#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SYSINFO_H # include #endif #ifndef EFL_EO_API_SUPPORT #define EFL_EO_API_SUPPORT #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_PATH 1024 #define STABILIZE_KEY_STR "F1" #define SHOT_KEY_STR "F2" #define SAVE_KEY_STR "F3" static Evas *(*_evas_new)(void) = NULL; static const char *_out_filename = NULL; static const char *_test_name = NULL; static int _verbose = 0; static Eina_List *_evas_list = NULL; static unsigned int _last_evas_id = 0; static Exactness_Unit *_unit = NULL; static char *_shot_key = NULL; static unsigned int _last_timestamp = 0.0; static void _printf(int verbose, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; if (!_verbose || verbose > _verbose) return; va_start(ap, fmt); vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } static Exactness_Action_Type _event_pointer_type_get(Efl_Pointer_Action t) { switch(t) { case EFL_POINTER_ACTION_IN: return EXACTNESS_ACTION_MOUSE_IN; case EFL_POINTER_ACTION_OUT: return EXACTNESS_ACTION_MOUSE_OUT; case EFL_POINTER_ACTION_DOWN: return EXACTNESS_ACTION_MULTI_DOWN; case EFL_POINTER_ACTION_UP: return EXACTNESS_ACTION_MULTI_UP; case EFL_POINTER_ACTION_MOVE: return EXACTNESS_ACTION_MULTI_MOVE; case EFL_POINTER_ACTION_WHEEL: return EXACTNESS_ACTION_MOUSE_WHEEL; default: return EXACTNESS_ACTION_UNKNOWN; } } static void _output_write() { if (_unit) exactness_unit_file_write(_unit, _out_filename); } static void _add_to_list(Exactness_Action_Type type, unsigned int n_evas, unsigned int timestamp, void *data, int len) { if (_unit) { const Exactness_Action *prev_v = eina_list_last_data_get(_unit->actions); if (prev_v) { if (prev_v->type == type && timestamp == _last_timestamp && prev_v->n_evas == n_evas && (!len || !memcmp(prev_v->data, data, len))) return; } _printf(1, "Recording %s\n", _exactness_action_type_to_string_get(type)); Exactness_Action *act = malloc(sizeof(*act)); act->type = type; act->n_evas = n_evas; act->delay_ms = timestamp - _last_timestamp; _last_timestamp = timestamp; if (len) { act->data = malloc(len); memcpy(act->data, data, len); } _unit->actions = eina_list_append(_unit->actions, act); } } static int _evas_id_get(Evas *e) { return (intptr_t)efl_key_data_get(e, "__evas_id"); } static void _event_pointer_cb(void *data, const Efl_Event *event) { Eo *eo_e = data; Eo *evp = event->info; if (!evp) return; int timestamp = efl_input_timestamp_get(evp); int n_evas = _evas_id_get(eo_e); Efl_Pointer_Action action = efl_input_pointer_action_get(evp); Exactness_Action_Type evt = _event_pointer_type_get(action); if (!timestamp) return; _printf(2, "Calling \"%s\" timestamp=<%u>\n", _exactness_action_type_to_string_get(evt), timestamp); switch (action) { case EFL_POINTER_ACTION_MOVE: { double rad = 0, radx = 0, rady = 0, pres = 0, ang = 0, fx = 0, fy = 0; int tool = efl_input_pointer_tool_get(evp); Eina_Position2D pos = efl_input_pointer_position_get(evp); Exactness_Action_Multi_Move t = { tool, pos.x, pos.y, rad, radx, rady, pres, ang, fx, fy }; if (n_evas >= 0) _add_to_list(evt, n_evas, timestamp, &t, sizeof(t)); break; } case EFL_POINTER_ACTION_DOWN: case EFL_POINTER_ACTION_UP: { double rad = 0, radx = 0, rady = 0, pres = 0, ang = 0, fx = 0, fy = 0; int b = efl_input_pointer_button_get(evp); int tool = efl_input_pointer_tool_get(evp); Eina_Position2D pos = efl_input_pointer_position_get(evp); Efl_Pointer_Flags flags = efl_input_pointer_button_flags_get(evp); Exactness_Action_Multi_Event t = { tool, b, pos.x, pos.y, rad, radx, rady, pres, ang, fx, fy, flags }; if (n_evas >= 0) _add_to_list(evt, n_evas, timestamp, &t, sizeof(t)); break; } case EFL_POINTER_ACTION_IN: case EFL_POINTER_ACTION_OUT: { if (n_evas >= 0) _add_to_list(evt, n_evas, timestamp, NULL, 0); break; } case EFL_POINTER_ACTION_WHEEL: { Eina_Bool horiz = efl_input_pointer_wheel_horizontal_get(evp); int z = efl_input_pointer_wheel_delta_get(evp); Exactness_Action_Mouse_Wheel t = { horiz, z }; if (n_evas >= 0) _add_to_list(evt, n_evas, timestamp, &t, sizeof(t)); break; } default: break; } } static void _event_key_cb(void *data, const Efl_Event *event) { Efl_Input_Key *evk = event->info; Eo *eo_e = data; if (!evk) return; const char *key = efl_input_key_name_get(evk); int timestamp = efl_input_timestamp_get(evk); unsigned int n_evas = _evas_id_get(eo_e); Exactness_Action_Type evt = EXACTNESS_ACTION_KEY_UP; if (efl_input_key_pressed_get(evk)) { if (!strcmp(key, _shot_key)) { _printf(2, "Take Screenshot: %s timestamp=<%u>\n", __func__, timestamp); _add_to_list(EXACTNESS_ACTION_TAKE_SHOT, n_evas, timestamp, NULL, 0); return; } if (!strcmp(key, STABILIZE_KEY_STR)) { _printf(2, "Stabilize: %s timestamp=<%u>\n", __func__, timestamp); _add_to_list(EXACTNESS_ACTION_STABILIZE, n_evas, timestamp, NULL, 0); return; } if (!strcmp(key, SAVE_KEY_STR)) { _output_write(); _printf(2, "Save events: %s timestamp=<%u>\n", __func__, timestamp); return; } evt = EXACTNESS_ACTION_KEY_DOWN; } else { if (!strcmp(key, _shot_key) || !strcmp(key, SAVE_KEY_STR) || !strcmp(key, STABILIZE_KEY_STR)) return; } if (_unit) { /* Construct duplicate strings, free them when list if freed */ Exactness_Action_Key_Down_Up t; t.keyname = eina_stringshare_add(key); t.key = eina_stringshare_add(efl_input_key_get(evk)); t.string = eina_stringshare_add(efl_input_key_string_get(evk)); t.compose = eina_stringshare_add(efl_input_key_compose_get(evk)); t.keycode = efl_input_key_code_get(evk); _add_to_list(evt, n_evas, timestamp, &t, sizeof(t)); } } // note: "hold" event comes from above (elm), not below (ecore) EFL_CALLBACKS_ARRAY_DEFINE(_event_pointer_callbacks, { EFL_EVENT_POINTER_MOVE, _event_pointer_cb }, { EFL_EVENT_POINTER_DOWN, _event_pointer_cb }, { EFL_EVENT_POINTER_UP, _event_pointer_cb }, { EFL_EVENT_POINTER_IN, _event_pointer_cb }, { EFL_EVENT_POINTER_OUT, _event_pointer_cb }, { EFL_EVENT_POINTER_WHEEL, _event_pointer_cb }, { EFL_EVENT_FINGER_MOVE, _event_pointer_cb }, { EFL_EVENT_FINGER_DOWN, _event_pointer_cb }, { EFL_EVENT_FINGER_UP, _event_pointer_cb }, { EFL_EVENT_KEY_DOWN, _event_key_cb }, { EFL_EVENT_KEY_UP, _event_key_cb } ) static Evas * _my_evas_new(int w EINA_UNUSED, int h EINA_UNUSED) { Evas *e; if (!_evas_new) return NULL; e = _evas_new(); if (e) { _printf(1, "New Evas\n"); _evas_list = eina_list_append(_evas_list, e); efl_key_data_set(e, "__evas_id", (void *)(intptr_t)_last_evas_id++); efl_event_callback_array_add(e, _event_pointer_callbacks(), e); } return e; } static int _prg_invoke(const char *full_path, int argc, char **argv) { Eina_Value *ret__; int real__; void (*efl_main)(void *data, const Efl_Event *ev); int (*elm_main)(int argc, char **argv); int (*c_main)(int argc, char **argv); Eina_Module *h = eina_module_new(full_path); if (!h || !eina_module_load(h)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed loading %s.\n", full_path); if (h) eina_module_free(h); return EINA_FALSE; } efl_main = eina_module_symbol_get(h, "efl_main"); elm_main = eina_module_symbol_get(h, "elm_main"); c_main = eina_module_symbol_get(h, "main"); _evas_new = eina_module_symbol_get(h, "evas_new"); if (!_evas_new) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed loading symbol 'evas_new' from %s.\n", full_path); eina_module_free(h); return 1; } if (efl_main) { elm_init(argc, argv); efl_event_callback_add(efl_main_loop_get(), EFL_LOOP_EVENT_ARGUMENTS, efl_main, NULL); ret__ = efl_loop_begin(efl_main_loop_get()); real__ = efl_loop_exit_code_process(ret__); elm_shutdown(); } else if (elm_main) { elm_init(argc, argv); real__ = elm_main(argc, argv); elm_shutdown(); } else if (c_main) { real__ = c_main(argc, argv); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed loading symbol 'efl_main', 'elm_main' or 'main' from %s.\n", full_path); eina_module_free(h); real__ = 1; } return real__; } static Eina_Stringshare * _prg_full_path_guess(const char *prg) { char full_path[MAX_PATH]; if (strchr(prg, '/')) return eina_stringshare_add(prg); char *paths = strdup(getenv("PATH")); Eina_Stringshare *ret = NULL; while (paths && *paths && !ret) { char *real_path; char *colon = strchr(paths, ':'); if (colon) *colon = '\0'; sprintf(full_path, "%s/%s", paths, prg); real_path = ecore_file_realpath(full_path); if (*real_path) { ret = eina_stringshare_add(real_path); // check if executable } free(real_path); paths += strlen(paths); if (colon) paths++; } return ret; } static Eina_Bool _mkdir(const char *dir) { if (!ecore_file_exists(dir)) { const char *cur = dir + 1; do { char *slash = strchr(cur, '/'); if (slash) *slash = '\0'; if (!ecore_file_exists(dir) && !ecore_file_mkdir(dir)) return EINA_FALSE; if (slash) *slash = '/'; if (slash) cur = slash + 1; else cur = NULL; } while (cur); } return EINA_TRUE; } static const Ecore_Getopt optdesc = { "exactness_record", "%prog [options] <-v|-t|-h> command", PACKAGE_VERSION, "(C) 2017 Enlightenment", "BSD", "A scenario recorder for EFL based applications.\n" "\tF1 - Request stabilization\n" "\tF2 - Request shot\n" "\tF3 - Request to save the scenario\n", 1, { ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_STR('t', "test", "Name of the filename where to store the test."), ECORE_GETOPT_COUNT('v', "verbose", "Turn verbose messages on."), ECORE_GETOPT_LICENSE('L', "license"), ECORE_GETOPT_COPYRIGHT('C', "copyright"), ECORE_GETOPT_VERSION('V', "version"), ECORE_GETOPT_HELP('h', "help"), ECORE_GETOPT_SENTINEL } }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *dest = NULL, *eq; int pret = 1, opt_args = 0; Eina_Bool want_quit = EINA_FALSE; Ecore_Getopt_Value values[] = { ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_STR(dest), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_INT(_verbose), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_BOOL(want_quit), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_BOOL(want_quit), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_BOOL(want_quit), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_BOOL(want_quit), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_NONE }; eina_init(); ecore_init(); opt_args = ecore_getopt_parse(&optdesc, values, argc, argv); if (opt_args < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed parsing arguments.\n"); goto end; } if (want_quit) goto end; /* Check for a sentinel */ if (argv[opt_args] && !strcmp(argv[opt_args], "--")) opt_args++; /* Check for env variables */ do { eq = argv[opt_args] ? strchr(argv[opt_args], '=') : NULL; if (eq) { char *var = malloc(eq - argv[opt_args] + 1); memcpy(var, argv[opt_args], eq - argv[opt_args]); var[eq - argv[opt_args]] = '\0'; setenv(var, eq + 1, 1); opt_args++; } } while (eq); _out_filename = eina_stringshare_add(dest); if (!_out_filename) { fprintf(stderr, "no test file specified\n"); goto end; } else { char *slash = strrchr(_out_filename, '/'); if (slash) _test_name = strdup(slash + 1); else _test_name = strdup(_out_filename); char *dot = strrchr(_test_name, '.'); if (dot) *dot = '\0'; if (slash) { *slash = '\0'; if (!_mkdir(_out_filename)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create %s\n", _out_filename); goto end; } *slash = '/'; } } if (strcmp(_out_filename + strlen(_out_filename) - 4,".exu")) { fprintf(stderr, "A file with a exu extension is required - %s invalid\n", _out_filename); goto end; } if (strcmp(_out_filename + strlen(_out_filename) - 4,".exu")) { fprintf(stderr, "A file with a exu extension is required - %s invalid\n", _out_filename); goto end; } if (!argv[opt_args]) { fprintf(stderr, "no program specified\nUse -h for more information\n"); goto end; } efl_object_init(); evas_init(); /* Replace the current command line to hide the Exactness part */ int len = argv[argc - 1] + strlen(argv[argc - 1]) - argv[opt_args]; memcpy(argv[0], argv[opt_args], len); memset(argv[0] + len, 0, MAX_PATH - len); int i; for (i = opt_args; i < argc; i++) { if (i != opt_args) { argv[i - opt_args] = argv[0] + (argv[i] - argv[opt_args]); } _printf(1, "%s ", argv[i - opt_args]); } _printf(1, "\n"); if (!_shot_key) _shot_key = getenv("SHOT_KEY"); if (!_shot_key) _shot_key = SHOT_KEY_STR; if (!_unit) { _unit = calloc(1, sizeof(*_unit)); } ecore_evas_callback_new_set(_my_evas_new); _last_timestamp = ecore_time_get() * 1000; pret = _prg_invoke(_prg_full_path_guess(argv[0]), argc - opt_args, argv); _output_write(); //free_events(_events_list, EINA_TRUE); //_events_list = NULL; pret = 0; end: eina_shutdown(); return pret; }