#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include "efreetd.h" #include "efreetd_dbus.h" #include "Efreet.h" #define EFREET_MODULE_LOG_DOM efreetd_log_dom #include "efreet_private.h" #include "efreetd_cache.h" static Eina_Hash *change_monitors = NULL; static Ecore_Event_Handler *cache_exe_del_handler = NULL; static Ecore_Event_Handler *cache_exe_data_handler = NULL; static Ecore_Exe *icon_cache_exe = NULL; static Ecore_Exe *desktop_cache_exe = NULL; static Ecore_Timer *icon_cache_timer = NULL; static Ecore_Timer *desktop_cache_timer = NULL; static Eina_Bool desktop_exists = EINA_FALSE; static Eina_List *desktop_system_dirs = NULL; static Eina_List *desktop_extra_dirs = NULL; static Eina_List *icon_extra_dirs = NULL; static Eina_List *icon_exts = NULL; static Eina_Bool icon_flush = EINA_FALSE; static void desktop_changes_monitor_add(const char *path); /* internal */ static Eina_Bool icon_cache_update_cache_cb(void *data __UNUSED__) { char file[PATH_MAX]; int prio; icon_cache_timer = NULL; if (icon_cache_exe) return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; if ((!icon_flush) && (!icon_exts)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; /* TODO: Queue if already running */ prio = ecore_exe_run_priority_get(); ecore_exe_run_priority_set(19); // XXX: use eina_prefix, not hard-coded prefixes eina_strlcpy(file, PACKAGE_LIB_DIR "/efreet/efreet_icon_cache_create", sizeof(file)); if (icon_extra_dirs) { Eina_List *ll; char *p; eina_strlcat(file, " -d", sizeof(file)); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(icon_extra_dirs, ll, p) { eina_strlcat(file, " ", sizeof(file)); eina_strlcat(file, p, sizeof(file)); } } if (icon_exts) { Eina_List *ll; char *p; eina_strlcat(file, " -e", sizeof(file)); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(icon_exts, ll, p) { eina_strlcat(file, " ", sizeof(file)); eina_strlcat(file, p, sizeof(file)); } } if (icon_flush) eina_strlcat(file, " -f", sizeof(file)); icon_flush = EINA_FALSE; icon_cache_exe = ecore_exe_pipe_run(file, ECORE_EXE_PIPE_READ|ECORE_EXE_PIPE_READ_LINE_BUFFERED, NULL); ecore_exe_run_priority_set(prio); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void cache_icon_update(Eina_Bool flush) { if (icon_cache_timer) ecore_timer_del(icon_cache_timer); if (flush) icon_flush = flush; icon_cache_timer = ecore_timer_add(1.0, icon_cache_update_cache_cb, NULL); } static Eina_Bool desktop_cache_update_cache_cb(void *data __UNUSED__) { char file[PATH_MAX]; int prio; desktop_cache_timer = NULL; if (desktop_cache_exe) return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; /* TODO: Queue if already running */ prio = ecore_exe_run_priority_get(); ecore_exe_run_priority_set(19); // XXX: use eina_prefix, not hard-coded prefixes eina_strlcpy(file, PACKAGE_LIB_DIR "/efreet/efreet_desktop_cache_create", sizeof(file)); if (desktop_extra_dirs) { Eina_List *ll; const char *str; eina_strlcat(file, " -d", sizeof(file)); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(desktop_extra_dirs, ll, str) { eina_strlcat(file, " ", sizeof(file)); eina_strlcat(file, str, sizeof(file)); } } INF("Run desktop cache creation: %s", file); desktop_cache_exe = ecore_exe_pipe_run(file, ECORE_EXE_PIPE_READ|ECORE_EXE_PIPE_READ_LINE_BUFFERED, NULL); ecore_exe_run_priority_set(prio); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static Eina_Bool cache_exe_data_cb(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event) { Ecore_Exe_Event_Data *ev; ev = event; if (ev->exe == desktop_cache_exe) { Eina_Bool update = EINA_FALSE; if ((ev->lines) && (*ev->lines->line == 'c')) update = EINA_TRUE; desktop_exists = EINA_TRUE; send_signal_desktop_cache_update(update); } else if (ev->exe == icon_cache_exe) { Eina_Bool update = EINA_FALSE; if ((ev->lines) && (*ev->lines->line == 'c')) update = EINA_TRUE; send_signal_icon_cache_update(update); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static Eina_Bool cache_exe_del_cb(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event) { Ecore_Exe_Event_Del *ev; ev = event; if (ev->exe == desktop_cache_exe) { desktop_cache_exe = NULL; } else if (ev->exe == icon_cache_exe) { icon_cache_exe = NULL; } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static void icon_changes_cb(void *data __UNUSED__, Ecore_File_Monitor *em __UNUSED__, Ecore_File_Event event, const char *path) { /* TODO: If we get a stale symlink, we need to rerun cache creation */ switch (event) { case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_NONE: /* noop */ break; case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_CREATED_FILE: case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_DELETED_FILE: case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_MODIFIED: case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_CLOSED: case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_DELETED_DIRECTORY: case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_CREATED_DIRECTORY: cache_icon_update(EINA_FALSE); break; case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_DELETED_SELF: eina_hash_del_by_key(change_monitors, path); cache_icon_update(EINA_FALSE); break; } } static void icon_changes_monitor_add(const char *path) { Ecore_File_Monitor *mon; if (eina_hash_find(change_monitors, path)) return; /* TODO: Check for symlink and monitor the real path */ mon = ecore_file_monitor_add(path, icon_changes_cb, NULL); if (mon) eina_hash_add(change_monitors, path, mon); } static void icon_changes_listen_recursive(const char *path, Eina_Bool base) { Eina_Iterator *it; Eina_File_Direct_Info *info; if ((!ecore_file_is_dir(path)) && (base)) { // XXX: if it doesn't exist... walk the parent dirs back down // to this path until we find one that doesn't exist, then // monitor its parent, and treat it specially as it needs // to look for JUST the creation of this specific child // and when this child is created, replace this monitor with // monitoring the next specific child dir down until we are // monitoring the original path again. } icon_changes_monitor_add(path); it = eina_file_stat_ls(path); if (!it) return; EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(it, info) { if (((info->type == EINA_FILE_LNK) && (ecore_file_is_dir(info->path))) || (info->type == EINA_FILE_DIR)) icon_changes_monitor_add(info->path); } eina_iterator_free(it); } static void icon_changes_listen(void) { Eina_List *l; Eina_List *xdg_dirs; char buf[PATH_MAX]; const char *dir; icon_changes_listen_recursive(efreet_icon_deprecated_user_dir_get(), EINA_TRUE); icon_changes_listen_recursive(efreet_icon_user_dir_get(), EINA_TRUE); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(icon_extra_dirs, l, dir) { icon_changes_listen_recursive(dir, EINA_TRUE); } xdg_dirs = efreet_data_dirs_get(); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(xdg_dirs, l, dir) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/icons", dir); icon_changes_listen_recursive(buf, EINA_TRUE); } #ifndef STRICT_SPEC EINA_LIST_FOREACH(xdg_dirs, l, dir) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/pixmaps", dir); icon_changes_listen_recursive(buf, EINA_TRUE); } #endif icon_changes_monitor_add("/usr/share/pixmaps"); } static void desktop_changes_cb(void *data __UNUSED__, Ecore_File_Monitor *em __UNUSED__, Ecore_File_Event event, const char *path) { const char *ext; /* TODO: If we get a stale symlink, we need to rerun cache creation */ /* TODO: Check for desktop*.cache, as this will be created when app is installed */ /* TODO: Do efreet_cache_icon_update() when app is installed, as it has the same * symlink problem */ switch (event) { case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_NONE: /* noop */ break; case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_CREATED_FILE: case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_DELETED_FILE: case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_MODIFIED: case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_CLOSED: ext = strrchr(path, '.'); if (ext && (!strcmp(ext, ".desktop") || !strcmp(ext, ".directory"))) cache_desktop_update(); break; case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_DELETED_SELF: case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_DELETED_DIRECTORY: eina_hash_del_by_key(change_monitors, path); cache_desktop_update(); break; case ECORE_FILE_EVENT_CREATED_DIRECTORY: desktop_changes_monitor_add(path); cache_desktop_update(); break; } } static void desktop_changes_monitor_add(const char *path) { Ecore_File_Monitor *mon; if (eina_hash_find(change_monitors, path)) return; /* TODO: Check for symlink and monitor the real path */ mon = ecore_file_monitor_add(path, desktop_changes_cb, NULL); if (mon) eina_hash_add(change_monitors, path, mon); } static void desktop_changes_listen_recursive(const char *path) { Eina_Iterator *it; Eina_File_Direct_Info *info; if (!ecore_file_is_dir(path)) return; desktop_changes_monitor_add(path); it = eina_file_stat_ls(path); if (!it) return; EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(it, info) { if (((info->type == EINA_FILE_LNK) && (ecore_file_is_dir(info->path))) || (info->type == EINA_FILE_DIR)) desktop_changes_listen_recursive(info->path); } eina_iterator_free(it); } static void desktop_changes_listen(void) { Eina_List *l; const char *path; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(desktop_system_dirs, l, path) desktop_changes_listen_recursive(path); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(desktop_extra_dirs, l, path) desktop_changes_listen_recursive(path); } static void fill_list(const char *file, Eina_List **l) { Eina_File *f = NULL; Eina_Iterator *it = NULL; Eina_File_Line *line = NULL; char buf[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/efreet/%s", efreet_cache_home_get(), file); f = eina_file_open(buf, EINA_FALSE); if (!f) return; it = eina_file_map_lines(f); if (!it) goto error; EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(it, line) { const char *end; end = line->end - 1; *l = eina_list_append(*l, eina_stringshare_add_length(line->start, end - line->start)); } eina_iterator_free(it); error: eina_file_close(f); } static void read_lists(void) { fill_list("extra_desktop.dirs", &desktop_extra_dirs); fill_list("extra_icon.dirs", &icon_extra_dirs); fill_list("icon.exts", &icon_exts); } static void save_list(const char *file, Eina_List *l) { FILE *f; char buf[PATH_MAX]; Eina_List *ll; const char *path; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/efreet/%s", efreet_cache_home_get(), file); f = fopen(buf, "wb"); if (!f) return; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(l, ll, path) fprintf(f, "%s\n", path); fclose(f); } static int strcmplen(const void *data1, const void *data2) { return strncmp(data1, data2, eina_stringshare_strlen(data1)); } /* external */ void cache_desktop_dir_add(const char *dir) { char *san; Eina_List *l; san = eina_file_path_sanitize(dir); if (!san) return; if ((!eina_list_search_unsorted_list(desktop_system_dirs, strcmplen, san)) && (!eina_list_search_unsorted_list(desktop_extra_dirs, EINA_COMPARE_CB(strcmp), san))) { /* Not a registered path */ desktop_extra_dirs = eina_list_append(desktop_extra_dirs, eina_stringshare_add(san)); save_list("extra_desktop.dirs", desktop_extra_dirs); cache_desktop_update(); } else if ((l = eina_list_search_unsorted_list(desktop_system_dirs, strcmplen, san))) { /* Path is registered, but maybe not monitored */ const char *path = eina_list_data_get(l); if (!eina_hash_find(change_monitors, path)) cache_desktop_update(); } free(san); } void cache_icon_dir_add(const char *dir) { char *san; san = eina_file_path_sanitize(dir); if (!san) return; if (!eina_list_search_unsorted_list(icon_extra_dirs, EINA_COMPARE_CB(strcmp), san)) { icon_extra_dirs = eina_list_append(icon_extra_dirs, eina_stringshare_add(san)); save_list("extra_icon.dirs", icon_extra_dirs); cache_icon_update(EINA_TRUE); } free(san); } void cache_icon_ext_add(const char *ext) { if (!eina_list_search_unsorted_list(icon_exts, EINA_COMPARE_CB(strcmp), ext)) { icon_exts = eina_list_append(icon_exts, eina_stringshare_add(ext)); save_list("icon.exts", icon_exts); cache_icon_update(EINA_TRUE); } } void cache_desktop_update(void) { if (desktop_cache_timer) ecore_timer_del(desktop_cache_timer); desktop_cache_timer = ecore_timer_add(1.0, desktop_cache_update_cache_cb, NULL); } Eina_Bool cache_desktop_exists(void) { return desktop_exists; } Eina_Bool cache_init(void) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/efreet", efreet_cache_home_get()); if (!ecore_file_mkpath(buf)) { ERR("Failed to create directory '%s'", buf); goto error; } cache_exe_del_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DEL, cache_exe_del_cb, NULL); if (!cache_exe_del_handler) { ERR("Failed to add exe del handler"); goto error; } cache_exe_data_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DATA, cache_exe_data_cb, NULL); if (!cache_exe_data_handler) { ERR("Failed to add exe data handler"); goto error; } change_monitors = eina_hash_string_superfast_new(EINA_FREE_CB(ecore_file_monitor_del)); efreet_cache_update = 0; if (!efreet_init()) goto error; read_lists(); /* TODO: Should check if system dirs has changed and handles extra_dirs */ desktop_system_dirs = efreet_default_dirs_get(efreet_data_home_get(), efreet_data_dirs_get(), "applications"); desktop_system_dirs = eina_list_merge( desktop_system_dirs, efreet_default_dirs_get(efreet_data_home_get(), efreet_data_dirs_get(), "desktop-directories")); icon_changes_listen(); desktop_changes_listen(); cache_icon_update(EINA_FALSE); cache_desktop_update(); return EINA_TRUE; error: if (cache_exe_del_handler) ecore_event_handler_del(cache_exe_del_handler); cache_exe_del_handler = NULL; if (cache_exe_data_handler) ecore_event_handler_del(cache_exe_data_handler); cache_exe_data_handler = NULL; return EINA_FALSE; } Eina_Bool cache_shutdown(void) { const char *data; efreet_shutdown(); if (cache_exe_del_handler) ecore_event_handler_del(cache_exe_del_handler); cache_exe_del_handler = NULL; if (cache_exe_data_handler) ecore_event_handler_del(cache_exe_data_handler); cache_exe_data_handler = NULL; if (change_monitors) eina_hash_free(change_monitors); change_monitors = NULL; EINA_LIST_FREE(desktop_system_dirs, data) eina_stringshare_del(data); EINA_LIST_FREE(desktop_extra_dirs, data) eina_stringshare_del(data); EINA_LIST_FREE(icon_extra_dirs, data) eina_stringshare_del(data); EINA_LIST_FREE(icon_exts, data) eina_stringshare_del(data); return EINA_TRUE; }