exactness: Added BaseDir arg,using GETOPT to process command line 1. Added BaseDir argument [-b BaseDir] to tell exactness where to find rec 2. tsuite.c now using ecore getopt to process command line args

Signed-off-by: Aharon Hillel <aharon@aharon-linux-sm.(none)>

SVN revision: 66117
This commit is contained in:
Aharon Hillel 2011-12-12 13:55:05 +00:00 committed by Tom Hacohen
parent b771ef56bc
commit 85ffe5ac15
3 changed files with 137 additions and 66 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Testing with exactness composed of the following stages:
A set of pre-recorded tests already resides under 'data/recording' folder.
To record a test just issue the command:
exactness -r
exactness -r [-b BaseDir] [TestName1] [TestName2 ...]
exactness -r test_hover
@ -25,8 +25,13 @@ Testing with exactness composed of the following stages:
The record file will be produced in the current-working-directory as:
To save your recordings in any other directory,
pass the directory-name as base-dir:
exactness -r -b /home/username/my_recordings test_hover
In case you tried to run exactness with specific TestName
and nothing happens, this means you misspelled the test name.
getting "No test matching" Error.
This means you misspelled the test name.
You may review test names as it appears in tsuite.c source file.
NOTE: omitting the test name causes recording all tests one after another.
@ -34,7 +39,7 @@ Testing with exactness composed of the following stages:
This rule applies to ALL proceeding stages as well.
As widget test run you may press F2 at any point to set a screenshot.
(screenshot procduced in 'play' stage, set timing of screenshot here)
(screenshot produced in 'play' stage, set timing of screenshot here)
However, don't do this while animation is ongoing
or you get inconsistent PNG output each time test played.
@ -47,24 +52,41 @@ Testing with exactness composed of the following stages:
To start you need to produce original screenshot set before code change.
To do that just issue the command:
exactness -i TestName1 [TestName2 ...]
exactness -i [-b BaseDir] [TestName1] [TestName2 ...]
This command will play the test (TestName.rec file) and place PNG files
under 'orig' folders created in current-working-directory.
You need to do this just once.
Again, omitting the TestName will play and produce PNG files for all tests.
exactness -i test_hover
(locate "test_hover.rec" in cwd)
This will produce PNG files such orig/test_hover_1.png
By default exactness looks for ".rec" files in current-working-directory
Use -b DirName to ask exactness to locate the ".rec" files
in a specific location.
exactness -i -b ~/e17/exactness/data/recordings test_hover
(locate "test_hover.rec" in "~/e17/exactness/data/recordings")
3. Test playing, producing current state PNG files.
After doing Test Initiation (2) and updating elementary code,
you may run tests for current state of elm:
exactness -p [-d DestDir] TestName1 [TestName2 ...]
exactness -p [-b BaseDir] [-d DestDir] TestName1 [TestName2 ...]
Omitting DestDir param will cause exactness place all PNG files
under (default) folder named 'current'.
You may put record-files at specific folder with -b (base dir) argument:
exactness -p -b ~/e17/exactness/data/recordings test_hover
Play test_hover, find ".rec" file at "~/e17/exactness/data/recordings"
Write resulting PNG files at cwd/current (default) dir.
4. Comparing PNG files.
This is the final stage of testing in which we compare output

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#define IMAGE_FILENAME_EXT ".png"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include "tsuite_file_data.h"
#include <Ecore.h>
#include <Ecore_Getopt.h>
void test_3d(void);
void test_actionslider(void);
@ -153,7 +155,7 @@ struct _Test_Item
typedef struct _Test_Item Test_Item;
static Tsuite_Data ts;
static char *recording = NULL;
static int recording = 0;
static char *dest_dir = NULL;
Eina_List *
@ -649,48 +651,87 @@ do_test(char *rec_dir, void (* func) (void))
vr_list = free_events(vr_list);
static char *
_argument_get(char *name, int argc, char **argv, int *idx)
int i = 1;
Eina_Bool found_name = EINA_FALSE;
while(i < argc)
*idx = i;
if (found_name)
return argv[i];
if (!strcmp(name, argv[i]))
{ /* if this is the argument we looking for */
if (!strcmp(name, "--record"))
return argv[i]; /* recording, This does not requires name */
if (!strcmp(name, "--destdir"))
found_name = EINA_TRUE;
if (!strcmp(name, "--basedir"))
found_name = EINA_TRUE;
if (!strcmp(name, "--tests"))
return argv[i]; /* This marks tests-args */
*idx = (-1);
return NULL;
EAPI int
elm_main(int argc, char **argv)
Eina_List *tests = NULL;
Eina_Bool test_all;
char *tests_arg = NULL;
char *rec_dir = NULL;
int i, first_arg;
int opt_tests = 0;
Eina_List *opt_destdir = NULL;
Eina_List *opt_basedir = NULL;
static const Ecore_Getopt optdesc = {
"(C) 2011 Enlightenment",
"The Elementary auto test suite",
ECORE_GETOPT_COUNT('r', "record", "Recording mode"),
ECORE_GETOPT_APPEND_METAVAR('d',"destdir","Destir for PNG files",
ECORE_GETOPT_APPEND_METAVAR('b',"basedir","Directory of rec files",
ECORE_GETOPT_COUNT('t', "tests", "Tests names marker"),
Ecore_Getopt_Value values[] = {
printf("Got args:\n");
for(i = 0; i < argc; i++)
printf("%d=<%s>\n", i, (char *) argv[i]);
if (ecore_getopt_parse(&optdesc, values, argc, argv) < 0)
printf("Argument parsing failed\n");
printf("Values from command line:\n");
printf("recording=<%d>\nopt_tests=<%d>\n", recording, opt_tests);
if (opt_destdir)
printf("opt_destdir=<%s>\n", opt_destdir->data);
if (opt_basedir)
printf("opt_basedir=<%s>\n", opt_basedir->data);
if (!opt_tests)
{ /* This in case user runs mannualy and mistakes */
printf ("Tests Marker (arg) missing.\n");
/* Find index of first-test name, for ALL first_arg = (argc-1) */
for(first_arg = 1; first_arg < argc; first_arg++)
if (!strcmp(argv[first_arg], "--tests"))
first_arg++; /* First arg now is index of first test or == argc */
if (first_arg == argc)
printf("TEST ALL: first_arg=<%d>\n", first_arg);
printf("test=<%s> first_arg=<%d>\n", argv[first_arg], first_arg);
/* tell elm about our app so it can figure out where to get files */
@ -698,16 +739,12 @@ elm_main(int argc, char **argv)
elm_app_info_set(elm_main, "elementary", "images/logo.png");
recording = _argument_get("--record", argc, argv, &i);
dest_dir = _argument_get("--destdir", argc, argv, &i);
rec_dir = _argument_get("--basedir", argc, argv, &i);
tests_arg = _argument_get("--tests", argc, argv, &first_arg);
if (opt_destdir)
dest_dir = opt_destdir->data;
if (opt_basedir)
rec_dir = opt_basedir->data;
if (!tests_arg)
printf ("No tests requested, exit.\n");
return 0;
/* if we got here, found test_arg, now find it's index */
if (recording)
@ -715,10 +752,10 @@ elm_main(int argc, char **argv)
first_arg++; /* First arg now is index of first test or == argc */
printf("argc=<%d> first_arg=<%d>\n", argc, first_arg);
/* If no test specified in command line, set all */
test_all = (argc - first_arg) == 0;
tests = _add_test(tests, "test_3d", test_3d, test_all);

View File

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
cat <<-ENDOFMESSAGE>exactness
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# tsuite_script.sh -i this makes new 'orig' folder
# tsuite_script.sh -i TestName1 [TestName2 ...] rewrite files for selcted tests in 'orig' folder
# tsuite_script.sh -r [TestName1 TestName2 ...] ; this means record [all tests or TestName additional arg]
# tsuite_script.sh -d FolderName -p [TestName1 TestName2 ...] this means play a record and put screenshots FolderName
# tsuite_script.sh -i -b [BaseDir] TestName1 [TestName2 ...] rewrite files for selcted tests in 'orig' folder
# tsuite_script.sh -r -b [BaseDir] [TestName1 TestName2 ...] ; this means record [all tests or TestName additional arg]
# tsuite_script.sh -b [BaseDir] -d FolderName -p [TestName1 TestName2 ...] this means play a record and put screenshots FolderName
# tsuite_script.sh -d FolderName -c [TestName1 TestName2 ...] this means compare "orig" with screenshots in FolderName
# When omitting DestDir we will use 'current' as default DestDir
@ -21,17 +21,20 @@ function DEBUG()
do_help () {
echo "Record tests to produce input-stream to play and set screenshot timing"
echo "To record all tests:"
echo "\$0 -r"
echo "\$0 -r [-b BaseDir]"
echo "To record specific tests:"
echo "\$0 -r TestName1 [TestName2 ...]"
echo "\$0 -r [-b BaseDir] TestName1 [TestName2 ...]"
echo "Use BaseDir arg to write record-files to specific folder."
echo "Play tests to produce PNG files of screenshot defined while recording."
echo "To play all tests:"
echo "\$0 -p d DestDir"
echo "\$0 -p [-b BaseDir] [-d DestDir]"
echo "To play specific tests:"
echo "\$0 -p -d DestDir TestName1 [TestName2 ...]"
echo "To play and rewrite 'orig' dir, use init option for all test: \$0 -i"
echo "To play and rewrite 'orig' dir, use init option for selected tests: \$0 -i [TestName1 ...]"
echo "\$0 -p [-b BaseDir] [-d DestDir] TestName1 [TestName2 ...]"
echo "To play and rewrite 'orig' dir, use init option for all test: \$0 -i [-b BaseDir]"
echo "To play and rewrite 'orig' dir, use init option for selected tests: \$0 -i [-b BaseDir] [TestName1 ...]"
echo "Use BaseDir arg tell \$0 where record-files are found."
echo "Otherwise, \$0 will try to find it in cwd."
echo "Run comprison to produce comp_*.png files"
echo "To compare all tests:"
@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ echo "To compare specific tests:"
echo "\$0 -c -d DestDir TestName1 [TestName2 ...]"
echo "NOTE:"
echo "For all actions require DestDir, when omitting this param we use 'current' as default"
echo "For all actions require DestDir, when omitting this param we use 'current' as default."
echo "For all actions require using record-files, when omitting BaseDir param we use current-working-directory to locate record-files."
do_record () {
@ -52,11 +56,17 @@ DEBUG echo do_record "\$*"
local _dest='--destdir='"\$_dest_dir"
if [ -z "\$_dest_dir" ]
local _dest=
if [ -z "\$*" ]
LD_PRELOAD=\${OUR_LIBPATH}/libexactness.so exactness_raw --basedir "\$_base_dir" --record --tests
LD_PRELOAD=\${OUR_LIBPATH}/libexactness.so exactness_raw \$_dest --basedir "\$_base_dir" --record --tests
LD_PRELOAD=\${OUR_LIBPATH}/libexactness.so exactness_raw --basedir "\$_base_dir" --record --tests \$*
LD_PRELOAD=\${OUR_LIBPATH}/libexactness.so exactness_raw \$_dest --basedir "\$_base_dir" --record --tests \$*
return 0
@ -75,7 +85,7 @@ if [ -z "\$*" ]
# Clear all files before producing all PNG files.
rm -rf "\$_dest_dir" &> /dev/null
mkdir -p "\$_dest_dir"
mkdir -p "\$_dest_dir" &> /dev/null
ELM_ENGINE="buffer" exactness_raw --destdir "\$_dest_dir" --basedir "\$_base_dir" --tests
if [ -e "\$_dest_dir" ]
@ -87,7 +97,7 @@ else
# Create dest dir
mkdir -p "\$_dest_dir"
mkdir -p "\$_dest_dir" &> /dev/null
ELM_ENGINE="buffer" exactness_raw --destdir "\$_dest_dir" --basedir "\$_base_dir" --tests \$*
@ -152,6 +162,8 @@ process_compare () {
do_compare () {
DEBUG printf "do_compare()\n"
DEBUG echo orig dir: "\$_orig_dir"
DEBUG echo dest dir: "\$_dest_dir"
# This will compare files in 'orig' folder with files in _dest_dir
if [ \$comp_unavail -ne 0 ]
@ -179,7 +191,7 @@ if [ -z "\$*" ]
# No test names given, compare all
rm -f "\$_dest_dir"/comp_* &> /dev/null
files_list=( \`ls "\$_dest_dir"/test_*\` )
files_list=( \`ls "\$_dest_dir"/test_*.png\` )
process_compare "\${files_list[@]}"
for test_name in \$*