#include "ephoto.h" static char *get_image(void); static void close_dialog(Ewl_Widget *w, void *event, void *data); static void add_exif_to_container(Ewl_Widget *w, void *event, void *data); /*Get the Exif Data for an image and return it in a hash*/ Ecore_Hash *get_exif_data(char *file) { const char **args, *ifd_name, *title; char value[1024]; unsigned int i, tag; Ecore_Hash *exif_info; ExifEntry *entry; ExifData *data; ExifLoader *loader; args = calloc(1, sizeof(const char *)); args[0] = file; exif_info = ecore_hash_new(ecore_str_hash, ecore_str_compare); ecore_hash_set_free_key(exif_info, free); ecore_hash_set_free_value(exif_info, free); loader = exif_loader_new(); exif_loader_write_file(loader, *args); data = exif_loader_get_data(loader); if (!data) { exif_loader_unref(loader); return NULL; } exif_loader_unref(loader); for(tag = 0; tag < 0xffff; tag++) { title = exif_tag_get_title(tag); for (i = 0; i < EXIF_IFD_COUNT; i++) { entry = exif_content_get_entry(data->ifd[i], tag); if (entry) { exif_entry_ref(entry); exif_entry_get_value(entry, value, sizeof(value)); ecore_hash_set(exif_info, strdup(title), strdup(value)); exif_entry_unref(entry); } } } exif_data_unref(data); return exif_info; } /*Get the current image*/ static char *get_image(void) { const char *img; if (VISIBLE(fbox_vbox)) { img = ewl_widget_name_get(currentf); } else if (VISIBLE(list_vbox)) { img = ewl_widget_name_get(currenti); } else if (VISIBLE(edit_vbox)) { img = ewl_image_file_path_get(EWL_IMAGE(eimage)); } return strdup(img); } /*Close a dialog*/ static void close_dialog(Ewl_Widget *w, void *event, void *data) { Ecore_List *destroy; Ewl_Widget *win; win = data; destroy = ewl_widget_data_get(win, "list"); ecore_list_destroy(destroy); ewl_widget_destroy(win); return; } /*Add all the exif information to the container w*/ static void add_exif_to_container(Ewl_Widget *w, void *event, void *data) { char *img, *key, *value, text[PATH_MAX]; Ecore_Hash *exif_info; Ecore_List *keys, *values; Ewl_Widget *win; win = data; values = ecore_list_new(); ecore_list_set_free_cb(values, free); img = get_image(); exif_info = get_exif_data(img); if(ecore_hash_count(exif_info) == 0) { ecore_list_append(values, strdup("No Exif Data Exists")); } else { keys = ecore_hash_keys(exif_info); while (!ecore_list_is_empty(keys)) { key = ecore_list_remove_first(keys); value = ecore_hash_get(exif_info, key); snprintf(text, PATH_MAX, "%s: %s", key, value); ecore_list_append(values, strdup(text)); } } ewl_mvc_data_set(EWL_MVC(w), values); ewl_widget_data_set(win, "list", values); ecore_hash_destroy(exif_info); free(img); return; } /*Display a dialog which will display exif data*/ void display_exif_dialog(Ewl_Widget *w, void *event, void *data) { char *img; Ecore_Hash *exif_info; Ewl_Widget *win, *vbox, *image, *sp, *list, *label; Ewl_Model *model; Ewl_View *view; img = get_image(); win = ewl_window_new(); ewl_window_title_set(EWL_WINDOW(win), "Ephoto Exif Info"); ewl_window_name_set(EWL_WINDOW(win), "Ephoto Exif Info"); ewl_window_dialog_set(EWL_WINDOW(win), 1); ewl_object_size_request(EWL_OBJECT(win), 310, 460); ewl_callback_append(win, EWL_CALLBACK_DELETE_WINDOW, close_dialog, win); ewl_widget_show(win); vbox = ewl_vbox_new(); ewl_object_fill_policy_set(EWL_OBJECT(vbox), EWL_FLAG_FILL_ALL); ewl_container_child_append(EWL_CONTAINER(win), vbox); ewl_widget_show(vbox); label = add_label(vbox, "Preview", 0); image = add_image(vbox, img, 1, NULL, NULL); ewl_image_constrain_set(EWL_IMAGE(image), 120); ewl_object_alignment_set(EWL_OBJECT(image), EWL_FLAG_ALIGN_CENTER); ewl_object_fill_policy_set(EWL_OBJECT(image), EWL_FLAG_FILL_SHRINK); label = add_label(vbox, "Image Information", 0); sp = ewl_scrollpane_new(); ewl_object_fill_policy_set(EWL_OBJECT(sp), EWL_FLAG_FILL_ALL); ewl_container_child_append(EWL_CONTAINER(vbox), sp); ewl_widget_show(sp); model = ewl_model_ecore_list_get(); view = ewl_label_view_get(); list = ewl_list_new(); ewl_mvc_model_set(EWL_MVC(list), model); ewl_mvc_view_set(EWL_MVC(list), view); ewl_object_fill_policy_set(EWL_OBJECT(list), EWL_FLAG_FILL_ALL); ewl_container_child_append(EWL_CONTAINER(sp), list); ewl_callback_append(list, EWL_CALLBACK_SHOW, add_exif_to_container, win); ewl_widget_show(list); add_button(vbox, "Close", PACKAGE_DATA_DIR "/images/dialog-close.png", close_dialog, win); free(img); return; }