) ; for (j = 0; j < num_sorted; j++) { if (sorted[j].x + sorted[j].w <= xarray[0] || sorted[j].x >= xarray[xsize - 1]) continue; if (sorted[j].y + sorted[j].h <= yarray[0] || sorted[j].y >= yarray[ysize - 1]) continue; x1 = -1; x2 = -1; y1 = -1; y2 = -1; for (k = 0; k < xsize - 1; k++) if (sorted[j].x <= xarray[k]) { x1 = x2 = k; break; } for (k++; k < xsize - 1; k++) if (sorted[j].x + sorted[j].w > xarray[k]) x2 = k; for (k = 0; k < ysize - 1; k++) if (sorted[j].y <= yarray[k]) { y1 = y2 = k; break; } for (k++; k < ysize - 1; k++) if (sorted[j].y + sorted[j].h > yarray[k]) y2 = k; #if DEBUG_ARRANGE Eprintf("Fill %4d,%4d %4dx%4d: (%2d)%4d->(%2d)%4d,(%2d)%4d->(%2d)%4d\n", sorted[j].x, sorted[j].y, sorted[j].w, sorted[j].h, x1, xarray[x1], x2, xarray[x2], y1, yarray[y1], y2, yarray[y2]); #endif if ((x1 >= 0) && (x2 >= 0) && (y1 >= 0) && (y2 >= 0)) { for (y = y1; y <= y2; y++) { for (x = x1; x <= x2; x++) { Filled(x, y) += sorted[j].p; } } } } #if DEBUG_ARRANGE Eprintf("Filled[%2d,%2d] =\n", xsize, ysize); for (k = 0; k < ysize - 1; k++) { for (j = 0; j < xsize - 1; j++) printf(" %2d", Filled(j, k)); printf("\n"); } #endif } static void ArrangeFindSpace(const int *xarray, int xsize, const int *yarray, int ysize, unsigned char *filled, RectInfo * spaces, int *ns, int wx, int wy, int ww, int wh) { int i, j, w, h, fw, fh, z1, z2; int cost, desk; int num_spaces = *ns; if (wx < xarray[0] || (wx != xarray[0] && wx + ww > xarray[xsize - 1])) return; if (wy < yarray[0] || (wy != yarray[0] && wy + wh > yarray[ysize - 1])) return; cost = desk = 0; fh = wh; #if DEBUG_ARRANGE > 1 Eprintf("Check-A %d,%d %dx%d\n", wx, wy, ww, wh); #endif for (j = 0; j < ysize - 1; j++) { z2 = yarray[j + 1]; if (z2 <= wy) continue; z1 = wy > yarray[j] ? wy : yarray[j]; z2 = wy + wh < z2 ? wy + wh : z2; h = z2 - z1; fw = ww; for (i = 0; i < xsize - 1; i++) { z2 = xarray[i + 1]; if (z2 <= wx) continue; z1 = wx > xarray[i] ? wx : xarray[i]; z2 = wx + ww < z2 ? wx + ww : z2; w = z2 - z1; #if DEBUG_ARRANGE > 1 Eprintf("Add [%d,%d] %3dx%3d: %2d\n", i, j, w, h, Filled(i, j)); #endif if (Filled(i, j) == 0) desk += w * h; else cost += w * h * Filled(i, j); fw -= w; if (fw <= 0) break; } fh -= h; if (fh <= 0) break; } #if DEBUG_ARRANGE Eprintf("Check %4d,%4d %3dx%3d cost=%d desk=%d\n", wx, wy, ww, wh, cost, desk); #endif spaces[num_spaces].x = wx; spaces[num_spaces].y = wy; spaces[num_spaces].p = cost; spaces[num_spaces].q = desk; num_spaces++; *ns = num_spaces; } static void ArrangeFindSpaces(const int *xarray, int xsize, const int *yarray, int ysize, unsigned char *filled, RectInfo * spaces, int max_spaces, int *ns, RectBox * fit) { int ix, iy, fx, fy, fw, fh; /* create list of all "spaces" */ *ns = 0; fw = fit->w; fh = fit->h; for (iy = 0; iy < ysize; iy++) { fy = yarray[iy]; for (ix = 0; ix < xsize; ix++) { fx = xarray[ix]; ArrangeFindSpace(xarray, xsize, yarray, ysize, filled, spaces, ns, fx, fy, fw, fh); if (*ns >= max_spaces) goto done; } } done: ; } static int _rects_sort_size(const void *_a, const void *_b) { const RectBox *a = (const RectBox *)_a; const RectBox *b = (const RectBox *)_b; return (b->w * b->h) - (a->h * a->w); } #ifdef ARRANGE_BY_POSITION static int _rects_sort_pos(const void *_a, const void *_b) { const RectBox *a = (const RectBox *)_a; const RectBox *b = (const RectBox *)_b; return (b->x + b->w / 2 + b->y + b->h / 2) - (a->x - a->y); } #endif static void ArrangeRects(const RectBox * fixed, int fixed_count, RectBox * floating, int floating_count, RectBox * sorted, int startx, int starty, int width, int height, int policy, char initial_window) { int num_sorted; int tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2; int xsize = 0, ysize = 0; int *xarray, *yarray; int i, j, k; unsigned char *filled; RectInfo *spaces; int num_spaces, alloc_spaces; int sort; int a1; tx1 = startx; ty1 = starty; tx2 = startx + width; ty2 = starty + height; if (initial_window) { int xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2; ScreenGetAvailableAreaByPointer(&xx1, &yy1, &xx2, &yy2, Conf.place.ignore_struts); xx2 += xx1; yy2 += yy1; if (tx1 < xx1) tx1 = xx1; if (tx2 > xx2) tx2 = xx2; if (ty1 < yy1) ty1 = yy1; if (ty2 > yy2) ty2 = yy2; } #if DEBUG_ARRANGE Eprintf("Target area %d,%d -> %d,%d\n", tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2); #endif switch (policy) { default: case ARRANGE_BY_ORDER: break; case ARRANGE_BY_SIZE: qsort(floating, floating_count, sizeof(RectBox), _rects_sort_size); break; #ifdef ARRANGE_BY_POSITION case ARRANGE_BY_POSITION: qsort(floating, floating_count, sizeof(RectBox), _rects_sort_pos); break; #endif } /* for every floating rect in order, "fit" it into the sorted list */ i = ((fixed_count + floating_count) * 4) + 2; xarray = EMALLOC(int, i); yarray = EMALLOC(int, i); filled = NULL; spaces = NULL; alloc_spaces = 0; if (!xarray || !yarray) goto done; /* copy "fixed" rects into the sorted list */ if (fixed) memcpy(sorted, fixed, fixed_count * sizeof(RectBox)); num_sorted = fixed_count; /* go through each floating rect in order and "fit" it in */ for (i = 0; i < floating_count; i++) { ArrangeMakeXYArrays(tx1, tx2, ty1, ty2, floating[i].w, floating[i].h, sorted, num_sorted, xarray, &xsize, yarray, &ysize); num_spaces = xsize * ysize; if (num_spaces <= 0) continue; if (alloc_spaces < num_spaces) { unsigned char *ptr_f; RectInfo *ptr_s; ptr_f = EREALLOC(unsigned char, filled, num_spaces); if (ptr_f) filled = ptr_f; ptr_s = EREALLOC(RectInfo, spaces, num_spaces); if (ptr_s) spaces = ptr_s; if (!ptr_f || !ptr_s) goto done; alloc_spaces = num_spaces; } ArrangeMakeFillLists(sorted, num_sorted, xarray, xsize, yarray, ysize, filled); /* create list of all "spaces" */ ArrangeFindSpaces(xarray, xsize, yarray, ysize, filled, spaces, alloc_spaces, &num_spaces, floating + i); if (num_spaces <= 0) continue; /* find the first space that fits */ k = 0; sort = 0x7fffffff; /* NB! Break at 0 == free space */ for (j = 0; j < num_spaces; j++) { a1 = spaces[j].p - spaces[j].q * 4; if (a1 >= sort) continue; sort = a1; k = j; if (spaces[j].p == 0) break; } if (spaces[k].q == 0 && Conf.place.center_if_desk_full) { sorted[num_sorted].x = (tx1 + tx2 - floating[i].w) / 2; sorted[num_sorted].y = (ty1 + ty2 - floating[i].h) / 2; } else { sorted[num_sorted].x = spaces[k].x; sorted[num_sorted].y = spaces[k].y; } sorted[num_sorted].data = floating[i].data; sorted[num_sorted].w = floating[i].w; sorted[num_sorted].h = floating[i].h; sorted[num_sorted].p = floating[i].p; num_sorted++; } #if DEBUG_ARRANGE for (i = 0; i < num_sorted; i++) Eprintf("Sorted: x,y=%4d,%4d wxh=%3dx%3d p=%2d: %s\n", sorted[i].x, sorted[i].y, sorted[i].w, sorted[i].h, sorted[i].p, (sorted[i].data) ? EobjGetName((EObj *) sorted[i].data) : "?"); #endif done: /* free up memory */ Efree(xarray); Efree(yarray); Efree(filled); Efree(spaces); } void ArrangeEwin(EWin * ewin) { int x, y; ArrangeEwinXY(ewin, &x, &y); EwinMove(ewin, x, y, 0); } void ArrangeEwinCentered(EWin * ewin) { int x, y; ArrangeEwinCenteredXY(ewin, &x, &y); if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; EwinMove(ewin, x, y, 0); } static void ArrangeGetRectList(RectBox ** pfixed, int *nfixed, RectBox ** pfloating, int *nfloating, EWin * ewin) { RectBox *rb, *fixed, *floating; int x, y, w, h, i, nfix, nflt, num; EObj *const *lst, *eo; Desk *dsk; fixed = floating = NULL; nfix = nflt = 0; lst = EobjListOrderGet(&num); if (!lst) goto done; fixed = EMALLOC(RectBox, num); if (!fixed) goto done; dsk = (ewin) ? EoGetDesk(ewin) : DesksGetCurrent(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { rb = fixed + nfix; eo = lst[i]; if (!eo->shown) continue; if (eo->type == EOBJ_TYPE_EWIN) { EWin *ew = (EWin *) eo; if (ew == ewin) continue; if (eo->desk != dsk) continue; if (ew->props.ignorearrange || EoGetLayer(ew) == 0) continue; if (pfloating) { int ax, ay; DeskGetArea(EoGetDesk(ew), &ax, &ay); if (!EoIsSticky(ew) && !EoIsFloating(ew) && ew->area_x == ax && ew->area_y == ay) { floating = EREALLOC(RectBox, floating, nflt + 1); rb = floating + nflt++; rb->data = ew; rb->x = EoGetX(ew); rb->y = EoGetY(ew); rb->w = EoGetW(ew); rb->h = EoGetH(ew); rb->p = EoGetLayer(ew); #if DEBUG_ARRANGE Eprintf("Add float: x,y=%4d,%4d wxh=%3dx%3d p=%2d: %s\n", rb->x, rb->y, rb->w, rb->h, rb->p, EobjGetName(eo)); #endif continue; } } rb->data = ew; if (ew->props.never_use_area) rb->p = 100; else rb->p = EoGetLayer(ew); } else if (eo->type == EOBJ_TYPE_BUTTON) { if (!eo->sticky && eo->desk != dsk) continue; rb->data = NULL; rb->p = (eo->sticky) ? 1 : 0; } else { continue; } x = EobjGetX(eo); y = EobjGetY(eo); w = EobjGetW(eo); h = EobjGetH(eo); if (x < 0) { w += x; x = 0; } if ((x + w) > WinGetW(VROOT)) w = WinGetW(VROOT) - x; if (y < 0) { h += y; y = 0; } if ((y + h) > WinGetH(VROOT)) h = WinGetH(VROOT) - y; if ((w <= 0) || (h <= 0)) continue; rb->x = x; rb->y = y; rb->w = w; rb->h = h; #if DEBUG_ARRANGE Eprintf("Add fixed: x,y=%4d,%4d wxh=%3dx%3d p=%2d: %s\n", rb->x, rb->y, rb->w, rb->h, rb->p, EobjGetName(eo)); #endif nfix++; } done: #if DEBUG_ARRANGE Eprintf("Fixed: %p/%d Floating: %p/%d\n", fixed, nfix, floating, nflt); #endif *pfixed = fixed; *nfixed = nfix; if (pfloating) *pfloating = floating; if (nfloating) *nfloating = nflt; } void ArrangeEwinXY(EWin * ewin, int *px, int *py) { int i, num; RectBox *fixed, *ret, newrect; *px = *py = 0; if (!ewin) return; EwinListGetAll(&num); if (num <= 1) { ArrangeEwinCenteredXY(ewin, px, py); return; } fixed = NULL; ArrangeGetRectList(&fixed, &num, NULL, NULL, ewin); newrect.data = ewin; newrect.x = 0; newrect.y = 0; newrect.w = EoGetW(ewin); newrect.h = EoGetH(ewin); newrect.p = EoGetLayer(ewin); ret = ECALLOC(RectBox, num + 1); if (!ret) goto done; ArrangeRects(fixed, num, &newrect, 1, ret, 0, 0, WinGetW(VROOT), WinGetH(VROOT), ARRANGE_BY_SIZE, 1); for (i = 0; i < num + 1; i++) { if (ret[i].data == ewin) { *px = ret[i].x; *py = ret[i].y; break; } } done: Efree(ret); Efree(fixed); } void ArrangeEwinCenteredXY(EWin * ewin, int *px, int *py) { int x, y, w, h; ScreenGetAvailableAreaByPointer(&x, &y, &w, &h, Conf.place.ignore_struts); *px = (w - EoGetW(ewin)) / 2 + x; *py = (h - EoGetH(ewin)) / 2 + y; } void ArrangeEwinCenteredOn(EWin * ewin, int x, int y, int w, int h, int *px, int *py) { int sx, sy, sw, sh; x += (w - EoGetW(ewin)) / 2; y += (h - EoGetH(ewin)) / 2; ScreenGetAvailableArea(x, y, &sx, &sy, &sw, &sh, Conf.place.ignore_struts); /* keep it all on this screen if possible */ x = MIN(x, sx + sw - EoGetW(ewin)); y = MIN(y, sy + sh - EoGetH(ewin)); x = MAX(x, sx); y = MAX(y, sy); *px = x; *py = y; } void ArrangeEwins(const char *params) { const char *type; int method; int i, nfix, nflt; RectBox *fixed, *ret, *floating; EWin *ewin; type = params; method = ARRANGE_BY_SIZE; if (params) { if (!strcmp("order", type)) method = ARRANGE_BY_ORDER; #ifdef ARRANGE_BY_POSITION else if (!strcmp("place", type)) method = ARRANGE_BY_POSITION; #endif } fixed = floating = ret = NULL; ArrangeGetRectList(&fixed, &nfix, &floating, &nflt, NULL); if (!floating) goto done; ret = ECALLOC(RectBox, nflt + nfix); if (!ret) goto done; ArrangeRects(fixed, nfix, floating, nflt, ret, 0, 0, WinGetW(VROOT), WinGetH(VROOT), method, 1); for (i = nfix; i < nflt + nfix; i++) { if (!ret[i].data) continue; ewin = (EWin *) ret[i].data; if ((EoGetX(ewin) == ret[i].x) && (EoGetY(ewin) == ret[i].y)) continue; if (Conf.place.cleanupslide) EwinSlideTo(ewin, EoGetX(ewin), EoGetY(ewin), ret[i].x, ret[i].y, Conf.place.slidespeedcleanup, Conf.place.slidemode, 0); else EwinMove(ewin, ret[i].x, ret[i].y, 0); } done: Efree(fixed); Efree(ret); Efree(floating); }