
171 lines
5.3 KiB

#ifndef __ECORE_WIN32_PRIVATE_H__
#define __ECORE_WIN32_PRIVATE_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef MIN
# undef MIN
#define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#ifdef MAX
# undef MAX
#define MAX(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (b) : (a))
/* logging messages macros */
extern int _ecore_win32_log_dom_global;
#ifdef ERR
# undef ERR
#define ERR(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR(_ecore_win32_log_dom_global , __VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef DBG
#undef DBG
#define DBG(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(_ecore_win32_log_dom_global , __VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef INF
#undef INF
#define INF(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(_ecore_win32_log_dom_global , __VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef WRN
# undef WRN
#define WRN(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_WARN(_ecore_win32_log_dom_global, __VA_ARGS__)
#define ECORE_WIN32_WINDOW_CLASS "Ecore_Win32_Window_Class"
typedef struct _Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data;
struct _Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data
RECT update;
HWND window;
unsigned int message;
WPARAM window_param;
LPARAM data_param;
unsigned long timestamp;
int x;
int y;
Eina_Bool discard_ctrl;
struct _Ecore_Win32_Window
HWND window;
DWORD style; /* used to go fullscreen to normal */
RECT rect; /* used to go fullscreen to normal */
unsigned int min_width;
unsigned int min_height;
unsigned int max_width;
unsigned int max_height;
int base_width;
int base_height;
unsigned int step_width;
unsigned int step_height;
struct {
unsigned int iconified : 1;
unsigned int modal : 1;
unsigned int sticky : 1;
unsigned int maximized_vert : 1;
unsigned int maximized_horz : 1;
unsigned int shaded : 1;
unsigned int hidden : 1;
unsigned int fullscreen : 1;
unsigned int above : 1;
unsigned int below : 1;
unsigned int demands_attention : 1;
} state;
struct {
unsigned int desktop : 1;
unsigned int dock : 1;
unsigned int toolbar : 1;
unsigned int menu : 1;
unsigned int utility : 1;
unsigned int splash : 1;
unsigned int dialog : 1;
unsigned int normal : 1;
} type;
unsigned int pointer_is_in : 1;
unsigned int borderless : 1;
unsigned int iconified : 1;
unsigned int fullscreen : 1;
struct {
unsigned short width;
unsigned short height;
unsigned char *mask;
unsigned int enabled : 1;
unsigned int layered : 1;
} shape;
struct {
DWORD type;
int x;
int y;
int w;
int h;
int px;
int py;
unsigned int dragging : 1;
} drag;
void *dnd_drop_target;
extern HINSTANCE _ecore_win32_instance;
extern double _ecore_win32_double_click_time;
extern unsigned long _ecore_win32_event_last_time;
extern Ecore_Win32_Window *_ecore_win32_event_last_window;
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_key_press(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg, int is_keystroke);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_key_release(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_button_press(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg, int button);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_button_release(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg, int button);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_motion_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_enter_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_leave_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_focus_in(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_focus_out(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_expose(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_create_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_destroy_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_map_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_unmap_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_configure_notify(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_resize(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg);
void _ecore_win32_event_handle_delete_request(Ecore_Win32_Callback_Data *msg);
void *_ecore_win32_dnd_data_object_new(void *fmtetc, void *stgmeds, int count);
void _ecore_win32_dnd_data_object_free(void *data_object);
void *_ecore_win32_dnd_drop_source_new();
void _ecore_win32_dnd_drop_source_free(void *drop_source);
void *_ecore_win32_dnd_register_drop_window(HWND hwnd,
Ecore_Win32_Dnd_DropTarget_Callback callback, void *ptr);
void _ecore_win32_dnd_unregister_drop_window(HWND hwnd, void *drop_target);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __ECORE_WIN32_PRIVATE_H__ */