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Edgar Gadget Loader
This module load python gadgets in Enlightenment.
* Enlightenment >= 0.24
* Python >= 3.5 (also the -dev package if your disto need them)
* Python-EFL >= 1.11 (built for python3)
* python3-dbus
To install the edgar and all the incluede gadgets just use:
meson build
ninja -C build
ninja -C build install
The Audio gadget
The gadget provide PulseAudio + mpris2 integration.
It dbus to speak with PulseAudio, thus you need to enable dbus in pulse,
in the /etc/pulse/default.pa you need to have the line:
load-module module-dbus-protocol
Usage tips:
* the main speaker act on the pulse fallback channel, you can change that
using the pavucontrol application.
* mouse-wheel on the speaker to change volume.
* middle-click on the speaker or any slider to toggle mute.
The Dropbox gadget
A simple gadget that show the dropbox daemon status, it also have the ability
to start/stop the daemon.
The LedClock gadget
Usage tips:
* click on the first led column to trigger fancy animations.
How to write your own gadget
I suggest to start from an existing gadget, just copy it's folder and
start hacking, a minimal gadget require:
base_folder/ (need to have the same name as the gadget)
__init__.py (the gadget python script)
gadget.edc (the gadget edje file)
Look at the e.py file (in the python/ folder in sources) for more