Q: Why is EVAS faster with software acceleration than than when I run it with hardware acceleration switched on? A: When run with hardware acceleration EVAS uses the GL libraries on your system; this means that if you have Mesa installed then EVAS will use the Mesa GL liberties. Mesa however only provides software acceleration and therefore will run slow compared to EVASs in-built software mode. If you have a video card that supports hardware acceleration then you should attempt to get the manufacturers own GL drivers for your computer and install them making sure that none of the Mesa libraries are left behind and that where needed sym-links are made to the real drivers. Q: Why is 'program x' which uses EVAS so slow? A: See last question. The chance is that the program is trying to use hardware acceleration by default and that you have Mesa GL libraries installed on your system. If you don't have acceleration on your video card then you should search for a way to switch to software acceleration in the program. Q: Is there a packaged version of SGI's GLU Implementation for my computer anywhere? A: At present SGI's GLU Implementation is available only in the form of a Redhat package from http://www.mesa3d.org/download.html You should download this package and convert it to whatever distribution you are on using "alien". Q: Why is my CPU usage at 100% when I use a program running EVAS? A: When used in software mode, EVAS will use a lot of CPU. In hardware mode however it depends on your OpenGL drivers. What a lot of drivers do is limit buffer buffer swaps to vertical blanking gaps only. This means that the buffers wont be swapped until the vertical blanking gap is reached, however since there is no method of using interrupts under Linux/X the GL drivers have to poll in a tight loop waiting for the gap. Also if the GL libs are accessing the GFX hardware directory then if the hardware is busy then the app will sit and poll registers until the hardware is ready. It's basically down to your OpenGL drivers. It's worth noting as well that your CPU will be high whenever you run evas_test as it is pushing your system to try and achieve the highest frame rate it can, a situation that most software using EVAS will never be in.