parse efl_gfx_image_orientable; enum @beta Efl.Ui.Layout_Orientation { [[Orientation for UI objects and layouts that can have multiple configurations. Select among $horizontal or $vertical orientations (or use $default to let the object decide). Additionally, $inverted can be added to reverse the direction along the selected axis. Not to be confused with @Efl.Gfx.Image_Orientation which is for images and canvases. This enum is used to define how widgets should expand and orient themselves, not to rotate images. See also @Efl.Ui.Layout_Orientable. ]] default = 0, [[Default direction. Each widget may have a different default.]] horizontal = 1, [[Horizontal direction, along the X axis. Usually left-to-right, but can be inverted.]] vertical = 2, [[Vertical direction, along the Y axis. Usually downwards but can be inverted.]] axis_bitmask = 3, [[This bitmask can be used to isolate the axis value from the rest of bits.]] inverted = 4 [[Add this value to make the object invert its default direction along the selected axis.]] } interface @beta Efl.Ui.Layout_Orientable { [[Interface for UI objects which can have more than one orientation. For example, sliders, which can be horizontal or vertical, or container boxes, which can arrange their elements in a horizontal or vertical fashion. ]] c_prefix: efl_ui_layout; methods { @property orientation { [[Control the direction of a given widget. Use this function to change how your widget is to be disposed: vertically or horizontally or inverted vertically or inverted horizontally. Mirroring as defined in @Efl.Ui.I18n can invert the $horizontal direction: it is $ltr by default, but becomes $rtl if the object is mirrored. ]] values { dir: Efl.Ui.Layout_Orientation; [[Direction of the widget.]] } } } }