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0.16 devel snap
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Please read the tutorial if you are new to Enlightenment or just upgraded as
there may be new features you may be missing out on.
<page columns=1 padding=16 name=about background=Edoc_bg.png linkcolor=#88dddd>
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<p align=50%>
Enlightenment is your Window Manager. The Window Manager controls the
appearance of the borders of your windows, their behavior and
all user interaction with positioning, killing, resizing, moving, iconifying,
shading etc. your windows, virtual desktops, multiple desktops, menus attached
to windows and some root window menus and can also control the background
of your desktop(s).
<p align=50%>
It is a large and complex program and is by no means perfect, but it is being
worked on and is as stable as possible. It has many advanced features as well
as possibly missing some features. This version (0.15.5) is by no means the
end of development and improvements, fixes and new exciting features are
being worked on all the time. Please go and visit the _Web(web) site often,
as new versions, fixes, patches and updates will be released.
<p align=50%>
It is hoped you enjoy using this software and that it is of benefit to you.
It might not be for everyone, but if it has made your day any better than it
was it has done more than enough already.
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Enlightenment has been written by:<br>
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)<br>
Mandrake (Geoff Harrison)<br>
Chutt (Isaac Richards)<br>
Sung-Hyun Nam<br>
Kimball Thurston<br>
Michael Kellen<br>
Frederic Devernay<br>
Felix Bellaby<br>
Michael Jennings (KainX)<br>
Christian Kreibich<br>
Peter Kjellerstedt<br>
Troy Pesola<br>
Owen Taylor<br>
And many others.
A big thanks to several companies that helped support Enlightenment.
2rad Networks (www.2rad.net) for providing servers and bandwidth to run the
Enlightenment web site.
Red Hat Software (www.redhat.com) for allowing developers resources and time
to work on Enlightenment.
VA Linux Systems (www.linux.com) for providing hardware, bandwidth and coke.
Xi Graphics (www.xig.com) for providing Xservers.
Not only should these people be thanked, but the whole E community - those on
the E mailing list, on #E on IRC on EFnet and all E users who have provided
feedback and debugging information, bug-fixes, patches and support. A big
thanks goes out to all of you who make a project like this possible.
In addition people should be aware that E makes use of other projects - such
as XFree86, Imlib, Esound, Freetype and many others, The people working on
projects that provide infrastructure that E can use and build on should not
be forgotten.
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For updated information on Enlightenment, development, bug-fixes, snapshots of
development versions etc. please visit:
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You may want to visit this site often as it changes
regularly with fixes and development releases -- also visiting the
daily-snapshots section
on the FTP site is a good idea (see the snapshots section on the website for
more information).
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There is an Official Enlightenment IRC channel where you can go and "hang out"
if you want - talk to other E users, developers, get some help, drool
together, or whatever. #E will kill me for this but get onto any EFnet irc
server (irc.efnet.org) then join #E. An example:
BitchX your_nick irc.efnet.org<br>
irc your_nick irc.efnet.org<br>
or use your favorite graphical IRC client.
Please remember that it can get busy with 100's of people talking at once and
not everyone is actually listening all the time or are in the middle of a
conversation - be polite and patient, and have a sense of humor and you'll
have fun.
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There is a mailing-list for Enlightenment.If you wish to take part in general
and development related discussions concerning Enlightenment you can join
by mailing:
and put only one word in your body of the mail:
This should subscribe you to the mailing list. If you are only interested in
announcements, please mail your subscribe request as above to:
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This small tutorial is intended to take you step by step through Enlightenment
and its default setup, how to use it, modify settings, and put it to use for
you. When you have finished reading each page please press the NEXT button on
the top of this window to go to the next page.
If you are reading this right now you have managed to get Enlightenment itself
installed correctly and are either running Enlightenment for the first time or
have just upgraded to a new version. Congratulations. Now it's time to take
you on a quick tour of the desktop you will have before you.
Please remember that if you use a theme other than the default (Brushed Metal)
that is may look slightly or completely different to the contents of this
tutorial. Some behavior may also vary.
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<img src=E_screen_start.png x=16 y=16>
Now that you have started Enlightenment, if you are using it for your desktop
shell, your screen should look something like the image here on the left.
Across the whole top of the screen you will see a bar with arrows pointing
up and down on the left and right ends. This is your desktop
_Dragbar(dragbar) .
On the bottom-left you'll see 3 boxes. The top box with the scrollbar attached
will be your _Iconbox(iconbox) .
The other 2 boxes below are _Pagers(pager) for desktops 0 and 1. Everything
else is your desktop background.
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<img src=E_app_menu.png x=350 y=48>
When you click with your left mouse button on the desktop background you will
see an "Applications" menu appear (example displayed on the right here).
Applications you may have installed will appear in this menu. To launch one
of them simply select it from the menu.
Note: Menus in Enlightenment work like most menu systems. You can either hold
down the mouse button and navigate with the button down, releasing on the
selection you want, or release elsewhere to not select anything, or you can
quickly click and release then navigate just by moving the mouse, and clicking
again on the item you wish to select, or eslewhere if you do not wish to
select an entry.
If you wish to "stick" a menu up and leave it up so you can select items from
it multiple times, clcik and hold down the mouse and release on the title of
the menu (if it has a title) and it will remain up. You can move it and
manipulate it like a normal window. Close the window to unstick the menu.
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<img src=E_settings_menu.png x=285 y=275>
<img src=E_enlightenment_menu.png x=4 y=30>
You will also find that instead of using the left mouse button, you click the
right mouse button, a menu with the title "Settings" will appear. This is
Enlightenment's settings menu. From it you can select what parts of your
desktop that Enlightenment controls to customise and make more ameniable to
your own needs.
When you select one of these _settings(settings) a dialog window will appear
giving you options to configure that part of Enlightenment.
Clicking the middle button on the desktop background will display
Enlightenment's main menu. You can access the other menus plus more options
(including those to log out, restart and display Help information) from this
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You will also find that holding down the ALT key whilst clicking the middle
mouse button will bring up a menu with the titles of all currently active
application windows. Selecting one of these will take you to that application.
By using the CTRL key instead of ALT you will get a menu displaying all
current desktops as submenus, with applicaitons on each desktop in the
desktop submenu.
If your mouse does not have a middle button you should have enabled
"Emulate 3 Buttons" in your X-Server - in which case pressing both left and
right mouse buttons at once will be the equivalent of pressing a middle
mouse button. If this does not work this may not be turned on. Please see
your X Server documentation on how to configure this.
This may vary from system to system. OS and XServer may also vary the method
in which you do this, if it is possible. Not having a middle mouse button in
Enlightenment, or for that matter X is not a good thing as it is almost
assumed to be there, and is used by many applications, as well as
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<img src=E_mousewheel.png x=370 y=30>
<img src=E_mouse.png x=410 y=330>
If you have a WheelMouse and X is configured to understand this Enlightenment
comes equipped with wheel support out of the box.
Rolling your wheel up on the desktop background will take you back a
_desktop(desktops) or by rolling your wheel downward, you will advance
forward a desktop.
If this doesn't work, then it may be you haven't configured your XServer to
understand a mouse with a wheel. If you use XFree86 you may need to edit your
XF86Config to have a "Pointer" Section like:
<font face=aircut3/12 color=#ccaacc>
Section "Pointer"<br>
Protocol "MousemanPlusPS/2"<br>
Device "/dev/mouse"<br>
ZAxisMapping 4 5<br>
Buttons 5<br>
<font face=aircut3/12 color=#ffffff>
You may need to modify this for your mouse.
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When you start an application, unless it has special properties, it will come
up on your screen with a border surrounding it that contains a titlebar and
several control buttons.
This border is the primary interface to controlling an application window.
The Default setup (shown on the next page) gives adequate control but still
retains simplicity.
If you click left mouse button on the titlbar and keep the mouse button down
the window will follow your mouse wherever it moves. Respectively if you click
your left mouse button and drag on any of the resize handles, the window will
be resized in that direction. Clicking right mouse button on the resize
handles will raise thw windows to the top.
Clicking right mouse button on the titlebar or any button on the window
operations menu button on the top-left will display a menu that has window
manipulation options in it.
Double-Clicking (clicking the mouse twice in sucession really fast) will
make the Window shade or unshade (depending if it was unshaded ro shaded to
start with).
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<img src=E_window_diagram.png x=16 y=48>
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Clicking left mouse button on the iconify button will iconify the window
and send it off to the Iconbox. Hitting the Maximize button will maximize the
size of the application fill your screen. Hitting it again will Unmaximize,
bringing the window back to its normal size.
Clicking with the left mouse button on the close button will close the window.
If the application that owns that window does not respond ot a nice request to
exit, then pressing right mouse button on the close button to forcibly
terminate that window. This should not be used unnless the application is
visibly "hung".
In addition to these methods of manipulation a window there are additional
ways of performing these.
If you hold down the ALT key and hold down left mouse button anywhere in the
window (on the border OR in the application part) whilst dragging, you will
move this window around. Doing the same but with the middle mouse button will
resize the window in that direction. Clicking button 3 anywhere in the window
whilst holding down the ALT key will brung up the window operations menu.
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<img src=E_keyboard.png x=312 y=0>
For people who want to use their keyboard to manipulate their personal desktop
there are a number of key combinations bound by default. They are as follows:
<font face=aircut3/12 color=#112222>
CTRL+ALT+Home - Reshuffle windows on screen to be Clean
CTRL+ALT+Del - Exit Enlightenment and Log Out
CTRL+ALT+Home - Restart Enlightenment
CTRL+ALT+Up-Arrow - Raise window to top
CTRL+ALT+Down-Arrow - Lower window to the bottom
CTRL+ALT+Left-Arrow - Go to the previous desktop
CTRL+ALT+Right-Arrow - Go to the next desktop
CTRL+ALT+X - Close the currently focused window
CTRL+ALT+K - Kill the currently focused window nastily
CTRL+ALT+R - Shade/Unshade the currently focused window
CTRL+ALT+I - Iconify the currently focused window
CTRL+ALT+Tab - Switch focus to the next window
CTRL+ALT+R - Shade/Unshade the currently focused window
CTRL+ALT+S - Stick/Unstick the currently focused window
CTRL+ALT+Enter - Zoom/Unzoom the currently focused window
CTRL+ALT+(F1 - F12) - Go directly to desktops 0 - 11
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(more on next page ...)
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SHIFT+ALT+Left-Arrow - Move to the virtual desktop on the left if there is one
SHIFT+ALT+Right-Arrow - Move to the virtual desktop on the right if there is
SHIFT+ALT+Up-Arrow - Move to the virtual desktop above if there is one
SHIFT+ALT+Down-Arrow - Move to the virtual desktop below if there is one
<font face=aircut3/12 color=#ffffff>
Note: Zooming in and out of windows will only work if you have an XFree86
server or one that impliments the Xf86VidMode extension. You also need
to define lots of screen modes for your display, so ensure your "Display"
subsection of your XF86Config looks like:
<font face=aircut3/12 color=#ccaacc>
SubSection "Display"<br>
Depth 16<br>
Modes "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" "512x384" "400x300" "320x240"<br>
<font face=aircut3/12 color=#ffffff>
Have a "Display" subsection per depth (this example is for 16 bit) and all
the resolutions defined as above.
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Multiple & Virtual Desktops
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Enlightenment supports both Multiple and Virtual desktops. There is a fine but
distinct difference between the 2, and enlightenment treats them differently.
When you start Enlightenment you will by default have 2 desktops. In
Enlightenment desktops are geometrically unrelated work areas. They are
visually stacked ontop of eachother and can even be dragged down to expose
desktops underneath.
The best way to imagine this is that each desktop is a sheet of paper with the
first (desktop 0) desktop being glued in-place. You can re-shuffle the stack
of papers and slide one down to reveal a piece of paper underneath - the only
paper you can't slide is the first one. Each desktop (or sheet) contains your
application windows. Windows normally live on one desktop, but can be made
to exit on all desktops - whenever you change to a new desktop the window
will follow you and be on that desktop too. This is known as being sticky.
if a window is sticky it will "stick to the glass of your screen" and stay
there until it is not sticky anymore or the window is closed.
Virtual desktops (also known as desktop areas) is a measure of how big your
desktops are. A desktop can be a multple of your screen size in size (2x1,
2x2, 3x3, 4x2 etc.). That means each desktop has an AxB screen size of area
allocated to it and you can be looking at any screen-sized part of it at any
time. It's just like getting more sheets of paper and taping them to the sides
of your current sheet of paper. An easy way of changing your view is by just
sliding your mouse in the direction of a currently unviewable part of your
desktop and as long as you have Edge Flip enabled Enlightenment will
automatically scroll over to that part of the desktop
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The Dragbar
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The Pager
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The Iconbox
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Remembering Properites
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Window Groups
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