#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include "gl/Ector_GL.h" #include "ector_private.h" #include "ector_gl_private.h" typedef struct _Ector_Renderer_GL_Shape_Data Ector_Renderer_GL_Shape_Data; struct _Ector_Renderer_GL_Shape_Data { Efl_Gfx_Shape_Public *public_shape; Ector_Renderer_Shape_Data *shape; Ector_Renderer_Data *base; GLshort *vertex; }; static void _ector_renderer_gl_shape_path_changed(void *data, const Efl_Event *event EINA_UNUSED) { Ector_Renderer_GL_Shape_Data *pd = data; Efl_Gfx_Path_Change_Event *ev = event->info; if (ev && !((ev->what & EFL_GFX_CHANGE_FLAG_MATRIX) || (ev->what & EFL_GFX_CHANGE_FLAG_PATH))) return; free(pd->vertex); pd->vertex = NULL; } static Eina_Bool _ector_renderer_gl_shape_ector_renderer_prepare(Eo *obj, Ector_Renderer_GL_Shape_Data *pd) { Eina_Rect bounding_box; Eina_Bool r; if (pd->vertex) return EINA_TRUE; r = ector_renderer_prepare(efl_super(obj, ECTOR_RENDERER_GL_SHAPE_CLASS)); efl_gfx_path_bounds_get(obj, &bounding_box); pd->vertex = malloc(sizeof (GLshort) * 6 * 3); // Pushing 2 triangles pd->vertex[0] = bounding_box.x; pd->vertex[1] = bounding_box.y; pd->vertex[2] = 0; pd->vertex[3] = bounding_box.x + bounding_box.w; pd->vertex[4] = bounding_box.y; pd->vertex[5] = 0; pd->vertex[6] = bounding_box.x; pd->vertex[7] = bounding_box.y + bounding_box.h; pd->vertex[8] = 0; pd->vertex[9] = bounding_box.x; pd->vertex[10] = bounding_box.y + bounding_box.h; pd->vertex[11] = 0; pd->vertex[12] = bounding_box.x + bounding_box.w; pd->vertex[13] = bounding_box.y + bounding_box.h; pd->vertex[14] = 0; pd->vertex[15] = bounding_box.x + bounding_box.w; pd->vertex[16] = bounding_box.y; pd->vertex[17] = 0; return r; } static Eina_Bool _ector_renderer_gl_shape_ector_renderer_draw(Eo *obj, Ector_Renderer_GL_Shape_Data *pd, Efl_Gfx_Render_Op op, Eina_Array *clips, unsigned int mul_col) { uint64_t flags = 0; ector_renderer_draw(efl_super(obj, ECTOR_RENDERER_GL_SHAPE_CLASS), op, clips, mul_col); // FIXME: adjust flags content correctly // FIXME: should not ignore clips (idea is that the geometry will be cliped here and the // context will just look up clips for match with current pipe to render)... if (pd->shape->fill) { ector_renderer_gl_op_fill(pd->shape->fill, flags, pd->vertex, 6, mul_col); } else { ector_gl_surface_push(pd->base->surface, flags, pd->vertex, 6, mul_col); } return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool _ector_renderer_gl_shape_ector_renderer_gl_op_fill(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ector_Renderer_GL_Shape_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED, uint64_t flags EINA_UNUSED, GLshort *vertex EINA_UNUSED, unsigned int vertex_count EINA_UNUSED, unsigned int mul_col EINA_UNUSED) { // FIXME: let's find out how to fill a shape with a shape later. // I need to read SVG specification and see what to do here. ERR("fill with shape not implemented\n"); return EINA_FALSE; } static void _ector_renderer_gl_shape_efl_gfx_path_bounds_get(const Eo *obj, Ector_Renderer_GL_Shape_Data *pd, Eina_Rect *r) { efl_gfx_path_bounds_get(obj, r); r->x += pd->base->origin.x; r->y += pd->base->origin.y; } static unsigned int _ector_renderer_gl_shape_ector_renderer_crc_get(const Eo *obj, Ector_Renderer_GL_Shape_Data *pd) { unsigned int crc; crc = ector_renderer_crc_get(efl_super(obj, ECTOR_RENDERER_GL_SHAPE_CLASS)); // This code should be shared with the other implementation crc = eina_crc((void*) &pd->shape->stroke.marker, sizeof (pd->shape->stroke.marker), crc, EINA_FALSE); crc = eina_crc((void*) &pd->public_shape->stroke.scale, sizeof (pd->public_shape->stroke.scale) * 3, crc, EINA_FALSE); // scale, width, centered crc = eina_crc((void*) &pd->public_shape->stroke.color, sizeof (pd->public_shape->stroke.color), crc, EINA_FALSE); crc = eina_crc((void*) &pd->public_shape->stroke.cap, sizeof (pd->public_shape->stroke.cap), crc, EINA_FALSE); crc = eina_crc((void*) &pd->public_shape->stroke.join, sizeof (pd->public_shape->stroke.join), crc, EINA_FALSE); if (pd->shape->fill) crc = _renderer_crc_get(pd->shape->fill, crc); if (pd->shape->stroke.fill) crc = _renderer_crc_get(pd->shape->stroke.fill, crc); if (pd->shape->stroke.marker) crc = _renderer_crc_get(pd->shape->stroke.marker, crc); if (pd->public_shape->stroke.dash_length) { crc = eina_crc((void*) pd->public_shape->stroke.dash, sizeof (Efl_Gfx_Dash) * pd->public_shape->stroke.dash_length, crc, EINA_FALSE); } return crc; } static Efl_Object * _ector_renderer_gl_shape_efl_object_constructor(Eo *obj, Ector_Renderer_GL_Shape_Data *pd) { obj = efl_constructor(efl_super(obj, ECTOR_RENDERER_GL_SHAPE_CLASS)); if (!obj) return NULL; pd->public_shape = efl_data_xref(obj, EFL_GFX_SHAPE_MIXIN, obj); pd->shape = efl_data_xref(obj, ECTOR_RENDERER_SHAPE_MIXIN, obj); pd->base = efl_data_xref(obj, ECTOR_RENDERER_CLASS, obj); efl_event_callback_add(obj, EFL_GFX_PATH_EVENT_CHANGED, _ector_renderer_gl_shape_path_changed, pd); return obj; } static void _ector_renderer_gl_shape_efl_object_destructor(Eo *obj, Ector_Renderer_GL_Shape_Data *pd) { efl_data_xunref(obj, pd->shape, obj); efl_data_xunref(obj, pd->base, obj); efl_data_xunref(obj, pd->public_shape, obj); } #include "ector_renderer_gl_shape.eo.c"