Fix images EET handling by using correct APIs

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Zaoui 2018-01-30 11:37:37 +02:00
parent 8882a38cdb
commit a62f3906e7
5 changed files with 74 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ static Exactness_Image *
_pixels_compare(Exactness_Image *img1, Exactness_Image *img2, Eina_Bool *has_diff)
Exactness_Image *imgO = malloc(sizeof(*imgO));
int w, h;
unsigned int w, h;
int *pxs1, *pxs2, *pxsO;
int w1 = img1 ? img1->w : 0, h1 = img1 ? img1->h : 0;
int w2 = img2 ? img2->w : 0, h2 = img2 ? img2->h : 0;
unsigned int w1 = img1 ? img1->w : 0, h1 = img1 ? img1->h : 0;
unsigned int w2 = img2 ? img2->w : 0, h2 = img2 ? img2->h : 0;
imgO->w = MAX(w1, w2);
imgO->h = MAX(h1, h2);
if (has_diff) *has_diff = EINA_FALSE;
@ -187,8 +187,7 @@ _pixels_compare(Exactness_Image *img1, Exactness_Image *img2, Eina_Bool *has_dif
return NULL;
imgO->pixels_count = imgO->w * imgO->h *4;
imgO->pixels = malloc(imgO->pixels_count);
imgO->pixels = malloc(imgO->w * imgO->h * 4);
pxs1 = img1 ? img1->pixels : NULL;
pxs2 = img2 ? img2->pixels : NULL;
@ -513,8 +512,7 @@ _image_read(const char *filename)
evas_object_image_size_get(img, &w, &h);
ex_img->w = w;
ex_img->h = h;
ex_img->pixels_count = w * h * 4;
len = ex_img->pixels_count;
len = w * h * 4;
ex_img->pixels = malloc(len);
memcpy(ex_img->pixels, evas_object_image_data_get(img, EINA_FALSE), len);
@ -604,15 +602,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (!strcmp(ext, ".exu"))
Exactness_Unit *ex_unit;
Eet_File *file = eet_open(argv[arg], EET_FILE_MODE_READ);
if (!file)
fprintf(stderr, "Impossible to extract EET from %s\n", argv[arg]);
goto end;
ex_unit = eet_data_read(file, unit_desc_make(), CACHE_FILE_ENTRY);
Exactness_Unit *ex_unit= unit_eet_read(argv[arg]);
_units = eina_list_append(_units, ex_unit);
else if (!strcmp(ext, ".rec"))

View File

@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ _shot_do(Evas *e)
Ecore_Evas *ee_orig;
unsigned int *pixels;
int w, h;
Eina_Bool alpha;
if (!e) return;
@ -77,6 +78,8 @@ _shot_do(Evas *e)
pixels = (void *)ecore_evas_buffer_pixels_get(ee_orig);
if (!pixels) return;
alpha = ecore_evas_alpha_get(ee_orig);
ecore_evas_geometry_get(ee_orig, NULL, NULL, &w, &h);
if ((w < 1) || (h < 1)) return;
@ -92,7 +95,7 @@ _shot_do(Evas *e)
o = evas_object_image_add(ecore_evas_get(ee));
evas_object_image_alpha_set(o, ecore_evas_alpha_get(ee_orig));
evas_object_image_alpha_set(o, alpha);
evas_object_image_size_set(o, w, h);
evas_object_image_data_set(o, pixels);
@ -113,12 +116,14 @@ _shot_do(Evas *e)
else if (_dest_type == FTYPE_EXU)
Exactness_Image *ex_img = malloc(sizeof(*ex_img));
int nb_bytes = w * h * 4;
ex_img->w = w;
ex_img->h = h;
ex_img->pixels_count = w * h * 4;
ex_img->pixels = malloc(ex_img->pixels_count);
memcpy(ex_img->pixels, pixels, ex_img->pixels_count);
ex_img->alpha = alpha;
ex_img->pixels = malloc(nb_bytes);
memcpy(ex_img->pixels, pixels, nb_bytes);
_dest_unit->imgs = eina_list_append(_dest_unit->imgs, ex_img);
_printf(1, "Shot taken (in %s).\n", _dest);
@ -378,14 +383,7 @@ _src_open()
_printf(2, "<%s> Source file is <%s>\n", __func__, _src_filename);
if (_src_type == FTYPE_EXU)
Eet_File *file = eet_open(_src_filename, EET_FILE_MODE_READ);
if (!file)
fprintf(stderr, "Impossible to extract EET from %s\n", _src_filename);
return EINA_FALSE;
_src_unit = eet_data_read(file, unit_desc_make(), CACHE_FILE_ENTRY);
_src_unit = unit_eet_read(_src_filename);
else if (_src_type == FTYPE_REC)
@ -696,10 +694,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (_dest_unit)
_dest_unit->events = _src_unit->events;
Eet_Data_Descriptor *unit_edd = unit_desc_make();
Eet_File *file = eet_open(_dest, EET_FILE_MODE_WRITE);
eet_data_write(file, unit_edd, CACHE_FILE_ENTRY, _dest_unit, EINA_TRUE);
unit_eet_write(_dest_unit, _dest);

View File

@ -103,10 +103,7 @@ _output_write()
Exactness_Unit unit;
unit.imgs = NULL; = _events_list->variant_list;
Eet_Data_Descriptor *unit_edd = unit_desc_make();
Eet_File *file = eet_open(_out_filename, EET_FILE_MODE_WRITE);
eet_data_write(file, unit_edd, CACHE_FILE_ENTRY, &unit, EINA_TRUE);
unit_eet_write(&unit, _out_filename);
else if (!strcmp(_out_filename + strlen(_out_filename) - 4,".rec"))

View File

@ -953,35 +953,69 @@ void _data_descriptors_shutdown(void)
Eet_Data_Descriptor *
static Eet_Data_Descriptor *
Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class eddc;
static Eet_Data_Descriptor *unit_d = NULL;
if (!unit_d)
/* Exactness_Image */
Exactness_Image ex_img;
Eet_Data_Descriptor *img_d;
img_d = eet_data_descriptor_stream_new(&eddc);
EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(img_d, Exactness_Image, "w", w, EET_T_UINT);
EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(img_d, Exactness_Image, "h", h, EET_T_UINT);
eet_data_descriptor_element_add(img_d, "pixels", EET_T_CHAR, EET_G_VAR_ARRAY,
(char *)(&(ex_img.pixels)) - (char *)(&(ex_img)),
(char *)(&(ex_img.pixels_count)) - (char *)(&(ex_img)), NULL, NULL);
/* Exactness_Unit */
unit_d = eet_data_descriptor_stream_new(&eddc);
EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_LIST(unit_d, Exactness_Unit,
"events", events, _desc->_variant_descriptor);
EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_LIST(unit_d, Exactness_Unit,
"imgs", imgs, img_d);
"nb_shots", nb_shots, EET_T_UINT);
return unit_d;
/* END Event struct descriptors */
EAPI Exactness_Unit *
unit_eet_read(const char *filename)
int i;
Exactness_Unit *unit = NULL;
Eet_File *file = eet_open(filename, EET_FILE_MODE_READ);
if (!file)
fprintf(stderr, "Impossible to extract EET from %s\n", filename);
return NULL;
unit = eet_data_read(file, _unit_desc_make(), CACHE_FILE_ENTRY);
for (i = 0; i < unit->nb_shots; i++)
char entry[16];
Exactness_Image *ex_img = malloc(sizeof(*ex_img));
sprintf(entry, "images/%d", i + 1);
ex_img->pixels = eet_data_image_read(file, entry,
&ex_img->w, &ex_img->h, &ex_img->alpha,
unit->imgs = eina_list_append(unit->imgs, ex_img);
return unit;
EAPI Eina_Bool unit_eet_write(Exactness_Unit *unit, const char *filename)
Eina_List *itr;
Exactness_Image *ex_img;
int i = 1;
Eet_File *file = eet_open(filename, EET_FILE_MODE_WRITE);
eet_data_write(file, _unit_desc_make(), CACHE_FILE_ENTRY, unit, EINA_TRUE);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(unit->imgs, itr, ex_img)
char entry[16];
sprintf(entry, "images/%d", i++);
eet_data_image_write(file, entry,
ex_img->pixels, ex_img->w, ex_img->h, ex_img->alpha,
return EINA_TRUE;

View File

@ -269,19 +269,22 @@ EAPI Eina_Bool objects_files_compare(const char *filename1, const char *filename
/* START Unit desc */
typedef struct
int w;
int h;
unsigned int w;
unsigned int h;
int alpha;
void *pixels;
int pixels_count;
} Exactness_Image;
typedef struct
Eina_List *events; /* List of Variant_st */
Eina_List *imgs; /* List of Exactness_Image */
int nb_shots;
} Exactness_Unit;
Eet_Data_Descriptor *unit_desc_make(void);
EAPI Exactness_Unit *unit_eet_read(const char *filename);
EAPI Eina_Bool unit_eet_write(Exactness_Unit *unit, const char *filename);
/* END Unit desc */
Tsuite_Event_Type tsuite_event_mapping_type_get(const char *name);