#include #include "e_mod_main.h" #include "mbox.h" static Eina_List *mboxes; static void _mail_mbox_check_mail_parser (Config_Box *cb); static void _mail_mbox_check_mail_monitor (void *data, Ecore_File_Monitor * monitor, Ecore_File_Event event, const char *path); void _mail_mbox_add_mailbox (void *data, void *data2) { MboxClient *mb; Config_Box *cb; cb = data2; if (!cb) return; mb = E_NEW (MboxClient, 1); mb->config = cb; mb->data = data; mb->config->num_new = 0; mb->config->num_total = 0; if (mb->config->monitor) mb->monitor = ecore_file_monitor_add (mb->config->new_path, _mail_mbox_check_mail_monitor, mb); mboxes = eina_list_append (mboxes, mb); } void _mail_mbox_check_monitors () { Eina_List *l; for (l = mboxes; l; l = l->next) { MboxClient *mb; mb = l->data; if (!mb) continue; if (mb->config->monitor) { if (!mb->monitor) mb->monitor = ecore_file_monitor_add (mb->config->new_path, _mail_mbox_check_mail_monitor, mb); } else { if (mb->monitor) { ecore_file_monitor_del (mb->monitor); } mb->monitor = NULL; } break; } } void _mail_mbox_del_mailbox (void *data) { Config_Box *cb; Eina_List *l; cb = data; if (!cb) return; for (l = mboxes; l; l = l->next) { MboxClient *mb; mb = l->data; if (!mb) continue; if (mb->config != cb) continue; if (mb->monitor) ecore_file_monitor_del (mb->monitor); mboxes = eina_list_remove (mboxes, mb); free (mb); mb = NULL; break; } } void _mail_mbox_shutdown () { if (!mboxes) return; while (mboxes) { MboxClient *mb; mb = mboxes->data; if (mb->monitor) ecore_file_monitor_del (mb->monitor); mboxes = eina_list_remove_list (mboxes, mboxes); free (mb); mb = NULL; } } void _mail_mbox_check_mail (void *data) { Eina_List *l; Instance *inst; int num_new_prev; inst = data; if (!inst) return; for (l = mboxes; l; l = l->next) { MboxClient *mb; Config_Box *cb; mb = l->data; if (!mb) continue; mb->data = inst; cb = mb->config; if (!cb) continue; num_new_prev = cb->num_new; _mail_mbox_check_mail_parser(cb); /* Only launch the program if the number of new mails increased. This is hacky but better than launching it every time there's unread/new mail imho */ _mail_set_text (mb->data); if ((mb->config->num_new > 0) && (mb->config->num_new > num_new_prev) && (mb->config->use_exec) && (mb->config->exec)) _mail_start_exe (mb->config); } } /* PRIVATES */ static void _mail_mbox_check_mail_monitor (void *data, Ecore_File_Monitor * monitor, Ecore_File_Event event, const char *path) { MboxClient *mb; Config_Box *cb; mb = data; if (!mb) return; cb = mb->config; if (!cb) return; _mail_mbox_check_mail_parser(cb); _mail_set_text (mb->data); if ((mb->config->num_new > 0) && (mb->config->use_exec) && (mb->config->exec)) _mail_start_exe (mb->config); } static void _mail_mbox_check_mail_parser (Config_Box *cb) { FILE *f; int header = 0; char buf[1024]; if (!cb->new_path) return; if (!(f = fopen (cb->new_path, "r"))) return; cb->num_new = 0; cb->num_total = 0; while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f)) { if (buf[0] == '\n') header = 0; else if (!strncmp (buf, "From ", 5)) { header = 1; cb->num_total++; cb->num_new++; } else if (header) { if ((!strncmp (buf, "Status: ", 8)) && (strchr (buf, 'R'))) cb->num_new--; /* Support for Mozilla/Thunderbird mbox format */ else if (!strncmp (buf, "X-Mozilla-Status: ", 18)) { if (!strstr (buf, "0000")) { cb->num_new--; if (strstr (buf, "0009")) cb->num_total--; } } } } fclose (f); }