
93 lines
3.2 KiB

<font_size=11><b>[Enventor v0.8.0]</b></font_size></br>
This is an EDC editor with some convenient functions. It was started near the begining of June 2013, so expecting it to do everything a mature script editor does is a bit premature. However, considering its young age, it does a lot.</br>
Please see the following sites for more information.</br>
<font_size=11><b>[Short Cut Keys]</b></font_size></br>
Esc - Open/Close Menu</br>
F1 - About</br>
F2 - New</br>
F3 - Save</br>
F4 - Load</br>
F5 - Toggle Line Number</br>
F9 - Toggle Tools</br>
F10 - Toggle EDC Navigator</br>
F11 - Toggle Status</br>
F12 - Settings</br>
Ctrl+S - Quick Save + Update Live View</br>
Ctrl+I - Toggle Auto Indentation</br>
Ctrl+O - Toggle Auto Completion</br>
Ctrl+W - Toggle Dummy Parts</br>
Ctrl+H - Toggle Part Highlighting</br>
Ctrl+M - Toggle Mirror Mode</br>
Ctrl+T - Insert Defaut Template Code</br>
Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Up - View Zoom In / Font Size Up</br>
Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Down - View Zoom Out / Font Size Down</br>
Alt+Left - Toggle Full Edit View</br>
Alt+Right - Toggle Full Live View</br>
Alt+Up - Toggle Full Console View</br>
Alt+Down - Toggle Full Editors View</br>
Ctrl+A - Select Text All</br>
Ctrl+Double Click - Select a word</br>
Ctrl+Z - Undo Text</br>
Ctrl+R - Redo Text</br>
Ctrl+C - Copy Selected Text</br>
Ctrl+V - Paste Copied Text</br>
Ctrl+X - Cut Selected Text</br>
Ctrl+D - Delete a Current line</br>
Ctrl+F - Find/Replace</br>
Ctrl+L - Go to line</br>
Ctrl+Home - Go to the Top line</br>
Ctrl+End - Go to the Bottom line</br>
Ctrl+Space - Search candidate keywords in the context</br>
<font_size=11><b>[Command Line Usage]</b></font_size></br>
enventor --help</br>
enventor [input file] [output file] [-t] [-i image path] [-s sound path] [-f font path] [-d data path]</br>
input file = EDC file to open. If input file is skipped, Enventor will open a default template code with a temporary file.</br>
output file = EDJ file to store compiled file. If output file is skipped, Enventor will store the binary file to the temporary directory.</br>
-t = Open template menu when you launch Enventor</br>
-i = path to image resources that the edc includes</br>
-s = path to sound resources that the edc includes</br>
-f = path to font resources that the edc includes</br>
-d = path to data resources that the edc includes</br>
Examples of Enventor command line usage:</br>
$ enventor</br>
$ enventor -t</br>
$ enventor newfile.edc -t</br>
$ enventor sample.edc output.edj -i ./images -s ./sounds</br>
Many developers have contributed to Enventor project. The following names are dedicated Enventor developers' names but there are more people who've gladly contributed for Enventor. For a complete list of contributors, See AUTHORS file.</br>
Copyright (C) 2013 - 2016 by:</br>
Hermet Park</br>
Jaehyun Cho</br>
Mykyta Biliavskyi</br>
Kateryna Fesyna</br>
Tae-Hyup Kim</br>
Yunho Jeong</br>
Mincheol Seo</br>
Raoul Hecky</br>
Yurii Tsivun</br>
And various contributors (See AUTHORS)</br>