
1106 lines
28 KiB

* Copyright 2019 by its authors. See AUTHORS.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma warning disable 1591
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using Eina.Callbacks;
using static Eina.HashNativeFunctions;
using static Eina.InarrayNativeFunctions;
using static Eina.InlistNativeFunctions;
using static Eina.NativeCustomExportFunctions;
namespace Eina
public enum ElementType
public struct InlistMem
public IntPtr next {get;set;}
public IntPtr prev {get;set;}
public IntPtr last {get;set;}
public struct InlistNode<T>
public InlistMem __in_list {get;set;}
public T Val {get;set;}
public interface IBaseElementTraits<T>
IntPtr ManagedToNativeAlloc(T man);
IntPtr ManagedToNativeAllocInlistNode(T man);
void ManagedToNativeCopyTo(T man, IntPtr mem);
void NativeFree(IntPtr nat);
void NativeFreeInlistNodeElement(IntPtr nat);
void NativeFreeInlistNode(IntPtr nat, bool freeElement);
void NativeFreeInplace(IntPtr nat);
void ResidueFreeInplace(IntPtr nat);
T NativeToManaged(IntPtr nat);
T NativeToManagedInlistNode(IntPtr nat);
T NativeToManagedInplace(IntPtr nat);
IntPtr EinaCompareCb();
IntPtr EinaFreeCb();
IntPtr EinaHashNew();
IntPtr EinaInarrayNew(uint step);
IntPtr EinaHashIteratorKeyNew(IntPtr hash);
public class StringElementTraits : IBaseElementTraits<string>
public StringElementTraits()
public IntPtr ManagedToNativeAlloc(string man)
IntPtr newstring = MemoryNative.StrDup(man);
return newstring;
public IntPtr ManagedToNativeAllocInlistNode(string man)
var node = new InlistNode<IntPtr>();
node.Val = ManagedToNativeAlloc(man);
GCHandle pinnedData = GCHandle.Alloc(node, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr ptr = pinnedData.AddrOfPinnedObject();
IntPtr nat = MemoryNative.AllocCopy(ptr, Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>() + Marshal.SizeOf<IntPtr>());
return nat;
public void ManagedToNativeCopyTo(string man, IntPtr mem)
IntPtr stringptr = ManagedToNativeAlloc(man);
Marshal.WriteIntPtr(mem, stringptr);
public void NativeFree(IntPtr nat)
if (nat != IntPtr.Zero)
public void NativeFreeInlistNodeElement(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
var val = Marshal.PtrToStructure<IntPtr>
(nat + Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>());
public void NativeFreeInlistNode(IntPtr nat, bool freeElement)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
if (freeElement)
public void NativeFreeInplace(IntPtr nat)
public void ResidueFreeInplace(IntPtr nat)
public string NativeToManaged(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
return default(string);
return StringConversion.NativeUtf8ToManagedString(nat);
public string NativeToManagedInlistNode(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
Eina.Log.Error("Null pointer for Inlist node.");
return default(string);
IntPtr ptr_location = nat + Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>();
return NativeToManaged(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(ptr_location));
// Strings inplaced are always a pointer, because they are variable-sized
public string NativeToManagedInplace(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
return default(string);
nat = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(nat);
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
return default(string);
return NativeToManaged(nat);
public IntPtr EinaCompareCb()
return MemoryNative.StrCompareFuncPtrGet();
public IntPtr EinaFreeCb()
return MemoryNative.FreeFuncPtrGet();
public IntPtr EinaHashNew()
return eina_hash_string_superfast_new(IntPtr.Zero);
public IntPtr EinaInarrayNew(uint step)
return eina_inarray_new((uint)Marshal.SizeOf<IntPtr>(), step);
public IntPtr EinaHashIteratorKeyNew(IntPtr hash)
return eina_hash_iterator_key_new(hash);
public class StringshareElementTraits : IBaseElementTraits<Eina.Stringshare>
public StringshareElementTraits()
public IntPtr ManagedToNativeAlloc(Eina.Stringshare man)
var strShare = MemoryNative.AddStringshare(man);
return strShare;
public IntPtr ManagedToNativeAllocInlistNode(Eina.Stringshare man)
var node = new InlistNode<IntPtr>();
node.Val = ManagedToNativeAlloc(man);
GCHandle pinnedData = GCHandle.Alloc(node, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr ptr = pinnedData.AddrOfPinnedObject();
IntPtr nat = MemoryNative.AllocCopy
(ptr, Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>() + Marshal.SizeOf<IntPtr>());
return nat;
public void ManagedToNativeCopyTo(Eina.Stringshare man, IntPtr mem)
IntPtr stringptr = ManagedToNativeAlloc(man);
Marshal.WriteIntPtr(mem, stringptr);
public void NativeFree(IntPtr nat)
if (nat != IntPtr.Zero)
public void NativeFreeInlistNodeElement(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
var val = Marshal.PtrToStructure<IntPtr>
(nat + Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>());
public void NativeFreeInlistNode(IntPtr nat, bool freeElement)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
if (freeElement)
public void NativeFreeInplace(IntPtr nat)
public void ResidueFreeInplace(IntPtr nat)
public Eina.Stringshare NativeToManaged(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
return default(Eina.Stringshare);
return StringConversion.NativeUtf8ToManagedString(nat);
public Eina.Stringshare NativeToManagedInlistNode(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
Eina.Log.Error("Null pointer for Inlist node.");
return default(Eina.Stringshare);
IntPtr ptr_location = nat + Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>();
return NativeToManaged(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(ptr_location));
// Strings inplaced are always a pointer, because they are variable-sized
public Eina.Stringshare NativeToManagedInplace(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
return default(Eina.Stringshare);
nat = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(nat);
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
return default(Eina.Stringshare);
return NativeToManaged(nat);
public IntPtr EinaCompareCb()
return MemoryNative.StrCompareFuncPtrGet();
public IntPtr EinaFreeCb()
return MemoryNative.StringshareDelFuncPtrGet();
public IntPtr EinaHashNew()
return eina_hash_stringshared_new(MemoryNative.StringshareDelFuncPtrGet());
public IntPtr EinaInarrayNew(uint step)
return eina_inarray_new((uint)Marshal.SizeOf<IntPtr>(), step);
public IntPtr EinaHashIteratorKeyNew(IntPtr hash)
return eina_hash_iterator_key_new(hash);
public class EflObjectElementTraits<T> : IBaseElementTraits<T>
public IntPtr ManagedToNativeAlloc(T man)
IntPtr h = ((Efl.Eo.IWrapper)man).NativeHandle;
if (h == IntPtr.Zero)
return h;
return Efl.Eo.Globals.efl_ref(h);
public IntPtr ManagedToNativeAllocInlistNode(T man)
var node = new InlistNode<IntPtr>();
node.Val = ManagedToNativeAlloc(man);
GCHandle pinnedData = GCHandle.Alloc(node, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr ptr = pinnedData.AddrOfPinnedObject();
IntPtr nat = MemoryNative.AllocCopy(ptr, Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>() + Marshal.SizeOf<IntPtr>());
return nat;
public void ManagedToNativeCopyTo(T man, IntPtr mem)
IntPtr v = ManagedToNativeAlloc(man);
Marshal.WriteIntPtr(mem, v);
public void NativeFree(IntPtr nat)
if (nat != IntPtr.Zero)
public void NativeFreeRef(IntPtr nat, bool unrefs)
if (unrefs)
public void NativeFreeInlistNodeElement(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
var val = Marshal.PtrToStructure<IntPtr>
(nat + Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>());
public void NativeFreeInlistNode(IntPtr nat, bool freeElement)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
if (freeElement)
public void NativeFreeInplace(IntPtr nat)
public void ResidueFreeInplace(IntPtr nat)
public T NativeToManaged(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
return default(T);
return (T) Efl.Eo.Globals.CreateWrapperFor(nat, shouldIncRef: true);
public T NativeToManagedRef(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
return default(T);
return NativeToManaged(nat);
public T NativeToManagedInlistNode(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
Eina.Log.Error("Null pointer for Inlist node.");
return default(T);
IntPtr ptr_location = nat + Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>();
return NativeToManaged(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(ptr_location));
// EFL objects inplaced are always a pointer, because they are variable-sized
public T NativeToManagedInplace(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
return default(T);
nat = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(nat);
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
return default(T);
return NativeToManaged(nat);
public IntPtr EinaCompareCb()
return MemoryNative.PtrCompareFuncPtrGet();
public IntPtr EinaFreeCb()
return MemoryNative.EflUnrefFuncPtrGet();
public IntPtr EinaHashNew()
return eina_hash_pointer_new(IntPtr.Zero);
public IntPtr EinaInarrayNew(uint step)
return eina_inarray_new((uint)Marshal.SizeOf<IntPtr>(), step);
public IntPtr EinaHashIteratorKeyNew(IntPtr hash)
return eina_hash_iterator_ptr_key_wrapper_new_custom_export_mono(hash);
public abstract class PrimitiveElementTraits<T>
private Eina.Callbacks.EinaCompareCb dlgt = null;
public IntPtr ManagedToNativeAlloc(T man)
return PrimitiveConversion.ManagedToPointerAlloc(man);
public IntPtr ManagedToNativeAllocInlistNode(T man)
var node = new InlistNode<T>();
node.Val = man;
GCHandle pinnedData = GCHandle.Alloc(node, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr ptr = pinnedData.AddrOfPinnedObject();
int Tsize = Marshal.SizeOf<T>() < Marshal.SizeOf<IntPtr>() ? Marshal.SizeOf<IntPtr>() : Marshal.SizeOf<T>();
IntPtr nat = MemoryNative.AllocCopy(ptr, Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>() + Tsize);
return nat;
public void NativeFree(IntPtr nat)
public void NativeFreeInlistNodeElement(IntPtr nat)
// Do nothing
public void NativeFreeInlistNode(IntPtr nat, bool freeElement)
public void NativeFreeInplace(IntPtr nat)
// Do nothing
public void ResidueFreeInplace(IntPtr nat)
public T NativeToManaged(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
Eina.Log.Error("Null pointer on primitive/struct container.");
return default(T);
return PrimitiveConversion.PointerToManaged<T>(nat);
public T NativeToManagedRef(IntPtr nat)
return NativeToManaged(nat);
public T NativeToManagedInplace(IntPtr nat)
return NativeToManaged(nat);
private int PrimitiveCompareCb(IntPtr ptr1, IntPtr ptr2)
var m1 = (IComparable)NativeToManaged(ptr1);
var m2 = NativeToManaged(ptr2);
return m1.CompareTo(m2);
public IntPtr EinaCompareCb()
if (dlgt == null)
dlgt = new Eina.Callbacks.EinaCompareCb(PrimitiveCompareCb);
return Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(dlgt);
public IntPtr EinaFreeCb()
return MemoryNative.FreeFuncPtrGet();
public IntPtr EinaInarrayNew(uint step)
return eina_inarray_new((uint)Marshal.SizeOf<T>(), step);
public IntPtr EinaHashIteratorKeyNew(IntPtr hash)
return eina_hash_iterator_key_new(hash);
abstract public class Primitive32ElementTraits<T> : PrimitiveElementTraits<T>, IBaseElementTraits<T>
private static IBaseElementTraits<Int32> int32Traits = null;
public Primitive32ElementTraits()
if (int32Traits == null)
if (typeof(T) == typeof(Int32)) // avoid infinite recursion
int32Traits = (IBaseElementTraits<Int32>)this;
int32Traits = TraitFunctions.GetTypeTraits<Int32>();
public abstract void ManagedToNativeCopyTo(T man, IntPtr mem);
public abstract T NativeToManagedInlistNode(IntPtr nat);
public IntPtr ManagedToNativeAllocRef(T man, bool refs)
return int32Traits.ManagedToNativeAlloc(Convert.ToInt32((object)man, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
public void NativeFreeRef(IntPtr nat, bool unrefs)
public IntPtr EinaHashNew()
return eina_hash_int32_new(IntPtr.Zero);
abstract public class Primitive64ElementTraits<T> : PrimitiveElementTraits<T>, IBaseElementTraits<T>
private static IBaseElementTraits<Int64> int64Traits = null;
public Primitive64ElementTraits()
if (int64Traits == null)
if (typeof(T) == typeof(Int64)) // avoid infinite recursion
int64Traits = (IBaseElementTraits<Int64>)this;
int64Traits = TraitFunctions.GetTypeTraits<Int64>();
public abstract void ManagedToNativeCopyTo(T man, IntPtr mem);
public abstract T NativeToManagedInlistNode(IntPtr nat);
public IntPtr ManagedToNativeAllocRef(T man, bool refs)
return int64Traits.ManagedToNativeAlloc(Convert.ToInt64((object)man, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
public void NativeFreeRef(IntPtr nat, bool unrefs)
public IntPtr EinaHashNew()
return eina_hash_int64_new(IntPtr.Zero);
public class IntElementTraits : Primitive32ElementTraits<int>, IBaseElementTraits<int>
override public void ManagedToNativeCopyTo(int man, IntPtr mem)
var arr = new int[1];
arr[0] = man;
Marshal.Copy(arr, 0, mem, 1);
override public int NativeToManagedInlistNode(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
Eina.Log.Error("Null pointer for Inlist node.");
return default(int);
IntPtr loc = nat + Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>();
var v = new int[1];
Marshal.Copy(loc, v, 0, 1);
return v[0];
public class CharElementTraits : Primitive32ElementTraits<char>, IBaseElementTraits<char>
override public void ManagedToNativeCopyTo(char man, IntPtr mem)
var arr = new char[1];
arr[0] = man;
Marshal.Copy(arr, 0, mem, 1);
override public char NativeToManagedInlistNode(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
Eina.Log.Error("Null pointer for Inlist node.");
return default(char);
IntPtr loc = nat + Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>();
var v = new char[1];
Marshal.Copy(loc, v, 0, 1);
return v[0];
public class LongElementTraits : Primitive64ElementTraits<long>, IBaseElementTraits<long>
override public void ManagedToNativeCopyTo(long man, IntPtr mem)
var arr = new long[1];
arr[0] = man;
Marshal.Copy(arr, 0, mem, 1);
override public long NativeToManagedInlistNode(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
Eina.Log.Error("Null pointer for Inlist node.");
return default(long);
IntPtr loc = nat + Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>();
var v = new long[1];
Marshal.Copy(loc, v, 0, 1);
return v[0];
public class ShortElementTraits : Primitive32ElementTraits<short>, IBaseElementTraits<short>
override public void ManagedToNativeCopyTo(short man, IntPtr mem)
var arr = new short[1];
arr[0] = man;
Marshal.Copy(arr, 0, mem, 1);
override public short NativeToManagedInlistNode(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
Eina.Log.Error("Null pointer for Inlist node.");
return default(short);
IntPtr loc = nat + Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>();
var v = new short[1];
Marshal.Copy(loc, v, 0, 1);
return v[0];
public class FloatElementTraits : Primitive32ElementTraits<float>, IBaseElementTraits<float>
override public void ManagedToNativeCopyTo(float man, IntPtr mem)
var arr = new float[1];
arr[0] = man;
Marshal.Copy(arr, 0, mem, 1);
override public float NativeToManagedInlistNode(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
Eina.Log.Error("Null pointer for Inlist node.");
return default(float);
IntPtr loc = nat + Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>();
var v = new float[1];
Marshal.Copy(loc, v, 0, 1);
return v[0];
public class DoubleElementTraits : Primitive64ElementTraits<double>, IBaseElementTraits<double>
override public void ManagedToNativeCopyTo(double man, IntPtr mem)
var arr = new double[1];
arr[0] = man;
Marshal.Copy(arr, 0, mem, 1);
override public double NativeToManagedInlistNode(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
Eina.Log.Error("Null pointer for Inlist node.");
return default(double);
IntPtr loc = nat + Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>();
var v = new double[1];
Marshal.Copy(loc, v, 0, 1);
return v[0];
public class ByteElementTraits : Primitive32ElementTraits<byte>, IBaseElementTraits<byte>
override public void ManagedToNativeCopyTo(byte man, IntPtr mem)
var arr = new byte[1];
arr[0] = man;
Marshal.Copy(arr, 0, mem, 1);
override public byte NativeToManagedInlistNode(IntPtr nat)
if (nat == IntPtr.Zero)
Eina.Log.Error("Null pointer for Inlist node.");
return default(byte);
IntPtr loc = nat + Marshal.SizeOf<InlistMem>();
var v = new byte[1];
Marshal.Copy(loc, v, 0, 1);
return v[0];
public static class TraitFunctions
public static bool IsEflObject(System.Type type)
return typeof(Efl.Eo.IWrapper).IsAssignableFrom(type);
public static bool IsString(System.Type type)
return type == typeof(string);
public static bool IsStringshare(System.Type type)
return type == typeof(Eina.Stringshare);
public static Eina.ElementType GetElementTypeCode(System.Type type)
if (IsEflObject(type))
return ElementType.ObjectType;
else if (IsString(type))
return ElementType.StringType;
else if (IsStringshare(type))
return ElementType.StringshareType;
return ElementType.NumericType;
private static IDictionary<System.Type, object> register = new Dictionary<System.Type, object>();
private static System.Type AsEflInstantiableType(System.Type type)
if (!IsEflObject(type))
return null;
if (type.IsInterface)
string fullName = type.FullName + "Concrete";
return type.Assembly.GetType(fullName); // That was our best guess...
return type; // Not interface, so it should be a concrete.
public static object RegisterTypeTraits<T>()
Eina.Log.Debug($"Finding TypeTraits for {typeof(T).Name}");
object traits;
var type = typeof(T);
if (IsEflObject(type))
System.Type concrete = AsEflInstantiableType(type);
if (concrete == null || !type.IsAssignableFrom(concrete))
throw new Exception("Failed to get a suitable concrete class for this type.");
// No need to pass concrete as the traits class will use reflection to get the actually most
// derived type returned.
traits = new EflObjectElementTraits<T>();
else if (IsString(type))
traits = new StringElementTraits();
else if (IsStringshare(type))
traits = new StringshareElementTraits();
else if (type.IsValueType)
if (type == typeof(int))
traits = new IntElementTraits();
else if (type == typeof(char))
traits = new CharElementTraits();
else if (type == typeof(long))
traits = new LongElementTraits();
else if (type == typeof(short))
traits = new ShortElementTraits();
else if (type == typeof(float))
traits = new FloatElementTraits();
else if (type == typeof(double))
traits = new DoubleElementTraits();
else if (type == typeof(byte))
traits = new ByteElementTraits();
throw new Exception("No traits registered for this type");
throw new Exception("No traits registered for this type");
register[type] = traits;
return traits;
public static object RegisterTypeTraits<T>(IBaseElementTraits<T> traits)
register[typeof(T)] = traits;
return traits;
public static IBaseElementTraits<T> GetTypeTraits<T>()
object traits;
if (!register.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out traits))
traits = RegisterTypeTraits<T>();
return (IBaseElementTraits<T>)traits;
// //
// Traits functions //
// //
// Convertion functions //
public static IntPtr ManagedToNativeAlloc<T>(T man)
return GetTypeTraits<T>().ManagedToNativeAlloc(man);
public static void ManagedToNativeCopyTo<T>(T man, IntPtr mem)
GetTypeTraits<T>().ManagedToNativeCopyTo(man, mem);
public static IntPtr ManagedToNativeAllocInlistNode<T>(T man)
return GetTypeTraits<T>().ManagedToNativeAllocInlistNode(man);
public static void NativeFree<T>(IntPtr nat)
public static void NativeFreeInlistNodeElement<T>(IntPtr nat)
public static void NativeFreeInlistNode<T>(IntPtr nat, bool freeElement = true)
GetTypeTraits<T>().NativeFreeInlistNode(nat, freeElement);
public static void NativeFreeInplace<T>(IntPtr nat)
public static void ResidueFreeInplace<T>(IntPtr nat)
public static T NativeToManaged<T>(IntPtr nat)
return GetTypeTraits<T>().NativeToManaged(nat);
public static T NativeToManagedInlistNode<T>(IntPtr nat)
return GetTypeTraits<T>().NativeToManagedInlistNode(nat);
public static T NativeToManagedInplace<T>(IntPtr nat)
return GetTypeTraits<T>().NativeToManagedInplace(nat);
// Misc //
public static IntPtr EinaCompareCb<T>()
return GetTypeTraits<T>().EinaCompareCb();
public static IntPtr EinaFreeCb<T>()
return GetTypeTraits<T>().EinaFreeCb();
public static IntPtr EinaHashNew<TKey>()
return GetTypeTraits<TKey>().EinaHashNew();
public static IntPtr EinaInarrayNew<T>(uint step)
return GetTypeTraits<T>().EinaInarrayNew(step);
public static IntPtr EinaHashIteratorKeyNew<T>(IntPtr hash)
return GetTypeTraits<T>().EinaHashIteratorKeyNew(hash);