enum @beta Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Manager_Switch_Reason { [[Indicator for the reason of a @Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Manager.switch_to call]] jump, [[The Reason for this switch is a casual jump caused by @Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Container.active_element]] push, [[The Reason for this switch is a casual jump caused by @Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Container.push]] pop [[The Reason for this switch is a casual jump caused by @Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Container.pop]] } abstract @beta Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Manager extends Efl.Object { [[Manager object used by @Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Container to handle rendering and animation of its sub-widgets, and user interaction. For instance, changes to the current sub-widget in the spotlight (@Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Container.active_element) can be animated with a transition. This object can also handle user interaction. For example, dragging the sub-widget to one side to get to a different sub-widget (like an smartphone home screen). Such user interactions should end up setting a new @Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Container.active_element. During a transition, the evolution of the current position should be exposed by emitting $pos_update events. ]] methods { bind @pure_virtual { [[This method is called the first time an @Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Manager is assigned to an @Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Container, binding them together. The manager can read the current content of the container, subscribe to events, or do any initialization it requires. ]] params { spotlight : Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Container; [[The container to bind the manager to.]] } } content_add @pure_virtual { [[A $subobj has been added at position $index in the bound container.]] params { subobj : Efl.Gfx.Entity; [[The new object that has been added to the container.]] index : int; [[The index of the new object in the container's list.]] } } content_del @pure_virtual { [[The $subobj at position $index in the bound container has been removed.]] params { subobj : Efl.Gfx.Entity; [[The object being removed from the container.]] index : int; [[The index this object had in the container's list.]] } } switch_to @pure_virtual { [[Switch from one sub-widget to another. If there was no previous sub-widget, $from might be -1. This function should display an animation if the @Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Manager supports them. ]] params { from : int; [[Index of the starting sub-widget in the container's list. Might be -1 if unknown.]] to : int; [[Index of the target sub-widget in the container's list.]] reason : Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Manager_Switch_Reason; [[The reason for this switch to call]] } } @property size @pure_virtual { [[Will be called whenever the @Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Container.spotlight_size changes so the @Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Manager can update itself.]] set { } values { size : Eina.Size2D; [[The new size of the sub-widgets.]] } } @property animated_transition @pure_virtual { [[When this flag is $true the transition from the previous element to the new one will be animated whenever @Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Container.active_element changes.]] values { enable : bool; [[$true to enable animated transitions. If $false, the new active element is shown immediately.]] } } } events { pos_update : double; [[Index of the sub-widget currently being displayed. Fractional values indicate a position in-between sub-widgets. For instance, when transitioning from sub-widget 2 to sub-widget 3, this event should be emitted with monotonically increasing values ranging from 2.0 to 3.0. Animations can perform any movement they want, but the reported $pos_update must move in the same direction.]] } }