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enum @beta Efl.Ui.Textbox_Cnp_Content {
[[What kind of content can be pasted into this widget using Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop functionality.
Multiple options can be OR-ed together.
Nothing = 0, [[Nothing can be pasted or dropped into this widget.]]
Text = 1, [[Plain text can be pasted or dropped into this widget.]]
Markup = 3, [[Markup text can be pasted or dropped into this widget
(This includes Plain text).]]
Image = 4, [[Images can be pasted or dropped into this widget.]]
class Efl.Ui.Textbox extends Efl.Ui.Layout_Base implements Efl.Input.Clickable,
Efl.Access.Text, Efl.Access.Editable.Text, Efl.Ui.Scrollable
Efl.Text_Interactive, Efl.Text_Markup, Efl.Input_Text
[[A flexible text widget which can be static (as a label) or editable by
the user (as a text entry). It provides all sorts of editing facilities
like automatic scrollbars, virtual keyboard, clipboard, configurable
context menus or auto-capitalization, for example.
@since 1.24]]
methods {
@property scrollable {
[[Enable or disable scrolling in the widget.
When scrolling is enabled scrollbars will appear if the text does
not fit the widget size.
Direct control of the scroll through the @Efl.Ui.Scrollable interface
is only possible when this property is enabled.
set {}
get {}
values {
scroll: bool(false); [[$true to enable scrolling.]]
@property context_menu_enabled {
[[This enables or disables the widget's contextual menu, typically
accessible through a long-press or a right-button click.
set {
get {
values {
enabled: bool; [[$true to enable the contextual menu.]]
@property cnp_dnd_mode @beta {
[[Controls the type of content which can be pasted into the widget.
By default, both text and images are allowed..
set {
get {
values {
allowed_formats : Efl.Ui.Textbox_Cnp_Content; [[Allowed content types.]]
@property selection_handles_enabled {
[[This enables or disables the visual handles around selected text,
to allow simpler modification on touch screens.]]
set {
get {
values {
enabled: bool; [[$true to enable the selection handles.]]
@property item_factory @beta {
[[The factory that provides item in the text e.g.
"emoticon/happy" or "href=file://image.jpg" etc.
values {
item_factory: Efl.Canvas.Textblock_Factory; [[Factory to create items]]
cursor_create {
[[Creates and returns a new cursor for the text.]]
return: Efl.Text_Cursor.Object @move; [[Text cursor.]]
selection_copy {
[[This executes a "copy" action on the selected text in the widget.]]
selection_paste {
[[This executes a "paste" action in the widget.]]
selection_cut {
[[This executes a "cut" action on the selected text in the widget.]]
implements {
Efl.Gfx.Entity.visible { set; }
Efl.Gfx.Entity.position { set; }
Efl.Gfx.Entity.size { set; }
Efl.Ui.Widget.interest_region { get; }
Efl.Ui.Widget.disabled {set;}
Efl.Text_Format.password {set;}
Efl.Text_Format.multiline {set;}
Efl.Access.Object.state_set { get; }
Efl.Access.Object.i18n_name { get; }
Efl.Access.Text.access_text { get; }
Efl.Access.Text.string { get; }
Efl.Access.Text.attribute { get; }
Efl.Access.Text.text_attributes { get; }
Efl.Access.Text.default_attributes { get; }
Efl.Access.Text.caret_offset { get; set; }
Efl.Access.Text.character { get; }
Efl.Access.Text.character_extents { get; }
Efl.Access.Text.character_count { get; }
Efl.Access.Text.offset_at_point { get; }
Efl.Access.Text.bounded_ranges { get; }
Efl.Access.Text.range_extents { get; }
Efl.Access.Text.access_selection { get; set; }
Efl.Access.Text.selections_count { get; }
Efl.Access.Editable.Text.text_content { set; }
Efl.Text_Interactive.editable { set; }
Efl.Ui.Scrollable.content_pos { set; get; }
Efl.Ui.Scrollable.content_size{ get; }
Efl.Ui.Scrollable.viewport_geometry{ get; }
Efl.Ui.Scrollable.bounce_enabled { set; get; }
Efl.Ui.Scrollable.scroll_freeze { get; set; }
Efl.Ui.Scrollable.scroll_hold { get; set; }
Efl.Ui.Scrollable.looping { get; set; }
Efl.Ui.Scrollable.movement_block { get; set; }
Efl.Ui.Scrollable.gravity { get; set; }
Efl.Ui.Scrollable.match_content { set; }
Efl.Ui.Scrollable.step_size { set; get; }
events {
selection,paste: void; [[Called when selection is pasted.]]
selection,copy: void; [[Called when selection is copied.]]
selection,cut: void; [[Called when selection is cut.]]
changed: void; [[Called when entry changes]]
context,open: void; [[Called when context menu was opened]]