
498 lines
13 KiB

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace TestSuite
class TestEo
private class Derived : Dummy.TestObject
public static void return_null_object()
var testing = new Dummy.TestObject();
var o1 = testing.ReturnNullObject();
Test.Assert(o1 == null);
// Test cases:
public static void return_same_object()
var testing = new Dummy.TestObject();
var o1 = testing.ReturnObject();
Test.Assert(o1.NativeHandle != IntPtr.Zero);
Test.Assert(o1.NativeHandle == testing.NativeHandle);
var o2 = o1.ReturnObject();
Test.Assert(o2.NativeHandle != IntPtr.Zero);
Test.Assert(o2.NativeHandle == o1.NativeHandle);
/* Commented out as adding the event listener seems to prevent it from being GC'd.
public static void destructor_really_frees()
bool delEventCalled = false;
var obj = new Dummy.TestObject();
obj.DEL += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { delEventCalled = true; };
Test.Assert(delEventCalled, "DEL event not called");
} */
public static void dispose_really_frees()
bool delEventCalled = false;
var obj = new Dummy.TestObject();
Eina.Log.Error($"Created object 0x{obj.NativeHandle.ToInt64():x}");
obj.DelEvt += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { delEventCalled = true; };
Eina.Log.Error($"Will dispose object 0x{obj.NativeHandle.ToInt64():x}");
Test.Assert(delEventCalled, "DEL event not called");
/* Commented out as adding the event listener seems to prevent it from being GC'd.
public static void derived_destructor_really_frees()
bool delEventCalled = false;
var obj = new Derived();
obj.DEL += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { delEventCalled = true; };
Test.Assert(delEventCalled, "DEL event not called");
public static void derived_dispose_really_frees()
bool delEventCalled = false;
var obj = new Derived();
obj.DEL += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { delEventCalled = true; };
Test.Assert(delEventCalled, "DEL event not called");
class MyObject : Efl.Object
public MyObject() : base(null) { }
class TestEoInherit
public static void instantiate_inherited()
Efl.Object loop = new MyObject();
Test.Assert(loop.NativeHandle != System.IntPtr.Zero);
class TestEoNames
public static void name_getset()
var obj = new Dummy.TestObject();
string name = "Dummy";
Test.AssertEquals(name, obj.GetName());
class TestEoParent
public static void basic_parent()
var parent = new Dummy.TestObject(null);
var child = new Dummy.TestObject(parent);
Test.AssertEquals(parent, child.GetParent());
var parent_retrieved = Dummy.TestObject.static_cast(child.GetParent());
Test.AssertEquals(parent, parent_retrieved);
public static void parent_inherited_class()
Dummy.Numberwrapper parent = new Dummy.Numberwrapper(null);
var child = new Dummy.TestObject(parent);
Test.AssertEquals(parent, child.GetParent());
Dummy.Numberwrapper parent_retrieved = Dummy.Numberwrapper.static_cast(child.GetParent());
Test.AssertEquals(parent, parent_retrieved);
private class Derived : Dummy.TestObject
public Derived(Dummy.TestObject parent = null) : base (parent)
public static void basic_parent_managed_inherit()
var parent = new Derived(null);
var child = new Derived(parent);
Test.AssertEquals(parent, child.GetParent());
var parent_from_cast = Dummy.TestObject.static_cast(child.GetParent());
Test.AssertEquals(parent, parent_from_cast);
class TestKlassMethods
public static void basic_class_method()
int reference = 0xbeef;
Test.AssertEquals(reference, Dummy.TestObject.GetKlassProp());
public static void inherited_class_method()
int reference = 0xdead;
Test.AssertEquals(reference, Dummy.Child.GetKlassProp());
class TestTypedefs
public static void basic_typedef_test()
var obj = new Dummy.TestObject();
Dummy.MyInt input = 1900;
Dummy.MyInt receiver;
int ret = obj.BypassTypedef(input, out receiver);
Test.AssertEquals((Dummy.MyInt)ret, input);
Test.AssertEquals(receiver, input);
class TestVariables
public static void test_constant_variables()
Test.AssertEquals(Dummy.Constants.ConstvarBool, true);
Test.AssertEquals(Dummy.Constants.ConstvarInt, -32766);
Test.AssertEquals(Dummy.Constants.ConstvarUInt, 65533U);
Test.AssertEquals(Dummy.Constants.ConstvarLong, -2147483644L);
Test.AssertEquals(Dummy.Constants.ConstvarULong, 4294967288UL);
Test.AssertEquals(Dummy.Constants.ConstvarLLong, -9223372036854775800);
Test.AssertEquals(Dummy.Constants.ConstvarULLong, 18446744073709551615);
Test.AssertEquals(Dummy.Constants.ConstvarFloat, 16777211.0f);
Test.AssertEquals(Dummy.Constants.ConstvarDouble, 9007199254740988.0);
Test.AssertEquals(Dummy.Constants.ConstvarChar, '!');
Test.AssertEquals(Dummy.Constants.ConstvarString, "test_str");
class TestEoAccessors
public static void basic_eo_accessors()
var obj = new Dummy.TestObject();
Eina.List<int> lst = new Eina.List<int>();
Eina.Accessor<int> acc = obj.CloneAccessor(lst.GetAccessor());
var zipped = acc.Zip(lst, (first, second) => new Tuple<int, int>(first, second));
foreach(Tuple<int, int> pair in zipped)
Test.AssertEquals(pair.Item1, pair.Item2);
class TestEoFinalize
public sealed class Inherit : Efl.Object
public bool finalizeCalled = false;
public override Efl.Object FinalizeAdd()
finalizeCalled = true;
return this;
public static void finalize_call()
Inherit inherit = new Inherit();
class TestEoMultipleChildClasses
public sealed class FirstChild : Efl.Object
public int receivedValue = 0;
public override Efl.Object FinalizeAdd()
receivedValue = 1;
return this;
public sealed class SecondChild : Efl.Object
public int receivedValue = 0;
public override Efl.Object FinalizeAdd()
receivedValue = 2;
return this;
public static void test_multiple_child_classes()
FirstChild obj = new FirstChild();
Test.AssertEquals(1, obj.receivedValue);
SecondChild obj2 = new SecondChild();
Test.AssertEquals(2, obj2.receivedValue);
obj = new FirstChild();
Test.AssertEquals(1, obj.receivedValue);
class TestCsharpProperties
public static void test_csharp_properties()
var obj = new Dummy.TestObject();
var name = "My Name";
obj.Name = name;
Test.AssertEquals(name, obj.Name);
public static void test_getter_only()
var obj = new Dummy.TestObject();
public static void test_setter_only()
var obj = new Dummy.TestObject();
int val = -1984;
obj.SetterOnly = val;
Test.AssertEquals(val, obj.GetSetterOnly());
public static void test_class_property()
int val = -42;
Dummy.TestObject.KlassProp = val;
Test.AssertEquals(val, Dummy.TestObject.KlassProp);
public static void test_iface_property()
int val = -33;
Dummy.ITestIface iface = new Dummy.TestObject();
iface.IfaceProp = val;
Test.AssertEquals(val, iface.IfaceProp);
class TestEoGrandChildrenFinalize
public sealed class Child : Dummy.TestObject
public int receivedValue = 0;
public override Efl.Object FinalizeAdd()
receivedValue = 42;
return this;
public static void test_grand_children_finalize()
Child obj = new Child();
Test.AssertEquals(42, obj.receivedValue);
public sealed class GrandChild : Dummy.Child
public GrandChild() : base(null, "", 0.0, 0) { }
public GrandChild() : base(null, "", 0.0) { }
public int receivedValue = 0;
public override Efl.Object FinalizeAdd()
receivedValue = -42;
return this;
public static void test_grand_grand_children_finalize()
GrandChild obj = new GrandChild();
Test.AssertEquals(-42, obj.receivedValue);
class TestConstructors
public static void test_simple_constructor()
int iface_prop = 42;
string a = "LFE";
double b = 3.14;
int beta = 1337;
var obj = new Dummy.Child(null, a, b, beta, iface_prop, 0);
var obj = new Dummy.Child(null, a, b, iface_prop);
Test.AssertEquals(iface_prop, obj.IfaceProp);
obj = new Dummy.Child(parent: null, ifaceProp : iface_prop, doubleParamsA : a, doubleParamsB : b,
obligatoryBetaCtor : beta,
optionalBetaCtor : -beta);
obj = new Dummy.Child(parent: null, ifaceProp : iface_prop, doubleParamsA : a, doubleParamsB : b);
Test.AssertEquals(iface_prop, obj.IfaceProp);
public static void test_optional_constructor()
string a = "LFE";
double b = 3.14;
int beta = 2241;
var obj = new Dummy.Child(null, a, b, obligatoryBetaCtor : beta);
var obj = new Dummy.Child(null, a, b);
class TestInterfaceConcrete
// For T7619
public static void test_iface_concrete_methods()
var obj = new Dummy.TestObject();
Dummy.ITestIface iface = Dummy.ITestIfaceConcrete.static_cast(obj);
iface.IfaceProp = 1970;
Test.AssertEquals(iface.IfaceProp, 1970);
class TestProvider
public static void test_find_provider()
// Tests only the direction C# -> C
var obj = new Dummy.TestObject();
Dummy.Numberwrapper provider = Dummy.Numberwrapper.static_cast(obj.FindProvider(typeof(Dummy.Numberwrapper)));
Test.AssertEquals(provider.GetType(), typeof(Dummy.Numberwrapper));
Test.AssertEquals(provider.GetNumber(), 1999);
private class ProviderHolder : Dummy.TestObject
private Dummy.TestObject provider;
public string ProviderName
return "MyProvider";
public ProviderHolder() : base(null)
this.provider = new Dummy.TestObject(this);
this.provider.Name = this.ProviderName;
this.provider.IfaceProp = 1997;
public override Efl.Object FindProvider(System.Type type)
Console.WriteLine("Called FindProvider");
if (type == typeof(Dummy.ITestIface))
return this.provider;
return null;
public static void test_find_provider_iface()
var obj = new ProviderHolder();
var provider = obj.CallFindProvider(typeof(Efl.Object));
Test.AssertNull(provider, msg : "Unkonw provider must be null");
provider = obj.CallFindProviderForIface();
Test.AssertNotNull(provider, msg : "Provider of ITestIFace must not be null");
Test.AssertEquals(provider.Name, obj.ProviderName, "Provider name does not match expected");