#define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #include #include #include "tsuite.h" #define IMAGE_FILENAME_EXT ".png" #include #include "tsuite_file_data.h" #include #include void test_3d(void); void test_actionslider(void); void test_anchorblock(void); void test_anchorview(void); void test_bg_plain(void); void test_bg_image(void); void test_bg_options(void); void test_box_vert(void); void test_box_vert2(void); void test_box_horiz(void); void test_button(void); void test_bubble(void); void test_calendar(void); void test_check(void); void test_colorselector(void); void test_conformant(void); void test_conformant2(void); void test_ctxpopup(void); void test_diskselector(void); void test_entry(void); void test_entry_scrolled(void); void test_entry3(void); void test_entry4(void); void test_entry5(void); void test_entry_notepad(void); void test_fileselector(void); void test_fileselector_button(void); void test_fileselector_entry(void); void test_focus(void); void test_gengrid(void); void test_gengrid2(void); void test_genlist(void); void test_genlist2(void); void test_genlist3(void); void test_genlist4(void); void test_genlist5(void); void test_genlist6(void); void test_genlist7(void); void test_genlist8(void); void test_genlist9(void); void test_genlist10(void); void test_genlist11(void); void test_glview(void); void test_glview_simple(void); void test_grid(void); void test_hover(void); void test_hover2(void); void test_hoversel(void); void test_index(void); void test_index2(void); void test_inwin(void); void test_inwin2(void); void test_label(void); void test_list(void); void test_list_horizontal(void); void test_list2(void); void test_list3(void); void test_list4(void); void test_list5(void); void test_menu(void); void test_naviframe(void); void test_notify(void); void test_pager(void); void test_pager_slide(void); void test_panel(void); void test_panes(void); void test_progressbar(void); void test_radio(void); void test_scaling(void); void test_scaling2(void); void test_scroller(void); void test_scroller2(void); void test_segment_control(void); void test_separator(void); void test_slider(void); void test_spinner(void); void test_table(void); void test_table2(void); void test_table3(void); void test_table4(void); void test_table5(void); void test_table6(void); void test_toggle(void); void test_toolbar(void); void test_toolbar2(void); void test_toolbar3(void); void test_toolbar4(void); void test_toolbar5(void); void test_tooltip(void); void test_tooltip2(void); /* START - Some globals - may want to move these to Timer_Data struct later */ static Lists_st *vr_list = NULL; /* END - Some globals - may want to move these to Timer_Data struct later */ /** * @internal * * @struct _Tsuite_Data * Struct holds test-suite data-properties * * @ingroup Tsuite */ struct _Tsuite_Data { char *name; /**< Test Name */ int serial; /**< Serial number of currnen-file */ api_data *api; Evas *e; Evas_Object *win; }; typedef struct _Tsuite_Data Tsuite_Data; /** * @internal * * @struct _Test_Item * Struct holds test-suite test / func pair. * * @ingroup Tsuite */ struct _Test_Item { /* Item type for array of test-names, test-func-ptr */ char *name; void (* func) (void); Eina_Bool test; }; typedef struct _Test_Item Test_Item; static Tsuite_Data ts; static int recording = 0; static char *dest_dir = NULL; Eina_List * _add_test(Eina_List *list, char *n, void (* f) (void), Eina_Bool t) { Test_Item *item = malloc(sizeof(Test_Item)); item->name = n; item->func = f; item->test = t; return eina_list_append(list, item); } int test_name_cmp(const void *data1, const void *data2) { return strcmp(((Test_Item *) data1)->name, (char *) data2); } Test_Item * _set_test(Eina_List *list, char *n, Eina_Bool t) { Test_Item *item = eina_list_search_unsorted(list, test_name_cmp, n); if (item) item->test = t; else printf("Unknown test name: %s\n", n); return item; } static void (* _tsuite_evas_hook_init) (Lists_st *) = NULL; static void (* _tsuite_evas_hook_reset) (void) = NULL; static void _init_recording_funcs(void) { _tsuite_evas_hook_init = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "tsuite_evas_hook_init"); _tsuite_evas_hook_reset = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "tsuite_evas_hook_reset"); } /** * @internal * * This function initiates Tsuite_Data * @param name defines test-name * @param Pointer_Event Pointer to PE. * * @ingroup Tsuite */ void tsuite_init(Evas_Object *win, char *name, api_data *d) { tsuite_cleanup(); if (!name) return; ts.name = strdup(name); /* Freed by tsuite_cleanup */ ts.win = win; if (d) { /* This field is not used when testing APPs */ ts.api = d; ts.api->win = win; } ts.e = evas_object_evas_get(ts.win); } /** * @internal * * This function do cleanup for Tsuite * @param Tsuite_Data * data for cleanup. * * @ingroup Tsuite */ void tsuite_cleanup(void) { if (ts.name) free(ts.name); if (ts.api) { if (ts.api->data && ts.api->free_data) free(ts.api->data); free(ts.api); } if (ts.win) evas_object_del(ts.win); memset(&ts, 0, sizeof(ts)); } char *tsuite_test_name_get() { return ts.name; } /** * @internal * * This function takes actual shot and saves it in PNG * @param data Tsuite_Data pointer initiated by user * @param obj Window pointer * @param obj name file name. Will use name_+serial if NULL * * @ingroup Tsuite */ void tsuite_shot_do(Evas_Object *obj, char *name) { Ecore_Evas *ee, *ee_orig; Evas_Object *o; unsigned int *pixels; int w, h,dir_name_len = 0; char *filename; if (dest_dir) dir_name_len = strlen(dest_dir) + 1; /* includes space of a '/' */ if (name) { filename = malloc(strlen(name) + strlen(IMAGE_FILENAME_EXT) + dir_name_len + 4); if (dest_dir) sprintf(filename, "%s/", dest_dir); sprintf(filename + dir_name_len, "%s%s", name, IMAGE_FILENAME_EXT); } else { filename = malloc(strlen(ts.name) + strlen(IMAGE_FILENAME_EXT) + dir_name_len + 8); /* also space for serial */ ts.serial++; if (dest_dir) sprintf(filename, "%s/", dest_dir); sprintf(filename + dir_name_len, "%s_%d%s", ts.name ,ts.serial, IMAGE_FILENAME_EXT); } /* A bit hackish, get the ecore_evas from the Evas canvas */ ee_orig = evas_data_attach_get(evas_object_evas_get(obj)); ecore_evas_manual_render(ee_orig); pixels = (void *)ecore_evas_buffer_pixels_get(ee_orig); if (!pixels) return; ecore_evas_geometry_get(ee_orig, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); if ((w < 1) || (h < 1)) return; ee = ecore_evas_buffer_new(1, 1); o = evas_object_image_add(ecore_evas_get(ee)); evas_object_image_alpha_set(o, ecore_evas_alpha_get(ee_orig)); evas_object_image_size_set(o, w, h); evas_object_image_data_set(o, pixels); if (!evas_object_image_save(o, filename, NULL, NULL)) { printf("Cannot save widget to <%s>\n", filename); } ecore_evas_free(ee); free(filename); } static unsigned int evt_time_get(unsigned int tm, Variant_st *v) { switch(tsuite_event_mapping_type_get(v->t.type)) { case TSUITE_EVENT_MOUSE_IN: { mouse_in_mouse_out *t = v->data; return t->timestamp; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MOUSE_OUT: { mouse_in_mouse_out *t = v->data; return t->timestamp; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN: { mouse_down_mouse_up *t = v->data; return t->timestamp; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MOUSE_UP: { mouse_down_mouse_up *t = v->data; return t->timestamp; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE: { mouse_move *t = v->data; return t->timestamp; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL: { mouse_wheel *t = v->data; return t->timestamp; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MULTI_DOWN: { multi_event *t = v->data; return t->timestamp; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MULTI_UP: { multi_event *t = v->data; return t->timestamp; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MULTI_MOVE: { multi_move *t = v->data; return t->timestamp; } case TSUITE_EVENT_KEY_DOWN: { key_down_key_up *t = v->data; return t->timestamp; } case TSUITE_EVENT_KEY_UP: { key_down_key_up *t = v->data; return t->timestamp; } case TSUITE_EVENT_TAKE_SHOT: { take_screenshot *t = v->data; return t->timestamp; } default: /* All non-input events are not handeled */ return tm; break; } } static Eina_Bool tsuite_feed_event(void *data) { static Ecore_Timer *tmr = NULL; Timer_Data *td = data; time_t evt_time; if (!td) return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; Variant_st *v = eina_list_data_get(td->current_event); switch(tsuite_event_mapping_type_get(v->t.type)) { case TSUITE_EVENT_MOUSE_IN: { mouse_in_mouse_out *t = v->data; evt_time = t->timestamp; #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s evas_event_feed_mouse_in timestamp=<%u>\n", __func__, t->timestamp); #endif evas_event_feed_mouse_in(td->e, time(NULL), NULL); break; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MOUSE_OUT: { mouse_in_mouse_out *t = v->data; evt_time = t->timestamp; #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s evas_event_feed_mouse_out timestamp=<%u>\n", __func__, t->timestamp); #endif evas_event_feed_mouse_out(td->e, time(NULL), NULL); break; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN: { mouse_down_mouse_up *t = v->data; evt_time = t->timestamp; #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s evas_event_feed_mouse_down timestamp=<%u>\n", __func__, t->timestamp); #endif evas_event_feed_mouse_down(td->e, t->b, t->flags, time(NULL), NULL); break; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MOUSE_UP: { mouse_down_mouse_up *t = v->data; evt_time = t->timestamp; #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s evas_event_feed_mouse_up timestamp=<%u>\n", __func__, t->timestamp); #endif evas_event_feed_mouse_up(td->e, t->b, t->flags, time(NULL), NULL); break; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE: { mouse_move *t = v->data; evt_time = t->timestamp; #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s evas_event_feed_mouse_move (x,y)=(%d,%d) timestamp=<%u>\n", __func__, t->x, t->y, t->timestamp); #endif evas_event_feed_mouse_move(td->e, t->x, t->y, time(NULL), NULL); break; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL: { mouse_wheel *t = v->data; evt_time = t->timestamp; #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s evas_event_feed_mouse_wheel timestamp=<%u>\n", __func__, t->timestamp); #endif evas_event_feed_mouse_wheel(td->e, t->direction, t->z, time(NULL), NULL); break; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MULTI_DOWN: { multi_event *t = v->data; evt_time = t->timestamp; #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s evas_event_feed_multi_down timestamp=<%u>\n", __func__, t->timestamp); #endif evas_event_feed_multi_down(td->e, t->d, t->x, t->y, t->rad, t->radx, t->rady, t->pres, t->ang, t->fx, t->fy, t->flags, time(NULL), NULL); break; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MULTI_UP: { multi_event *t = v->data; evt_time = t->timestamp; #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s evas_event_feed_multi_up timestamp=<%u>\n", __func__, t->timestamp); #endif evas_event_feed_multi_up(td->e, t->d, t->x, t->y, t->rad, t->radx, t->rady, t->pres, t->ang, t->fx, t->fy, t->flags, time(NULL), NULL); break; } case TSUITE_EVENT_MULTI_MOVE: { multi_move *t = v->data; evt_time = t->timestamp; #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s evas_event_feed_multi_move timestamp=<%u>\n", __func__, t->timestamp); #endif evas_event_feed_multi_move(td->e, t->d, t->x, t->y, t->rad, t->radx, t->rady, t->pres, t->ang, t->fx, t->fy, time(NULL), NULL); break; } case TSUITE_EVENT_KEY_DOWN: { key_down_key_up *t = v->data; evt_time = t->timestamp; #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s evas_event_feed_key_down timestamp=<%u>\n", __func__, t->timestamp); #endif evas_event_feed_key_down(td->e, t->keyname, t->key, t->string, t->compose, time(NULL), NULL); break; } case TSUITE_EVENT_KEY_UP: { key_down_key_up *t = v->data; evt_time = t->timestamp; #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s evas_event_feed_key_up timestamp=<%u>\n", __func__, t->timestamp); #endif evas_event_feed_key_up(td->e, t->keyname, t->key, t->string, t->compose, time(NULL), NULL); break; } case TSUITE_EVENT_TAKE_SHOT: { take_screenshot *t = v->data; evt_time = t->timestamp; #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s take shot timestamp=<%u>\n", __func__, t->timestamp); #endif tsuite_shot_do(ts.win, NULL); /* Serial name based on test-name */ break; } default: /* All non-input events are not handeled */ evt_time = td->recent_event_time; break; } double timer_time; td->current_event = eina_list_next(td->current_event); if (!td->current_event) { /* Finished reading all events */ elm_exit(); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } td->recent_event_time = evt_time; unsigned int current_event_time = evt_time_get(evt_time, eina_list_data_get(td->current_event)); if (current_event_time < td->recent_event_time) /* Could happen with refeed event */ current_event_time = td->recent_event_time; #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s td->recent_event_time=<%u> current_event_time=<%u>\n", __func__, td->recent_event_time, current_event_time); #endif timer_time = (current_event_time - td->recent_event_time) / 1000.0; if (!td->recent_event_time) timer_time = 0.0; #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s timer_time=<%f>\n", __func__, timer_time); #endif tmr = ecore_timer_add(timer_time, tsuite_feed_event, td); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } void _test_close_win(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__) { ts.win = NULL; elm_exit(); } static Lists_st * free_events(Lists_st *st) { Variant_st *v; EINA_LIST_FREE(st->variant_list, v) { if (recording) { Tsuite_Event_Type e = tsuite_event_mapping_type_get(v->t.type); if ((e == TSUITE_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) || (e == TSUITE_EVENT_KEY_UP)) { /* Allocated in tsuite_evas_hook.c */ key_down_key_up *t = v->data; eina_stringshare_del(t->keyname); eina_stringshare_del(t->key); eina_stringshare_del(t->string); eina_stringshare_del(t->compose); } } free(v->data); free(v); } free(st); /* Allocated when reading data from EET file */ return NULL; } void do_test(char *rec_dir, void (* func) (void)) { char buf[1024]; char appname[1024]; vr_list = calloc(1, sizeof(*vr_list)); if (recording) _tsuite_evas_hook_init(vr_list); if (func) { /* Regular test with access func */ func(); sprintf(buf, "%s/%s.rec", rec_dir, ts.name); } else { /* Application, compose rec-file path and fulll appname */ sprintf(buf, "%s/%s.rec", rec_dir, basename(ts.name)); if (basename(ts.name) == ts.name) { /* No PATH given, use cwd */ getcwd(appname, 1024); strcat(appname, "/"); strcat(appname, ts.name); } else strcpy(appname, ts.name); /* PATH incuded in ts.name */ } if (recording) { if (func) elm_run(); /* and run the program now and handle all events etc. */ else { #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s calling <%s>\n", __func__, appname); #endif system(appname); } if (vr_list) write_events(buf, vr_list); } else { Timer_Data *td = NULL; td = calloc(1, sizeof(Timer_Data)); #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("rec file is <%s>\n", buf); #endif vr_list = read_events(buf, ts.e, td); if (td->current_event) { /* Got first event in list, run test */ tsuite_feed_event(td); if (func) elm_run(); /* run the program now and handle all events etc */ else { #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("%s calling <%s>\n", __func__, appname); #endif system(appname); } } if (td) free(td); } if (recording) _tsuite_evas_hook_reset(); if (vr_list) vr_list = free_events(vr_list); } EAPI int elm_main(int argc, char **argv) { Eina_List *tests = NULL; Eina_Bool test_all; char *rec_dir = NULL; int i, first_arg; int opt_tests = 0; Eina_List *opt_destdir = NULL; Eina_List *opt_basedir = NULL; static const Ecore_Getopt optdesc = { "Test_suite", NULL, "0.0", "(C) 2011 Enlightenment", "Enlightenment", "The Elementary auto test suite", 0, { ECORE_GETOPT_COUNT('r', "record", "Recording mode"), ECORE_GETOPT_APPEND_METAVAR('d',"destdir","Destir for PNG files", "STRING", ECORE_GETOPT_TYPE_STR), ECORE_GETOPT_APPEND_METAVAR('b',"basedir","Directory of rec files", "STRING", ECORE_GETOPT_TYPE_STR), ECORE_GETOPT_COUNT('t', "tests", "Tests names marker"), ECORE_GETOPT_SENTINEL } }; Ecore_Getopt_Value values[] = { ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_INT(recording), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_LIST(opt_destdir), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_LIST(opt_basedir), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_INT(opt_tests), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_NONE }; #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("Got args:\n"); for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) printf("%d=<%s>\n", i, (char *) argv[i]); #endif ecore_init(); if (ecore_getopt_parse(&optdesc, values, argc, argv) < 0) { printf("Argument parsing failed\n"); exit(1); } #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("Values from command line:\n"); printf("recording=<%d>\nopt_tests=<%d>\n", recording, opt_tests); if (opt_destdir) printf("opt_destdir=<%s>\n", opt_destdir->data); if (opt_basedir) printf("opt_basedir=<%s>\n", opt_basedir->data); #endif if (!opt_tests) { /* This in case user runs mannualy and mistakes */ printf ("Tests Marker (arg) missing.\n"); exit(1); } /* Find index of first-test name, for ALL first_arg = (argc-1) */ for(first_arg = 1; first_arg < argc; first_arg++) if (!strcmp(argv[first_arg], "--tests")) break; first_arg++; /* First arg now is index of first test or == argc */ #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE if (first_arg == argc) printf("TEST ALL: first_arg=<%d>\n", first_arg); else printf("test=<%s> first_arg=<%d>\n", argv[first_arg], first_arg); #endif elm_policy_set(ELM_POLICY_QUIT, ELM_POLICY_QUIT_LAST_WINDOW_CLOSED); /* tell elm about our app so it can figure out where to get files */ elm_app_compile_bin_dir_set(PACKAGE_BIN_DIR); elm_app_compile_data_dir_set(PACKAGE_DATA_DIR); elm_app_info_set(elm_main, "elementary", "images/logo.png"); if (opt_destdir) dest_dir = opt_destdir->data; if (opt_basedir) rec_dir = opt_basedir->data; /* if we got here, found test_arg, now find it's index */ if (recording) { _init_recording_funcs(); } #ifdef DEBUG_TSUITE printf("argc=<%d> first_arg=<%d>\n", argc, first_arg); #endif /* If no test specified in command line, set all */ test_all = (argc - first_arg) == 0; tests = _add_test(tests, "test_3d", test_3d, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_actionslider", test_actionslider, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_anchorblock", test_anchorblock, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_anchorview", test_anchorview, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_bg_plain", test_bg_plain, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_bg_image", test_bg_image, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_bg_options", test_bg_options, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_box_vert", test_box_vert, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_box_vert2", test_box_vert2, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_box_horiz", test_box_horiz, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_button", test_button, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_bubble", test_bubble, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_calendar", test_calendar, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_check", test_check, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_colorselector", test_colorselector, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_conformant", test_conformant, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_conformant2", test_conformant2, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_ctxpopup", test_ctxpopup, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_diskselector", test_diskselector, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_entry", test_entry, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_entry_scrolled", test_entry_scrolled, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_entry3", test_entry3, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_entry4", test_entry4, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_entry5", test_entry5, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_entry_notepad", test_entry_notepad, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_fileselector", test_fileselector, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_fileselector_button", test_fileselector_button, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_fileselector_entry", test_fileselector_entry, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_focus", test_focus, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_gengrid", test_gengrid, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_gengrid2", test_gengrid2, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_genlist", test_genlist, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_genlist2", test_genlist2, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_genlist3", test_genlist3, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_genlist4", test_genlist4, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_genlist5", test_genlist5, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_genlist6", test_genlist6, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_genlist7", test_genlist7, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_genlist8", test_genlist8, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_genlist9", test_genlist9, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_genlist10", test_genlist10, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_genlist11", test_genlist11, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_grid", test_grid, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_hover", test_hover, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_hover2", test_hover2, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_hoversel", test_hoversel, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_index", test_index, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_index2", test_index2, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_inwin", test_inwin, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_inwin2", test_inwin2, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_label", test_label, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_list", test_list, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_list_horizontal", test_list_horizontal, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_list2", test_list2, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_list3", test_list3, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_list4", test_list4, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_list5", test_list5, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_menu", test_menu, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_naviframe", test_naviframe, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_notify", test_notify, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_pager", test_pager, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_pager_slide", test_pager_slide, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_panel", test_panel, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_panes", test_panes, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_progressbar", test_progressbar, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_radio", test_radio, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_scaling", test_scaling, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_scaling2", test_scaling2, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_scroller", test_scroller, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_scroller2", test_scroller2, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_segment_control", test_segment_control, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_separator", test_separator, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_slider", test_slider, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_spinner", test_spinner, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_table", test_table, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_table2", test_table2, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_table3", test_table3, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_table4", test_table4, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_table5", test_table5, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_table6", test_table6, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_toggle", test_toggle, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_toolbar", test_toolbar, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_toolbar2", test_toolbar2, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_toolbar3", test_toolbar3, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_toolbar4", test_toolbar4, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_toolbar5", test_toolbar5, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_tooltip", test_tooltip, test_all); tests = _add_test(tests, "test_tooltip2", test_tooltip2, test_all); Eina_List *l; Test_Item *item; int n_tests = 0; int n_total = 0; int n_no_rec_file = 0; /* Set tests from command line */ for(i = first_arg; i < argc ; i++) { if (_set_test(tests, argv[i], EINA_TRUE) == NULL) { /* Failed to add test, trying to add application */ if (access(argv[i], X_OK) == 0) { tests = _add_test(tests, argv[i], NULL, EINA_TRUE); } else printf("Unknown application: %s\n", argv[i]); } n_total++; /* Count argument */ } EINA_LIST_FOREACH(tests, l, item) if (item->test) { /* Run test and count tests committed */ char buf[1024]; if (item->func) /* Regular test with access func */ sprintf(buf, "%s/%s.rec", rec_dir, item->name); else { /* Application, set ts and compose rec-file path */ tsuite_init(NULL /* win */, item->name, NULL); sprintf(buf, "%s/%s.rec", rec_dir, basename(item->name)); } if (!recording) { /* Avoid trying to commit tests with no ".rec" file */ if (access(buf, R_OK)) { printf("Skipped test, missing <%s> file.\n", buf); n_no_rec_file++; continue; /* Skip this, no access to ".rec" file */ } } do_test(rec_dir, item->func); n_tests++; } if (n_no_rec_file) printf("\n\nFailed to access %d record files.\n", n_no_rec_file); if (n_tests) { /* Print completed message */ printf("\n\n%d tests completed out of %d tests\n", n_tests, n_total); } else { /* No tests committed, let user know test-name is wrong */ printf ("\n\nNo test matching:\n"); for(i = first_arg; i < argc; i++) printf("%s\n", argv[i]); printf ("\nPlease review test name; check record file.\n"); } /* Free all tests in list */ Test_Item *data = NULL; EINA_LIST_FREE(tests, data) free(data); tsuite_cleanup(); /* if the mainloop that elm_run() runs exist - we exit the app */ elm_shutdown(); /* clean up and shut down */ /* exit code, ZERO if all completed successfuly */ if (test_all) return 0; else return ((argc - first_arg) - n_tests); } ELM_MAIN()