
73 lines
1.8 KiB

#include <ecorexx/Ecorexx.h>
#include <evasxx/Evasxx.h>
#include <sigc++/sigc++.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using namespace Eflxx;
using namespace std;
#define WIDTH 320
#define HEIGHT 240
typedef pair<Evasxx::Line*, int> Star;
typedef list<Star*> Starfield;
typedef list<Star*>::iterator StarfieldIterator;
Starfield starfield;
int width = 0;
void advance( )
for (StarfieldIterator it = starfield.begin(); it != starfield.end(); ++it )
Star* star = *it;
Evasxx::Line* line = star->first;
int speed = star->second;
Rect g = line->getGeometry();
line->setGeometry( Rect ((g.x()+speed ) % width, g.y(), 1, 0) );
int main( int argc, const char **argv )
Ecorexx::Application* app = new Ecorexx::Application( argc, argv, "Ecore Stars Test" );
Ecorexx::EvasWindowSoftwareX11* mw = new Ecorexx::EvasWindowSoftwareX11( Size (WIDTH, HEIGHT) );
Evasxx::Canvas &evas = mw->getCanvas();
Rect bg = evas.getGeometry();
width = bg.width();
Evasxx::Rectangle* r = new Evasxx::Rectangle( evas, bg );
r->setColor( Color (0, 0, 0, 255) );
r->setLayer( 0 );
for ( int scanline = 0; scanline < bg.height(); ++scanline )
int xpos = (int) ((double)bg.width()*rand()/(RAND_MAX));
int speed = 1+(int) (10.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
Evasxx::Line* line = new Evasxx::Line( evas, Point (xpos, scanline), Point (xpos+1, scanline) );
line->setColor( Color (50+speed*16, 50+speed*18, 50+speed*17, 255) );
line->setLayer( 10 );
starfield.push_back( new Star( line, speed ) );
( new Ecorexx::Timer( 0.08 ) )->timeout.connect( sigc::ptr_fun( ::advance ) );
mw->show ();
/* Enter the application main loop */
/* Delete the application */
delete app;
return 0;