#include "ephoto.h" const char *file_size_get(int size) { double dsize; char fsize[256]; dsize = (double)size; if (dsize < 1024.0) snprintf(fsize, sizeof(fsize), _("%'.0f Bytes"), dsize); else { dsize /= 1024.0; if (dsize < 1024) snprintf(fsize, sizeof(fsize), _("%'.0f KB"), dsize); else { dsize /= 1024.0; if (dsize < 1024) snprintf(fsize, sizeof(fsize), _("%'.0f MB"), dsize); else { dsize /= 1024.0; snprintf(fsize, sizeof(fsize), _("%'.1f GB"), dsize); } } } return strdup(fsize); } /*Get the pixels and return them in a string*/ const char *image_pixels_string_get(const char *file) { char pixels[PATH_MAX]; int w, h; Evas_Imaging_Image *image; image = evas_imaging_image_load(file, NULL); evas_imaging_image_size_get(image, &w, &h); evas_imaging_image_free(image); snprintf(pixels, PATH_MAX, "%d x %d", w, h); return strdup(pixels); } /*Get the pixels and return them in integers*/ void image_pixels_int_get(const char *file, int *width, int *height) { int w, h; Evas_Imaging_Image *image; image = evas_imaging_image_load(file, NULL); evas_imaging_image_size_get(image, &w, &h); evas_imaging_image_free(image); *width = w; *height = h; return; }