EPhoto: Add plural translating

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Houston 2015-08-10 16:46:35 -05:00
parent d4a477db41
commit de374892ee
3 changed files with 17 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -140,7 +140,9 @@ _add_slideshow_config(Evas_Object *parent, Ephoto *ephoto)
spinner = elm_spinner_add(table);
elm_spinner_editable_set(spinner, EINA_TRUE);
elm_spinner_label_format_set(spinner, "%1.0f seconds");
memset(buf, 0, PATH_MAX);
snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "%%1.0f %s", _("seconds"));
elm_spinner_label_format_set(spinner, buf);
elm_spinner_step_set(spinner, 1);
elm_spinner_value_set(spinner, ephoto->config->slideshow_timeout);
elm_spinner_min_max_set(spinner, 1, 60);
@ -223,14 +225,14 @@ _add_about_config(Evas_Object *parent, Ephoto *ephoto)
label = elm_label_add(scroller);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(label, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(label, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
eina_strbuf_append_printf(sbuf, "<b>About Ephoto</b><br/>"
eina_strbuf_append_printf(sbuf, _("<b>About Ephoto</b><br/>"
"Ephoto is a comprehensive image viewer based on the EFL.<br/>"
"For more information, please visit the Ephoto project page on the Enlightenment wiki:<br/>"
"Ephoto's source can be found through Enlightenment's git:<br/>"
f = fopen(PACKAGE_DATA_DIR "/AUTHORS", "r");
if (f)

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@ -515,23 +515,23 @@ _ephoto_get_file_size(const char *path)
size_t size = eina_file_size_get(f);
double dsize = (double)size;
if (dsize < 1024.0) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.0f%s", dsize, _("B"));
if (dsize < 1024.0) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.0f%s", dsize, ngettext("B", "Bs", dsize));
dsize /= 1024.0;
if (dsize < 1024) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.0f%s", dsize, _("KB"));
if (dsize < 1024) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.0f%s", dsize, ngettext("KB", "KBs", dsize));
dsize /= 1024.0;
if (dsize < 1024) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.1f%s", dsize, _("MB"));
if (dsize < 1024) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.1f%s", dsize, ngettext("MB", "MBs", dsize));
dsize /= 1024.0;
if (dsize < 1024) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.1f%s", dsize, _("GB"));
if (dsize < 1024) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.1f%s", dsize, ngettext("GB", "GBs", dsize));
dsize /= 1024.0;
snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.1f%s", dsize, _("TB"));
snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.1f%s", dsize, ngettext("TB", "TBs", dsize));

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@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ _ephoto_thumb_populate_end(void *data, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event EINA_UN
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(tb->nolabel, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
elm_table_pack(tb->table, tb->nolabel, 0, 0, 4, 1);
snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "<b>%s:</b> 0 %s <b>%s:</b> 0 %s", _("Total"), _("images"), _("Size"), _("bytes"));
snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "<b>%s:</b> 0 %s <b>%s:</b> 0%s", _("Total"), ngettext("image", "images", 0), _("Size"), ngettext("B", "Bs", 0));
elm_object_text_set(tb->infolabel, buf);
@ -713,29 +713,29 @@ _ephoto_thumb_populate_end(void *data, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event EINA_UN
char isize[PATH_MAX];
char image_info[PATH_MAX];
if (tb->totsize < 1024.0) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.0f%s", tb->totsize, _("B"));
if (tb->totsize < 1024.0) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.0f%s", tb->totsize, ngettext("B", "Bs", tb->totsize));
tb->totsize /= 1024.0;
if (tb->totsize < 1024) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.0f%s", tb->totsize, _("KB"));
if (tb->totsize < 1024) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.0f%s", tb->totsize, ngettext("KB", "KBs", tb->totsize));
tb->totsize /= 1024.0;
if (tb->totsize < 1024) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.1f%s", tb->totsize, _("MB"));
if (tb->totsize < 1024) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.1f%s", tb->totsize, ngettext("MB", "MBs", tb->totsize));
tb->totsize /= 1024.0;
if (tb->totsize < 1024) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.1f%s", tb->totsize, _("GB"));
if (tb->totsize < 1024) snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.1f%s", tb->totsize, ngettext("GB", "GBs", tb->totsize));
tb->totsize /= 1024.0;
snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.1f%s", tb->totsize, _("TB"));
snprintf(isize, sizeof(isize), "%'.1f%s", tb->totsize, ngettext("TB", "TBs", tb->totsize));
snprintf(image_info, PATH_MAX, "<b>%s:</b> %d %s <b>%s:</b> %s",
_("Total"), tb->totimages, _("images"), _("Size"), isize);
_("Total"), tb->totimages, ngettext("image", "images", tb->totimages), _("Size"), isize);
elm_object_text_set(tb->infolabel, image_info);