
335 lines
6.2 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RuleSet Name="CustomRulset" Description="Custom Rulset" ToolsVersion="14.0">
<Rules AnalyzerId="Microsoft.Analyzers.ManagedCodeAnalysis" RuleNamespace="Microsoft.Rules.Managed">
<!-- Do not declare static members on Generic Types -->
<!-- Consider making Raise an event -->
<!-- Catch generic exception -->
<!-- Add extra exception constructors -->
<!-- Do not nest NativeTypes -->
<!-- IComparable must implement other comparison operators -->
<!-- Avoid empty interface -->
<!-- Use Integral Or String Argument For Indexers -->
<!-- Consider making property with getter -->
<!-- Visible instance fields -->
<!-- Static holder can be static -->
<!-- Using parameters before checking for null -->
<!-- Remove IDisposable as Object already has it -->
<!-- Exceptions must be public -->
<!-- Do not raise exception in unexpected locations -->
<!-- String localization -->
<!-- Specify IFormatProvider -->
<!-- Specify Stringcomparison -->
<!-- PInvoke should not be visible -->
<!-- Use nameof -->
<!-- Parameter underscore -->
<!-- Attribute classes must have the Attribute Suffix -->
<!-- Replace generic parameter with T -->
<!-- Parameter End conflicts with VB -->
<!-- Enum field must be plural -->
<!-- Variable has type name -->
<!-- Property with same name as getter -->
<!-- Type name must not match namespace -->
<!-- Unused parameter. Lots of warnings regarding Dispose(disposing) -->
<!-- Do not ignore function result -->
<!-- Remove static constructors -->
<!-- Realized classes are never instantiated -->
<!-- Override equal and operator equal on Value Types-->
<!-- Dispose must call SuppressFinalizers -->
<!-- Member can be static -->
<!-- Consider zero length array allocation -->
<!-- Count() is used where Any() could be used instead to improve performance -->
<!-- Use Count instead of Count() -->
<!-- Call dispose before going out of scope -->
<!-- Call ConfigureWait-->
<!-- PInvoke should specify string marshalling -->
<!-- Rethrow loses stack info -->
<!-- Declare static fields when they are declared and remove static constructor -->
<!-- Instantiate exception params correctly -->
<!-- Dot not call overrideable methods in constructors -->
<!-- Replace implicit operator -->
<!-- Change 'XXXXX' to be read-only by removing the property setter -->
<Rules AnalyzerId="StyleCop.Analyzers" RuleNamespace="StyleCop.Analyzers">
<!-- Ignore docs -->
<!-- 10** Spacing rules -->
<!-- Documentation must start with single space -->
<!-- Readability -->
<!-- 12** Ordering -->
<!-- FIXME Check if this somehow affects docfx output -->
<!-- 13** Naming Rules -->
<!-- Element start with upper case -->
<!-- Interface start with I -->
<!-- Upper/lower score rules -->
<!-- Variable field prefixes -->
<!-- 14** Maintainability -->
<!-- Access modifier -->
<!-- Field must be private -->
<!-- File Must contain single class or namespace -->
<!-- CodeAnalysis suppress does not have justification -->
<!-- Debug.Assert/Fail must provide a message -->
<!-- Arithmetic/Conditional expression must declare precedence -->
<!-- Remove unecessary code -->
<!-- Delegate/Attribute parentheses -->
<!-- Utf8 file -->
<!-- Trailing commas multiline initializer -->
<!-- 15** Layout Rules -->
<!-- 16** Documentation rules -->
<!-- Things must be documented -->
<!-- Valid xml in docs -->
<!-- File headers -->
<!-- Constructor/Destructor -->
<!-- File header -->
<!-- Miscellaneous doc -->
<!-- Filename must match file type -->
<!-- Spelling -->
<!-- Placeholder -->