Simple TEXT Clock module for e17 v0.2 ... it suck less (from you computer resouces) ------------------------------------------------ made by adi roiban for e17 community ========================================================= many thanks to Michael Jennings for making this package ======================================================== now let's go --- to modify the clock format read the documentation from stftime and modify the tclock_format part from tclock.edc file then recompile tclock.edc so just look for something like /usr/lib/e_modules/tclock and there you should file an tclock.edc file hack that file and after that compile it with edje_cc tclock.edc for example you can change the background, just replace the background.png file and recompile tclock.edc restart e17 and you should see the changes if you had problems using this module please write me at --------------------------------------------------- now you must restart(reload the module, don't press that button) when you chose the time resolution.... i do not master e_core_timers so i can not say it the times work corectly or not.