#ifndef _EPHOTO_H_ #define _EPHOTO_H_ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define THEME_FILE PACKAGE_DATA_DIR"/themes/default/ephoto.edj" /*Typedefs*/ typedef struct _Ephoto_Config Ephoto_Config; typedef struct _Ephoto Ephoto; typedef struct _Ephoto_Entry Ephoto_Entry; typedef struct _Ephoto_Event_Entry_Create Ephoto_Event_Entry_Create; typedef enum _Ephoto_State Ephoto_State; typedef enum _Ephoto_Orient Ephoto_Orient; /*Main Gui Functions/Callbacks*/ Evas_Object *ephoto_window_add(const char *path); void ephoto_title_set(Ephoto *ephoto, const char *title); void ephoto_thumb_size_set(Ephoto *ephoto, int size); Evas_Object *ephoto_thumb_add(Ephoto *ephoto, Evas_Object *parent, const char *path); void ephoto_thumb_path_set(Evas_Object *o, const char *path); Evas_Object *ephoto_list_icon_add(Ephoto *ephoto, Evas_Object *parent, const char *standard); void ephoto_directory_set(Ephoto *ephoto, const char *path); void ephoto_promote_list_browser(Ephoto *ephoto); void ephoto_promote_thumb_browser(Ephoto *ephoto); void ephoto_promote_single_browser(Ephoto *ephoto, Ephoto_Entry *e); /*Get the exif orientation of a JPEG*/ Ephoto_Orient ephoto_file_orient_get(const char *path); /*Config Functions/Callbacks*/ Eina_Bool ephoto_config_init(Ephoto *em); void ephoto_config_save(Ephoto *em, Eina_Bool instant); void ephoto_config_free(Ephoto *em); /*List Browser*/ Evas_Object *ephoto_list_browser_add(Ephoto *ephoto, Evas_Object *parent); void ephoto_list_browser_entry_set(Evas_Object *obj, Ephoto_Entry *entry); /*Thumb Browser*/ Evas_Object *ephoto_thumb_browser_add(Ephoto *ephoto, Evas_Object *parent); void ephoto_thumb_browser_entry_set(Evas_Object *obj, Ephoto_Entry *entry); /*Single Browser*/ Evas_Object *ephoto_single_browser_add(Ephoto *ephoto, Evas_Object *parent); void ephoto_single_browser_entry_set(Evas_Object *obj, Ephoto_Entry *entry); void ephoto_single_browser_path_pending_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *path); /*Ephoto View*/ enum _Ephoto_State { EPHOTO_STATE_LIST, EPHOTO_STATE_THUMB, EPHOTO_STATE_SINGLE, EPHOTO_STATE_SLIDESHOW }; /*Ephoto Orientation*/ enum _Ephoto_Orient { EPHOTO_ORIENT_0 = 1, EPHOTO_ORIENT_FLIP_HORIZ = 2, EPHOTO_ORIENT_180 = 3, EPHOTO_ORIENT_FLIP_VERT = 4, EPHOTO_ORIENT_FLIP_VERT_90 = 5, EPHOTO_ORIENT_90 = 6, EPHOTO_ORIENT_FLIP_HORIZ_90 = 7, EPHOTO_ORIENT_270 = 8 }; /*Ephoto Config*/ struct _Ephoto_Config { int config_version; int autohide_toolbar; int best_fit_images; int thumb_size; int thumb_gen_size; double slideshow_timeout; const char *directory; const char *slideshow_transition; }; /*Ephoto Main*/ struct _Ephoto { Evas_Object *win; Evas_Object *bg; Evas_Object *layout; Evas_Object *edje; Evas_Object *pager; Evas_Object *help_but; Evas_Object *list_browser; Evas_Object *thumb_browser; Evas_Object *single_browser; Evas_Object *slideshow; Eina_List *entries; Eina_List *thumbs; Eina_List *dirs; int thumb_gen_size; struct { Ecore_Timer *thumb_regen; } timer; struct { Ecore_Job *change_dir; } job; Eio_File *ls; Evas_Object *prefs_win; Ephoto_State state, prev_state; Ephoto_Config *config; }; /*Ephoto Entry*/ struct _Ephoto_Entry { const char *path; const char *basename; const char *label; Ephoto *ephoto; Elm_Gengrid_Item *item; Elm_Genlist_Item *list_item; Eina_List *free_listeners; }; struct _Ephoto_Event_Entry_Create { Ephoto_Entry *entry; }; /*Ephoto Entry Functions/Callbacks*/ Ephoto_Entry *ephoto_entry_new(Ephoto *ephoto, const char *path, const char *label); void ephoto_entry_free(Ephoto_Entry *entry); void ephoto_entry_free_listener_add(Ephoto_Entry *entry, void (*cb)(void *data, const Ephoto_Entry *entry), const void *data); void ephoto_entry_free_listener_del(Ephoto_Entry *entry, void (*cb)(void *data, const Ephoto_Entry *entry), const void *data); void ephoto_entries_free(Ephoto *ephoto); /*Ephoto Logging*/ extern int __log_domain; #define DBG(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(__log_domain, __VA_ARGS__) #define INF(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(__log_domain, __VA_ARGS__) #define ERR(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR(__log_domain, __VA_ARGS__) /*Checks to determine if a file is an image*/ static inline Eina_Bool _ephoto_eina_file_direct_info_image_useful(const Eina_File_Direct_Info *info) { const char *bname, *ext; bname = info->path + info->name_start; if (bname[0] == '.') return EINA_FALSE; if ((info->type != EINA_FILE_REG) && (info->type != EINA_FILE_UNKNOWN)) return EINA_FALSE; ext = info->path + info->path_length - 1; for (; ext > bname; ext--) if (*ext == '.') break; if (*ext == '.') { ext++; if ((strcasecmp(ext, "jpg") == 0) || (strcasecmp(ext, "jpeg") == 0) || (strcasecmp(ext, "png") == 0) || (strcasecmp(ext, "svg") == 0) || (strcasecmp(ext, "svgz") == 0) || (strcasecmp(ext, "bmp") == 0) || (strcasecmp(ext, "dib") == 0) || (strcasecmp(ext, "tiff") == 0) || (strcasecmp(ext, "tif") == 0) || (strcasecmp(ext, "psd") == 0)) return EINA_TRUE; } return EINA_FALSE; } /*Ephoto Event Handlers*/ extern int EPHOTO_EVENT_ENTRY_CREATE_DIR; extern int EPHOTO_EVENT_ENTRY_CREATE_THUMB; extern int EPHOTO_EVENT_POPULATE_START; extern int EPHOTO_EVENT_POPULATE_END; extern int EPHOTO_EVENT_POPULATE_ERROR; #endif