comments - man is that struct big!

SVN revision: 40589
This commit is contained in:
Carsten Haitzler 2009-05-11 13:10:38 +00:00
parent 5b7c1be3eb
commit fef7f0e7e4
1 changed files with 58 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -723,78 +723,79 @@ struct _Edje
struct _Edje_Real_Part
Edje *edje;
Evas_Object *object;
Eina_List *extra_objects;
Evas_Object *swallowed_object;
Eina_List *items;
void *entry_data;
Evas_Object *cursorbg_object;
Evas_Object *cursorfg_object;
// FIXME: add selection objects
Edje_Part *part;
int x, y, w, h;
Edje_Rectangle req;
Edje_Position offset;
Edje *edje; // 4
Edje_Part *part; // 4
Evas_Object *object; // 4
Eina_List *extra_objects; // 4
Evas_Object *swallowed_object; // 4 // FIXME: move with swallow_params data
Eina_List *items; // 4 //FIXME: only if table/box
void *entry_data; // 4 // FIXME: move to entry section
Evas_Object *cursorbg_object; // 4 // FIXME: move to entry section
Evas_Object *cursorfg_object; // 4 // FIXME: move to entry section
int x, y, w, h; // 16
Edje_Rectangle req; // 16
Edje_Position offset; // 8 // FIXME: move to text section
struct {
Edje_Size min, max;
Edje_Aspect aspect;
} swallow_params;
Edje_Size min, max; // 16
Edje_Aspect aspect; // 12
} swallow_params; // 28 // FIXME: only if type SWALLOW
struct {
double x, y;
Edje_Position_Scale val, size, step, page;
double x, y; // 16
Edje_Position_Scale val, size, step, page; // 64
struct {
unsigned int count;
int x, y;
unsigned int count; // 4
int x, y; // 8
} down;
struct {
int x, y;
int x, y; // 8
} tmp;
unsigned char need_reset : 1;
} drag;
unsigned char need_reset : 1; // 4
} drag; // 104 // FIME: make drag pointer to struct optional
struct {
Edje_Real_Part *source;
Edje_Real_Part *text_source;
const char *text;
const char *font;
const char *style;
int size;
Edje_Real_Part *source; // 4
Edje_Real_Part *text_source; // 4
const char *text; // 4
const char *font; // 4 text only
const char *style; // 4 text only
int size; // 4 text only
struct {
double in_w, in_h;
int in_size;
const char *in_str;
const char *out_str;
int out_size;
double align_x, align_y;
double elipsis;
int fit_x, fit_y;
} cache;
} text;
double in_w, in_h; // 16 text only
int in_size; // 4 text only
const char *in_str; // 4 text only
const char *out_str; // 4 text only
int out_size; // 4 text only
double align_x, align_y; // 16 text only
double elipsis; // 8 text only
int fit_x, fit_y; // 8 text only
} cache; // 64
} text; // 86 // FIXME make text a potiner to struct and alloc at end
// if part type is TEXT move common members textblock +
// text to front and have smaller struct for textblock
double description_pos;
Edje_Part_Description *chosen_description;
double description_pos; // 8
Edje_Part_Description *chosen_description; // 4
struct {
Edje_Part_Description *description;
Edje_Real_Part *rel1_to_x;
Edje_Real_Part *rel1_to_y;
Edje_Real_Part *rel2_to_x;
Edje_Real_Part *rel2_to_y;
} param1, param2, custom;
Edje_Part_Description *description; // 4
Edje_Real_Part *rel1_to_x; // 4
Edje_Real_Part *rel1_to_y; // 4
Edje_Real_Part *rel2_to_x; // 4
Edje_Real_Part *rel2_to_y; // 4
} param1, param2, custom; // 60 // FIXME: custom should be alloced on demand - 20--
Edje_Real_Part *confine_to;
Edje_Real_Part *clip_to;
Edje_Real_Part *confine_to; // 4 // fixme - make part of drag
Edje_Real_Part *clip_to; // 4
Edje_Running_Program *program;
Edje_Real_Part *events_to;
Edje_Running_Program *program; // 4
Edje_Real_Part *events_to; // 4
int clicked_button;
int gradient_id;
int clicked_button; // 4
int gradient_id; // 4
unsigned char calculated;
unsigned char calculating;
unsigned char calculated; // 1
unsigned char calculating; // 1
unsigned char still_in : 1;
unsigned char still_in : 1; // 2
}; // 394
struct _Edje_Running_Program