Cleanup theme... remove unneeded parts and images... formatting

SVN revision: 49977
This commit is contained in:
titan 2010-07-01 21:22:10 +00:00 committed by titan
parent 1218856b51
commit 99c0647026
23 changed files with 296 additions and 379 deletions

View File

@ -7,123 +7,7 @@ collections
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@ -225,265 +109,301 @@ collections
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offset: 0 -10; part
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relative: 1.0 0.0; }
offset: -1 -5; }
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offset: -5 -5; {
} relative: 1.0 0.0;
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relative: 1.0 1.0; }
offset: 5 5; rel2
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clip_to: "disclip"; }
type: TEXT; }
effect: SOFT_SHADOW; part
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image { }
normal: "bt_sm_hilight.png"; }
border: 6 6 6 0; part
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color: 255 255 255 255; }
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programs { {
// signal: elm,state,%s,active normal: "bt_sm_shine.png";
// a "check" item named %s went active border: 6 6 6 0;
// signal: elm,state,%s,passive }
// a "check" item named %s went passive }
// default is passive description
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name: "go_active"; state: "selected" 0.0;
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action: STATE_SET "selected" 0.0; color: 255 255 255 255;
target: "bg"; }
target: "fg1"; }
target: "fg2"; part
target: "elm.text"; {
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program { type: RECT;
name: "go_passive"; description
signal: "elm,state,unselected"; {
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target: "fg2"; description
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source: "elm"; }
action: STATE_SET "disabled" 0.0; programs
target: "disclip"; {
} // signal: elm,state,%s,active
program { // a "check" item named %s went active
name: "go_enabled"; // signal: elm,state,%s,passive
signal: "elm,state,enabled"; // a "check" item named %s went passive
source: "elm"; // default is passive
action: STATE_SET "default" 0.0; program
target: "disclip"; {
} name: "go_active";
} signal: "elm,state,selected";
} source: "elm";
action: STATE_SET "selected" 0.0;
target: "bg";
target: "fg1";
target: "fg2";
target: "elm.text";
name: "go_passive";
signal: "elm,state,unselected";
source: "elm";
action: STATE_SET "default" 0.0;
target: "bg";
target: "fg1";
target: "fg2";
target: "elm.text";
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name: "go_disabled";
signal: "elm,state,disabled";
source: "elm";
action: STATE_SET "disabled" 0.0;
target: "disclip";
name: "go_enabled";
signal: "elm,state,enabled";
source: "elm";
action: STATE_SET "default" 0.0;
target: "disclip";
} }

View File

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
background.png \
thumb_shadow.png \ thumb_shadow.png \
move_left.png \
move_right.png \
bt_sm_base1.png \ bt_sm_base1.png \
bt_sm_shine.png \ bt_sm_shine.png \
bt_sm_hilight.png bt_sm_hilight.png

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