
427 lines
14 KiB

static const char fragment_glsl[] =
"/* General-purpose fragment shader for all operations in Evas.\n"
" * This file can either be used directly by evas at runtime to\n"
" * generate its shaders with the appropriate #defines, or passed\n"
" * through cpp first (in which case the precision must be manually added).\n"
" */\n"
"#ifdef GL_ES\n"
"precision highp float;\n"
"# else\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"# endif\n"
"# ifdef SHD_EXTERNAL\n"
"extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require\n"
"# define SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_OES samplerExternalOES\n"
"# endif\n"
"# define SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_OES sampler2D\n"
"#define M_PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884\n"
"#define M_PI_2 1.570796326794896619231321691639751442\n"
"#ifndef SHD_NOMUL\n"
"varying vec4 col;\n"
"#ifdef SHD_EXTERNAL\n"
"uniform SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_OES tex;\n"
"varying vec2 tex_c;\n"
"#elif defined(SHD_TEX)\n"
"uniform sampler2D tex;\n"
"varying vec2 tex_c;\n"
"#if defined(SHD_NV12) || defined(SHD_YUY2)\n"
"uniform sampler2D texuv;\n"
"varying vec2 tex_c2;\n"
"#if defined(SHD_YUV)\n"
"uniform sampler2D texu;\n"
"uniform sampler2D texv;\n"
"varying vec2 tex_c2;\n"
"varying vec2 tex_c3;\n"
"#ifdef SHD_TEXA\n"
"uniform sampler2D texa;\n"
"varying vec2 tex_a;\n"
"#if defined(SHD_SAM12) || defined(SHD_SAM21) || defined(SHD_SAM22)\n"
"varying vec4 div_s;\n"
"# if defined(SHD_SAM12) || defined(SHD_SAM21)\n"
"varying vec2 tex_s[2];\n"
"# else\n"
"varying vec2 tex_s[4];\n"
"# endif\n"
"#ifdef SHD_MASK\n"
"uniform sampler2D texm;\n"
"varying vec2 tex_m;\n"
"# if defined(SHD_MASKSAM12) || defined(SHD_MASKSAM21)\n"
"varying float maskdiv_s;\n"
"varying vec2 masktex_s[2];\n"
"# elif defined(SHD_MASKSAM22)\n"
"varying float maskdiv_s;\n"
"varying vec2 masktex_s[4];\n"
"# endif\n"
"#ifdef SHD_ALPHA\n"
"# define SWZ aaaa\n"
"# ifndef SHD_BGRA\n"
"# if defined(SHD_IMG) && defined(SHD_BIGENDIAN)\n"
"# define SWZ gbar\n"
"# else\n"
"# define SWZ bgra\n"
"# else\n"
"# if defined(SHD_IMG) && defined(SHD_BIGENDIAN)\n"
"# define SWZ grab\n"
"# else\n"
"# define SWZ rgba\n"
"# endif\n"
"# endif\n"
"uniform sampler2D tex_filter;\n"
"varying vec2 displace_vector;\n"
"varying vec2 displace_min;\n"
"varying vec2 displace_max;\n"
"uniform sampler2D tex_filter;\n"
"#ifdef SHD_FILTER_BLUR\n"
"uniform sampler2D tex_filter;\n"
"uniform int blur_count;\n"
"uniform float blur_texlen;\n"
"uniform float blur_div;\n"
"// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
"#ifndef SHD_FILTER_BLUR\n"
"void main()\n"
"#if defined(SHD_EXTERNAL) || defined(SHD_TEX)\n"
" vec2 coord = tex_c;\n"
"#else // SHD_FILTER_BLUR\n"
"vec4 fetch_pixel(float ox, float oy)\n"
" vec2 coord = tex_c + vec2(ox, oy);\n"
"#endif // SHD_FILTER_BLUR\n"
" vec4 c;\n"
" vec2 dxy = (texture2D(tex_filter, tex_c).rg - vec2(0.5, 0.5)) * displace_vector;\n"
" float fa = texture2D(tex_filter, tex_c).a;\n"
" coord = clamp(tex_c + dxy, displace_min, displace_max);\n"
"#if defined(SHD_YUV) || defined(SHD_NV12) || defined(SHD_YUY2)\n"
" float r, g, b, y, u, v, vmu;\n"
"# if defined(SHD_YUV)\n"
" y = texture2D(tex, tex_c).r;\n"
" u = texture2D(texu, tex_c2).r;\n"
" v = texture2D(texv, tex_c3).r;\n"
"# elif defined(SHD_NV12) || defined(SHD_YUY2)\n"
" y = texture2D(tex, tex_c).g;\n"
" u = texture2D(texuv, tex_c2).g;\n"
" v = texture2D(texuv, tex_c2).a;\n"
"# endif\n"
"// center u and v around 0 for uv and y (with 128/255 for u + v, 16/255 for y)\n"
" u = u - 0.5;\n"
" v = v - 0.5;\n"
"# if defined (SHD_YUV_709)\n"
"// 709 yuv colorspace for hd content\n"
" y = (y - 0.062) * 1.164;\n"
" vmu = (v * 0.534) + (u * 0.213);\n"
" v = v * 1.793;\n"
" u = u * 2.115;\n"
"# else\n"
"// 601 colorspace constants (older yuv content)\n"
" y = (y - 0.062) * 1.164;\n"
" vmu = (v * 0.813) + (u * 0.391);\n"
" v = v * 1.596;\n"
" u = u * 2.018;\n"
"# endif\n"
"// common yuv\n"
" r = y + v;\n"
" g = y - vmu;\n"
" b = y + u;\n"
" c = vec4(r, g, b, 1.0);\n"
"#elif defined(SHD_SAM12) || defined(SHD_SAM21)\n"
" vec4 col00 = texture2D(tex, coord + tex_s[0]).SWZ;\n"
" vec4 col01 = texture2D(tex, coord + tex_s[1]).SWZ;\n"
" c = (col00 + col01) / div_s;\n"
"#elif defined(SHD_SAM22)\n"
" vec4 col00 = texture2D(tex, coord + tex_s[0]).SWZ;\n"
" vec4 col01 = texture2D(tex, coord + tex_s[1]).SWZ;\n"
" vec4 col10 = texture2D(tex, coord + tex_s[2]).SWZ;\n"
" vec4 col11 = texture2D(tex, coord + tex_s[3]).SWZ;\n"
" c = (col00 + col01 + col10 + col11) / div_s;\n"
"#elif defined(SHD_TEX) || defined(SHD_EXTERNAL)\n"
" c = texture2D(tex, coord).SWZ;\n"
" c = vec4(1, 1, 1, 1);\n"
"#ifdef SHD_MASK\n"
"# ifndef SHD_MASK_COLOR\n"
" // Classic mask: alpha only\n"
" float ma;\n"
"# if defined(SHD_MASKSAM12) || defined(SHD_MASKSAM21)\n"
" float ma00 = texture2D(texm, tex_m + masktex_s[0]).a;\n"
" float ma01 = texture2D(texm, tex_m + masktex_s[1]).a;\n"
" ma = (ma00 + ma01) / maskdiv_s;\n"
"# elif defined(SHD_MASKSAM22)\n"
" float ma00 = texture2D(texm, tex_m + masktex_s[0]).a;\n"
" float ma01 = texture2D(texm, tex_m + masktex_s[1]).a;\n"
" float ma10 = texture2D(texm, tex_m + masktex_s[2]).a;\n"
" float ma11 = texture2D(texm, tex_m + masktex_s[3]).a;\n"
" ma = (ma00 + ma01 + ma10 + ma11) / maskdiv_s;\n"
"# else\n"
" ma = texture2D(texm, tex_m).a;\n"
"# endif\n"
"# else\n"
" // Full color mask\n"
" vec4 ma;\n"
"# if defined(SHD_MASKSAM12) || defined(SHD_MASKSAM21)\n"
" vec4 ma00 = texture2D(texm, tex_m + masktex_s[0]);\n"
" vec4 ma01 = texture2D(texm, tex_m + masktex_s[1]);\n"
" ma = (ma00 + ma01) / maskdiv_s;\n"
"# elif defined(SHD_MASKSAM22)\n"
" vec4 ma00 = texture2D(texm, tex_m + masktex_s[0]);\n"
" vec4 ma01 = texture2D(texm, tex_m + masktex_s[1]);\n"
" vec4 ma10 = texture2D(texm, tex_m + masktex_s[2]);\n"
" vec4 ma11 = texture2D(texm, tex_m + masktex_s[3]);\n"
" ma = (ma00 + ma01 + ma10 + ma11) / maskdiv_s;\n"
"# else\n"
" ma = texture2D(texm, tex_m);\n"
"# endif\n"
"# endif\n"
"#ifdef SHD_AFILL\n"
" c.a = 1.0;\n"
"#ifdef SHD_TEXA\n"
" c *= texture2D(texa, tex_a).r;\n"
"#if defined(SHD_FILTER_CURVE)\n"
" float old_alpha = max(c.a, 0.00001);\n"
" float new_alpha = texture2D(tex_filter, vec2(old_alpha, 0.0)).a;\n"
" c = vec4(texture2D(tex_filter, vec2(c.r / old_alpha, 0.0)).r * new_alpha,\n"
" texture2D(tex_filter, vec2(c.g / old_alpha, 0.0)).g * new_alpha,\n"
" texture2D(tex_filter, vec2(c.b / old_alpha, 0.0)).b * new_alpha,\n"
" new_alpha);\n"
"#ifdef SHD_ALPHA_ONLY\n"
" c = vec4(c.a, c.a, c.a, c.a);\n"
" c.rgb = 0.3 * c.r + 0.59 * c.g + 0.11 * c.b;\n"
" c.rgb = c.a - c.rgb;\n"
"#ifndef SHD_FILTER_BLUR\n"
" gl_FragColor =\n"
" c\n"
"#ifndef SHD_NOMUL\n"
" * col\n"
"#ifdef SHD_MASK\n"
" * ma\n"
" * fa\n"
" ;\n"
"#else // SHD_FILTER_BLUR\n"
" return c;\n"
"#ifndef SHD_FILTER_DIR_Y\n"
"# define FETCH_PIXEL(x) fetch_pixel((x), 0.0)\n"
"# define FETCH_PIXEL(x) fetch_pixel(0.0, (x))\n"
"float weight_get(float u, float count, float index)\n"
" vec4 val = texture2D(tex_filter, vec2(u / count, index)).bgra;\n"
" return val.a * 255.0 + val.r + val.g / 256.0 + val.b / 65536.0;\n"
"float offset_get(float u, float count, float index)\n"
" // val.a is always 0 here ~ discard\n"
" vec4 val = texture2D(tex_filter, vec2(u / count, index)).bgra;\n"
" return val.r + val.g / 256.0 + val.b / 65536.0;\n"
"void main()\n"
" float weight, offset, count;\n"
" vec4 acc, px;\n"
" int k;\n"
" count = float(blur_count);\n"
" // Center pixel, offset is 0.0\n"
" weight = weight_get(0.0, count, 0.0);\n"
" px = FETCH_PIXEL(0.0);\n"
" acc = px * weight;\n"
" // Left & right pixels\n"
" for (k = 1; k <= blur_count; k++)\n"
" {\n"
" float u = float(k);\n"
" weight = weight_get(u, count, 0.0);\n"
" offset = offset_get(u, count, 1.0);\n"
" // Left\n"
" vec4 px1 = FETCH_PIXEL(-((offset + (2.0 * u) - 1.0)) / blur_texlen);\n"
" // Right\n"
" vec4 px2 = FETCH_PIXEL((offset + (2.0 * u) - 1.0) / blur_texlen);\n"
" acc += (px1 + px2) * weight;\n"
" }\n"
"#ifndef SHD_NOMUL\n"
" gl_FragColor = (acc / blur_div) * col;\n"
" gl_FragColor = (acc / blur_div);\n"
"#endif // SHD_FILTER_BLUR\n";
static const char vertex_glsl[] =
"/* General-purpose vertex shader for all operations in Evas.\n"
" * This file can either be used directly by evas at runtime to\n"
" * generate its shaders with the appropriate #defines, or passed\n"
" * through cpp first (in which case the precision must be manually added).\n"
" */\n"
"#ifdef GL_ES\n"
"precision highp float;\n"
"attribute vec4 vertex;\n"
"uniform mat4 mvp;\n"
"/* Window rotation by id 0,1,2,3 (represents 0,90,180,270) */\n"
"uniform int rotation_id;\n"
"/* All except nomul */\n"
"#ifndef SHD_NOMUL\n"
"attribute vec4 color;\n"
"varying vec4 col;\n"
"/* All images & fonts */\n"
"#if defined(SHD_TEX) || defined(SHD_EXTERNAL)\n"
"attribute vec2 tex_coord;\n"
"varying vec2 tex_c;\n"
"/* NV12, YUY2 */\n"
"#if defined(SHD_NV12) || defined(SHD_YUY2) || defined(SHD_YUV)\n"
"attribute vec2 tex_coord2;\n"
"varying vec2 tex_c2;\n"
"/* YUV */\n"
"#ifdef SHD_YUV\n"
"attribute vec2 tex_coord3;\n"
"varying vec2 tex_c3;\n"
"/* RGB+A */\n"
"#ifdef SHD_TEXA\n"
"attribute vec2 tex_coorda;\n"
"varying vec2 tex_a;\n"
"/* Sampling */\n"
"#if defined(SHD_SAM12) || defined(SHD_SAM21) || defined(SHD_SAM22)\n"
"attribute vec2 tex_sample;\n"
"varying vec4 div_s;\n"
"# if defined(SHD_SAM12) || defined(SHD_SAM21)\n"
"varying vec2 tex_s[2];\n"
"# else\n"
"varying vec2 tex_s[4];\n"
"# endif\n"
"/* Masking */\n"
"#ifdef SHD_MASK\n"
"attribute vec4 mask_coord;\n"
"varying vec2 tex_m;\n"
"# if defined(SHD_MASKSAM12) || defined(SHD_MASKSAM21)\n"
"attribute vec2 tex_masksample;\n"
"varying float maskdiv_s;\n"
"varying vec2 masktex_s[2];\n"
"# elif defined(SHD_MASKSAM22)\n"
"attribute vec2 tex_masksample;\n"
"varying float maskdiv_s;\n"
"varying vec2 masktex_s[4];\n"
"# endif\n"
"/* Gfx Filters: displace */\n"
"attribute vec2 filter_data_0;\n"
"attribute vec2 filter_data_1;\n"
"attribute vec2 filter_data_2;\n"
"varying vec2 displace_vector;\n"
"varying vec2 displace_min;\n"
"varying vec2 displace_max;\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_Position = mvp * vertex;\n"
"#ifndef SHD_NOMUL\n"
" col = color;\n"
"#if defined(SHD_TEX) || defined(SHD_EXTERNAL)\n"
" tex_c = tex_coord;\n"
"#ifdef SHD_NV12\n"
" tex_c2 = tex_coord2 * 0.5;\n"
"#ifdef SHD_YUY2\n"
" tex_c2 = vec2(tex_coord2.x * 0.5, tex_coord2.y);\n"
"#ifdef SHD_YUV\n"
" tex_c2 = tex_coord2;\n"
" tex_c3 = tex_coord3;\n"
"#ifdef SHD_TEXA\n"
" tex_a = tex_coorda;\n"
"#if defined(SHD_SAM12)\n"
" tex_s[0] = vec2(0, -tex_sample.y);\n"
" tex_s[1] = vec2(0, tex_sample.y);\n"
" div_s = vec4(2, 2, 2, 2);\n"
"#elif defined(SHD_SAM21)\n"
" tex_s[0] = vec2(-tex_sample.x, 0);\n"
" tex_s[1] = vec2( tex_sample.x, 0);\n"
" div_s = vec4(2, 2, 2, 2);\n"
"#elif defined(SHD_SAM22)\n"
" tex_s[0] = vec2(-tex_sample.x, -tex_sample.y);\n"
" tex_s[1] = vec2( tex_sample.x, -tex_sample.y);\n"
" tex_s[2] = vec2( tex_sample.x, tex_sample.y);\n"
" tex_s[3] = vec2(-tex_sample.x, tex_sample.y);\n"
" div_s = vec4(4, 4, 4, 4);\n"
"#if defined(SHD_MASKSAM12)\n"
" masktex_s[0] = vec2(0, -tex_masksample.y);\n"
" masktex_s[1] = vec2(0, tex_masksample.y);\n"
" maskdiv_s = 2.0;\n"
"#elif defined(SHD_MASKSAM21)\n"
" masktex_s[0] = vec2(-tex_masksample.x, 0);\n"
" masktex_s[1] = vec2( tex_masksample.x, 0);\n"
" maskdiv_s = 2.0;\n"
"#elif defined(SHD_MASKSAM22)\n"
" masktex_s[0] = vec2(-tex_masksample.x, -tex_masksample.y);\n"
" masktex_s[1] = vec2( tex_masksample.x, -tex_masksample.y);\n"
" masktex_s[2] = vec2( tex_masksample.x, tex_masksample.y);\n"
" masktex_s[3] = vec2(-tex_masksample.x, tex_masksample.y);\n"
" maskdiv_s = 4.0;\n"
"#ifdef SHD_MASK\n"
" // mask_coord.w contains the Y-invert flag\n"
" // position on screen in [0..1] range of current pixel\n"
" vec4 window_Position = mvp * vertex * vec4(0.5, sign(mask_coord.w) * 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) + vec4(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0);\n"
" vec2 pos[4];\n"
" pos[0] = vec2(window_Position.xy);\n"
" pos[1] = vec2(1.0 - window_Position.y, window_Position.x);\n"
" pos[2] = vec2(1.0 - window_Position.xy);\n"
" pos[3] = vec2(window_Position.y, 1.0 - window_Position.x);\n"
" tex_m = pos[rotation_id] * abs(mask_coord.zw) + mask_coord.xy;\n"
" displace_vector = filter_data_0;\n"
" displace_min = filter_data_1;\n"
" displace_max = filter_data_2;\n"