
18 lines
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kainx: reduce need for tooltip text to have auto gened tooltips work
user: spacers in menus
user: "default button" indicator for the default "enter" activated button
user: add submenu resistance / timeout for running across to a submenu
user: add "virtual" resistance boxes
user: finer grained control on selecting icon display policy
raster: need to lock .enlightenment dir for multiple logins etc.
raster: add dnd from iconbox out to otherthings...
cK: something like that 'virtual desktop hovering' thing that fvwm has, i.e. continuous dragging of the desktop areas. Maybe something like a 'supergroup' that every window belongs to, and then moving that group ...
cK: maybe some kind of helpdesk? Like hitting F1 gives help in dialogs or something
mandrake: need to write some code to un-override redirect kfm and kpanel so I can manage them easier -- this causes kfm and kpanel to exist over/under/etc apps and not have the arrange code know where the windows are.
cK: Some of the group dialogs could work with check- instead of radiobuttons. Like the one for breaking groups, for example.
mandrake: apparently only having one desktop makes the kde taskbar not show any apps -- THIS is a bug in kpanel, not in E. ettrich@kde.org has been informed of this, unfortunately it won't be fixed before KDE 2.0. Also having an odd number of desktops won't show up the last one if you're in any kpanel size mode but tiny.
mandrake: closing windows on other desktops works, but if you close the last window on another desktop it crashes E for some reason (using kpanel) -- I can't recreate this bug anymore, so I think it's gone, but I didn't specifically fix it.