/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ /* * _NET_WM... aka Extended Window Manager Hint (EWMH) functions. */ #include "config.h" #include "Ecore.h" #include "Ecore_Data.h" #include "ecore_x_private.h" #include "Ecore_X.h" #include "Ecore_X_Atoms.h" typedef struct _Ecore_X_Startup_Info Ecore_X_Startup_Info; struct _Ecore_X_Startup_Info { Ecore_X_Window win; int init; int buffer_size; char *buffer; int length; /* These are the sequence info fields */ char *id; char *name; int screen; char *bin; char *icon; int desktop; int timestamp; char *description; char *wmclass; int silent; }; static void _ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_set(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Atom atom, const char *str); static char *_ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_get(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Atom atom); #if 0 /* Unused */ static int _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_process(Ecore_X_Startup_Info *info); static int _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_parse(Ecore_X_Startup_Info *info, char *data); #endif static void _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_free(void *data); /* * Convenience macros */ #define _ATOM_SET_UTF8_STRING_LIST(win, atom, string, cnt) \ XChangeProperty(_ecore_x_disp, win, atom, ECORE_X_ATOM_UTF8_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, \ (unsigned char *)string, cnt) /* * Local variables */ static Ecore_Hash *startup_info = NULL; EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_init(void) { startup_info = ecore_hash_new(ecore_direct_hash, ecore_direct_compare); if (startup_info) ecore_hash_free_value_cb_set(startup_info, _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_free); } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_shutdown(void) { if (startup_info) ecore_hash_destroy(startup_info); startup_info = NULL; } /* * WM identification */ EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_wm_identify(Ecore_X_Window root, Ecore_X_Window check, const char *wm_name) { ecore_x_window_prop_window_set(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK, &check, 1); ecore_x_window_prop_window_set(check, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK, &check, 1); _ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_set(check, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_NAME, wm_name); /* This one isn't mandatory */ _ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_set(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_NAME, wm_name); } /* * Set supported atoms */ EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_supported_set(Ecore_X_Window root, Ecore_X_Atom *supported, int num) { ecore_x_window_prop_atom_set(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_SUPPORTED, supported, num); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_supported_get(Ecore_X_Window root, Ecore_X_Atom **supported, int *num) { int num_ret; if (num) *num = 0; if (supported) *supported = NULL; num_ret = ecore_x_window_prop_atom_list_get(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_SUPPORTED, supported); if (num_ret <= 0) return 0; if (num) *num = num_ret; return 1; } /* * Desktop configuration and status */ EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_desk_count_set(Ecore_X_Window root, unsigned int n_desks) { ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS, &n_desks, 1); } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_desk_roots_set(Ecore_X_Window root, Ecore_X_Window *vroots, unsigned int n_desks) { ecore_x_window_prop_window_set(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_VIRTUAL_ROOTS, vroots, n_desks); } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_desk_names_set(Ecore_X_Window root, const char **names, unsigned int n_desks) { char ss[32], *buf; const char *s; unsigned int i; int l, len; buf = NULL; len = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_desks; i++) { s = (names) ? names[i] : NULL; if (!s) { /* Default to "Desk-" */ sprintf(ss, "Desk-%d", i); s = ss; } l = strlen(s) + 1; buf = realloc(buf, len + l); memcpy(buf + len, s, l); len += l; } _ATOM_SET_UTF8_STRING_LIST(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES, buf, len); free(buf); } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_desk_size_set(Ecore_X_Window root, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { unsigned int size[2]; size[0] = width; size[1] = height; ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY, size, 2); } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_desk_viewports_set(Ecore_X_Window root, unsigned int *origins, unsigned int n_desks) { ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT, origins, 2 * n_desks); } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_desk_layout_set(Ecore_X_Window root, int orientation, int columns, int rows, int starting_corner) { unsigned int layout[4]; layout[0] = orientation; layout[1] = columns; layout[2] = rows; layout[3] = starting_corner; ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_DESKTOP_LAYOUT, layout, 4); } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_desk_workareas_set(Ecore_X_Window root, unsigned int *areas, unsigned int n_desks) { ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WORKAREA, areas, 4 * n_desks); } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_desk_current_set(Ecore_X_Window root, unsigned int desk) { ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP, &desk, 1); } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_showing_desktop_set(Ecore_X_Window root, int on) { unsigned int val; val = (on) ? 1 : 0; ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP, &val, 1); } /* * Client status */ /* Mapping order */ EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_client_list_set(Ecore_X_Window root, Ecore_X_Window *p_clients, unsigned int n_clients) { ecore_x_window_prop_window_set(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_CLIENT_LIST, p_clients, n_clients); } /* Stacking order */ EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_client_list_stacking_set(Ecore_X_Window root, Ecore_X_Window *p_clients, unsigned int n_clients) { ecore_x_window_prop_window_set(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING, p_clients, n_clients); } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_client_active_set(Ecore_X_Window root, Ecore_X_Window win) { ecore_x_window_prop_window_set(root, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW, &win, 1); } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_client_active_request(Ecore_X_Window root, Ecore_X_Window win, int type, Ecore_X_Window current_win) { XEvent xev; if (!root) root = DefaultRootWindow(_ecore_x_disp); xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage; xev.xclient.display = _ecore_x_disp; xev.xclient.window = win; xev.xclient.message_type = ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW; xev.xclient.format = 32; xev.xclient.data.l[0] = type; xev.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime; xev.xclient.data.l[2] = current_win; xev.xclient.data.l[3] = 0; xev.xclient.data.l[4] = 0; xev.xclient.data.l[5] = 0; XSendEvent(_ecore_x_disp, root, False, SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, &xev); } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_name_set(Ecore_X_Window win, const char *name) { _ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_NAME, name); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_name_get(Ecore_X_Window win, char **name) { if (name) *name = _ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_NAME); return 1; } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_startup_id_set(Ecore_X_Window win, const char *id) { _ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_STARTUP_ID, id); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_startup_id_get(Ecore_X_Window win, char **id) { if (id) *id = _ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_STARTUP_ID); return 1; } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_visible_name_set(Ecore_X_Window win, const char *name) { _ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME, name); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_visible_name_get(Ecore_X_Window win, char **name) { if (name) *name = _ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME); return 1; } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_icon_name_set(Ecore_X_Window win, const char *name) { _ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ICON_NAME, name); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_icon_name_get(Ecore_X_Window win, char **name) { if (name) *name = _ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ICON_NAME); return 1; } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_visible_icon_name_set(Ecore_X_Window win, const char *name) { _ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_VISIBLE_ICON_NAME, name); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_visible_icon_name_get(Ecore_X_Window win, char **name) { if (name) *name = _ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_VISIBLE_ICON_NAME); return 1; } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_desktop_set(Ecore_X_Window win, unsigned int desk) { ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_DESKTOP, &desk, 1); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_desktop_get(Ecore_X_Window win, unsigned int *desk) { int ret; unsigned int tmp; ret = ecore_x_window_prop_card32_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_DESKTOP, &tmp, 1); if (desk) *desk = tmp; return ret == 1 ? 1 : 0; } /* * _NET_WM_STRUT is deprecated */ EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_strut_set(Ecore_X_Window win, int left, int right, int top, int bottom) { unsigned int strut[4]; strut[0] = left; strut[1] = right; strut[2] = top; strut[3] = bottom; ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STRUT, strut, 4); } /* * _NET_WM_STRUT is deprecated */ EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_strut_get(Ecore_X_Window win, int *left, int *right, int *top, int *bottom) { int ret = 0; unsigned int strut[4]; ret = ecore_x_window_prop_card32_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STRUT, strut, 4); if (ret != 4) return 0; if (left) *left = strut[0]; if (right) *right = strut[1]; if (top) *top = strut[2]; if (bottom) *bottom = strut[3]; return 1; } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_strut_partial_set(Ecore_X_Window win, int left, int right, int top, int bottom, int left_start_y, int left_end_y, int right_start_y, int right_end_y, int top_start_x, int top_end_x, int bottom_start_x, int bottom_end_x) { unsigned int strut[12]; strut[0] = left; strut[1] = right; strut[2] = top; strut[3] = bottom; strut[4] = left_start_y; strut[5] = left_end_y; strut[6] = right_start_y; strut[7] = right_end_y; strut[8] = top_start_x; strut[9] = top_end_x; strut[10] = bottom_start_x; strut[11] = bottom_end_x; ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL, strut, 12); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_strut_partial_get(Ecore_X_Window win, int *left, int *right, int *top, int *bottom, int *left_start_y, int *left_end_y, int *right_start_y, int *right_end_y, int *top_start_x, int *top_end_x, int *bottom_start_x, int *bottom_end_x) { int ret = 0; unsigned int strut[12]; ret = ecore_x_window_prop_card32_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL, strut, 12); if (ret != 12) return 0; if (left) *left = strut[0]; if (right) *right = strut[1]; if (top) *top = strut[2]; if (bottom) *bottom = strut[3]; if (left_start_y) *left_start_y = strut[4]; if (left_end_y) *left_end_y = strut[5]; if (right_start_y) *right_start_y = strut[6]; if (right_end_y) *right_end_y = strut[7]; if (top_start_x) *top_start_x = strut[8]; if (top_end_x) *top_end_x = strut[9]; if (bottom_start_x) *bottom_start_x = strut[10]; if (bottom_end_x) *bottom_end_x = strut[11]; return 1; } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_icons_get(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Icon **icon, int *num) { unsigned int *data, *p; unsigned int *src; unsigned int len, icons, i; int num_ret; if (num) *num = 0; if (icon) *icon = NULL; num_ret = ecore_x_window_prop_card32_list_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ICON, &data); if (num_ret <= 0) return 0; if (!data) return 0; if (num_ret < 2) { free(data); return 0; } /* Check how many icons there are */ icons = 0; p = data; while (p) { len = p[0] * p[1]; p += (len + 2); if ((p - data) > num_ret) { free(data); return 0; } icons++; if ((p - data) == num_ret) p = NULL; } if (num) *num = icons; /* If the user doesn't want the icons, return */ if (!icon) { free(data); return 1; } /* Allocate memory */ *icon = malloc(icons * sizeof(Ecore_X_Icon)); if (!(*icon)) { free(data); return 0; } /* Fetch the icons */ p = data; for (i = 0; i < icons; i++) { unsigned int *ps, *pd, *pe; len = p[0] * p[1]; ((*icon)[i]).width = p[0]; ((*icon)[i]).height = p[1]; src = &(p[2]); ((*icon)[i]).data = malloc(len * sizeof(unsigned int)); if (!((*icon)[i]).data) { while (i) free(((*icon)[--i]).data); free(*icon); free(data); return 0; } pd = ((*icon)[i]).data; ps = src; pe = ps + len; for (; ps < pe; ps++) { unsigned int r, g, b, a; a = (*ps >> 24) & 0xff; r = (((*ps >> 16) & 0xff) * a) / 255; g = (((*ps >> 8) & 0xff) * a) / 255; b = (((*ps ) & 0xff) * a) / 255; *pd = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b); pd++; } p += (len + 2); } free(data); return 1; } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_icon_geometry_set(Ecore_X_Window win, int x, int y, int width, int height) { unsigned int geometry[4]; geometry[0] = x; geometry[1] = y; geometry[2] = width; geometry[3] = height; ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY, geometry, 4); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_icon_geometry_get(Ecore_X_Window win, int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height) { int ret; unsigned int geometry[4]; ret = ecore_x_window_prop_card32_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY, geometry, 4); if (ret != 4) return 0; if (x) *x = geometry[0]; if (y) *y = geometry[1]; if (width) *width = geometry[2]; if (height) *height = geometry[3]; return 1; } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_pid_set(Ecore_X_Window win, int pid) { unsigned int tmp; tmp = pid; ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_PID, &tmp, 1); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_pid_get(Ecore_X_Window win, int *pid) { int ret; unsigned int tmp; ret = ecore_x_window_prop_card32_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_PID, &tmp, 1); if (pid) *pid = tmp; return ret == 1 ? 1 : 0; } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_handled_icons_set(Ecore_X_Window win) { ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_HANDLED_ICONS, NULL, 0); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_handled_icons_get(Ecore_X_Window win) { int ret = 0; ret = ecore_x_window_prop_card32_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_HANDLED_ICONS, NULL, 0); return ret == 0 ? 1 : 0; } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_user_time_set(Ecore_X_Window win, unsigned int time) { ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_USER_TIME, &time, 1); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_user_time_get(Ecore_X_Window win, unsigned int *time) { int ret; unsigned int tmp; ret = ecore_x_window_prop_card32_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_USER_TIME, &tmp, 1); if (time) *time = tmp; return ret == 1 ? 1 : 0; } Ecore_X_Window_State _ecore_x_netwm_state_get(Ecore_X_Atom a) { if (a == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_MODAL) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_MODAL; else if (a == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_STICKY; else if (a == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT; else if (a == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ; else if (a == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_SHADED) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_SHADED; else if (a == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR; else if (a == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_SKIP_PAGER; else if (a == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_HIDDEN; else if (a == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN; else if (a == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_ABOVE; else if (a == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_BELOW) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_BELOW; else if (a == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION; else return ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_UNKNOWN; } static Ecore_X_Atom _ecore_x_netwm_state_atom_get(Ecore_X_Window_State s) { switch(s) { case ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_MODAL: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_MODAL; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_STICKY: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_SHADED: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_SHADED; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_SKIP_PAGER: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_HIDDEN: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_ABOVE: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_BELOW: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_BELOW; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION; default: return 0; } } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_window_state_set(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Window_State *state, unsigned int num) { Ecore_X_Atom *set; unsigned int i; if (!num) { ecore_x_window_prop_property_del(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE); return; } set = malloc(num * sizeof(Ecore_X_Atom)); if (!set) return; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) set[i] = _ecore_x_netwm_state_atom_get(state[i]); ecore_x_window_prop_atom_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE, set, num); free(set); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_window_state_get(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Window_State **state, unsigned int *num) { int num_ret, i; Ecore_X_Atom *atoms; if (num) *num = 0; if (state) *state = NULL; num_ret = ecore_x_window_prop_atom_list_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE, &atoms); if (num_ret <= 0) return 0; if (state) { *state = malloc(num_ret * sizeof(Ecore_X_Window_State)); if (*state) for (i = 0; i < num_ret; ++i) (*state)[i] = _ecore_x_netwm_state_get(atoms[i]); if (num) *num = num_ret; } free(atoms); return 1; } static Ecore_X_Window_Type _ecore_x_netwm_window_type_type_get(Ecore_X_Atom atom) { if (atom == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP; else if (atom == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK; else if (atom == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR; else if (atom == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU; else if (atom == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY; else if (atom == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH; else if (atom == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG; else if (atom == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL) return ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL; else return ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } static Ecore_X_Atom _ecore_x_netwm_window_type_atom_get(Ecore_X_Window_Type type) { switch (type) { case ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG; case ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL; default: return 0; } } /* * FIXME: We should set WM_TRANSIENT_FOR if type is ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR * , ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU or ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG */ EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_window_type_set(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Window_Type type) { Ecore_X_Atom atom; atom = _ecore_x_netwm_window_type_atom_get(type); ecore_x_window_prop_atom_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, &atom, 1); } /* FIXME: Maybe return 0 on some conditions? */ EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_window_type_get(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Window_Type *type) { int num; Ecore_X_Atom *atoms = NULL; if (type) *type = ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL; num = ecore_x_window_prop_atom_list_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, &atoms); if ((type) && (num >= 1) && (atoms)) *type = _ecore_x_netwm_window_type_type_get(atoms[0]); free(atoms); if (num >= 1) return 1; return 0; } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_window_types_get(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Window_Type **types) { int num, i; Ecore_X_Atom *atoms = NULL; Ecore_X_Window_Type *atoms2 = NULL; if (types) *types = NULL; num = ecore_x_window_prop_atom_list_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, &atoms); if ((num <= 0) || (!atoms)) { if (atoms) free(atoms); return 0; } atoms2 = malloc(num * sizeof(Ecore_X_Window_Type)); if (!atoms2) return 0; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) atoms2[i] = _ecore_x_netwm_window_type_type_get(atoms[i]); free(atoms); if (types) *types = atoms2; else free(atoms2); return num; } static Ecore_X_Atom _ecore_x_netwm_action_atom_get(Ecore_X_Action action) { switch (action) { case ECORE_X_ACTION_MOVE: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ACTION_MOVE; case ECORE_X_ACTION_RESIZE: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ACTION_RESIZE; case ECORE_X_ACTION_MINIMIZE: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ACTION_MINIMIZE; case ECORE_X_ACTION_SHADE: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ACTION_SHADE; case ECORE_X_ACTION_STICK: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ACTION_STICK; case ECORE_X_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_HORZ: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_HORZ; case ECORE_X_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_VERT: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_VERT; case ECORE_X_ACTION_FULLSCREEN: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ACTION_FULLSCREEN; case ECORE_X_ACTION_CHANGE_DESKTOP: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ACTION_CHANGE_DESKTOP; case ECORE_X_ACTION_CLOSE: return ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ACTION_CLOSE; default: return 0; } } /* FIXME: Get complete list */ EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_allowed_action_isset(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Action action) { int num, i, ret = 0; Ecore_X_Atom *atoms, atom; num = ecore_x_window_prop_atom_list_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, &atoms); if (num <= 0) return ret; atom = _ecore_x_netwm_action_atom_get(action); for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { if (atom == atoms[i]) { ret = 1; break; } } free(atoms); return ret; } /* FIXME: Set complete list */ EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_allowed_action_set(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Action *action, unsigned int num) { Ecore_X_Atom *set; unsigned int i; if (!num) { ecore_x_window_prop_property_del(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS); return; } set = malloc(num * sizeof(Ecore_X_Atom)); if (!set) return; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) set[i] = _ecore_x_netwm_action_atom_get(action[i]); ecore_x_window_prop_atom_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS, set, num); free(set); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_allowed_action_get(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Action **action, unsigned int *num) { int num_ret, i; Ecore_X_Atom *atoms; if (num) *num = 0; if (action) *action = NULL; num_ret = ecore_x_window_prop_atom_list_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS, &atoms); if (num_ret <= 0) return 0; if (action) { *action = malloc(num_ret * sizeof(Ecore_X_Action)); if (*action) for (i = 0; i < num_ret; ++i) (*action)[i] = _ecore_x_netwm_action_atom_get(atoms[i]); if (num) *num = num_ret; } free(atoms); return 1; } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_opacity_set(Ecore_X_Window win, unsigned int opacity) { ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY, &opacity, 1); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_opacity_get(Ecore_X_Window win, unsigned int *opacity) { int ret; unsigned int tmp; ret = ecore_x_window_prop_card32_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY, &tmp, 1); if (opacity) *opacity = tmp; return ret == 1 ? 1 : 0; } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_frame_size_set(Ecore_X_Window win, int fl, int fr, int ft, int fb) { unsigned int frames[4]; frames[0] = fl; frames[1] = fr; frames[2] = ft; frames[3] = fb; ecore_x_window_prop_card32_set(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS, frames, 4); } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_frame_size_get(Ecore_X_Window win, int *fl, int *fr, int *ft, int *fb) { int ret = 0; unsigned int frames[4]; ret = ecore_x_window_prop_card32_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS, frames, 4); if (ret != 4) return 0; if (fl) *fl = frames[0]; if (fr) *fr = frames[1]; if (ft) *ft = frames[2]; if (fb) *fb = frames[3]; return 1; } EAPI int ecore_x_netwm_sync_counter_get(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Sync_Counter *counter) { int ret; unsigned int tmp; ret = ecore_x_window_prop_card32_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST_COUNTER, &tmp, 1); if (counter) *counter = tmp; return ret == 1 ? 1 : 0; } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_ping_send(Ecore_X_Window win) { XEvent xev; if (!win) return; xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage; xev.xclient.display = _ecore_x_disp; xev.xclient.window = win; xev.xclient.message_type = ECORE_X_ATOM_WM_PROTOCOLS; xev.xclient.format = 32; xev.xclient.data.l[0] = ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_PING; xev.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime; xev.xclient.data.l[2] = win; xev.xclient.data.l[3] = 0; xev.xclient.data.l[4] = 0; xev.xclient.data.l[5] = 0; XSendEvent(_ecore_x_disp, win, False, NoEventMask, &xev); } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_sync_request_send(Ecore_X_Window win, unsigned int serial) { XSyncValue value; XEvent xev; if (!win) return; XSyncIntToValue(&value, (int)serial); xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage; xev.xclient.display = _ecore_x_disp; xev.xclient.window = win; xev.xclient.message_type = ECORE_X_ATOM_WM_PROTOCOLS; xev.xclient.format = 32; xev.xclient.data.l[0] = ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST; xev.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime; xev.xclient.data.l[2] = XSyncValueLow32(value); xev.xclient.data.l[3] = XSyncValueHigh32(value); xev.xclient.data.l[4] = 0; XSendEvent(_ecore_x_disp, win, False, NoEventMask, &xev); } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_state_request_send(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Window root, Ecore_X_Window_State s1, Ecore_X_Window_State s2, int set) { XEvent xev; if (!win) return; if (!root) root = DefaultRootWindow(_ecore_x_disp); xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage; xev.xclient.serial = 0; xev.xclient.send_event = True; xev.xclient.display = _ecore_x_disp; xev.xclient.window = win; xev.xclient.format = 32; xev.xclient.message_type = ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_STATE; xev.xclient.data.l[0] = !!set; xev.xclient.data.l[1] = _ecore_x_netwm_state_atom_get(s1); xev.xclient.data.l[2] = _ecore_x_netwm_state_atom_get(s2); /* 1 == normal client, if someone wants to use this * function in a pager, this should be 2 */ xev.xclient.data.l[3] = 1; xev.xclient.data.l[4] = 0; XSendEvent(_ecore_x_disp, root, False, SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &xev); } EAPI void ecore_x_netwm_desktop_request_send(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Window root, unsigned int desktop) { XEvent xev; if (!win) return; if (!root) root = DefaultRootWindow(_ecore_x_disp); xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage; xev.xclient.serial = 0; xev.xclient.send_event = True; xev.xclient.display = _ecore_x_disp; xev.xclient.window = win; xev.xclient.format = 32; xev.xclient.message_type = ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_DESKTOP; xev.xclient.data.l[0] = desktop; XSendEvent(_ecore_x_disp, root, False, SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &xev); } int _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_begin(Ecore_X_Window win, char *data) { #if 0 Ecore_X_Startup_Info *info; if (!startup_info) return 0; info = ecore_hash_get(startup_info, (void *)win); if (info) { printf("Already got info for win: 0x%x\n", win); _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_free(info); } info = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_X_Startup_Info)); if (!info) return 0; info->win = win; info->length = 0; info->buffer_size = 161; info->buffer = calloc(info->buffer_size, sizeof(char)); if (!info->buffer) { _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_free(info); return 0; } memcpy(info->buffer, data, 20); info->length += 20; info->buffer[info->length] = 0; ecore_hash_set(startup_info, (void *)info->win, info); if (strlen(info->buffer) != 20) { /* We have a '\0' in there, the message is done */ _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_process(info); } #else win = 0; data = NULL; #endif return 1; } int _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info(Ecore_X_Window win, char *data) { #if 0 Ecore_X_Startup_Info *info; char *p; if (!startup_info) return 0; info = ecore_hash_get(startup_info, (void *)win); if (!info) return 0; if ((info->length + 20) > info->buffer_size) { info->buffer_size += 160; info->buffer = realloc(info->buffer, info->buffer_size * sizeof(char)); if (!info->buffer) { ecore_hash_remove(startup_info, (void *)info->win); _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_free(info); return 0; } } memcpy(info->buffer + info->length, data, 20); p = info->buffer + info->length; info->length += 20; info->buffer[info->length] = 0; if (strlen(p) != 20) { /* We have a '\0' in there, the message is done */ _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_process(info); } #else win = 0; data = NULL; #endif return 1; } /* * Set UTF-8 string property */ static void _ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_set(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Atom atom, const char *str) { XChangeProperty(_ecore_x_disp, win, atom, ECORE_X_ATOM_UTF8_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)str, strlen(str)); } /* * Get UTF-8 string property */ static char * _ecore_x_window_prop_string_utf8_get(Ecore_X_Window win, Ecore_X_Atom atom) { char *str; unsigned char *prop_ret; Atom type_ret; unsigned long bytes_after, num_ret; int format_ret; str = NULL; prop_ret = NULL; XGetWindowProperty(_ecore_x_disp, win, atom, 0, 0x7fffffff, False, ECORE_X_ATOM_UTF8_STRING, &type_ret, &format_ret, &num_ret, &bytes_after, &prop_ret); if (prop_ret && num_ret > 0 && format_ret == 8) { str = malloc(num_ret + 1); if (str) { memcpy(str, prop_ret, num_ret); str[num_ret] = '\0'; } } if (prop_ret) XFree(prop_ret); return str; } #if 0 /* Unused */ /* * Process startup info */ static int _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_process(Ecore_X_Startup_Info *info) { Ecore_X_Event_Startup_Sequence *e; int event; char *p; p = strchr(info->buffer, ':'); if (!p) { ecore_hash_remove(startup_info, (void *)info->win); _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_free(info); return 0; } *p = 0; if (!strcmp(info->buffer, "new")) { if (info->init) event = ECORE_X_EVENT_STARTUP_SEQUENCE_CHANGE; else event = ECORE_X_EVENT_STARTUP_SEQUENCE_NEW; info->init = 1; } else if (!strcmp(info->buffer, "change")) { event = ECORE_X_EVENT_STARTUP_SEQUENCE_CHANGE; } else if (!strcmp(info->buffer, "remove")) event = ECORE_X_EVENT_STARTUP_SEQUENCE_REMOVE; else { ecore_hash_remove(startup_info, (void *)info->win); _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_free(info); return 0; } p++; if (!_ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_parse(info, p)) { ecore_hash_remove(startup_info, (void *)info->win); _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_free(info); return 0; } if (info->init) { e = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_X_Event_Startup_Sequence)); if (!e) { ecore_hash_remove(startup_info, (void *)info->win); _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_free(info); return 0; } e->win = info->win; ecore_event_add(event, e, NULL, NULL); } if (event == ECORE_X_EVENT_STARTUP_SEQUENCE_REMOVE) { ecore_hash_remove(startup_info, (void *)info->win); _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_free(info); } else { /* Discard buffer */ info->length = 0; info->buffer[0] = 0; } return 1; } /* * Parse startup info */ static int _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_parse(Ecore_X_Startup_Info *info, char *data) { while (*data) { int in_quot_sing, in_quot_dbl, escaped; char *p, *pp; char *key; char value[1024]; /* Skip space */ while (*data == ' ') data++; /* Get key */ key = data; data = strchr(key, '='); if (!data) return 0; *data = 0; data++; /* Get value */ p = data; pp = value; in_quot_dbl = 0; in_quot_sing = 0; escaped = 0; while (*p) { if ((pp - value) >= 1024) return 0; if (escaped) { *pp = *p; pp++; escaped = 0; } else if (in_quot_sing) { if (*p == '\\') escaped = 1; else if (*p == '\'') in_quot_sing = 0; else { *pp = *p; pp++; } } else if (in_quot_dbl) { if (*p == '\\') escaped = 1; else if (*p == '\"') in_quot_dbl = 0; else { *pp = *p; pp++; } } else { if (*p == '\\') escaped = 1; else if (*p == '\'') in_quot_sing = 1; else if (*p == '\"') in_quot_dbl = 1; else if (*p == ' ') { break; } else { *pp = *p; pp++; } } p++; } if ((in_quot_dbl) || (in_quot_sing)) return 0; data = p; *pp = 0; /* Parse info */ if (!strcmp(key, "ID")) { if ((info->id) && (strcmp(info->id, value))) return 0; info->id = strdup(value); p = strstr(value, "_TIME"); if (p) { info->timestamp = atoi(p + 5); } } else if (!strcmp(key, "NAME")) { if (info->name) free(info->name); info->name = strdup(value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "SCREEN")) { info->screen = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "BIN")) { if (info->bin) free(info->bin); info->bin = strdup(value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "ICON")) { if (info->icon) free(info->icon); info->icon = strdup(value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "DESKTOP")) { info->desktop = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "TIMESTAMP")) { if (!info->timestamp) info->timestamp = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "DESCRIPTION")) { if (info->description) free(info->description); info->description = strdup(value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "WMCLASS")) { if (info->wmclass) free(info->wmclass); info->wmclass = strdup(value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "SILENT")) { info->silent = atoi(value); } else { printf("Ecore X Sequence, Unknown: %s=%s\n", key, value); } } if (!info->id) return 0; return 1; } #endif /* * Free startup info struct */ static void _ecore_x_netwm_startup_info_free(void *data) { Ecore_X_Startup_Info *info; info = data; if (!info) return; if (info->buffer) free(info->buffer); if (info->id) free(info->id); if (info->name) free(info->name); if (info->bin) free(info->bin); if (info->icon) free(info->icon); if (info->description) free(info->description); if (info->wmclass) free(info->wmclass); free(info); } /* * Is screen composited? */ EAPI int ecore_x_screen_is_composited(int screen) { Ecore_X_Window win; Ecore_X_Atom atom; char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "_NET_WM_CM_S%d", screen); atom = XInternAtom(_ecore_x_disp, buf, True); if (atom == None) return 0; win = XGetSelectionOwner(_ecore_x_disp, atom); return win != None; }