/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA_H # include #elif defined __GNUC__ # define alloca __builtin_alloca #elif defined _AIX # define alloca __alloca #elif defined _MSC_VER # include # define alloca _alloca #else # include # ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" # endif void *alloca (size_t); #endif #include "edje_private.h" /* * ALREADY EXPORTED BY EMBRYO: * * enum Float_Round_Method { * ROUND, FLOOR, CEIL, TOZERO * }; * enum Float_Angle_Mode { * RADIAN, DEGREES, GRADES * }; * * numargs(); * getarg(arg, index=0); * setarg(arg, index=0, value); * * Float:atof(string[]); * Float:fract(Float:value); * round(Float:value, Float_Round_Method:method=ROUND); * Float:sqrt(Float:value); * Float:pow(Float:value, Float:exponent); * Float:log(Float:value, Float:base=10.0); * Float:sin(Float:value, Float_Angle_Mode:mode=RADIAN); * Float:cos(Float:value, Float_Angle_Mode:mode=RADIAN); * Float:tan(Float:value, Float_Angle_Mode:mode=RADIAN); * Float:abs(Float:value); * atoi(str[]); * fnmatch(glob[], str[]); * strcmp(str1[], str2[]); * strncmp(str1[], str2[]); * strcpy(dst[], src[]); * strncpy(dst[], src[], n); * strlen(str[]); * strcat(dst[], src[]); * strncat(dst[], src[], n); * strprep(dst[], src[]); * strnprep(dst[], src[], n); * strcut(dst[], str[], n, n2); * snprintf(dst[], dstn, fmt[], ...); * strstr(str[], ndl[]); * strchr(str[], ch[]); * strrchr(str[], ch[]); * rand(); * Float:randf(); * Float:seconds(); * date(&year, &month, &day, &yearday, &weekday, &hr, &min, &Float:sec); * */ /* EDJE... * * implemented so far as examples: * * enum Msg_Type { * MSG_NONE, MSG_STRING, MSG_INT, MSG_FLOAT, MSG_STRING_SET, MSG_INT_SET, * MSG_FLOAT_SET, MSG_STRING_INT, MSG_INT_FLOAT, MSG_STRING_INT_SET, * MSG_INT_FLOAT_SET * }; * * get_int(id) * set_int(id, v) * Float:get_float (id) * set_float(id, Float:v) * get_strlen(id) * get_str(id, dst[], maxlen) * set_str(id, str[]) * timer(Float:in, fname[], val) * cancel_timer(id) * anim(Float:len, fname[], val) * cancel_anim(id) * emit(sig[], src[]) * set_state(part_id, state[], Float:state_val) * set_tween_state(part_id, Float:tween, state1[], Float:state1_val, state2[], Float:state2_val) * run_program(program_id) * Direction:get_drag_dir(part_id) * get_drag(part_id, &Float:dx, &Float:&dy) * set_drag(part_id, Float:dx, Float:dy) * get_drag_size(part_id, &Float:dx, &Float:&dy) * set_drag_size(part_id, Float:dx, Float:dy) * set_text(part_id, str[]) * get_text(part_id, dst[], maxlen) * get_min_size(w, h) * get_max_size(w, h) * set_color_class(class[], r, g, b, a) * get_color_class(class[], &r, &g, &b, &a) * set_text_class(class[], font[], Float:size) * get_text_class(class[], font[], &Float:size) * get_drag_step(part_id, &Float:dx, &Float:&dy) * set_drag_step(part_id, Float:dx, Float:dy) * get_drag_page(part_id, &Float:dx, &Float:&dy) * set_drag_page(part_id, Float:dx, Float:dy) * get_geometry(part_id, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:w, &Float:h) * get_mouse(&x, &y) * stop_program(program_id) * stop_programs_on(part_id) * set_min_size(w, h) * set_max_size(w, h) * send_message(Msg_Type:type, id, ...) * * count(id) * remove(id, n) * * append_int(id, v) * prepend_int(id, v) * insert_int(id, n, v) * replace_int(id, n, v) * fetch_int(id, n) * * append_str(id, str[]) * prepend_str(id, str[]) * insert_str(id, n, str[]) * replace_str(id, n, str[]) * fetch_str(id, n, dst[], maxlen) * * append_float(id, Float:v) * prepend_float(id, Float:v) * insert_float(id, n, Float:v) * replace_float(id, n, Float:v) * Float:fetch_float(id, n) * * custom_state(part_id, state[], Float:state_val = 0.0) * set_state_val(part_id, State_Param:param, ...) * get_state_val(part_id, State_Param:param, ...) * * Supported parameters: * align[Float:x, Float:y] * min[w, h] * max[w, h] * step[x,y] * aspect[Float:min, Float:max] * color[r,g,b,a] * color2[r,g,b,a] * color3[r,g,b,a] * aspect_preference * rel1[relx,rely] * rel1[part_id,part_id] * rel1[offx,offy] * rel2[relx,relyr] * rel2[part_id,part_id] * rel2[offx,offy] * image[image_id] <- all images have an Id not name in the edje * border[l,r,t,b] * fill[smooth] * fill[pos_relx,pos_rely,pos_offx,pos_offy] * fill[sz_relx,sz_rely,sz_offx,sz_offy] * color_class * text[text] * text[text_class] * text[font] * text[size] * text[style] * text[fit_x,fit_y] * text[min_x,min_y] * text[align_x,align_y] * visible * * ** part_id and program_id need to be able to be "found" from strings * * get_drag_count(part_id, &Float:dx, &Float:&dy) * set_drag_count(part_id, Float:dx, Float:dy) * set_drag_confine(part_id, confine_part_id) * get_size(&w, &h); * resize_request(w, h) * get_mouse_buttons() * //set_type(part_id, Type:type) * //set_effect(part_id, Effect:fx) * set_mouse_events(part_id, ev) * get_mouse_events(part_id) * set_repeat_events(part_id, rep) * get_repeat_events(part_id) * set_clip(part_id, clip_part_id) * get_clip(part_id) * * part_swallow(part_id, group_name) * * ADD/DEL CUSTOM OBJECTS UNDER SOLE EMBRYO SCRIPT CONTROL * */ /* get_int(id) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_int(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; CHKPARAM(1); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); return (Embryo_Cell)_edje_var_int_get(ed, (int)params[1]); } /* set_int(id, v) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_set_int(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; CHKPARAM(2); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); _edje_var_int_set(ed, (int)params[1], (int)params[2]); return 0; } /* get_float(id) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_float(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; float v; CHKPARAM(1); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); v = (float)_edje_var_float_get(ed, params[1]); return EMBRYO_FLOAT_TO_CELL(v); } /* set_float(id, v) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_set_float(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; float v; CHKPARAM(2); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); v = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[2]); _edje_var_float_set(ed, (int)params[1], (double)v); return 0; } /* get_str(id, dst[], maxlen) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_str(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; char *s; CHKPARAM(3); if (params[3] < 1) return 0; ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); s = (char *)_edje_var_str_get(ed, (int)params[1]); if (s) { if (strlen(s) < params[3]) { SETSTR(s, params[2]); } else { char *ss; ss = alloca(strlen(s) + 1); strcpy(ss, s); ss[params[3] - 1] = 0; SETSTR(ss, params[2]); } } else { SETSTR("", params[2]); } return 0; } /* get_strlen(id) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_strlen(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; char *s; CHKPARAM(1); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); s = (char *)_edje_var_str_get(ed, (int)params[1]); if (s) { return strlen(s); } return 0; } /* set_str(id, str[]) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_set_str(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; char *s; CHKPARAM(2); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); GETSTR(s, params[2]); if (s) { _edje_var_str_set(ed, (int)params[1], s); } return 0; } /* count(id) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_count(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); CHKPARAM(1); return (Embryo_Cell)_edje_var_list_count_get(ed, (int) params[1]); } /* remove(id, n) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_remove(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); CHKPARAM(2); _edje_var_list_remove_nth(ed, (int) params[1], (int) params[2]); return 0; } /* append_int(id, var) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_append_int(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); CHKPARAM(2); _edje_var_list_int_append(ed, (int) params[1], (int) params[2]); return 0; } /* prepend_int(id, var) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_prepend_int(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); CHKPARAM(2); _edje_var_list_int_prepend(ed, (int) params[1], (int) params[2]); return 0; } /* insert_int(id, pos, var) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_insert_int(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); CHKPARAM(3); _edje_var_list_int_insert(ed, (int) params[1], (int) params[2], (int) params[3]); return 0; } /* replace_int(id, pos, var) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_replace_int(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); CHKPARAM(3); _edje_var_list_nth_int_set(ed, (int) params[1], (int) params[2], (int) params[3]); return 0; } /* fetch_int(id, pos) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_fetch_int(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); CHKPARAM(2); return _edje_var_list_nth_int_get(ed, (int) params[1], (int) params[2]); } /* append_str(id, str[]) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_append_str(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); char *s; CHKPARAM(2); GETSTR(s, params[2]); if (s) _edje_var_list_str_append(ed, (int) params[1], s); return 0; } /* prepend_str(id, str[]) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_prepend_str(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); char *s; CHKPARAM(2); GETSTR(s, params[2]); if (s) _edje_var_list_str_prepend(ed, (int) params[1], s); return 0; } /* insert_str(id, pos, str[]) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_insert_str(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); char *s; CHKPARAM(3); GETSTR(s, params[3]); if (s) _edje_var_list_str_insert(ed, (int) params[1], (int) params[2], s); return 0; } /* replace_str(id, pos, str[]) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_replace_str(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); char *s; CHKPARAM(3); GETSTR(s, params[3]); if (s) _edje_var_list_nth_str_set(ed, (int) params[1], (int) params[2], s); return 0; } /* fetch_str(id, pos, dst[], maxlen) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_fetch_str(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); char *s; CHKPARAM(4); s = (char *) _edje_var_list_nth_str_get(ed, (int) params[1], (int) params[2]); if (s) { if (strlen(s) < params[4]) { SETSTR(s, params[3]); } else { char *ss; ss = alloca(strlen(s) + 1); strcpy(ss, s); ss[params[4] - 1] = 0; SETSTR(ss, params[3]); } } else { SETSTR("", params[3]); } return 0; } /* append_float(id, Float:f) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_append_float(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); float f; CHKPARAM(2); f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[2]); _edje_var_list_float_append(ed, (int) params[1], f); return 0; } /* prepend_float(id, Float:f) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_prepend_float(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); float f; CHKPARAM(2); f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[2]); _edje_var_list_float_prepend(ed, (int) params[1], f); return 0; } /* insert_float(id, pos, Float:f) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_insert_float(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); float f; CHKPARAM(3); f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[3]); _edje_var_list_float_insert(ed, (int) params[1], (int) params[2], f); return 0; } /* replace_float(id, pos, Float:f) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_replace_float(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); CHKPARAM(3); _edje_var_list_nth_float_set(ed, (int) params[1], (int) params[2], EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[3])); return 0; } /* Float:fetch_float(id, pos) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_fetch_float(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); float f; CHKPARAM(2); f = _edje_var_list_nth_float_get(ed, (int) params[1], (int) params[2]); return EMBRYO_FLOAT_TO_CELL(f); } /* timer(Float:in, fname[], val) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_timer(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; char *fname = NULL; float f; double in; int val; CHKPARAM(3); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); GETSTR(fname, params[2]); if ((!fname)) return 0; f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[1]); in = (double)f; val = params[3]; return _edje_var_timer_add(ed, in, fname, val); } /* cancel_timer(id) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_cancel_timer(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int id; CHKPARAM(1); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); id = params[1]; if (id <= 0) return 0; _edje_var_timer_del(ed, id); return 0; } /* anim(Float:len, fname[], val) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_anim(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; char *fname = NULL; float f; double len; int val; CHKPARAM(3); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); GETSTR(fname, params[2]); if ((!fname)) return 0; f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[1]); len = (double)f; val = params[3]; return _edje_var_anim_add(ed, len, fname, val); } /* cancel_anim(id) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_cancel_anim(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int id; CHKPARAM(1); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); id = params[1]; if (id <= 0) return 0; _edje_var_anim_del(ed, id); return 0; } /* set_min_size(Float:w, Float:h) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_set_min_size(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; float f = 0.0; double w = 0.0, h = 0.0; CHKPARAM(2); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[1]); w = (double)f; f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[2]); h = (double)f; if (w < 0.0) w = 0.0; if (h < 0.0) h = 0.0; ed->collection->prop.min.w = w; ed->collection->prop.min.h = h; ed->dirty = 1; #ifdef EDJE_CALC_CACHE ed->all_part_change = 1; #endif _edje_recalc(ed); return 0; } /* set_max_size(Float:w, Float:h) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_set_max_size(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; float f = 0.0; double w = 0.0, h = 0.0; CHKPARAM(2); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[1]); w = (double)f; f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[2]); h = (double)f; if (w < 0.0) w = 0.0; if (h < 0.0) h = 0.0; ed->collection->prop.max.w = w; ed->collection->prop.max.h = h; ed->dirty = 1; #ifdef EDJE_CALC_CACHE ed->all_part_change = 1; #endif _edje_recalc(ed); return 0; } /* stop_program(program_id) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_stop_program(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int program_id = 0; Edje_Running_Program *runp; Eina_List *l; CHKPARAM(1); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); program_id = params[1]; if (program_id < 0) return 0; ed->walking_actions = 1; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ed->actions, l, runp) if (program_id == runp->program->id) _edje_program_end(ed, runp); ed->walking_actions = 0; return 0; } /* stop_programs_on(part_id) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_stop_programs_on(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int part_id = 0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; CHKPARAM(1); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; if (rp) { /* there is only ever 1 program acting on a part at any time */ if (rp->program) _edje_program_end(ed, rp->program); } return 0; } /* get_mouse(&x, &y) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_mouse(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; Evas_Coord x = 0, y = 0; CHKPARAM(2); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); evas_pointer_canvas_xy_get(ed->evas, &x, &y); x -= ed->x; y -= ed->y; SETINT((int)x, params[1]); SETINT((int)y, params[2]); return 0; } /* get_mouse_buttons() */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_mouse_buttons(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; CHKPARAM(0); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); return evas_pointer_button_down_mask_get(ed->evas); } /* emit(sig[], src[]) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_emit(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; char *sig = NULL, *src = NULL; CHKPARAM(2); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); GETSTR(sig, params[1]); GETSTR(src, params[2]); if ((!sig) || (!src)) return 0; _edje_emit(ed, sig, src); return 0; } /* set_state(part_id, state[], Float:state_val) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_set_state(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; char *state = NULL; int part_id = 0; float f = 0.0; double value = 0.0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; CHKPARAM(3); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); GETSTR(state, params[2]); if ((!state)) return 0; part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[3]); value = (double)f; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; if (rp) { if (rp->program) _edje_program_end(ed, rp->program); _edje_part_description_apply(ed, rp, state, value, NULL, 0.0); _edje_part_pos_set(ed, rp, EDJE_TWEEN_MODE_LINEAR, 0.0); _edje_recalc(ed); } return 0; } /* get_state(part_id, dst[], maxlen, &Float:val) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_state(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int part_id = 0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; const char *s; CHKPARAM(4); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; if (rp->chosen_description) { SETFLOAT(rp->chosen_description->state.value, params[4]); s = rp->chosen_description->state.name; if (s) { if (strlen(s) < params[3]) { SETSTR(s, params[2]); } else { char *ss; ss = alloca(strlen(s) + 1); strcpy(ss, s); ss[params[3] - 1] = 0; SETSTR(ss, params[2]); } } else { SETSTR("", params[2]); } } else { SETFLOAT(0.0, params[4]); SETSTR("", params[2]); } return 0; } /* set_tween_state(part_id, Float:tween, state1[], Float:state1_val, state2[], Float:state2_val) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_set_tween_state(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; char *state1 = NULL, *state2 = NULL; int part_id = 0; float f = 0.0; double tween = 0.0, value1 = 0.0, value2 = 0.0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; CHKPARAM(6); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); GETSTR(state1, params[3]); GETSTR(state2, params[5]); if ((!state1) || (!state2)) return 0; part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[2]); tween = (double)f; f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[4]); value1 = (double)f; f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[6]); value2 = (double)f; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; if (rp) { if (rp->program) _edje_program_end(ed, rp->program); _edje_part_description_apply(ed, rp, state1, value1, state2, value2); _edje_part_pos_set(ed, rp, EDJE_TWEEN_MODE_LINEAR, tween); _edje_recalc(ed); } return 0; } /* run_program(program_id) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_run_program(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int program_id = 0; Edje_Program *pr; CHKPARAM(1); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); program_id = params[1]; if (program_id < 0) return 0; pr = ed->table_programs[program_id % ed->table_programs_size]; if (pr) { _edje_program_run(ed, pr, 0, "", ""); } return 0; } /* get_drag_dir(part_id) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_drag_dir(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int part_id = 0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; CHKPARAM(1); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; return edje_object_part_drag_dir_get(ed->obj, rp->part->name); } /* get_drag(part_id, &Float:dx, &Float:dy) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_drag(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int part_id = 0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; double dx = 0.0, dy = 0.0; CHKPARAM(3); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; edje_object_part_drag_value_get(ed->obj, rp->part->name, &dx, &dy); SETFLOAT(dx, params[2]); SETFLOAT(dy, params[3]); return 0; } /* set_drag(part_id, Float:dx, Float:dy) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_set_drag(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int part_id = 0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; CHKPARAM(3); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; edje_object_part_drag_value_set(ed->obj, rp->part->name, (double)EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[2]), (double)EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[3])); return(0); } /* get_drag_size(part_id, &Float:dx, &Float:dy) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_drag_size(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int part_id = 0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; double dx = 0.0, dy = 0.0; CHKPARAM(3); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; edje_object_part_drag_size_get(ed->obj, rp->part->name, &dx, &dy); SETFLOAT(dx, params[2]); SETFLOAT(dy, params[3]); return 0; } /* set_drag_size(part_id, Float:dx, Float:dy) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_set_drag_size(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int part_id = 0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; CHKPARAM(3); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; edje_object_part_drag_size_set(ed->obj, rp->part->name, (double)EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[2]), (double)EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[3])); return(0); } /* set_text(part_id, str[]) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_set_text(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int part_id = 0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; char *s; CHKPARAM(2); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; GETSTR(s, params[2]); if (s){ edje_object_part_text_set(ed->obj, rp->part->name, s); } return(0); } /* get_text(part_id, dst[], maxlen) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_text(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int part_id = 0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; char *s; CHKPARAM(3); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; s = (char *)edje_object_part_text_get(ed->obj, rp->part->name); if (s) { if (strlen(s) < params[3]) { SETSTR(s, params[2]); } else { char *ss; ss = alloca(strlen(s) + 1); strcpy(ss, s); ss[params[3] - 1] = 0; SETSTR(ss, params[2]); } } else { SETSTR("", params[2]); } return 0; } /* get_min_size(&w, &h) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_min_size(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; Evas_Coord w = 0, h = 0; CHKPARAM(2); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); edje_object_size_min_get(ed->obj, &w, &h); SETINT(w, params[1]); SETINT(h, params[2]); return 0; } /* get_max_size(&w, &h) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_max_size(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; Evas_Coord w = 0, h = 0; CHKPARAM(2); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); edje_object_size_max_get(ed->obj, &w, &h); SETINT(w, params[1]); SETINT(h, params[2]); return 0; } /* get_color_class(class[], &r, &g, &b, &a) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_color_class(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; Edje_Color_Class *c_class; char *class; CHKPARAM(5); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); GETSTR(class, params[1]); if (!class) return 0; c_class = _edje_color_class_find(ed, class); if (c_class == NULL) return 0; SETINT(c_class->r, params[2]); SETINT(c_class->g, params[3]); SETINT(c_class->b, params[4]); SETINT(c_class->a, params[5]); return 0; } /* set_color_class(class[], r, g, b, a) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_set_color_class(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; char *class; CHKPARAM(5); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); GETSTR(class, params[1]); if (!class) return 0; edje_object_color_class_set(ed->obj, class, params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5]); return 0; } /* set_text_class(class[], font[], Float:size) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_set_text_class(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; char *class, *font; Evas_Font_Size fsize; CHKPARAM(3); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); GETSTR(class, params[1]); GETSTR(font, params[2]); if( !class || !font ) return 0; fsize = (Evas_Font_Size) EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[3]); edje_object_text_class_set(ed->obj, class, font, fsize); return 0; } /* get_text_class(class[], font[], &Float:size) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_text_class(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; char *class; Edje_Text_Class *t_class; CHKPARAM(3); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); GETSTR(class, params[1]); if (!class) return 0; t_class = _edje_text_class_find(ed, class); if (t_class == NULL) return 0; SETSTR((char *)t_class->font, params[2]); SETFLOAT(t_class->size, params[3]); return 0; } /* get_drag_step(part_id, &Float:dx, &Float:&dy) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_drag_step(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int part_id = 0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; double dx = 0.0, dy = 0.0; CHKPARAM(3); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; edje_object_part_drag_step_get(ed->obj, rp->part->name, &dx, &dy); SETFLOAT(dx, params[2]); SETFLOAT(dy, params[3]); return 0; } /* set_drag_step(part_id, Float:dx, Float:dy) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_set_drag_step(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int part_id = 0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; CHKPARAM(3); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; edje_object_part_drag_step_set(ed->obj, rp->part->name, (double)EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[2]), (double)EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[3])); return(0); } /* get_drag_page(part_id, &Float:dx, &Float:&dy) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_drag_page(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int part_id = 0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; double dx = 0.0, dy = 0.0; CHKPARAM(3); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; edje_object_part_drag_page_get(ed->obj, rp->part->name, &dx, &dy); SETFLOAT(dx, params[2]); SETFLOAT(dy, params[3]); return 0; } /* get_geometry(pard_id, &x, &y, &w, &h) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_geometry(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int part_id = 0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; Evas_Coord x = 0.0, y = 0.0, w = 0.0, h = 0.0; CHKPARAM(5); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; edje_object_part_geometry_get(ed->obj, rp->part->name, &x, &y, &w, &h); SETINT(x, params[2]); SETINT(y, params[3]); SETINT(w, params[4]); SETINT(h, params[5]); return 0; } /* set_drag_page(part_id, Float:dx, Float:dy) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_set_drag_page(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; int part_id = 0; Edje_Real_Part *rp; CHKPARAM(3); ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; edje_object_part_drag_page_set(ed->obj, rp->part->name, (double)EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[2]), (double)EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[3])); return(0); } /* send_message(Msg_Type:type, id,...); */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_send_message(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed; Edje_Message_Type type; int id, i, n; Embryo_Cell *ptr; if (params[0] < (sizeof(Embryo_Cell) * (2))) return 0; ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); type = params[1]; id = params[2]; switch (type) { case EDJE_MESSAGE_NONE: _edje_message_send(ed, EDJE_QUEUE_APP, type, id, NULL); break; case EDJE_MESSAGE_SIGNAL: break; case EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING: { Embryo_Cell *cptr; cptr = embryo_data_address_get(ep, params[3]); if (cptr) { Edje_Message_String *emsg; int l; char *s; l = embryo_data_string_length_get(ep, cptr); s = alloca(l + 1); embryo_data_string_get(ep, cptr, s); emsg = alloca(sizeof(Edje_Message_String)); emsg->str = s; _edje_message_send(ed, EDJE_QUEUE_APP, type, id, emsg); } } break; case EDJE_MESSAGE_INT: { Edje_Message_Int *emsg; emsg = alloca(sizeof(Edje_Message_Int)); ptr = embryo_data_address_get(ep, params[3]); emsg->val = (int)*ptr; _edje_message_send(ed, EDJE_QUEUE_APP, type, id, emsg); } break; case EDJE_MESSAGE_FLOAT: { Edje_Message_Float *emsg; float f; emsg = alloca(sizeof(Edje_Message_Float)); ptr = embryo_data_address_get(ep, params[3]); f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(*ptr); emsg->val = (double)f; _edje_message_send(ed, EDJE_QUEUE_APP, type, id, emsg); } break; case EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING_SET: { Edje_Message_String_Set *emsg; n = (params[0] / sizeof(Embryo_Cell)) + 1; emsg = alloca(sizeof(Edje_Message_String_Set) + ((n - 3 - 1) * sizeof(char *))); emsg->count = n - 3; for (i = 3; i < n; i++) { Embryo_Cell *cptr; cptr = embryo_data_address_get(ep, params[i]); if (cptr) { int l; char *s; l = embryo_data_string_length_get(ep, cptr); s = alloca(l + 1); embryo_data_string_get(ep, cptr, s); emsg->str[i - 3] = s; } } _edje_message_send(ed, EDJE_QUEUE_APP, type, id, emsg); } break; case EDJE_MESSAGE_INT_SET: { Edje_Message_Int_Set *emsg; n = (params[0] / sizeof(Embryo_Cell)) + 1; emsg = alloca(sizeof(Edje_Message_Int_Set) + ((n - 3 - 1) * sizeof(int))); emsg->count = n - 3; for (i = 3; i < n; i++) { ptr = embryo_data_address_get(ep, params[i]); emsg->val[i - 3] = (int)*ptr; } _edje_message_send(ed, EDJE_QUEUE_APP, type, id, emsg); } break; case EDJE_MESSAGE_FLOAT_SET: { Edje_Message_Float_Set *emsg; n = (params[0] / sizeof(Embryo_Cell)) + 1; emsg = alloca(sizeof(Edje_Message_Float_Set) + ((n - 3 - 1) * sizeof(double))); emsg->count = n - 3; for (i = 3; i < n; i++) { float f; ptr = embryo_data_address_get(ep, params[i]); f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(*ptr); emsg->val[i - 3] = (double)f; } _edje_message_send(ed, EDJE_QUEUE_APP, type, id, emsg); } break; case EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING_INT: { Edje_Message_String_Int *emsg; Embryo_Cell *cptr; cptr = embryo_data_address_get(ep, params[3]); if (cptr) { int l; char *s; l = embryo_data_string_length_get(ep, cptr); s = alloca(l + 1); embryo_data_string_get(ep, cptr, s); emsg = alloca(sizeof(Edje_Message_String_Int)); emsg->str = s; ptr = embryo_data_address_get(ep, params[4]); emsg->val = (int)*ptr; _edje_message_send(ed, EDJE_QUEUE_APP, type, id, emsg); } } break; case EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING_FLOAT: { Edje_Message_String_Float *emsg; Embryo_Cell *cptr; cptr = embryo_data_address_get(ep, params[3]); if (cptr) { int l; char *s; float f; l = embryo_data_string_length_get(ep, cptr); s = alloca(l + 1); embryo_data_string_get(ep, cptr, s); emsg = alloca(sizeof(Edje_Message_String_Float)); emsg->str = s; ptr = embryo_data_address_get(ep, params[4]); f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(*ptr); emsg->val = (double)f; _edje_message_send(ed, EDJE_QUEUE_APP, type, id, emsg); } } break; case EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING_INT_SET: { Edje_Message_String_Int_Set *emsg; Embryo_Cell *cptr; cptr = embryo_data_address_get(ep, params[3]); if (cptr) { int l; char *s; l = embryo_data_string_length_get(ep, cptr); s = alloca(l + 1); embryo_data_string_get(ep, cptr, s); n = (params[0] / sizeof(Embryo_Cell)) + 1; emsg = alloca(sizeof(Edje_Message_String_Int_Set) + ((n - 4 - 1) * sizeof(int))); emsg->str = s; emsg->count = n - 4; for (i = 4; i < n; i++) { ptr = embryo_data_address_get(ep, params[i]); emsg->val[i - 4] = (int)*ptr; } _edje_message_send(ed, EDJE_QUEUE_APP, type, id, emsg); } } break; case EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING_FLOAT_SET: { Edje_Message_String_Float_Set *emsg; Embryo_Cell *cptr; cptr = embryo_data_address_get(ep, params[3]); if (cptr) { int l; char *s; l = embryo_data_string_length_get(ep, cptr); s = alloca(l + 1); embryo_data_string_get(ep, cptr, s); n = (params[0] / sizeof(Embryo_Cell)) + 1; emsg = alloca(sizeof(Edje_Message_String_Float_Set) + ((n - 4 - 1) * sizeof(double))); emsg->str = s; emsg->count = n - 4; for (i = 4; i < n; i++) { float f; ptr = embryo_data_address_get(ep, params[i]); f = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(*ptr); emsg->val[i - 4] = (double)f; } _edje_message_send(ed, EDJE_QUEUE_APP, type, id, emsg); } } break; default: break; } return(0); } /* custom_state(part_id, state[], Float:state_val = 0.0) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_custom_state(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); Edje_Real_Part *rp; Edje_Part_Description *parent, *d; Edje_Part_Image_Id *iid; Eina_List *l; char *name; float val; CHKPARAM(3); if (params[1] < 0) return 0; if (!(rp = ed->table_parts[params[1] % ed->table_parts_size])) return 0; /* check whether this part already has a "custom" state */ if (rp->custom) return 0; GETSTR(name, params[2]); if (!name) return 0; val = EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(params[3]); if (!(parent = _edje_part_description_find(ed, rp, name, val))) return 0; /* now create the custom state */ if (!(d = calloc(1, sizeof(Edje_Part_Description)))) return 0; rp->custom = eina_mempool_malloc(_edje_real_part_state_mp, sizeof (Edje_Real_Part_State)); if (!rp->custom) { free(d); return 0; } *d = *parent; d->state.name = (char *)eina_stringshare_add("custom"); d->state.value = 0.0; /* make sure all the allocated memory is getting copied, * not just referenced */ d->image.tween_list = NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(parent->image.tween_list, l, iid) { Edje_Part_Image_Id *iid_new; iid_new = calloc(1, sizeof(Edje_Part_Image_Id)); if (!iid_new) continue; iid_new->id = iid->id; d->image.tween_list = eina_list_append(d->image.tween_list, iid_new); } #define DUP(x) x ? (char *)eina_stringshare_add(x) : NULL d->color_class = DUP(d->color_class); d->text.text = DUP(d->text.text); d->text.text_class = DUP(d->text.text_class); d->text.font = DUP(d->text.font); d->text.style = DUP(d->text.style); #undef DUP rp->custom->description = d; return 0; } /* set_state_val(part_id, State_Param:p, ...) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_set_state_val(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); Edje_Real_Part *rp; char *s; /* we need at least 3 arguments */ if (params[0] < (sizeof(Embryo_Cell) * 3)) return 0; if (params[1] < 0) return 0; if (!(rp = ed->table_parts[params[1] % ed->table_parts_size])) return 0; /* check whether this part has a "custom" state */ if (!rp->custom) return 0; switch (params[2]) { case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_ALIGNMENT: CHKPARAM(4); GETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->align.x, params[3]); GETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->align.y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_MIN: CHKPARAM(4); GETINT(rp->custom->description->min.w, params[3]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->min.h, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_MAX: CHKPARAM(4); GETINT(rp->custom->description->max.w, params[3]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->max.h, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_STEP: CHKPARAM(4); GETINT(rp->custom->description->step.x, params[3]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->step.y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_ASPECT: CHKPARAM(4); GETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->aspect.min, params[3]); GETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->aspect.max, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_ASPECT_PREF: CHKPARAM(3); GETINT(rp->custom->description->aspect.prefer, params[3]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_COLOR: CHKPARAM(6); GETINT(rp->custom->description->color.r, params[3]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->color.g, params[4]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->color.b, params[5]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->color.a, params[6]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_COLOR2: CHKPARAM(6); GETINT(rp->custom->description->color2.r, params[3]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->color2.g, params[4]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->color2.b, params[5]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->color2.a, params[6]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_COLOR3: CHKPARAM(6); GETINT(rp->custom->description->color3.r, params[3]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->color3.g, params[4]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->color3.b, params[5]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->color3.a, params[6]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_COLOR_CLASS: CHKPARAM(3); GETSTR(s, params[3]); GETSTREVAS(s, rp->custom->description->color_class); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_REL1: CHKPARAM(4); GETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->rel1.relative_x, params[3]); GETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->rel1.relative_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_REL1_TO: CHKPARAM(4); GETINT(rp->custom->description->rel1.id_x, params[3]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->rel1.id_y, params[4]); if (rp->param1.description->rel1.id_x >= 0) rp->param1.rel1_to_x = ed->table_parts[rp->param1.description->rel1.id_x % ed->table_parts_size]; if (rp->param1.description->rel1.id_y >= 0) rp->param1.rel1_to_y = ed->table_parts[rp->param1.description->rel1.id_y % ed->table_parts_size]; break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_REL1_OFFSET: CHKPARAM(4); GETINT(rp->custom->description->rel1.offset_x, params[3]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->rel1.offset_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_REL2: CHKPARAM(4); GETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->rel2.relative_x, params[3]); GETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->rel2.relative_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_REL2_TO: CHKPARAM(4); GETINT(rp->custom->description->rel2.id_x, params[3]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->rel2.id_y, params[4]); if (rp->param1.description->rel2.id_x >= 0) rp->param1.rel2_to_x = ed->table_parts[rp->param1.description->rel2.id_x % ed->table_parts_size]; if (rp->param1.description->rel2.id_y >= 0) rp->param1.rel2_to_y = ed->table_parts[rp->param1.description->rel2.id_y % ed->table_parts_size]; break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_REL2_OFFSET: CHKPARAM(4); GETINT(rp->custom->description->rel2.offset_x, params[3]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->rel2.offset_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_IMAGE: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_IMAGE) ) return 0; CHKPARAM(3); GETINT(rp->custom->description->image.id, params[3]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_BORDER: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_IMAGE) ) return 0; CHKPARAM(6); GETINT(rp->custom->description->border.l, params[3]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->border.r, params[4]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->border.t, params[5]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->border.b, params[6]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_FILL_SMOOTH: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_IMAGE) ) return 0; CHKPARAM(3); GETINT(rp->custom->description->fill.smooth, params[3]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_FILL_POS: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_IMAGE) ) return 0; CHKPARAM(6); GETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->fill.pos_rel_x, params[3]); GETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->fill.pos_rel_y, params[4]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->fill.pos_abs_x, params[5]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->fill.pos_abs_y, params[6]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_FILL_SIZE: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_IMAGE) ) return 0; CHKPARAM(6); GETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->fill.rel_x, params[3]); GETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->fill.rel_y, params[4]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->fill.abs_x, params[5]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->fill.abs_y, params[6]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT) && \ (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXTBLOCK)) return 0; CHKPARAM(3); GETSTR(s, params[3]); GETSTREVAS(s, rp->custom->description->text.text); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_CLASS: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT) && \ (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXTBLOCK)) return 0; CHKPARAM(3); GETSTR(s, params[3]); GETSTREVAS(s, rp->custom->description->text.text_class); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_FONT: if ((rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT)) return 0; CHKPARAM(3); GETSTR(s, params[3]); GETSTREVAS(s, rp->custom->description->text.font); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_STYLE: if ((rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXTBLOCK)) return 0; CHKPARAM(3); GETSTR(s, params[3]); GETSTREVAS(s, rp->custom->description->text.style); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_SIZE: if ((rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT)) return 0; CHKPARAM(3); GETINT(rp->custom->description->text.size, params[3]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_FIT: if ((rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT)) return 0; CHKPARAM(4); GETINT(rp->custom->description->text.fit_x, params[3]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->text.fit_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_MIN: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT) && \ (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXTBLOCK)) return 0; CHKPARAM(4); GETINT(rp->custom->description->text.min_x, params[3]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->text.min_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_MAX: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT) && \ (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXTBLOCK)) return 0; CHKPARAM(4); GETINT(rp->custom->description->text.max_x, params[3]); GETINT(rp->custom->description->text.max_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_ALIGN: if ((rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT)) return 0; CHKPARAM(4); GETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->text.align.x, params[3]); GETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->text.align.y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_VISIBLE: CHKPARAM(3); GETINT(rp->custom->description->visible, params[3]); break; default: break; } #ifdef EDJE_CALC_CACHE rp->invalidate = 1; #endif ed->dirty=1; return 0; } /* get_state_val(part_id, State_Param:p, ...) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_get_state_val(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { Edje *ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); Edje_Real_Part *rp; char *s; /* we need at least 3 arguments */ if (params[0] < (sizeof(Embryo_Cell) * 3)) return 0; if (params[1] < 0) return 0; if (!(rp = ed->table_parts[params[1] % ed->table_parts_size])) return 0; /* check whether this part has a "custom" state */ if (!rp->custom) return 0; switch (params[2]) { case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_ALIGNMENT: CHKPARAM(4); SETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->align.x, params[3]); SETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->align.y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_MIN: CHKPARAM(4); SETINT(rp->custom->description->min.w, params[3]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->min.h, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_MAX: CHKPARAM(4); SETINT(rp->custom->description->max.w, params[3]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->max.h, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_STEP: CHKPARAM(4); SETINT(rp->custom->description->step.x, params[3]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->step.y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_ASPECT: CHKPARAM(4); SETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->aspect.min, params[3]); SETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->aspect.max, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_ASPECT_PREF: CHKPARAM(3); SETINT(rp->custom->description->aspect.prefer, params[3]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_COLOR: CHKPARAM(6); SETINT(rp->custom->description->color.r, params[3]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->color.g, params[4]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->color.b, params[5]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->color.a, params[6]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_COLOR2: CHKPARAM(6); SETINT(rp->custom->description->color2.r, params[3]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->color2.g, params[4]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->color2.b, params[5]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->color2.a, params[6]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_COLOR3: CHKPARAM(6); SETINT(rp->custom->description->color3.r, params[3]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->color3.g, params[4]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->color3.b, params[5]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->color3.a, params[6]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_COLOR_CLASS: CHKPARAM(4); s = rp->custom->description->color_class; SETSTRALLOCATE(s); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_REL1: CHKPARAM(4); SETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->rel1.relative_x, params[3]); SETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->rel1.relative_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_REL1_TO: CHKPARAM(4); SETINT(rp->custom->description->rel1.id_x, params[3]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->rel1.id_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_REL1_OFFSET: CHKPARAM(4); SETINT(rp->custom->description->rel1.offset_x, params[3]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->rel1.offset_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_REL2: CHKPARAM(4); SETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->rel2.relative_x, params[3]); SETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->rel2.relative_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_REL2_TO: CHKPARAM(4); SETINT(rp->custom->description->rel2.id_x, params[3]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->rel2.id_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_REL2_OFFSET: CHKPARAM(4); SETINT(rp->custom->description->rel2.offset_x, params[3]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->rel2.offset_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_IMAGE: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_IMAGE) ) return 0; CHKPARAM(3); SETINT(rp->custom->description->image.id, params[3]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_BORDER: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_IMAGE) ) return 0; CHKPARAM(6); SETINT(rp->custom->description->border.l, params[3]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->border.r, params[4]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->border.t, params[5]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->border.b, params[6]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_FILL_SMOOTH: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_IMAGE) ) return 0; CHKPARAM(3); SETINT(rp->custom->description->fill.smooth, params[3]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_FILL_POS: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_IMAGE) ) return 0; CHKPARAM(6); SETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->fill.pos_rel_x, params[3]); SETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->fill.pos_rel_y, params[4]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->fill.pos_abs_x, params[5]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->fill.pos_abs_y, params[6]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_FILL_SIZE: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_IMAGE) ) return 0; CHKPARAM(6); SETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->fill.rel_x, params[3]); SETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->fill.rel_y, params[4]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->fill.abs_x, params[5]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->fill.abs_y, params[6]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT) && \ (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXTBLOCK)) return 0; CHKPARAM(4); s = rp->custom->description->text.text; SETSTRALLOCATE(s); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_CLASS: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT) && \ (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXTBLOCK)) return 0; CHKPARAM(4); s = rp->custom->description->text.text_class; SETSTRALLOCATE(s); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_FONT: if ((rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT)) return 0; CHKPARAM(4); s = rp->custom->description->text.font; SETSTRALLOCATE(s); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_STYLE: if ((rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXTBLOCK)) return 0; CHKPARAM(4); s = rp->custom->description->text.style; SETSTRALLOCATE(s); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_SIZE: if ((rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT)) return 0; CHKPARAM(3); SETINT(rp->custom->description->text.size, params[3]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_FIT: if ((rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT)) return 0; CHKPARAM(4); SETINT(rp->custom->description->text.fit_x, params[3]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->text.fit_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_MIN: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT) && \ (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXTBLOCK)) return 0; CHKPARAM(4); SETINT(rp->custom->description->text.min_x, params[3]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->text.min_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_MAX: if ( (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT) && \ (rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXTBLOCK)) return 0; CHKPARAM(4); SETINT(rp->custom->description->text.max_x, params[3]); SETINT(rp->custom->description->text.max_y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_TEXT_ALIGN: if ((rp->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT)) return 0; CHKPARAM(4); SETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->text.align.x, params[3]); SETFLOAT(rp->custom->description->text.align.y, params[4]); break; case EDJE_STATE_PARAM_VISIBLE: CHKPARAM(3); SETINT(rp->custom->description->visible, params[3]); break; default: break; } return 0; } /* part_swallow(part_id, group_name) */ static Embryo_Cell _edje_embryo_fn_part_swallow(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params) { int part_id = 0; char* group_name = 0; Edje *ed; Edje_Real_Part *rp; Evas_Object *new_obj; CHKPARAM(2); part_id = params[1]; if (part_id < 0) return 0; GETSTR(group_name, params[2]); if (!group_name) return 0; ed = embryo_program_data_get(ep); rp = ed->table_parts[part_id % ed->table_parts_size]; if (!rp) return 0; new_obj = edje_object_add(ed->evas); if (!new_obj) return 0; if (!edje_object_file_set(new_obj, ed->file->path, group_name)) { evas_object_del(new_obj); return 0; } edje_object_part_swallow(ed->obj, rp->part->name, new_obj); return 0; } void _edje_embryo_script_init(Edje *ed) { Embryo_Program *ep; if (!ed) return; if (!ed->collection) return; if (!ed->collection->script) return; ep = ed->collection->script; embryo_program_data_set(ep, ed); /* first advertise all the edje "script" calls */ embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_int", _edje_embryo_fn_get_int); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "set_int", _edje_embryo_fn_set_int); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_float", _edje_embryo_fn_get_float); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "set_float", _edje_embryo_fn_set_float); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_str", _edje_embryo_fn_get_str); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_strlen", _edje_embryo_fn_get_strlen); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "set_str", _edje_embryo_fn_set_str); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "count", _edje_embryo_fn_count); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "remove", _edje_embryo_fn_remove); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "append_int", _edje_embryo_fn_append_int); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "prepend_int", _edje_embryo_fn_prepend_int); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "insert_int", _edje_embryo_fn_insert_int); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "replace_int", _edje_embryo_fn_replace_int); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "fetch_int", _edje_embryo_fn_fetch_int); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "append_str", _edje_embryo_fn_append_str); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "prepend_str", _edje_embryo_fn_prepend_str); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "insert_str", _edje_embryo_fn_insert_str); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "replace_str", _edje_embryo_fn_replace_str); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "fetch_str", _edje_embryo_fn_fetch_str); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "append_float", _edje_embryo_fn_append_float); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "prepend_float", _edje_embryo_fn_prepend_float); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "insert_float", _edje_embryo_fn_insert_float); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "replace_float", _edje_embryo_fn_replace_float); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "fetch_float", _edje_embryo_fn_fetch_float); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "timer", _edje_embryo_fn_timer); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "cancel_timer", _edje_embryo_fn_cancel_timer); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "anim", _edje_embryo_fn_anim); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "cancel_anim", _edje_embryo_fn_cancel_anim); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "emit", _edje_embryo_fn_emit); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "set_state", _edje_embryo_fn_set_state); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_state", _edje_embryo_fn_get_state); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "set_tween_state", _edje_embryo_fn_set_tween_state); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "run_program", _edje_embryo_fn_run_program); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_drag_dir", _edje_embryo_fn_get_drag_dir); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_drag", _edje_embryo_fn_get_drag); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "set_drag", _edje_embryo_fn_set_drag); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_drag_size", _edje_embryo_fn_get_drag_size); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "set_drag_size", _edje_embryo_fn_set_drag_size); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "set_text", _edje_embryo_fn_set_text); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_text", _edje_embryo_fn_get_text); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_min_size", _edje_embryo_fn_get_min_size); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_max_size", _edje_embryo_fn_get_max_size); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_color_class", _edje_embryo_fn_get_color_class); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "set_color_class", _edje_embryo_fn_set_color_class); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "set_text_class", _edje_embryo_fn_set_text_class); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_text_class", _edje_embryo_fn_get_text_class); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_drag_step", _edje_embryo_fn_get_drag_step); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "set_drag_step", _edje_embryo_fn_set_drag_step); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_drag_page", _edje_embryo_fn_get_drag_page); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "set_drag_page", _edje_embryo_fn_set_drag_page); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_mouse", _edje_embryo_fn_get_mouse); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_mouse_buttons", _edje_embryo_fn_get_mouse_buttons); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "stop_program", _edje_embryo_fn_stop_program); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "stop_programs_on", _edje_embryo_fn_stop_programs_on); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "set_min_size", _edje_embryo_fn_set_min_size); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "set_max_size", _edje_embryo_fn_set_max_size); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "send_message", _edje_embryo_fn_send_message); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_geometry", _edje_embryo_fn_get_geometry); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "custom_state", _edje_embryo_fn_custom_state); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "set_state_val", _edje_embryo_fn_set_state_val); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "get_state_val", _edje_embryo_fn_get_state_val); embryo_program_native_call_add(ep, "part_swallow", _edje_embryo_fn_part_swallow); // embryo_program_vm_push(ed->collection->script); // _edje_embryo_globals_init(ed); } void _edje_embryo_script_shutdown(Edje *ed) { if (!ed) return; if (!ed->collection) return; if (!ed->collection->script) return; if (embryo_program_recursion_get(ed->collection->script) > 0) return; // embryo_program_vm_pop(ed->collection->script); embryo_program_free(ed->collection->script); ed->collection->script = NULL; } void _edje_embryo_script_reset(Edje *ed) { if (!ed) return; if (!ed->collection) return; if (!ed->collection->script) return; if (embryo_program_recursion_get(ed->collection->script) > 0) return; embryo_program_vm_reset(ed->collection->script); _edje_embryo_globals_init(ed); } /* this may change in future - thus "test_run" is its name */ void _edje_embryo_test_run(Edje *ed, const char *fname, const char *sig, const char *src) { Embryo_Function fn; if (!ed) return; if (!ed->collection) return; if (!ed->collection->script) return; embryo_program_vm_push(ed->collection->script); _edje_embryo_globals_init(ed); // _edje_embryo_script_reset(ed); fn = embryo_program_function_find(ed->collection->script, (char *)fname); if (fn != EMBRYO_FUNCTION_NONE) { void *pdata; int ret; embryo_parameter_string_push(ed->collection->script, (char *)sig); embryo_parameter_string_push(ed->collection->script, (char *)src); pdata = embryo_program_data_get(ed->collection->script); embryo_program_data_set(ed->collection->script, ed); /* 5 million instructions is an arbitary number. on my p4-2.6 here */ /* IF embryo is ONLY runing embryo stuff and NO native calls thats */ /* about 0.016 seconds, and longer on slower cpu's. if a simple */ /* embryo script snippet hasn't managed to do its work in 5 MILLION */ /* embryo virtual machine instructions - something is wrong, or */ /* embryo is simply being mis-used. Embryo is meant to be minimal */ /* logic enhancment - not entire applications. this cycle count */ /* does NOT include time spent in native function calls, that the */ /* script may call to do the REAL work, so in terms of time this */ /* will likely end up being much longer than 0.016 seconds - more */ /* like 0.03 - 0.05 seconds or even more */ embryo_program_max_cycle_run_set(ed->collection->script, 5000000); ret = embryo_program_run(ed->collection->script, fn); if (ret == EMBRYO_PROGRAM_FAIL) { printf("EDJE: ERROR with embryo script.\n" "ENTRY POINT: %s\n" "ERROR: %s\n", fname, embryo_error_string_get(embryo_program_error_get(ed->collection->script))); } else if (ret == EMBRYO_PROGRAM_TOOLONG) { printf("EDJE: ERROR with embryo script.\n" "ENTRY POINT: %s\n" "ERROR: Script exceeded maximum allowed cycle count of %i\n", fname, embryo_program_max_cycle_run_get(ed->collection->script)); } embryo_program_data_set(ed->collection->script, pdata); } embryo_program_vm_pop(ed->collection->script); } void _edje_embryo_globals_init(Edje *ed) { int n, i; Embryo_Program *ep; ep = ed->collection->script; n = embryo_program_variable_count_get(ep); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { Embryo_Cell cell, *cptr; cell = embryo_program_variable_get(ep, i); if (cell != EMBRYO_CELL_NONE) { cptr = embryo_data_address_get(ep, cell); if (cptr) *cptr = EDJE_VAR_MAGIC_BASE + i; } } }