
4743 lines
119 KiB

* vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2
#include "evas_common.h"
#include "evas_private.h"
/* save typing */
#define ENFN obj->layer->evas->engine.func
#define ENDT obj->layer->evas->engine.data.output
/* private magic number for textblock objects */
static const char o_type[] = "textblock";
/* private struct for textblock object internal data */
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Textblock Evas_Object_Textblock;
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Style_Tag Evas_Object_Style_Tag;
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Node Evas_Object_Textblock_Node;
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Line Evas_Object_Textblock_Line;
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Item Evas_Object_Textblock_Item;
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item;
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Format Evas_Object_Textblock_Format;
/* the current state of the formatting */
#define NODE_TEXT 0
#define NODE_FORMAT 1
struct _Evas_Object_Style_Tag
{ Evas_Object_List _list_data;
char *tag;
char *replace;
struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Node
{ Evas_Object_List _list_data;
int type;
char *text;
int len, alloc;
struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Line
{ Evas_Object_List _list_data;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *items;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *format_items;
int x, y, w, h;
int baseline;
int line_no;
struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Item
{ Evas_Object_List _list_data;
unsigned char type;
char *text;
int x, w, h;
int inset, baseline;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *format;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *source_node;
int source_pos;
struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item
{ Evas_Object_List _list_data;
const char *item;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *source_node;
int x, w;
struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Format
int ref;
double halign;
double valign;
struct {
const char *name;
const char *source;
const char *fallbacks;
int size;
void *font;
} font;
struct {
struct {
unsigned char r, g, b, a;
} normal, underline, underline2, outline, shadow, glow, glow2, backing,
} color;
struct {
int l, r;
} margin;
int tabstops;
unsigned char style;
unsigned char wrap_word : 1;
unsigned char wrap_char : 1;
unsigned char underline : 1;
unsigned char underline2 : 1;
unsigned char strikethrough : 1;
unsigned char backing : 1;
struct _Evas_Textblock_Style
char *style_text;
char *default_tag;
Evas_Object_Style_Tag *tags;
Evas_List *objects;
unsigned char delete_me : 1;
struct _Evas_Textblock_Cursor
Evas_Object *obj;
int pos;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *node;
struct _Evas_Object_Textblock
DATA32 magic;
Evas_Textblock_Style *style;
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cursor;
Evas_List *cursors;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *nodes;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *lines;
int last_w;
struct {
int l, r, t, b;
} style_pad;
char *markup_text;
char changed : 1;
void *engine_data;
struct {
int w, h;
unsigned char valid : 1;
} formatted, native;
unsigned char redraw : 1;
/* private methods for textblock objects */
static void evas_object_textblock_init(Evas_Object *obj);
static void *evas_object_textblock_new(void);
static void evas_object_textblock_render(Evas_Object *obj, void *output, void *context, void *surface, int x, int y);
static void evas_object_textblock_free(Evas_Object *obj);
static void evas_object_textblock_render_pre(Evas_Object *obj);
static void evas_object_textblock_render_post(Evas_Object *obj);
static int evas_object_textblock_is_opaque(Evas_Object *obj);
static int evas_object_textblock_was_opaque(Evas_Object *obj);
static void evas_object_textblock_coords_recalc(Evas_Object *obj);
static const Evas_Object_Func object_func =
/* methods (compulsory) */
/* these are optional. NULL = nothing */
/* the actual api call to add a textblock */
#define TB_HEAD() \
Evas_Object_Textblock *o; \
MAGIC_CHECK(obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); \
return; \
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data); \
MAGIC_CHECK(o, Evas_Object_Textblock, MAGIC_OBJ_TEXTBLOCK); \
return; \
#define TB_HEAD_RETURN(x) \
Evas_Object_Textblock *o; \
MAGIC_CHECK(obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); \
return (x); \
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data); \
MAGIC_CHECK(o, Evas_Object_Textblock, MAGIC_OBJ_TEXTBLOCK); \
return (x); \
/* styles */
static void
_style_clear(Evas_Textblock_Style *ts)
if (ts->style_text) free(ts->style_text);
if (ts->default_tag) free(ts->default_tag);
while (ts->tags)
Evas_Object_Style_Tag *tag;
tag = (Evas_Object_Style_Tag *)ts->tags;
ts->tags = evas_object_list_remove(ts->tags, tag);
ts->style_text = NULL;
ts->default_tag = NULL;
ts->tags = NULL;
/* setting a textblock via markup */
static char *
_style_match_replace(Evas_Textblock_Style *ts, char *s)
Evas_Object_List *l;
for (l = (Evas_Object_List *)ts->tags; l; l = l->next)
Evas_Object_Style_Tag *tag;
tag = (Evas_Object_Style_Tag *)l;
if (!strcmp(tag->replace, s)) return tag->tag;
return NULL;
static char *
_style_match_tag(Evas_Textblock_Style *ts, char *s)
Evas_Object_List *l;
for (l = (Evas_Object_List *)ts->tags; l; l = l->next)
Evas_Object_Style_Tag *tag;
tag = (Evas_Object_Style_Tag *)l;
if (!strcmp(tag->tag, s)) return tag->replace;
return NULL;
static char *
_strbuf_append(char *s, const char *s2, int *len, int *alloc)
int l2;
int tlen;
if (!s2) return s;
if ((!s) && (s2[0] == 0))
*len = 0;
*alloc = 1;
return strdup("");
l2 = strlen(s2);
tlen = *len + l2;
if (tlen > *alloc)
char *ts;
int talloc;
talloc = ((tlen + 31) >> 5) << 5;
ts = realloc(s, talloc + 1);
if (!ts) return s;
s = ts;
*alloc = talloc;
strcpy(s + *len, s2);
*len = tlen;
return s;
static char *
_strbuf_append_n(char *s, char *s2, int n, int *len, int *alloc)
int l2;
int tlen;
if (!s2) return s;
l2 = 0;
if (n < 1) return s;
char *p;
for (p = s2; (l2 < n) && (*p != 0); p++, l2++);
tlen = *len + l2;
if (tlen > *alloc)
char *ts;
int talloc;
talloc = ((tlen + 31) >> 5) << 5;
ts = realloc(s, talloc + 1);
if (!ts) return s;
s = ts;
*alloc = talloc;
strncpy(s + *len, s2, l2);
*len = tlen;
s[tlen] = 0;
return s;
static char *
_strbuf_insert(char *s, char *s2, int pos, int *len, int *alloc)
int l2;
int tlen;
char *tbuf;
if (!s2) return s;
else if (pos < 0) pos = 0;
else if (pos > *len) pos = *len;
l2 = strlen(s2);
tlen = *len + l2;
if (tlen > *alloc)
char *ts;
int talloc;
talloc = ((tlen + 31) >> 5) << 5;
ts = realloc(s, talloc + 1);
if (!ts) return s;
s = ts;
*alloc = talloc;
tbuf = alloca(*len - pos);
strncpy(tbuf, s + pos, *len - pos);
strncpy(s + pos, s2, l2);
strncpy(s + pos + l2, tbuf, *len - pos);
*len = tlen;
s[tlen] = 0;
return s;
static char *
_strbuf_remove(char *s, int p, int p2, int *len, int *alloc)
int tlen;
char *tbuf;
if ((p == 0) && (p2 == *len))
*len = 0;
*alloc = 0;
return NULL;
tbuf = alloca(*len - p2 + 1);
strcpy(tbuf, s + p2);
strcpy(s + p, tbuf);
tlen = *len - (p2 - p);
if (tlen < ((*alloc >> 5) << 15))
char *ts;
int talloc;
talloc = ((tlen + 31) >> 5) << 5;
ts = realloc(s, talloc + 1);
if (!ts) return s;
s = ts;
*alloc = talloc;
*len = tlen;
return s;
static void
_nodes_clear(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
while (o->nodes)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *n;
n = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *)o->nodes;
o->nodes = evas_object_list_remove(o->nodes, n);
if (n->text) free(n->text);
static void
_format_free(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt)
if (fmt->ref > 0) return;
if (fmt->font.name) evas_stringshare_del(fmt->font.name);
if (fmt->font.fallbacks) evas_stringshare_del(fmt->font.fallbacks);
if (fmt->font.source) evas_stringshare_del(fmt->font.source);
evas_font_free(obj->layer->evas, fmt->font.font);
static void
_line_free(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln)
while (ln->items)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)ln->items;
ln->items = evas_object_list_remove(ln->items, ln->items);
if (it->text) free(it->text);
_format_free(obj, it->format);
while (ln->format_items)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi;
fi = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *)ln->format_items;
ln->format_items = evas_object_list_remove(ln->format_items, ln->format_items);
if (fi->item) evas_stringshare_del(fi->item);
if (ln) free(ln);
static void
_lines_clear(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *lines)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
while (lines)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
ln = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *)lines;
lines = evas_object_list_remove(lines, ln);
_line_free(obj, ln);
/* table of html escapes (that i can find) this should be ordered with the
* most common first as it's a linear search to match - no hash for this.
* these are stored as one large string and one additional array that
* contains the offsets to the tokens for space efficiency.
static const char escape_strings[] =
/* most common escaped stuff */
"&nbsp;\0\x20\0" /* NOTE: we allow nsbp's to break as we map early - maybe map to ascii 0x01 and then make the rendering code think 0x01 -> 0x20 */
/* all the rest */
static const unsigned short escape_offsets[] = {
0, 4, 5, 9, 10, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, 36,
38, 43, 45, 53, 56, 64, 66, 74, 76, 84, 86,
94, 96, 103, 105, 112, 114, 121, 123, 128, 130,
135, 137, 144, 146, 153, 155, 160, 162, 167,
169, 175, 177, 184, 186, 194, 196, 201, 203,
209, 212, 218, 220, 226, 228, 235, 237, 244,
246, 253, 255, 263, 265, 273, 275, 281, 283,
289, 291, 298, 300, 306, 308, 315, 318, 323,
326, 331, 334, 340, 343, 349, 352, 356, 359,
364, 367, 374, 377, 381, 384, 392, 395, 402,
405, 412, 415, 421, 424, 430, 433, 439, 442,
448, 451, 457, 460, 466, 469, 475, 478, 486,
488, 496, 498, 505, 507, 515, 517, 523, 525,
531, 533, 539, 541, 549, 551, 559, 561, 569,
571, 576, 578, 586, 588, 596, 598, 606, 608,
616, 618, 626, 628, 636, 638, 646, 648, 656,
658, 666, 668, 676, 678, 686, 688, 696, 698,
705, 707, 714, 716, 723, 725, 732, 734, 741,
743, 750, 752, 759, 761, 768, 770, 777, 779,
786, 788, 796, 798, 806, 808, 816, 818, 826,
828, 836, 838, 846, 848, 856, 858, 866, 868,
876, 878, 886, 888, 894, 896, 902, 904, 910,
912, 918, 920, 926, 928, 934, 936, 942, 944,
950, 952, 958, 960, 966, 968, 976, 978, 986,
988, 996, 998, 1006, 1008, 1015, 1017, 1024, 1026,
1034, 1036, 1044, 1046, 1053, 1055, 1062, 1064, 1072,
1074, 1082, 1084, 1092, 1094, 1102, 1104, 1111, 1113,
1120, 1122, 1129, 1131, 1136, 1138, 1143, 1145, 1152,
1154, 1160, 1162, 1169, 1171, 1178, 1180, 1189, 1191,
1197, 1199, 1204, 1206, 1213, 1215, 1221, 1223, 1230,
1232, 1240, 1242, 1246, 1248, 1252, 1254, 1263, 1265,
1269, 1271, 1275, 1277, 1282, 1284, 1291, 1293, 1298,
1300, 1309, 1311, 1316, 1318, 1323, 1325, 1330, 1332,
1339, 1341, 1348, 1350, 1356, 1358, 1365, 1367, 1374,
1376, 1385, 1387, 1393, 1395, 1400, 1402, 1409, 1411,
1417, 1419, 1426, 1428, 1436, 1438, 1442, 1444, 1448,
1450, 1459, 1461, 1465, 1467, 1471, 1473, 1478, 1480,
1487, 1489, 1494, 1496, 1505, 1507, 1512, 1514, 1519,
1521, 1526, 1528, 1535
static int
_is_white(int c)
* unicode list of whitespace chars
* 0009..000D <control-0009>..<control-000D>
* 0020 SPACE
* 0085 <control-0085>
* 2000..200A EN QUAD..HAIR SPACE
if (
(c == 0x20) ||
((c >= 0x9) && (c <= 0xd)) ||
(c == 0x85) ||
(c == 0xa0) ||
(c == 0x1680) ||
(c == 0x180e) ||
((c >= 0x2000) && (c <= 0x200a)) ||
(c == 0x2028) ||
(c == 0x2029) ||
(c == 0x202f) ||
(c == 0x205f) ||
(c == 0x3000)
return 1;
return 0;
static char *
_clean_white(int clean_start, int clean_end, char *str)
char *p, *p2, *str2 = NULL;
int white, pwhite, start, ok;
return str;
str2 = malloc(strlen(str) + 2);
p = str;
p2 = str2;
white = 0;
pwhite = 0;
start = 1;
ok = 1;
while (*p != 0)
pwhite = white;
if (isspace(*p) || _is_white(*p)) white = 1;
else white = 0;
if ((pwhite) && (white)) ok = 0;
if (!clean_start)
if ((start) && (pwhite) && (!white))
// *p2 = ' ';
// p2++;
ok = 1;
if (!white) start = 0;
if (clean_start)
if ((start) && (ok)) ok = 0;
if (ok)
*p2 = *p;
*p2 = 0;
if (clean_end)
while (p2 > str2)
if (!(isspace(*p2) || _is_white(*p2))) break;
*p2 = 0;
return str2;
static void
_append_text_run(Evas_Object_Textblock *o, char *s, char *p)
if ((s) && (p > s))
char *ts;
ts = alloca(p - s + 1);
strncpy(ts, s, p - s);
ts[p - s] = 0;
ts = _clean_white(0, 0, ts);
evas_textblock_cursor_text_append(o->cursor, ts);
static int
_hex_string_get(char ch)
if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) return (ch - '0');
else if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'F')) return (ch - 'A' + 10);
else if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'f')) return (ch - 'a' + 10);
return 0;
static void
_format_color_parse(const char *str, unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b, unsigned char *a)
int slen;
slen = strlen(str);
*r = *g = *b = *a = 0;
if (slen == 7) /* #RRGGBB */
*r = (_hex_string_get(str[1]) << 4) | (_hex_string_get(str[2]));
*g = (_hex_string_get(str[3]) << 4) | (_hex_string_get(str[4]));
*b = (_hex_string_get(str[5]) << 4) | (_hex_string_get(str[6]));
*a = 0xff;
else if (slen == 9) /* #RRGGBBAA */
*r = (_hex_string_get(str[1]) << 4) | (_hex_string_get(str[2]));
*g = (_hex_string_get(str[3]) << 4) | (_hex_string_get(str[4]));
*b = (_hex_string_get(str[5]) << 4) | (_hex_string_get(str[6]));
*a = (_hex_string_get(str[7]) << 4) | (_hex_string_get(str[8]));
else if (slen == 4) /* #RGB */
*r = _hex_string_get(str[1]);
*r = (*r << 4) | *r;
*g = _hex_string_get(str[2]);
*g = (*g << 4) | *g;
*b = _hex_string_get(str[3]);
*b = (*b << 4) | *b;
*a = 0xff;
else if (slen == 5) /* #RGBA */
*r = _hex_string_get(str[1]);
*r = (*r << 4) | *r;
*g = _hex_string_get(str[2]);
*g = (*g << 4) | *g;
*b = _hex_string_get(str[3]);
*b = (*b << 4) | *b;
*a = _hex_string_get(str[4]);
*a = (*a << 4) | *a;
*r = (*r * *a) / 255;
*g = (*g * *a) / 255;
*b = (*b * *a) / 255;
static const char *fontstr;
static const char *font_fallbacksstr;
static const char *font_sizestr;
static const char *font_sourcestr;
static const char *colorstr;
static const char *underline_colorstr;
static const char *underline2_colorstr;
static const char *outline_colorstr;
static const char *shadow_colorstr;
static const char *glow_colorstr;
static const char *glow2_colorstr;
static const char *backing_colorstr;
static const char *strikethrough_colorstr;
static const char *alignstr;
static const char *valignstr;
static const char *wrapstr;
static const char *left_marginstr;
static const char *right_marginstr;
static const char *underlinestr;
static const char *strikethroughstr;
static const char *backingstr;
static const char *stylestr;
static const char *tabstopsstr;
static void
fontstr = evas_stringshare_add("font");
font_fallbacksstr = evas_stringshare_add("font_fallbacks");
font_sizestr = evas_stringshare_add("font_size");
font_sourcestr = evas_stringshare_add("font_source");
colorstr = evas_stringshare_add("color");
underline_colorstr = evas_stringshare_add("underline_color");
underline2_colorstr = evas_stringshare_add("underline2_color");
outline_colorstr = evas_stringshare_add("outline_color");
shadow_colorstr = evas_stringshare_add("shadow_color");
glow_colorstr = evas_stringshare_add("glow_color");
glow2_colorstr = evas_stringshare_add("glow2_color");
backing_colorstr = evas_stringshare_add("backing_color");
strikethrough_colorstr = evas_stringshare_add("strikethrough_color");
alignstr = evas_stringshare_add("align");
valignstr = evas_stringshare_add("valign");
wrapstr = evas_stringshare_add("wrap");
left_marginstr = evas_stringshare_add("left_margin");
right_marginstr = evas_stringshare_add("right_margin");
underlinestr = evas_stringshare_add("underline");
strikethroughstr = evas_stringshare_add("strikethrough");
backingstr = evas_stringshare_add("backing");
stylestr = evas_stringshare_add("style");
tabstopsstr = evas_stringshare_add("tabstops");
static void
static void
_format_clean_param(char *dst, const char *src)
const char *ss;
char *ds;
ds = dst;
for (ss = src; *ss; ss++, ds++)
if ((*ss == '\\') && *(ss + 1)) ss++;
*ds = *ss;
*ds = 0;
static void
_format_command(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt, const char *cmd, const char *param)
int new_font = 0;
char *tmp_param;
tmp_param = alloca(strlen(param) + 1);
_format_clean_param(tmp_param, param);
if (cmd == fontstr)
if ((!fmt->font.name) ||
((fmt->font.name) && (strcmp(fmt->font.name, param))))
if (fmt->font.name) evas_stringshare_del(fmt->font.name);
fmt->font.name = evas_stringshare_add(param);
new_font = 1;
else if (cmd == font_fallbacksstr)
if ((!fmt->font.fallbacks) ||
((fmt->font.fallbacks) && (strcmp(fmt->font.fallbacks, param))))
/* policy - when we say "fallbacks" do we prepend and use prior
* fallbacks... or should we replace. for now we replace
if (fmt->font.fallbacks) evas_stringshare_del(fmt->font.fallbacks);
fmt->font.fallbacks = evas_stringshare_add(param);
new_font = 1;
else if (cmd == font_sizestr)
int v;
v = atoi(param);
if (v != fmt->font.size)
fmt->font.size = v;
new_font = 1;
else if (cmd == font_sourcestr)
if ((!fmt->font.source) ||
((fmt->font.source) && (strcmp(fmt->font.source, param))))
if (fmt->font.source) evas_stringshare_del(fmt->font.source);
fmt->font.source = evas_stringshare_add(param);
new_font = 1;
else if (cmd == colorstr)
&(fmt->color.normal.r), &(fmt->color.normal.g),
&(fmt->color.normal.b), &(fmt->color.normal.a));
else if (cmd == underline_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.underline.r), &(fmt->color.underline.g),
&(fmt->color.underline.b), &(fmt->color.underline.a));
else if (cmd == underline2_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.underline2.r), &(fmt->color.underline2.g),
&(fmt->color.underline2.b), &(fmt->color.underline2.a));
else if (cmd == outline_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.outline.r), &(fmt->color.outline.g),
&(fmt->color.outline.b), &(fmt->color.outline.a));
else if (cmd == shadow_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.shadow.r), &(fmt->color.shadow.g),
&(fmt->color.shadow.b), &(fmt->color.shadow.a));
else if (cmd == glow_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.glow.r), &(fmt->color.glow.g),
&(fmt->color.glow.b), &(fmt->color.glow.a));
else if (cmd == glow2_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.glow2.r), &(fmt->color.glow2.g),
&(fmt->color.glow2.b), &(fmt->color.glow2.a));
else if (cmd == backing_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.backing.r), &(fmt->color.backing.g),
&(fmt->color.backing.b), &(fmt->color.backing.a));
else if (cmd == strikethrough_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.strikethrough.r), &(fmt->color.strikethrough.g),
&(fmt->color.strikethrough.b), &(fmt->color.strikethrough.a));
else if (cmd == alignstr)
if (!strcmp(param, "middle")) fmt->halign = 0.5;
else if (!strcmp(param, "center")) fmt->halign = 0.5;
else if (!strcmp(param, "left")) fmt->halign = 0.0;
else if (!strcmp(param, "right")) fmt->halign = 1.0;
else if (strchr(param, '%'))
char *ts, *p;
ts = alloca(strlen(param) + 1);
strcpy(ts, param);
p = strchr(ts, '%');
*p = 0;
fmt->halign = ((double)atoi(ts)) / 100.0;
if (fmt->halign < 0.0) fmt->halign = 0.0;
else if (fmt->halign > 1.0) fmt->halign = 1.0;
fmt->halign = atof(param);
if (fmt->halign < 0.0) fmt->halign = 0.0;
else if (fmt->halign > 1.0) fmt->halign = 1.0;
else if (cmd == valignstr)
if (!strcmp(param, "top")) fmt->valign = 0.0;
else if (!strcmp(param, "middle")) fmt->valign = 0.5;
else if (!strcmp(param, "center")) fmt->valign = 0.5;
else if (!strcmp(param, "bottom")) fmt->valign = 1.0;
else if (!strcmp(param, "baseline")) fmt->valign = -1.0;
else if (!strcmp(param, "base")) fmt->valign = -1.0;
else if (strchr(param, '%'))
char *ts, *p;
ts = alloca(strlen(param) + 1);
strcpy(ts, param);
p = strchr(ts, '%');
*p = 0;
fmt->valign = ((double)atoi(ts)) / 100.0;
if (fmt->valign < 0.0) fmt->valign = 0.0;
else if (fmt->valign > 1.0) fmt->valign = 1.0;
fmt->valign = atof(param);
if (fmt->valign < 0.0) fmt->valign = 0.0;
else if (fmt->valign > 1.0) fmt->valign = 1.0;
else if (cmd == wrapstr)
if (!strcmp(param, "word"))
fmt->wrap_word = 1;
fmt->wrap_char = 0;
else if (!strcmp(param, "char"))
fmt->wrap_word = 0;
fmt->wrap_char = 1;
fmt->wrap_word = 0;
fmt->wrap_char = 0;
else if (cmd == left_marginstr)
if (!strcmp(param, "reset"))
fmt->margin.l = 0;
if (param[0] == '+')
fmt->margin.l += atoi(&(param[1]));
else if (param[0] == '-')
fmt->margin.l -= atoi(&(param[1]));
fmt->margin.l = atoi(param);
if (fmt->margin.l < 0) fmt->margin.l = 0;
else if (cmd == right_marginstr)
if (!strcmp(param, "reset"))
fmt->margin.r = 0;
if (param[0] == '+')
fmt->margin.r += atoi(&(param[1]));
else if (param[0] == '-')
fmt->margin.r -= atoi(&(param[1]));
fmt->margin.r = atoi(param);
if (fmt->margin.r < 0) fmt->margin.r = 0;
else if (cmd == underlinestr)
if (!strcmp(param, "off"))
fmt->underline = 0;
fmt->underline2 = 0;
else if ((!strcmp(param, "on")) ||
(!strcmp(param, "single")))
fmt->underline = 1;
fmt->underline2 = 0;
else if (!strcmp(param, "double"))
fmt->underline = 1;
fmt->underline2 = 1;
else if (cmd == strikethroughstr)
if (!strcmp(param, "off"))
fmt->strikethrough = 0;
else if (!strcmp(param, "on"))
fmt->strikethrough = 1;
else if (cmd == backingstr)
if (!strcmp(param, "off"))
fmt->backing = 0;
else if (!strcmp(param, "on"))
fmt->backing = 1;
else if (cmd == stylestr)
if (!strcmp(param, "off")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_PLAIN;
else if (!strcmp(param, "none")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_PLAIN;
else if (!strcmp(param, "plain")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_PLAIN;
else if (!strcmp(param, "shadow")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_SHADOW;
else if (!strcmp(param, "outline")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_OUTLINE;
else if (!strcmp(param, "soft_outline")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_SOFT_OUTLINE;
else if (!strcmp(param, "outline_shadow")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_OUTLINE_SHADOW;
else if (!strcmp(param, "outline_soft_shadow")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_OUTLINE_SOFT_SHADOW;
else if (!strcmp(param, "glow")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_GLOW;
else if (!strcmp(param, "far_shadow")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_FAR_SHADOW;
else if (!strcmp(param, "soft_shadow")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_SOFT_SHADOW;
else if (!strcmp(param, "far_soft_shadow")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_FAR_SOFT_SHADOW;
else fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_PLAIN;
else if (cmd == tabstopsstr)
fmt->tabstops = atoi(param);
if (fmt->tabstops < 1) fmt->tabstops = 1;
if (new_font)
void *of;
char *buf = NULL;
of = fmt->font.font;
if ((fmt->font.name) && (fmt->font.fallbacks))
buf = malloc(strlen(fmt->font.name) + 1 + strlen(fmt->font.fallbacks) + 1);
strcpy(buf, fmt->font.name);
strcat(buf, ",");
strcat(buf, fmt->font.fallbacks);
else if (fmt->font.name)
buf = strdup(fmt->font.name);
fmt->font.font = evas_font_load(obj->layer->evas,
buf, fmt->font.source,
if (buf) free(buf);
if (of) evas_font_free(obj->layer->evas, of);
static int
_format_is_param(char *item)
if (strchr(item, '=')) return 1;
return 0;
static void
_format_param_parse(char *item, const char **key, const char **val)
char *p;
const char *k, *v;
p = strchr(item, '=');
*p = '\0';
k = evas_stringshare_add(item);
*key = k;
*p = '=';
v = evas_stringshare_add(p);
*val = v;
static char *
_format_parse(char **s)
char *p, *item;
char *s1 = NULL, *s2 = NULL;
p = *s;
if (*p == 0) return NULL;
for (;;)
if (!s1)
if (*p != ' ') s1 = p;
if (*p == 0) break;
else if (!s2)
if ((p > *s) && (p[-1] != '\\'))
if (*p == ' ') s2 = p;
if (*p == 0) s2 = p;
if (s1 && s2)
item = s1;
*s = s2;
return item;
*s = p;
return NULL;
static void
_format_fill(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt, char *str)
char *s;
char *item;
s = str;
/* get rid of anything +s or -s off the start of the string */
while ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '+') || (*s == '-')) s++;
while ((item = _format_parse(&s)))
char tmp_delim = *s;
*s = '\0';
if (_format_is_param(item))
const char *key = NULL, *val = NULL;
_format_param_parse(item, &key, &val);
_format_command(obj, fmt, key, val);
/* immediate - not handled here */
*s = tmp_delim;
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *
_format_dup(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt2;
char *buf = NULL;
fmt2 = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Format));
memcpy(fmt2, fmt, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Format));
fmt2->ref = 1;
if (fmt->font.name) fmt2->font.name = evas_stringshare_add(fmt->font.name);
if (fmt->font.fallbacks) fmt2->font.fallbacks = evas_stringshare_add(fmt->font.fallbacks);
if (fmt->font.source) fmt2->font.source = evas_stringshare_add(fmt->font.source);
if ((fmt2->font.name) && (fmt2->font.fallbacks))
buf = malloc(strlen(fmt2->font.name) + 1 + strlen(fmt2->font.fallbacks) + 1);
strcpy(buf, fmt2->font.name);
strcat(buf, ",");
strcat(buf, fmt2->font.fallbacks);
else if (fmt2->font.name)
buf = strdup(fmt2->font.name);
fmt2->font.font = evas_font_load(obj->layer->evas,
buf, fmt2->font.source,
if (buf) free(buf);
return fmt2;
typedef struct _Ctxt Ctxt;
struct _Ctxt
Evas_Object *obj;
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *lines;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
Evas_List *format_stack;
int x, y;
int w, h;
int wmax, hmax;
int maxascent, maxdescent;
int marginl, marginr;
int line_no;
int underline_extend;
int have_underline, have_underline2;
double align;
static void
_layout_format_ascent_descent_adjust(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt)
int ascent, descent;
if (fmt->font.font)
ascent = c->ENFN->font_max_ascent_get(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font);
descent = c->ENFN->font_max_descent_get(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font);
if (c->maxascent < ascent) c->maxascent = ascent;
if (c->maxdescent < descent) c->maxdescent = descent;
static void
_layout_line_new(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt)
c->ln = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Line));
c->align = fmt->halign;
c->marginl = fmt->margin.l;
c->marginr = fmt->margin.r;
c->lines = evas_object_list_append(c->lines, c->ln);
c->x = 0;
c->maxascent = c->maxdescent = 0;
c->ln->line_no = -1;
_layout_format_ascent_descent_adjust(c, fmt);
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *
_layout_format_push(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt)
if (fmt)
fmt = _format_dup(c->obj, fmt);
c->format_stack = evas_list_prepend(c->format_stack, fmt);
fmt = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Format));
c->format_stack = evas_list_prepend(c->format_stack, fmt);
fmt->ref = 1;
fmt->halign = 0.0;
fmt->valign = -1.0;
fmt->tabstops = 32;
return fmt;
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *
_layout_format_pop(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt)
if ((c->format_stack) && (c->format_stack->next))
_format_free(c->obj, fmt);
c->format_stack = evas_list_remove_list(c->format_stack, c->format_stack);
fmt = c->format_stack->data;
return fmt;
static void
_layout_format_value_handle(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt, char *item)
const char *key = NULL, *val = NULL;
_format_param_parse(item, &key, &val);
if ((key) && (val)) _format_command(c->obj, fmt, key, val);
if (key) evas_stringshare_del(key);
if (val) evas_stringshare_del(val);
c->align = fmt->halign;
c->marginl = fmt->margin.l;
c->marginr = fmt->margin.r;
static void
_layout_line_advance(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
Evas_Object_List *l;
c->maxascent = c->maxdescent = 0;
if (!c->ln->items)
_layout_format_ascent_descent_adjust(c, fmt);
for (l = (Evas_Object_List *)c->ln->items; l; l = l->next)
int endx;
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)l;
if (it->format->font.font)
it->baseline = c->ENFN->font_max_ascent_get(c->ENDT, it->format->font.font);
_layout_format_ascent_descent_adjust(c, it->format);
endx = it->x + it->w;
if (endx > c->ln->w) c->ln->w = endx;
c->ln->y = c->y + c->o->style_pad.t;
c->ln->h = c->maxascent + c->maxdescent;
c->ln->baseline = c->maxascent;
if (c->have_underline2)
if (c->maxdescent < 4) c->underline_extend = 4 - c->maxdescent;
else if (c->have_underline)
if (c->maxdescent < 2) c->underline_extend = 2 - c->maxdescent;
c->ln->line_no = c->line_no;
c->y += c->maxascent + c->maxdescent;
if (c->w >= 0)
c->ln->x = c->marginl + c->o->style_pad.l +
((c->w - c->ln->w -
c->o->style_pad.l - c->o->style_pad.r -
c->marginl - c->marginr) * c->align);
if ((c->ln->x + c->ln->w + c->marginr - c->o->style_pad.l) > c->wmax)
c->wmax = c->ln->x + c->ln->w + c->marginl + c->marginr - c->o->style_pad.l;
c->ln->x = c->marginl + c->o->style_pad.l;
if ((c->ln->x + c->ln->w + c->marginr - c->o->style_pad.l) > c->wmax)
c->wmax = c->ln->x + c->ln->w + c->marginl + c->marginr - c->o->style_pad.l;
_layout_line_new(c, fmt);
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *
_layout_item_new(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt, char *str)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
it = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Item));
it->format = fmt;
it->text = strdup(str);
return it;
static int
_layout_text_cutoff_get(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt, Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it)
int cx, cy, cw, ch;
if (fmt->font.font)
return c->ENFN->font_char_at_coords_get(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font, it->text,
c->w -
c->o->style_pad.l -
c->o->style_pad.r -
c->marginl -
c->marginr -
0, &cx, &cy, &cw, &ch);
return -1;
static void
_layout_item_text_cutoff(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it, int cut)
char *ts;
ts = it->text;
ts[cut] = 0;
it->text = strdup(ts);
static int
_layout_word_start(char *str, int start)
int p, tp, chr = 0;
p = start;
chr = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)(str), &p);
if (_is_white(chr))
tp = p;
while (_is_white(chr) && (p >= 0))
tp = p;
chr = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)(str), &p);
return tp;
p = start;
tp = p;
while (p >= 0)
chr = evas_common_font_utf8_get_prev((unsigned char *)(str), &p);
if (_is_white(chr)) break;
tp = p;
p = tp;
if (p < 0) p = 0;
if ((p >= 0) && (_is_white(chr)))
evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)(str), &p);
return p;
static int
_layout_ends_with_space(char *str)
int p, chr;
p = evas_common_font_utf8_get_last((unsigned char *)(str), strlen(str));
if (p < 0) return 0;
chr = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)(str), &p);
return _is_white(chr);
static int
_layout_strip_trailing_whitespace(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt, Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it)
int p, tp, chr, adv, tw, th;
p = evas_common_font_utf8_get_last((unsigned char *)(it->text), strlen(it->text));
tp = p;
if (p >= 0)
chr = evas_common_font_utf8_get_prev((unsigned char *)(it->text), &p);
if (_is_white(chr))
_layout_item_text_cutoff(c, it, tp);
adv = 0;
if (it->format->font.font)
adv = c->ENFN->font_h_advance_get(c->ENDT, it->format->font.font, it->text);
tw = th = 0;
if (it->format->font.font)
c->ENFN->font_string_size_get(c->ENDT, it->format->font.font, it->text, &tw, &th);
it->w = tw;
it->h = th;
c->x = it->x + adv;
return 1;
return 0;
static int
_layout_item_abort(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt, Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it)
if (it->text) free(it->text);
_format_free(c->obj, it->format);
if (c->ln->items)
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)((Evas_Object_List *)c->ln->items)->last;
return _layout_strip_trailing_whitespace(c, fmt, it);
return 0;
#if 0
static char *
_layout_next_char_jump(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it, char *str)
int index;
index = 0;
evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &index);
if (index >= 0)
str = str + index;
_layout_item_text_cutoff(c, it, index);
str = NULL;
return str;
static int
_layout_last_item_ends_in_whitespace(Ctxt *c)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
if (!c->ln->items) return 1;
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)((Evas_Object_List *)c->ln->items)->last;
return _layout_ends_with_space(it->text);
static int
_layout_word_end(char *str, int p)
int ch, tp;
tp = p;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &tp);
while ((!_is_white(ch)) && (tp >= 0) && (ch != 0))
p = tp;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &tp);
if (ch == 0) return -1;
return p;
static int
_layout_word_next(char *str, int p)
int ch, tp;
tp = p;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &tp);
while ((!_is_white(ch)) && (tp >= 0) && (ch != 0))
p = tp;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &tp);
if (ch == 0) return -1;
while ((_is_white(ch)) && (tp >= 0) && (ch != 0))
p = tp;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &tp);
if (ch == 0) return -1;
return p;
static void
_layout_walk_back_to_item_word_redo(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *pit, *new_it = NULL;
Evas_List *remove_items = NULL, *l;
int index, tw, th, inset, adv;
/* it is not appended yet */
for (pit = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)((Evas_Object_List *)c->ln->items)->last;
pit = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)((Evas_Object_List *)pit)->prev)
if (_layout_ends_with_space(pit->text))
index = evas_common_font_utf8_get_last((unsigned char *)(pit->text), strlen(pit->text));
index = _layout_word_start(pit->text, index);
if (index == 0)
remove_items = evas_list_prepend(remove_items, pit);
new_it = _layout_item_new(c, pit->format, pit->text + index);
new_it->source_node = pit->source_node;
new_it->source_pos = pit->source_pos + index;
_layout_item_text_cutoff(c, pit, index);
_layout_strip_trailing_whitespace(c, pit->format, pit);
for (l = remove_items; l; l = l->next)
c->ln->items = evas_object_list_remove(c->ln->items, l->data);
/* new line now */
if (remove_items)
pit = remove_items->data;
_layout_line_advance(c, pit->format);
_layout_line_advance(c, it->format);
if (new_it)
/* append new_it */
tw = th = 0;
if (new_it->format->font.font)
c->ENFN->font_string_size_get(c->ENDT, new_it->format->font.font, new_it->text, &tw, &th);
new_it->w = tw;
new_it->h = th;
inset = 0;
if (new_it->format->font.font)
inset = c->ENFN->font_inset_get(c->ENDT, new_it->format->font.font, new_it->text);
new_it->inset = inset;
new_it->x = c->x;
adv = 0;
if (new_it->format->font.font)
adv = c->ENFN->font_h_advance_get(c->ENDT, new_it->format->font.font, new_it->text);
c->x += adv;
c->ln->items = evas_object_list_append(c->ln->items, new_it);
while (remove_items)
pit = remove_items->data;
remove_items = evas_list_remove_list(remove_items, remove_items);
/* append pit */
pit->x = c->x;
adv = c->ENFN->font_h_advance_get(c->ENDT, pit->format->font.font, pit->text);
c->x += adv;
c->ln->items = evas_object_list_append(c->ln->items, pit);
if (it)
/* append it */
it->x = c->x;
adv = 0;
if (it->format->font.font)
adv = c->ENFN->font_h_advance_get(c->ENDT, it->format->font.font, it->text);
c->x += adv;
c->ln->items = evas_object_list_append(c->ln->items, it);
static void
_layout_text_append(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *n)
int adv, inset, tw, th, new_line, empty_item;
int wrap, twrap, ch, index, white_stripped;
char *str;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
str = n->text;
new_line = 0;
empty_item = 0;
while (str)
/* if this is the first line item and it starts with spaces - remove them */
wrap = 0;
white_stripped = 0;
if (!c->ln->items)
twrap = wrap;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &wrap);
while (_is_white(ch))
twrap = wrap;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &wrap);
str = str + twrap;
it = _layout_item_new(c, fmt, str);
it->source_node = n;
it->source_pos = str - n->text;
tw = th = 0;
if (fmt->font.font)
c->ENFN->font_string_size_get(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font, it->text, &tw, &th);
if ((c->w >= 0) &&
((fmt->wrap_word) || (fmt->wrap_char)) &&
((c->x + tw) >
(c->w - c->o->style_pad.l - c->o->style_pad.r -
c->marginl - c->marginr)))
wrap = _layout_text_cutoff_get(c, fmt, it);
if (wrap > 0)
if (fmt->wrap_word)
index = wrap;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &index);
if (!_is_white(ch))
wrap = _layout_word_start(str, wrap);
if (wrap > 0)
twrap = wrap;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_prev((unsigned char *)str, &twrap);
/* the text intersects the wrap point on a whitespace char */
if (_is_white(ch))
_layout_item_text_cutoff(c, it, wrap);
twrap = wrap;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &twrap);
str = str + twrap;
/* intersects a word */
/* walk back to start of word */
twrap = _layout_word_start(str, wrap);
if (twrap != 0)
wrap = twrap;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_prev((unsigned char *)str, &twrap);
_layout_item_text_cutoff(c, it, twrap);
str = str + wrap;
empty_item = 1;
if (it->text) free(it->text);
_format_free(c->obj, it->format);
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)((Evas_Object_List *)c->ln->items)->last;
_layout_strip_trailing_whitespace(c, fmt, it);
twrap = _layout_word_end(str, wrap);
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &twrap);
str = str + twrap;
/* wrap now is the index of the word START */
index = wrap;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &index);
if (!_is_white(ch) &&
_layout_walk_back_to_item_word_redo(c, it);
if (c->ln->items != NULL)
white_stripped = _layout_item_abort(c, fmt, it);
empty_item = 1;
if (wrap <= 0)
wrap = 0;
twrap = _layout_word_end(it->text, wrap);
wrap = twrap;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &wrap);
if (twrap >= 0)
_layout_item_text_cutoff(c, it, twrap);
if (wrap > 0)
str = str + wrap;
str = NULL;
str = NULL;
else if (fmt->wrap_char)
_layout_item_text_cutoff(c, it, wrap);
str = str + wrap;
new_line = 1;
/* wrap now is the index of the word START */
if (wrap <= 0)
if (wrap < 0) wrap = 0;
index = wrap;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &index);
if (!_is_white(ch) &&
_layout_walk_back_to_item_word_redo(c, it);
if (c->ln->items != NULL)
white_stripped = _layout_item_abort(c, fmt, it);
empty_item = 1;
new_line = 1;
if (wrap <= 0)
wrap = 0;
twrap = _layout_word_end(it->text, wrap);
wrap = _layout_word_next(it->text, wrap);
if (twrap >= 0)
_layout_item_text_cutoff(c, it, twrap);
if (wrap >= 0)
str = str + wrap;
str = NULL;
str = NULL;
new_line = 1;
if (!empty_item)
tw = th = 0;
if (fmt->font.font)
c->ENFN->font_string_size_get(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font, it->text, &tw, &th);
str = NULL;
if (empty_item) empty_item = 0;
it->w = tw;
it->h = th;
inset = 0;
if (fmt->font.font)
inset = c->ENFN->font_inset_get(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font, it->text);
it->inset = inset;
it->x = c->x;
adv = 0;
if (fmt->font.font)
adv = c->ENFN->font_h_advance_get(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font, it->text);
c->x += adv;
c->ln->items = evas_object_list_append(c->ln->items, it);
if (new_line)
if (str)
if (!white_stripped)
index = 0;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &index);
if (_is_white(ch)) str += index;
new_line = 0;
_layout_line_advance(c, fmt);
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *
_layout_format_item_add(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *n, char *item)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi;
fi = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item));
fi->item = evas_stringshare_add(item);
fi->source_node = n;
c->ln->format_items = evas_object_list_append(c->ln->format_items, fi);
return fi;
static void
_layout(Evas_Object *obj, int calc_only, int w, int h, int *w_ret, int *h_ret)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Ctxt ctxt, *c;
Evas_Object_List *l;
Evas_List *removes = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt = NULL;
int style_pad_l = 0, style_pad_r = 0, style_pad_t = 0, style_pad_b = 0;
/* setup context */
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
c = &ctxt;
c->obj =obj;
c->o = o;
c->lines = c->ln = NULL;
c->format_stack = NULL;
c->x = c->y = 0;
c->w = w;
c->h = h;
c->wmax = c->hmax = 0;
c->maxascent = c->maxdescent = 0;
c->marginl = c->marginr = 0;
c->have_underline = 0;
c->have_underline2 = 0;
c->underline_extend = 0;
c->line_no = 0;
c->align = 0.0;
/* setup default base style */
if ((c->o->style) && (c->o->style->default_tag))
fmt = _layout_format_push(c, NULL);
_format_fill(c->obj, fmt, c->o->style->default_tag);
if (!fmt)
if (w_ret) *w_ret = 0;
if (h_ret) *h_ret = 0;
/* run through all text and format nodes generating lines */
for (l = (Evas_Object_List *)c->o->nodes; l; l = l->next)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *n;
n = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *)l;
if (!c->ln) _layout_line_new(c, fmt);
if ((n->type == NODE_FORMAT) && (n->text))
char *s;
char *item;
s = n->text;
if (s[0] == '+')
fmt = _layout_format_push(c, fmt);
else if (s[0] == '-')
fmt = _layout_format_pop(c, fmt);
while ((item = _format_parse(&s)))
char tmp_delim = *s;
*s = '\0';
if (_format_is_param(item))
_layout_format_value_handle(c, fmt, item);
if (!strcmp(item, "\n"))
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi;
fi = _layout_format_item_add(c, n, item);
fi->x = c->x;
fi->w = 0;
_layout_line_advance(c, fmt);
else if (!strcmp(item, "\t"))
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi;
int x2;
x2 = (fmt->tabstops * ((c->x + fmt->tabstops) / fmt->tabstops));
if (x2 >
(c->w - c->o->style_pad.l -
c->o->style_pad.r -
c->marginl - c->marginr))
_layout_line_advance(c, fmt);
x2 = (fmt->tabstops * ((c->x + fmt->tabstops) / fmt->tabstops));
if (c->ln->items)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)((Evas_Object_List *)c->ln->items)->last;
_layout_strip_trailing_whitespace(c, fmt, it);
fi = _layout_format_item_add(c, n, item);
fi->x = c->x;
fi->w = x2 - c->x;
c->x = x2;
*s = tmp_delim;
evas_text_style_pad_get(fmt->style, &style_pad_l, &style_pad_r, &style_pad_t, &style_pad_b);
if (fmt->underline2)
c->have_underline2 = 1;
else if (fmt->underline)
c->have_underline = 1;
else if ((n->type == NODE_TEXT) && (n->text))
_layout_text_append(c, fmt, n);
if ((c->have_underline2) || (c->have_underline))
if (style_pad_b < c->underline_extend)
style_pad_b = c->underline_extend;
c->have_underline = 0;
c->have_underline2 = 0;
c->underline_extend = 0;
if ((c->ln) && (c->ln->items) && (fmt))
_layout_line_advance(c, fmt);
while (c->format_stack)
fmt = c->format_stack->data;
c->format_stack = evas_list_remove_list(c->format_stack, c->format_stack);
_format_free(c->obj, fmt);
for (l = (Evas_Object_List *)c->lines; l; l = l->next)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
ln = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *)l;
if (ln->line_no == -1)
removes = evas_list_append(removes, ln);
if ((ln->y + ln->h) > c->hmax) c->hmax = ln->y + ln->h;
while (removes)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
ln = removes->data;
c->lines = evas_object_list_remove(c->lines, ln);
removes = evas_list_remove_list(removes, removes);
_line_free(obj, ln);
if (w_ret) *w_ret = c->wmax;
if (h_ret) *h_ret = c->hmax;
if ((o->style_pad.l != style_pad_l) || (o->style_pad.r != style_pad_r) ||
(o->style_pad.t != style_pad_t) || (o->style_pad.b != style_pad_b))
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *lines;
lines = c->lines;
c->lines = NULL;
o->style_pad.l = style_pad_l;
o->style_pad.r = style_pad_r;
o->style_pad.t = style_pad_t;
o->style_pad.b = style_pad_b;
_layout(obj, calc_only, w, h, w_ret, h_ret);
_lines_clear(obj, lines);
if (!calc_only)
o->lines = c->lines;
if (c->lines) _lines_clear(obj, c->lines);
static void
_relayout(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *lines;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
lines = o->lines;
o->lines = NULL;
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
obj->cur.geometry.w, obj->cur.geometry.h,
&o->formatted.w, &o->formatted.h);
o->formatted.valid = 1;
if (lines) _lines_clear(obj, lines);
o->last_w = obj->cur.geometry.w;
o->changed = 0;
o->redraw = 1;
static void
_find_layout_item_line_match(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *n, int pos, Evas_Object_Textblock_Line **lnr, Evas_Object_Textblock_Item **itr)
Evas_Object_List *l, *ll;
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
for (l = (Evas_Object_List *)o->lines; l; l = l->next)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
ln = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *)l;
for (ll = (Evas_Object_List *)ln->items; ll; ll = ll->next)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)ll;
if (it->source_node == n)
if ((int)(it->source_pos + strlen(it->text)) >= pos)
*lnr = ln;
*itr = it;
static void
_find_layout_format_item_line_match(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *n, Evas_Object_Textblock_Line **lnr, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item **fir)
Evas_Object_List *l, *ll;
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
for (l = (Evas_Object_List *)o->lines; l; l = l->next)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
ln = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *)l;
for (ll = (Evas_Object_List *)ln->format_items; ll; ll = ll->next)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi;
fi = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *)ll;
if (fi->source_node == n)
*lnr = ln;
*fir = fi;
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *
_find_layout_line_num(Evas_Object *obj, int line)
Evas_Object_List *l;
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
for (l = (Evas_Object_List *)o->lines; l; l = l->next)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
ln = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *)l;
if (ln->line_no == line) return ln;
return NULL;
* Adds a textblock to the given evas.
* @param e The given evas.
* @return The new textblock object.
* @todo Find a documentation group to put this under.
EAPI Evas_Object *
evas_object_textblock_add(Evas *e)
Evas_Object *obj;
return NULL;
obj = evas_object_new();
evas_object_inject(obj, e);
return obj;
EAPI Evas_Textblock_Style *
Evas_Textblock_Style *ts;
ts = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Textblock_Style));
return ts;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_style_free(Evas_Textblock_Style *ts)
if (!ts) return;
if (ts->objects)
ts->delete_me = 1;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_style_set(Evas_Textblock_Style *ts, const char *text)
Evas_List *l;
if (!ts) return;
if (text) ts->style_text = strdup(text);
if (ts->style_text)
// format MUST be KEY='VALUE'[KEY='VALUE']...
char *p;
char *key_start, *key_stop, *val_start, *val_stop;
key_start = key_stop = val_start = val_stop = NULL;
p = ts->style_text;
while (*p)
if (!key_start)
if (!isspace(*p))
key_start = p;
else if (!key_stop)
if ((*p == '=') || (isspace(*p)))
key_stop = p;
else if (!val_start)
if (((*p) == '\'') && (*(p + 1)))
val_start = p + 1;
else if (!val_stop)
if (((*p) == '\'') && (p > ts->style_text) && (p[-1] != '\\'))
val_stop = p;
if ((key_start) && (key_stop) && (val_start) && (val_stop))
char *tags, *replaces;
Evas_Object_Style_Tag *tag;
tags = malloc(key_stop - key_start + 1);
if (tags)
tags[key_stop - key_start] = 0;
strncpy(tags, key_start, key_stop - key_start);
tags[key_stop - key_start] = 0;
replaces = malloc(val_stop - val_start + 1);
if (replaces)
replaces[val_stop - val_start] = 0;
strncpy(replaces, val_start, val_stop - val_start);
replaces[val_stop - val_start] = 0;
if ((tags) && (replaces))
if (!strcmp(tags, "DEFAULT"))
ts->default_tag = replaces;
tag = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Style_Tag));
if (tag)
tag->tag = tags;
tag->replace = replaces;
ts->tags = evas_object_list_append(ts->tags, tag);
if (tags) free(tags);
if (replaces) free(replaces);
key_start = key_stop = val_start = val_stop = NULL;
for (l = ts->objects; l; l = l->next)
Evas_Object *obj;
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
obj = l->data;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
if (o->markup_text)
evas_object_textblock_text_markup_set(obj, o->markup_text);
EAPI const char *
evas_textblock_style_get(Evas_Textblock_Style *ts)
if (!ts) return NULL;
return ts->style_text;
/* textblock styles */
EAPI void
evas_object_textblock_style_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Textblock_Style *ts)
if (ts == o->style) return;
if ((ts) && (ts->delete_me)) return;
if (o->style)
Evas_Textblock_Style *old_ts;
old_ts = o->style;
old_ts->objects = evas_list_remove(old_ts->objects, obj);
if ((old_ts->delete_me) && (!old_ts->objects))
if (ts)
ts->objects = evas_list_append(ts->objects, obj);
o->style = ts;
o->style = NULL;
if (o->markup_text)
evas_object_textblock_text_markup_set(obj, o->markup_text);
EAPI const Evas_Textblock_Style *
evas_object_textblock_style_get(Evas_Object *obj)
return o->style;
EAPI void
evas_object_textblock_text_markup_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *text)
if ((text != o->markup_text) && (o->markup_text))
o->markup_text = NULL;
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
o->changed = 1;
if (!o->style)
if (text != o->markup_text)
if (text) o->markup_text = strdup(text);
if (text)
char *s, *p;
char *tag_start, *tag_end, *esc_start, *esc_end;
tag_start = tag_end = esc_start = esc_end = NULL;
p = (char *)text;
s = p;
for (;;)
if ((*p == 0) ||
(tag_end) || (esc_end) ||
(tag_start) || (esc_start))
if (tag_end)
char *ttag, *match;
ttag = malloc(tag_end - tag_start);
if (ttag)
strncpy(ttag, tag_start + 1, tag_end - tag_start - 1);
ttag[tag_end - tag_start - 1] = 0;
match = _style_match_tag(o->style, ttag);
if (match)
evas_textblock_cursor_format_append(o->cursor, match);
if (ttag[0] == '/')
evas_textblock_cursor_format_append(o->cursor, "-");
char *ttag2;
ttag2 = malloc(strlen(ttag) + 2 + 1);
if (ttag2)
strcpy(ttag2, "+ ");
strcat(ttag2, ttag);
evas_textblock_cursor_format_append(o->cursor, ttag2);
tag_start = tag_end = NULL;
else if (esc_end)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(escape_offsets) / sizeof(escape_offsets[0])); i += 2)
const char *in = escape_strings + escape_offsets[i];
const char *out = escape_strings + escape_offsets[i + 1];
if (!strncmp(in, esc_start, esc_end - esc_start + 1))
evas_textblock_cursor_text_append(o->cursor, out);
esc_start = esc_end = NULL;
else if (*p == 0)
_append_text_run(o, s, p);
s = NULL;
if (*p == 0)
if (*p == '<')
if (!esc_start)
tag_start = p;
tag_end = NULL;
_append_text_run(o, s, p);
s = NULL;
else if (*p == '>')
if (tag_start)
tag_end = p;
s = p + 1;
else if (*p == '&')
if (!tag_start)
esc_start = p;
esc_end = NULL;
_append_text_run(o, s, p);
s = NULL;
else if (*p == ';')
if (esc_start)
esc_end = p;
s = p + 1;
if (text != o->markup_text)
o->markup_text = strdup(text);
Evas_List *l;
for (l = o->cursors; l; l = l->next)
EAPI const char *
evas_object_textblock_text_markup_get(Evas_Object *obj)
if (!o->markup_text)
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur;
int slen = 0;
int salloc = 0;
cur = evas_object_textblock_cursor_new(obj);
char *s, *p, *ps;
s = (char *)evas_textblock_cursor_node_text_get(cur);
if (s)
p = s;
ps = p;
for (;;)
if (*p == 0)
o->markup_text = _strbuf_append(o->markup_text,
&slen, &salloc);
int i;
for (i = 1; i < (int)(sizeof(escape_offsets) / sizeof(escape_offsets[0])); i += 2)
const char *in = escape_strings + escape_offsets[i];
const char *out = escape_strings + escape_offsets[i - 1];
if (!strncmp(in, p, strlen(in)))
o->markup_text = _strbuf_append_n(o->markup_text,
ps, p - ps,
&slen, &salloc);
o->markup_text = _strbuf_append(o->markup_text,
&slen, &salloc);
ps = p + strlen(in);
p += strlen(in) - 1;
/* FIXME: strip extra whitespace ala HTML */
s = (char *)evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_get(cur);
if (s)
char *stag;
o->markup_text = _strbuf_append(o->markup_text,
&slen, &salloc);
stag = _style_match_replace(o->style, s);
if (stag)
o->markup_text = _strbuf_append(o->markup_text,
&slen, &salloc);
o->markup_text = _strbuf_append(o->markup_text,
&slen, &salloc);
o->markup_text = _strbuf_append(o->markup_text,
&slen, &salloc);
while (evas_textblock_cursor_node_next(cur));
return o->markup_text;
/* cursors */
EAPI const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *
evas_object_textblock_cursor_get(Evas_Object *obj)
return o->cursor;
EAPI Evas_Textblock_Cursor *
evas_object_textblock_cursor_new(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur;
cur = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Textblock_Cursor));
cur->obj = obj;
cur->node = o->nodes;
cur->pos = 0;
o->cursors = evas_list_append(o->cursors, cur);
return cur;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_free(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
if (!cur) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (cur == o->cursor) return;
o->cursors = evas_list_remove(o->cursors, cur);
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_node_first(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
if (!cur) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
cur->node = o->nodes;
cur->pos = 0;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_node_last(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
if (!cur) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (o->nodes)
cur->node = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *)(((Evas_Object_List *)(o->nodes))->last);
cur->pos = 0;
cur->node = NULL;
cur->pos = 0;
EAPI Evas_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_node_next(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
if (!cur) return 0;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!cur->node) return 0;
if (((Evas_Object_List *)(cur->node))->next)
cur->node = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *)(((Evas_Object_List *)(cur->node))->next);
cur->pos = 0;
return 1;
return 0;
EAPI Evas_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_node_prev(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
if (!cur) return 0;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!cur->node) return 0;
if (((Evas_Object_List *)(cur->node))->prev)
cur->node = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *)(((Evas_Object_List *)(cur->node))->prev);
return 1;
return 0;
EAPI Evas_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_char_next(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
int index, tindex, ch;
if (!cur) return 0;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!cur->node) return 0;
if (cur->node->type == NODE_FORMAT) return 0;
index = cur->pos;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)(cur->node->text), &index);
if ((ch == 0) || (index < 0)) return 0;
if (cur->node->text[index] == 0) return 0;
tindex = index;
cur->pos = index;
return 1;
EAPI Evas_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_char_prev(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
int index, ch;
if (!cur) return 0;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!cur->node) return 0;
if (cur->node->type == NODE_FORMAT) return 0;
index = cur->pos;
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_prev((unsigned char *)(cur->node->text), &index);
if ((ch == 0) || (index < 0)) return 0;
cur->pos = index;
return 1;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_char_first(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
if (!cur) return;
cur->pos = 0;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_char_last(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
int index;
if (!cur) return;
if (!cur->node) return;
if (cur->node->type == NODE_FORMAT)
cur->pos = 0;
index = evas_common_font_utf8_get_last((unsigned char *)cur->node->text, cur->node->len);
if (index < 0) cur->pos = 0;
cur->pos = index;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_line_first(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi = NULL;
if (!cur) return;
if (!cur->node) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(cur->obj);
if (cur->node->type == NODE_FORMAT)
_find_layout_format_item_line_match(cur->obj, cur->node, &ln, &fi);
_find_layout_item_line_match(cur->obj, cur->node, cur->pos, &ln, &it);
if (!ln) return;
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)ln->items;
fi = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *)ln->format_items;
if ((it) && (fi))
if (it->x < fi->x) fi = NULL;
else it = NULL;
if (it)
cur->pos = it->source_pos;
cur->node = it->source_node;
else if (fi)
cur->pos = 0;
cur->node = fi->source_node;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_line_last(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi = NULL;
if (!cur) return;
if (!cur->node) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(cur->obj);
if (cur->node->type == NODE_FORMAT)
_find_layout_format_item_line_match(cur->obj, cur->node, &ln, &fi);
_find_layout_item_line_match(cur->obj, cur->node, cur->pos, &ln, &it);
if (!ln) return;
if (ln->items)
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)(((Evas_Object_List *)ln->items)->last);
it = NULL;
if (ln->format_items)
fi = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *)(((Evas_Object_List *)ln->format_items)->last);
fi = NULL;
if ((it) && (fi))
if ((it->x + it->w) > (fi->x + fi->w)) fi = NULL;
else it = NULL;
if (it)
int index;
cur->pos = it->source_pos;
cur->node = it->source_node;
index = evas_common_font_utf8_get_last((unsigned char *)it->text, strlen(it->text));
if (index >= 0) cur->pos += index;
else if (fi)
cur->pos = 0;
cur->node = fi->source_node;
EAPI int
evas_textblock_cursor_pos_get(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
if (!cur) return -1;
return cur->pos;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_pos_set(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, int pos)
if (!cur) return;
if (!cur->node) return;
if (cur->node->type == NODE_FORMAT) pos = 0;
if (pos < 0) pos = 0;
else if (pos > cur->node->len) pos = cur->node->len;
cur->pos = pos;
EAPI Evas_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_line_set(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, int line)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi;
if (!cur) return 0;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(cur->obj);
ln = _find_layout_line_num(cur->obj, line);
if (!ln) return 0;
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)ln->items;
fi = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *)ln->format_items;
if ((it) && (fi))
if (it->x < fi->x) fi = NULL;
else it = NULL;
if (it)
cur->pos = it->source_pos;
cur->node = it->source_node;
else if (fi)
cur->pos = 0;
cur->node = fi->source_node;
return 1;
EAPI int
evas_textblock_cursor_compare(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur1, Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur2)
Evas_Object_List *l1, *l2;
if (!cur1) return 0;
if (!cur2) return 0;
if (cur1->obj != cur2->obj) return 0;
if ((!cur1->node) || (!cur2->node)) return 0;
if (cur1->node == cur2->node)
if (cur1->pos < cur2->pos) return -1; /* cur1 < cur2 */
else if (cur1->pos > cur2->pos) return 1; /* cur2 < cur1 */
return 0; /* cur1 == cur2 */
for (l1 = (Evas_Object_List *)cur1->node,
l2 = (Evas_Object_List *)cur1->node; (l1) || (l2);)
if (l1 == (Evas_Object_List *)cur2->node) return 1; /* cur2 < cur 1 */
else if (l2 == (Evas_Object_List *)cur2->node) return -1; /* cur1 < cur 2 */
else if (!l1) return -1; /* cur1 < cur 2 */
else if (!l2) return 1; /* cur2 < cur 1 */
if (l1) l1 = l1->prev;
if (l2) l2 = l2->next;
return 0;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_copy(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur_dest)
if (!cur) return;
if (!cur_dest) return;
if (cur->obj != cur_dest->obj) return;
cur_dest->pos = cur->pos;
cur_dest->node = cur->node;
/* text controls */
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_text_append(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, const char *text)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *n;
int index, ch;
if (!cur) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
Evas_List *l;
if (cur != o->cursor)
if (cur->node == o->cursor->node)
if (o->cursor->pos > cur->pos)
o->cursor->pos += strlen(text);
for (l = o->cursors; l; l = l->next)
if (l->data != cur)
if (cur->node == ((Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)l->data)->node)
if (((Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)l->data)->pos > cur->pos)
((Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)l->data)->pos += strlen(text);
n = cur->node;
if ((!n) || (n->type == NODE_FORMAT))
n = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Node));
n->type = NODE_TEXT;
o->nodes = evas_object_list_append(o->nodes, n);
cur->node = n;
index = cur->pos;
if (n->text)
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)(n->text), &index);
if (ch != 0)
cur->pos = index;
if (cur->pos >= (n->len - 1))
n->text = _strbuf_append(n->text, (char *)text, &(n->len), &(n->alloc));
n->text = _strbuf_insert(n->text, (char *)text, cur->pos, &(n->len), &(n->alloc));
cur->pos += strlen(text);
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
o->changed = 1;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_text_prepend(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, const char *text)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *n;
int index;
if (!cur) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
Evas_List *l;
if (cur != o->cursor)
if (cur->node == o->cursor->node)
if ((o->cursor->node) &&
(o->cursor->node->type == NODE_TEXT) &&
(o->cursor->pos >= cur->pos))
o->cursor->pos += strlen(text);
for (l = o->cursors; l; l = l->next)
if (l->data != cur)
if (cur->node == ((Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)l->data)->node)
if ((((Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)l->data)->node) &&
(((Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)l->data)->node->type == NODE_TEXT) &&
(((Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)l->data)->pos >= cur->pos))
((Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)l->data)->pos += strlen(text);
n = cur->node;
if ((!n) || (n->type == NODE_FORMAT))
n = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Node));
n->type = NODE_TEXT;
o->nodes = evas_object_list_append(o->nodes, n);
cur->node = n;
index = cur->pos;
if (cur->pos >= (n->len - 1))
n->text = _strbuf_append(n->text, (char *)text, &(n->len), &(n->alloc));
n->text = _strbuf_insert(n->text, (char *)text, cur->pos, &(n->len), &(n->alloc));
cur->pos += strlen(text);
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
o->changed = 1;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_format_append(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, const char *format)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *n, *nc, *n2;
if (!cur) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
nc = cur->node;
n = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Node));
n->type = NODE_FORMAT;
n->text = strdup(format);
n->len = strlen(n->text);
n->alloc = n->len + 1;
if (!nc)
o->nodes = evas_object_list_append(o->nodes, n);
else if (nc->type == NODE_FORMAT)
o->nodes = evas_object_list_append_relative(o->nodes, n, nc);
else if (nc->type == NODE_TEXT)
int index, ch = 0;
char *ts;
index = cur->pos;
if (nc->text)
ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)(nc->text), &index);
if (ch != 0)
cur->pos = index;
o->nodes = evas_object_list_append_relative(o->nodes, n, nc);
if ((ch != 0) && (cur->pos < nc->len))
n2 = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Node));
n2->type = NODE_TEXT;
n2->text = _strbuf_append(n2->text, (char *)(nc->text + cur->pos), &(n2->len), &(n2->alloc));
o->nodes = evas_object_list_append_relative(o->nodes, n2, n);
*(nc->text + cur->pos) = 0;
nc->len = cur->pos;
ts = realloc(nc->text, nc->len + 1);
if (ts)
nc->text = ts;
nc->alloc = nc->len + 1;
cur->node = n;
cur->pos = 0;
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
o->changed = 1;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_format_prepend(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, const char *format)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *n, *nc, *n2;
if (!cur) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
nc = cur->node;
n = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Node));
n->type = NODE_FORMAT;
n->text = strdup(format);
n->len = strlen(n->text);
n->alloc = n->len + 1;
if (!nc)
o->nodes = evas_object_list_prepend(o->nodes, n);
else if (nc->type == NODE_FORMAT)
o->nodes = evas_object_list_prepend_relative(o->nodes, n, nc);
else if (nc->type == NODE_TEXT)
char *ts;
if (cur->pos == 0)
o->nodes = evas_object_list_prepend_relative(o->nodes, n, nc);
o->nodes = evas_object_list_append_relative(o->nodes, n, nc);
if ((cur->pos < nc->len) && (cur->pos != 0))
n2 = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Node));
n2->type = NODE_TEXT;
n2->text = _strbuf_append(n2->text, (char *)(nc->text + cur->pos), &(n2->len), &(n2->alloc));
o->nodes = evas_object_list_append_relative(o->nodes, n2, n);
*(nc->text + cur->pos) = 0;
nc->len = cur->pos;
ts = realloc(nc->text, nc->len + 1);
if (ts)
nc->text = ts;
nc->alloc = nc->len + 1;
cur->node = n;
cur->pos = 0;
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
o->changed = 1;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_node_delete(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *n, *n2;
if (!cur) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
n = cur->node;
n2 = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *)(((Evas_Object_List *)n)->next);
if (n2)
cur->node = n2;
cur->pos = 0;
n2 = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *)(((Evas_Object_List *)n)->prev);
cur->node = n2;
cur->pos = 0;
Evas_List *l;
if (cur != o->cursor)
if (n == o->cursor->node)
o->cursor->node = cur->node;
o->cursor->pos = cur->pos;
for (l = o->cursors; l; l = l->next)
if (l->data != cur)
if (n == ((Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)l->data)->node)
((Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)l->data)->node = cur->node;
((Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)l->data)->pos = cur->pos;
o->nodes = evas_object_list_remove(o->nodes, n);
if (n->text) free(n->text);
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
o->changed = 1;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_char_delete(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *n, *n2;
int chr, index, ppos;
if (!cur) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
n = cur->node;
if (n->type == NODE_FORMAT)
index = cur->pos;
chr = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)n->text, &index);
if (chr == 0) return;
ppos = cur->pos;
n->text = _strbuf_remove(n->text, cur->pos, index, &(n->len), &(n->alloc));
if (!n->text)
if (cur->pos == n->len)
n2 = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *)(((Evas_Object_List *)n)->next);
if (n2)
cur->node = n2;
cur->pos = 0;
cur->pos = 0;
Evas_List *l;
if (cur != o->cursor)
if ((n == o->cursor->node) &&
(o->cursor->pos > ppos))
o->cursor->pos -= (index - ppos);
for (l = o->cursors; l; l = l->next)
if (l->data != cur)
if ((n == ((Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)l->data)->node) &&
(((Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)l->data)->pos > ppos))
((Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)l->data)->pos -= (index - ppos);
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
o->changed = 1;
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_range_delete(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur1, Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur2)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *n1, *n2, *n, *tn;
Evas_Object_List *l;
int chr, index;
if (!cur1) return;
if (!cur2) return;
if (cur1->obj != cur2->obj) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur1->obj->object_data);
if (evas_textblock_cursor_compare(cur1, cur2) > 0)
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *tc;
tc = cur1;
cur1 = cur2;
cur2 = tc;
n1 = cur1->node;
n2 = cur2->node;
index = cur2->pos;
chr = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)n2->text, &index);
if (chr == 0) return;
if (n1 == n2)
if (cur1->pos == cur2->pos)
evas_textblock_cursor_copy(cur1, cur2);
n1->text = _strbuf_remove(n1->text, cur1->pos, index, &(n1->len), &(n1->alloc));
if (!n1->text)
evas_textblock_cursor_copy(cur1, cur2);
if (cur1->pos >= n1->len)
n2 = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *)(((Evas_Object_List *)n1)->next);
if (n2)
cur1->node = n2;
cur1->pos = 0;
cur1->pos = 0;
evas_textblock_cursor_copy(cur1, cur2);
Evas_List *removes, *format_hump = NULL;
Evas_Textblock_Cursor tcur;
tcur.node = n2;
tcur.pos = 0;
index = cur2->pos;
chr = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)n2->text, &index);
if ((chr == 0) || (index >= n2->len))
tcur.node = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *)((Evas_Object_List *)n2)->next;
tcur.pos = 0;
if (!tcur.node)
if (cur1->pos != 0)
tcur.node = n1;
index = cur1->pos;
chr = evas_common_font_utf8_get_prev((unsigned char *)n2->text, &index);
tcur.pos = index;
tcur.node = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *)((Evas_Object_List *)n1)->prev;
if (tcur.node->type == NODE_TEXT)
tcur.pos = evas_common_font_utf8_get_last((unsigned char *)tcur.node->text, tcur.node->len);
tcur.pos = 0;
n1->text = _strbuf_remove(n1->text, cur1->pos, n1->len, &(n1->len), &(n1->alloc));
removes = NULL;
for (l = ((Evas_Object_List *)n1)->next; l != (Evas_Object_List *)n2; l = l->next)
removes = evas_list_append(removes, l);
if (n1->type == NODE_TEXT)
if (!n1->text)
if (n1->text[0] == '+')
format_hump = evas_list_append(format_hump, n1);
o->nodes = evas_object_list_remove(o->nodes, n1);
if (n1->text) free(n1->text);
format_hump = NULL;
while (removes)
n = removes->data;
if (n->type == NODE_TEXT)
o->nodes = evas_object_list_remove(o->nodes, n);
if (n->text) free(n->text);
if (n->text[0] == '+')
format_hump = evas_list_append(format_hump, n);
else if (n->text[0] == '-')
tn = evas_list_data(evas_list_last(format_hump));
if (tn)
format_hump = evas_list_remove_list(format_hump, evas_list_last(format_hump));
o->nodes = evas_object_list_remove(o->nodes, tn);
if (tn->text) free(tn->text);
o->nodes = evas_object_list_remove(o->nodes, n);
if (n->text) free(n->text);
o->nodes = evas_object_list_remove(o->nodes, n);
if (n->text) free(n->text);
removes = evas_list_remove_list(removes, removes);
if (n2->type == NODE_TEXT)
n2->text = _strbuf_remove(n2->text, 0, index, &(n2->len), &(n2->alloc));
if (!n2->text)
if (n2->text[0] == '-')
o->nodes = evas_object_list_remove(o->nodes, n2);
if (n2->text) free(n2->text);
n = evas_list_data(evas_list_last(format_hump));
if (n)
o->nodes = evas_object_list_remove(o->nodes, n);
if (n->text) free(n->text);
o->nodes = evas_object_list_remove(o->nodes, n2);
if (n2->text) free(n2->text);
if (format_hump) format_hump = evas_list_free(format_hump);
cur1->node = tcur.node;
cur1->pos = tcur.pos;
cur2->node = tcur.node;
cur2->pos = tcur.pos;
/* FIXME: adjust cursors that are affected by the change */
/* this is temporary just avoiding segv's - it sets all other cursors to
* the same pos as cur1 and cur2
Evas_List *l;
if ((cur1 != o->cursor) && (cur2 != o->cursor))
evas_textblock_cursor_copy(cur1, o->cursor);
for (l = o->cursors; l; l = l->next)
if ((l->data != cur1) && (l->data != cur2))
evas_textblock_cursor_copy(cur1, l->data);
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
o->changed = 1;
EAPI const char *
evas_textblock_cursor_node_text_get(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
if (!cur) return NULL;
if (!cur->node) return NULL;
if (cur->node->type == NODE_TEXT)
return cur->node->text;
return NULL;
EAPI int
evas_textblock_cursor_node_text_length_get(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
if (!cur) return 0;
if (!cur->node) return 0;
if (cur->node->type == NODE_TEXT)
return cur->node->len;
return 0;
EAPI const char *
evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_get(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
if (!cur) return NULL;
if (!cur->node) return NULL;
if (cur->node->type == NODE_FORMAT)
return cur->node->text;
return NULL;
EAPI char *
evas_textblock_cursor_range_text_get(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur1, Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur2, Evas_Textblock_Text_Type format)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *n1, *n2, *n;
Evas_Object_List *l;
char *str = NULL, *s;
int len = 0, alloc = 0, chr, index;
if (!cur1) return NULL;
if (!cur2) return NULL;
if (cur1->obj != cur2->obj) return NULL;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur1->obj->object_data);
if (evas_textblock_cursor_compare(cur1, cur2) > 0)
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *tc;
tc = cur1;
cur1 = cur2;
cur2 = tc;
n1 = cur1->node;
n2 = cur2->node;
index = cur2->pos;
chr = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)n2->text, &index);
for (l = (Evas_Object_List *)n1; ;l = l->next)
n = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Node *)l;
if (n->type == NODE_TEXT)
s = n->text;
if ((n == n1) && (n == n2))
s += cur1->pos;
str = _strbuf_append_n(str, s, index - cur1->pos, &len, &alloc);
else if (n == n1)
s += cur1->pos;
str = _strbuf_append(str, s, &len, &alloc);
else if (n == n2)
str = _strbuf_append_n(str, s, index, &len, &alloc);
str = _strbuf_append(str, s, &len, &alloc);
s = n->text;
while (*s)
if (*s == '\n')
str = _strbuf_append(str, "\n", &len, &alloc);
else if (*s == '\t')
str = _strbuf_append(str, "\t", &len, &alloc);
if (l == (Evas_Object_List *)n2) break;
return str;
EAPI int
evas_textblock_cursor_char_geometry_get(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, Evas_Coord *cx, Evas_Coord *cy, Evas_Coord *cw, Evas_Coord *ch)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi = NULL;
int x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0;
int pos, ret;
if (!cur) return -1;
if (!cur->node) return -1;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(cur->obj);
if (cur->node->type == NODE_FORMAT)
_find_layout_format_item_line_match(cur->obj, cur->node, &ln, &fi);
_find_layout_item_line_match(cur->obj, cur->node, cur->pos, &ln, &it);
if (!ln) return -1;
if (it)
pos = cur->pos - it->source_pos;
ret = -1;
if (it->format->font.font)
ret = cur->ENFN->font_char_coords_get(cur->ENDT, it->format->font.font,
&x, &y, &w, &h);
if (ret <= 0) return -1;
x = ln->x + it->x - it->inset + x;
if (x < ln->x)
x = ln->x;
w -= (ln->x - x);
y = ln->y;
h = ln->h;
else if (fi)
x = ln->x + fi->x;
y = ln->y;
w = fi->w;
h = ln->h;
return -1;
if (cx) *cx = x;
if (cy) *cy = y;
if (cw) *cw = w;
if (ch) *ch = h;
return ln->line_no;
EAPI int
evas_textblock_cursor_line_geometry_get(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, Evas_Coord *cx, Evas_Coord *cy, Evas_Coord *cw, Evas_Coord *ch)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi = NULL;
int x, y, w, h;
if (!cur) return -1;
if (!cur->node) return -1;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(cur->obj);
if (cur->node->type == NODE_FORMAT)
_find_layout_format_item_line_match(cur->obj, cur->node, &ln, &fi);
_find_layout_item_line_match(cur->obj, cur->node, cur->pos, &ln, &it);
if (!ln) return -1;
x = ln->x;
y = ln->y;
w = ln->w;
h = ln->h;
if (cx) *cx = x;
if (cy) *cy = y;
if (cw) *cw = w;
if (ch) *ch = h;
return ln->line_no;
EAPI Evas_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_char_coord_set(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_List *l, *ll;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it = NULL, *it_break = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi = NULL;
if (!cur) return 0;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(cur->obj);
x += o->style_pad.l;
y += o->style_pad.t;
for (l = (Evas_Object_List *)o->lines; l; l = l->next)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
ln = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *)l;
if (ln->y > y) break;
if ((ln->y <= y) && ((ln->y + ln->h) > y))
for (ll = (Evas_Object_List *)ln->items; ll; ll = ll->next)
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)ll;
if ((it->x +ln->x) > x)
it_break = it;
if (((it->x + ln->x) <= x) && (((it->x + ln->x) + it->w) > x))
int pos;
int cx, cy, cw, ch;
pos = -1;
if (it->format->font.font)
pos = cur->ENFN->font_char_at_coords_get(cur->ENDT,
x - it->x - ln->x, 0,
&cx, &cy, &cw, &ch);
if (pos < 0)
return 0;
cur->pos = pos + it->source_pos;
cur->node = it->source_node;
return 1;
for (ll = (Evas_Object_List *)ln->format_items; ll; ll = ll->next)
fi = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *)ll;
if ((fi->x + ln->x) > x) break;
if (((fi->x + ln->x) <= x) && (((fi->x + ln->x) + fi->w) > x))
cur->pos = 0;
cur->node = fi->source_node;
return 1;
if (it_break)
it = it_break;
cur->pos = it->source_pos;
cur->node = it->source_node;
return 1;
return 0;
EAPI int
evas_textblock_cursor_line_coord_set(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, Evas_Coord y)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_List *l;
if (!cur) return -1;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(cur->obj);
y += o->style_pad.t;
for (l = (Evas_Object_List *)o->lines; l; l = l->next)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
ln = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *)l;
if (ln->y > y) break;
if ((ln->y <= y) && ((ln->y + ln->h) > y))
evas_textblock_cursor_line_set(cur, ln->line_no);
return ln->line_no;
return -1;
EAPI Evas_List *
evas_textblock_cursor_range_geometry_get(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur1, Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur2)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_List *rects = NULL;
Evas_Coord cx, cy, cw, ch, lx, ly, lw, lh;
Evas_Textblock_Rectangle *tr;
int i, line, line2;
if (!cur1) return NULL;
if (!cur2) return NULL;
if (cur1->obj != cur2->obj) return NULL;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur1->obj->object_data);
if (evas_textblock_cursor_compare(cur1, cur2) > 0)
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *tc;
tc = cur1;
cur1 = cur2;
cur2 = tc;
line = evas_textblock_cursor_char_geometry_get(cur1, &cx, &cy, &cw, &ch);
if (line < 0) return NULL;
line = evas_textblock_cursor_line_geometry_get(cur1, &lx, &ly, &lw, &lh);
if (line < 0) return NULL;
line2 = evas_textblock_cursor_line_geometry_get(cur2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (line2 < 0) return NULL;
if (line == line2)
tr = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Textblock_Rectangle));
rects = evas_list_append(rects, tr);
tr->x = cx;
tr->y = ly;
tr->h = lh;
line = evas_textblock_cursor_char_geometry_get(cur2, &cx, &cy, &cw, &ch);
if (line < 0)
while (rects)
rects = evas_list_remove_list(rects, rects);
return NULL;
tr->w = cx + cw - tr->x;
tr = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Textblock_Rectangle));
rects = evas_list_append(rects, tr);
tr->x = cx;
tr->y = ly;
tr->h = lh;
tr->w = lx + lw - cx;
for (i = line +1; i < line2; i++)
evas_object_textblock_line_number_geometry_get(cur1->obj, i, &lx, &ly, &lw, &lh);
tr = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Textblock_Rectangle));
rects = evas_list_append(rects, tr);
tr->x = lx;
tr->y = ly;
tr->h = lh;
tr->w = lw;
line = evas_textblock_cursor_char_geometry_get(cur2, &cx, &cy, &cw, &ch);
if (line < 0)
while (rects)
rects = evas_list_remove_list(rects, rects);
return NULL;
line = evas_textblock_cursor_line_geometry_get(cur2, &lx, &ly, &lw, &lh);
if (line < 0)
while (rects)
rects = evas_list_remove_list(rects, rects);
return NULL;
tr = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Textblock_Rectangle));
rects = evas_list_append(rects, tr);
tr->x = lx;
tr->y = ly;
tr->h = lh;
tr->w = cx + cw - lx;
return rects;
/* general controls */
EAPI Evas_Bool
evas_object_textblock_line_number_geometry_get(Evas_Object *obj, int line, Evas_Coord *cx, Evas_Coord *cy, Evas_Coord *cw, Evas_Coord *ch)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
ln = _find_layout_line_num(obj, line);
if (!ln) return 0;
if (cx) *cx = ln->x;
if (cy) *cy = ln->y;
if (cw) *cw = ln->w;
if (ch) *ch = ln->h;
return 1;
EAPI void
evas_object_textblock_clear(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_List *l;
o->cursor->node = NULL;
o->cursor->pos = 0;
for (l = o->cursors; l; l = l->next)
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur;
cur = (Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)l->data;
cur->node = NULL;
cur->pos = 0;
if (o->markup_text)
o->markup_text = NULL;
if (o->lines)
_lines_clear(obj, o->lines);
o->lines = NULL;
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
o->changed = 1;
/* FIXME: adjust cursors that are affected by the change */
EAPI void
evas_object_textblock_size_formatted_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h)
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(obj);
if (w) *w = o->formatted.w;
if (h) *h = o->formatted.h;
EAPI void
evas_object_textblock_size_native_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h)
if (!o->native.valid)
-1, -1,
&o->native.w, &o->native.h);
o->native.valid = 1;
if (w) *w = o->native.w;
if (h) *h = o->native.h;
EAPI void
evas_object_textblock_style_insets_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *l, Evas_Coord *r, Evas_Coord *t, Evas_Coord *b)
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(obj);
if (l) *l = o->style_pad.l;
if (r) *r = o->style_pad.r;
if (t) *t = o->style_pad.t;
if (b) *b = o->style_pad.b;
/* all nice and private */
static void
evas_object_textblock_init(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
/* alloc image ob, setup methods and default values */
obj->object_data = evas_object_textblock_new();
/* set up default settings for this kind of object */
obj->cur.color.r = 255;
obj->cur.color.g = 255;
obj->cur.color.b = 255;
obj->cur.color.a = 255;
obj->cur.geometry.x = 0.0;
obj->cur.geometry.y = 0.0;
obj->cur.geometry.w = 0.0;
obj->cur.geometry.h = 0.0;
obj->cur.layer = 0;
/* set up object-specific settings */
obj->prev = obj->cur;
/* set up methods (compulsory) */
obj->func = &object_func;
obj->type = o_type;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
o->cursor->obj = obj;
static void *
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
/* alloc obj private data */
o = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock));
o->cursor = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Textblock_Cursor));
return o;
static void
evas_object_textblock_free(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
evas_object_textblock_style_set(obj, NULL);
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
while (o->cursors)
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur;
cur = (Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)o->cursors->data;
o->cursors = evas_list_remove_list(o->cursors, o->cursors);
o->magic = 0;
static void
evas_object_textblock_render(Evas_Object *obj, void *output, void *context, void *surface, int x, int y)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_List *l, *ll;
int i, j;
int pback = 0, backx = 0;
int pline = 0, linex = 0;
int pline2 = 0, line2x = 0;
int pstrike = 0, strikex = 0;
int x2;
unsigned char r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
unsigned char r2 = 0, g2 = 0, b2 = 0, a2 = 0;
unsigned char r3 = 0, g3 = 0, b3 = 0, a3 = 0;
const char vals[5][5] =
{0, 1, 2, 1, 0},
{1, 3, 4, 3, 1},
{2, 4, 5, 4, 2},
{1, 3, 4, 3, 1},
{0, 1, 2, 1, 0}
/* render object to surface with context, and offxet by x,y */
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
#if 0 /* using for some debugging. will go soon */
230, 160, 30, 100);
obj->cur.geometry.x + x,
obj->cur.geometry.y + y,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.x + x,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.y + y,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.w,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.h);
#define ITEM_WALK() \
for (l = (Evas_Object_List *)o->lines; l; l = l->next) \
{ \
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln; \
ln = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *)l; \
pback = 0; \
pline = 0; \
pline2 = 0; \
pstrike = 0; \
for (ll = (Evas_Object_List *)ln->items; ll; ll = ll->next) \
{ \
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it; \
int yoff; \
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)ll; \
yoff = ln->baseline; \
if (it->format->valign != -1.0) \
yoff = (it->format->valign * (double)(ln->h - it->h)) + it->baseline;
#define ITEM_WALK_END() \
} \
#define COLOR_SET(col) \
ENFN->context_color_set(output, context, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.r * it->format->color.col.r) / 255, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.g * it->format->color.col.g) / 255, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.b * it->format->color.col.b) / 255, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.a * it->format->color.col.a) / 255);
#define COLOR_SET_AMUL(col, amul) \
ENFN->context_color_set(output, context, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.r * it->format->color.col.r * (amul)) / 65025, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.g * it->format->color.col.g * (amul)) / 65025, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.b * it->format->color.col.b * (amul)) / 65025, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.a * it->format->color.col.a * (amul)) / 65025);
#define DRAW_TEXT(ox, oy) \
if (it->format->font.font) ENFN->font_draw(output, context, surface, it->format->font.font, \
obj->cur.geometry.x + ln->x + it->x - it->inset + x + (ox), \
obj->cur.geometry.y + ln->y + yoff + y + (oy), \
it->w, it->h, it->w, it->h, it->text);
#if 0
#define DRAW_TEXT(ox, oy) \
if (it->format->font.font) ENFN->font_draw(output, context, surface, it->format->font.font, \
obj->cur.geometry.x + ln->x + it->x - it->inset + x + (ox), \
obj->cur.geometry.y + ln->y + yoff + y + (oy), \
obj->cur.cache.geometry.x + ln->x + it->x - it->inset + x + (ox), \
obj->cur.cache.geometry.y + ln->y + yoff + y + (oy), \
it->w, it->h, it->w, it->h, it->text);
pback = 0;
/* backing */
if ((it->format->backing) && (!pback) && (ll->next))
pback = 1;
backx = it->x;
r = it->format->color.backing.r;
g = it->format->color.backing.g;
b = it->format->color.backing.b;
a = it->format->color.backing.a;
else if (((pback) && (!it->format->backing)) ||
(!ll->next) ||
(it->format->color.backing.r != r) ||
(it->format->color.backing.g != g) ||
(it->format->color.backing.b != b) ||
(it->format->color.backing.a != a))
if ((it->format->backing) && (!pback))
backx = it->x;
r = it->format->color.backing.r;
g = it->format->color.backing.g;
b = it->format->color.backing.b;
a = it->format->color.backing.a;
x2 = it->x + it->w;
if (!it->format->backing)
x2 = it->x;
pback = 0;
if (x2 > backx)
(obj->cur.cache.clip.r * r) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.g * g) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.b * b) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.a * a) / 255);
obj->cur.geometry.x + ln->x + backx + x,
obj->cur.geometry.y + ln->y + y,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.x + ln->x + backx + x,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.y + ln->y + y,
x2 - backx,
if (it->format->backing) pback = 1;
backx = it->x;
r = it->format->color.backing.r;
g = it->format->color.backing.g;
b = it->format->color.backing.b;
a = it->format->color.backing.a;
/* shadows */
if (it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_SHADOW)
DRAW_TEXT(1, 1);
else if ((it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_OUTLINE_SHADOW) ||
(it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_FAR_SHADOW))
DRAW_TEXT(2, 2);
else if ((it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_OUTLINE_SOFT_SHADOW) ||
(it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_FAR_SOFT_SHADOW))
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (vals[i][j] != 0)
COLOR_SET_AMUL(shadow, vals[i][j] * 50);
DRAW_TEXT(i, j);
else if (it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_SOFT_SHADOW)
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (vals[i][j] != 0)
COLOR_SET_AMUL(shadow, vals[i][j] * 50);
DRAW_TEXT(i - 1, j - 1);
/* glows */
if (it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_GLOW)
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (vals[i][j] != 0)
COLOR_SET_AMUL(glow, vals[i][j] * 50);
DRAW_TEXT(i - 2, j - 2);
DRAW_TEXT(-1, 0);
DRAW_TEXT(1, 0);
DRAW_TEXT(0, -1);
DRAW_TEXT(0, 1);
/* outlines */
if ((it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_OUTLINE) ||
(it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_OUTLINE_SHADOW) ||
DRAW_TEXT(-1, 0);
DRAW_TEXT(1, 0);
DRAW_TEXT(0, -1);
DRAW_TEXT(0, 1);
else if (it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_SOFT_OUTLINE)
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (((i != 2) || (j != 2)) && (vals[i][j] != 0))
COLOR_SET_AMUL(outline, vals[i][j] * 50);
DRAW_TEXT(i - 2, j - 2);
/* normal text */
DRAW_TEXT(0, 0);
if ((it->format->strikethrough) && (!pstrike) && (ll->next))
pstrike = 1;
strikex = it->x;
r3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.r;
g3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.g;
b3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.b;
a3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.a;
else if (((pstrike) && (!it->format->strikethrough)) ||
(!ll->next) ||
(it->format->color.strikethrough.r != r3) ||
(it->format->color.strikethrough.g != g3) ||
(it->format->color.strikethrough.b != b3) ||
(it->format->color.strikethrough.a != a3))
if ((it->format->strikethrough) && (!pstrike))
strikex = it->x;
r3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.r;
g3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.g;
b3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.b;
a3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.a;
x2 = it->x + it->w;
if (!it->format->strikethrough)
x2 = it->x;
pstrike = 0;
if (x2 > strikex)
(obj->cur.cache.clip.r * r3) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.g * g3) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.b * b3) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.a * a3) / 255);
obj->cur.geometry.x + ln->x + strikex + x,
obj->cur.geometry.y + ln->y + y + (ln->h / 2),
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.x + ln->x + strikex + x,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.y + ln->y + y + (ln->h / 2),
x2 - strikex,
if (it->format->strikethrough) pstrike = 1;
strikex = it->x;
r3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.r;
g3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.g;
b3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.b;
a3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.a;
if ((it->format->underline) && (!pline) && (ll->next))
pline = 1;
linex = it->x;
r = it->format->color.underline.r;
g = it->format->color.underline.g;
b = it->format->color.underline.b;
a = it->format->color.underline.a;
else if (((pline) && (!it->format->underline)) ||
(!ll->next) ||
(it->format->color.underline.r != r) ||
(it->format->color.underline.g != g) ||
(it->format->color.underline.b != b) ||
(it->format->color.underline.a != a))
if ((it->format->underline) && (!pline))
linex = it->x;
r = it->format->color.underline.r;
g = it->format->color.underline.g;
b = it->format->color.underline.b;
a = it->format->color.underline.a;
x2 = it->x + it->w;
if (!it->format->underline)
x2 = it->x;
pline = 0;
if (x2 > linex)
(obj->cur.cache.clip.r * r) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.g * g) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.b * b) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.a * a) / 255);
obj->cur.geometry.x + ln->x + linex + x,
obj->cur.geometry.y + ln->y + y + ln->baseline + 1,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.x + ln->x + linex + x,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.y + ln->y + y + ln->baseline + 1,
x2 - linex,
if (it->format->underline) pline = 1;
linex = it->x;
r = it->format->color.underline.r;
g = it->format->color.underline.g;
b = it->format->color.underline.b;
a = it->format->color.underline.a;
if ((it->format->underline2) && (!pline2) && (ll->next))
pline2 = 1;
line2x = it->x;
r2 = it->format->color.underline2.r;
g2 = it->format->color.underline2.g;
b2 = it->format->color.underline2.b;
a2 = it->format->color.underline2.a;
else if (((pline2) && (!it->format->underline2)) ||
(!ll->next) ||
(it->format->color.underline2.r != r2) ||
(it->format->color.underline2.g != g2) ||
(it->format->color.underline2.b != b2) ||
(it->format->color.underline2.a != a2))
if ((it->format->underline2) && (!pline2))
line2x = it->x;
r2 = it->format->color.underline2.r;
g2 = it->format->color.underline2.g;
b2 = it->format->color.underline2.b;
a2 = it->format->color.underline2.a;
x2 = it->x + it->w;
if (!it->format->underline2)
x2 = it->x;
pline2 = 0;
if (x2 > line2x)
(obj->cur.cache.clip.r * r2) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.g * g2) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.b * b2) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.a * a2) / 255);
obj->cur.geometry.x + ln->x + line2x + x,
obj->cur.geometry.y + ln->y + y + ln->baseline + 3,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.x + ln->x + line2x + x,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.y + ln->y + y + ln->baseline + 3,
x2 - line2x,
if (it->format->underline2) pline2 = 1;
line2x = it->x;
r2 = it->format->color.underline2.r;
g2 = it->format->color.underline2.g;
b2 = it->format->color.underline2.b;
a2 = it->format->color.underline2.a;
static void
evas_object_textblock_render_pre(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_List *updates = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
int is_v, was_v;
/* dont pre-render the obj twice! */
if (obj->pre_render_done) return;
obj->pre_render_done = 1;
/* pre-render phase. this does anything an object needs to do just before */
/* rendering. this could mean loading the image data, retrieving it from */
/* elsewhere, decoding video etc. */
/* then when this is done the object needs to figure if it changed and */
/* if so what and where and add the appropriate redraw textblocks */
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
if ((o->changed) ||
(o->last_w != obj->cur.geometry.w))
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *lines;
lines = o->lines;
o->lines = NULL;
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
obj->cur.geometry.w, obj->cur.geometry.h,
&o->formatted.w, &o->formatted.h);
o->formatted.valid = 1;
if (lines) _lines_clear(obj, lines);
o->last_w = obj->cur.geometry.w;
o->redraw = 0;
updates = evas_object_render_pre_prev_cur_add(updates, obj);
o->changed = 0;
is_v = evas_object_is_visible(obj);
was_v = evas_object_was_visible(obj);
goto done;
if (o->redraw)
o->redraw = 0;
updates = evas_object_render_pre_prev_cur_add(updates, obj);
o->changed = 0;
is_v = evas_object_is_visible(obj);
was_v = evas_object_was_visible(obj);
goto done;
/* if someone is clipping this obj - go calculate the clipper */
if (obj->cur.clipper)
if (obj->cur.cache.clip.dirty)
/* now figure what changed and add draw rects */
/* if it just became visible or invisible */
is_v = evas_object_is_visible(obj);
was_v = evas_object_was_visible(obj);
if (is_v != was_v)
updates = evas_object_render_pre_visible_change(updates, obj, is_v, was_v);
goto done;
/* it's not visible - we accounted for it appearing or not so just abort */
if (!is_v) goto done;
/* clipper changed this is in addition to anything else for obj */
updates = evas_object_render_pre_clipper_change(updates, obj);
/* if we restacked (layer or just within a layer) and don't clip anyone */
if (obj->restack)
updates = evas_object_render_pre_prev_cur_add(updates, obj);
goto done;
/* if it changed color */
if ((obj->cur.color.r != obj->prev.color.r) ||
(obj->cur.color.g != obj->prev.color.g) ||
(obj->cur.color.b != obj->prev.color.b) ||
(obj->cur.color.a != obj->prev.color.a))
updates = evas_object_render_pre_prev_cur_add(updates, obj);
goto done;
/* if it changed geometry - and obviously not visibility or color */
/* caluclate differences since we have a constant color fill */
/* we really only need to update the differences */
if ((obj->cur.geometry.x != obj->prev.geometry.x) ||
(obj->cur.geometry.y != obj->prev.geometry.y) ||
(obj->cur.geometry.w != obj->prev.geometry.w) ||
(obj->cur.geometry.h != obj->prev.geometry.h))
updates = evas_object_render_pre_prev_cur_add(updates, obj);
goto done;
if (o->changed)
Evas_Rectangle *r;
r = malloc(sizeof(Evas_Rectangle));
r->x = 0; r->y = 0;
r->w = obj->cur.geometry.w;
r->h = obj->cur.geometry.h;
updates = evas_list_append(updates, r);
updates = evas_object_render_pre_prev_cur_add(updates, obj);
o->changed = 0;
evas_object_render_pre_effect_updates(updates, obj, is_v, was_v);
static void
evas_object_textblock_render_post(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
/* this moves the current data to the previous state parts of the object */
/* in whatever way is safest for the object. also if we don't need object */
/* data anymore we can free it if the object deems this is a good idea */
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
/* remove those pesky changes */
while (obj->clip.changes)
Evas_Rectangle *r;
r = (Evas_Rectangle *)obj->clip.changes->data;
obj->clip.changes = evas_list_remove(obj->clip.changes, r);
/* move cur to prev safely for object data */
obj->prev = obj->cur;
// o->prev = o->cur;
/* o->changed = 0; */
static int
evas_object_textblock_is_opaque(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
/* this returns 1 if the internal object data implies that the object is */
/* currently fulyl opque over the entire gradient it occupies */
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
return 0;
static int
evas_object_textblock_was_opaque(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
/* this returns 1 if the internal object data implies that the object was */
/* currently fulyl opque over the entire gradient it occupies */
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
return 0;
static void
evas_object_textblock_coords_recalc(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
if (obj->cur.geometry.w != o->last_w)
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
o->changed = 1;
_evas_object_textblock_rehint(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_List *l, *ll;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
for (l = (Evas_Object_List *)o->lines; l; l = l->next)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
ln = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *)l;
for (ll = (Evas_Object_List *)ln->items; ll; ll = ll->next)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)ll;
if (it->format->font.font)
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
o->changed = 1;