
627 lines
17 KiB

#include <Elementary.h>
#include "tsuite.h"
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265
typedef struct _Gear Gear;
typedef struct _GLData GLData;
struct _Gear
GLfloat *vertices;
GLuint vbo;
int count;
// GL related data here..
struct _GLData
Evas_GL_API *glapi;
GLuint program;
GLuint vtx_shader;
GLuint fgmt_shader;
int initialized : 1;
int mouse_down : 1;
// Gear Stuff
GLfloat view_rotx;
GLfloat view_roty;
GLfloat view_rotz;
Gear *gear1;
Gear *gear2;
Gear *gear3;
GLfloat angle;
GLuint proj_location;
GLuint light_location;
GLuint color_location;
GLfloat proj[16];
GLfloat light[3];
static void gears_init(GLData *gld);
static void free_gear(Gear *gear);
static void gears_reshape(GLData *gld, int width, int height);
static void render_gears(GLData *gld);
// Gear Stuff....
static GLfloat *
vert(GLfloat *p, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat *n)
p[0] = x;
p[1] = y;
p[2] = z;
p[3] = n[0];
p[4] = n[1];
p[5] = n[2];
return p + 6;
/* Draw a gear wheel. You'll probably want to call this function when
* building a display list since we do a lot of trig here.
* Input: inner_radius - radius of hole at center
* outer_radius - radius at center of teeth
* width - width of gear
* teeth - number of teeth
* tooth_depth - depth of tooth
static Gear *
make_gear(GLData *gld, GLfloat inner_radius, GLfloat outer_radius, GLfloat width,
GLint teeth, GLfloat tooth_depth)
GLint i;
GLfloat r0, r1, r2;
GLfloat da;
GLfloat *v;
Gear *gear;
double s[5], c[5];
GLfloat normal[3];
const int tris_per_tooth = 20;
Evas_GL_API *gl = gld->glapi;
gear = (Gear*)malloc(sizeof(Gear));
if (gear == NULL)
return NULL;
r0 = inner_radius;
r1 = outer_radius - tooth_depth / 2.0;
r2 = outer_radius + tooth_depth / 2.0;
da = 2.0 * M_PI / teeth / 4.0;
gear->vertices = calloc(teeth * tris_per_tooth * 3 * 6,
sizeof *gear->vertices);
s[4] = 0;
c[4] = 1;
v = gear->vertices;
for (i = 0; i < teeth; i++)
s[0] = s[4];
c[0] = c[4];
s[1] = sin(i * 2.0 * M_PI / teeth + da);
c[1] = cos(i * 2.0 * M_PI / teeth + da);
s[2] = sin(i * 2.0 * M_PI / teeth + da * 2);
c[2] = cos(i * 2.0 * M_PI / teeth + da * 2);
s[3] = sin(i * 2.0 * M_PI / teeth + da * 3);
c[3] = cos(i * 2.0 * M_PI / teeth + da * 3);
s[4] = sin(i * 2.0 * M_PI / teeth + da * 4);
c[4] = cos(i * 2.0 * M_PI / teeth + da * 4);
normal[0] = 0.0;
normal[1] = 0.0;
normal[2] = 1.0;
v = vert(v, r2 * c[1], r2 * s[1], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r2 * c[1], r2 * s[1], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r2 * c[2], r2 * s[2], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r1 * c[0], r1 * s[0], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r1 * c[3], r1 * s[3], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r0 * c[0], r0 * s[0], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r1 * c[4], r1 * s[4], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r0 * c[4], r0 * s[4], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r0 * c[4], r0 * s[4], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r0 * c[0], r0 * s[0], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r0 * c[4], r0 * s[4], -width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r0 * c[0], r0 * s[0], -width * 0.5, normal);
normal[0] = 0.0;
normal[1] = 0.0;
normal[2] = -1.0;
v = vert(v, r0 * c[4], r0 * s[4], -width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r0 * c[4], r0 * s[4], -width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r1 * c[4], r1 * s[4], -width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r0 * c[0], r0 * s[0], -width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r1 * c[3], r1 * s[3], -width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r1 * c[0], r1 * s[0], -width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r2 * c[2], r2 * s[2], -width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r2 * c[1], r2 * s[1], -width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r1 * c[0], r1 * s[0], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r1 * c[0], r1 * s[0], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r1 * c[0], r1 * s[0], -width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r2 * c[1], r2 * s[1], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r2 * c[1], r2 * s[1], -width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r2 * c[2], r2 * s[2], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r2 * c[2], r2 * s[2], -width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r1 * c[3], r1 * s[3], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r1 * c[3], r1 * s[3], -width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r1 * c[4], r1 * s[4], width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r1 * c[4], r1 * s[4], -width * 0.5, normal);
v = vert(v, r1 * c[4], r1 * s[4], -width * 0.5, normal);
gear->count = (v - gear->vertices) / 6;
gl->glGenBuffers(1, &gear->vbo);
gl->glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, gear->vbo);
gl->glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, gear->count * 6 * 4,
gear->vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
return gear;
static void
free_gear(Gear *gear)
gear = NULL;
static void
multiply(GLfloat *m, const GLfloat *n)
GLfloat tmp[16];
const GLfloat *row, *column;
div_t d;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
tmp[i] = 0;
d = div(i, 4);
row = n + d.quot * 4;
column = m + d.rem;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
tmp[i] += row[j] * column[j * 4];
memcpy(m, &tmp, sizeof tmp);
static void
rotate(GLfloat *m, GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
double s, c;
s = sin(angle);
c = cos(angle);
GLfloat r[16] =
x * x * (1 - c) + c, y * x * (1 - c) + z * s, x * z * (1 - c) - y * s, 0,
x * y * (1 - c) - z * s, y * y * (1 - c) + c, y * z * (1 - c) + x * s, 0,
x * z * (1 - c) + y * s, y * z * (1 - c) - x * s, z * z * (1 - c) + c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
multiply(m, r);
static void
translate(GLfloat *m, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
GLfloat t[16] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, x, y, z, 1 };
multiply(m, t);
static void
draw_gear(GLData *gld, Gear *gear, GLfloat *m,
GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat angle, const GLfloat *color)
Evas_GL_API *gl = gld->glapi;
GLfloat tmp[16];
memcpy(tmp, m, sizeof tmp);
translate(tmp, x, y, 0);
rotate(tmp, 2 * M_PI * angle / 360.0, 0, 0, 1);
gl->glUniformMatrix4fv(gld->proj_location, 1, GL_FALSE, tmp);
gl->glUniform3fv(gld->light_location, 1, gld->light);
gl->glUniform4fv(gld->color_location, 1, color);
gl->glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, gear->vbo);
gl->glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
6 * sizeof(GLfloat), NULL);
gl->glVertexAttribPointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
6 * sizeof(GLfloat), (GLfloat *) 0 + 3);
gl->glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, gear->count);
static void
gears_draw(GLData *gld)
Evas_GL_API *gl = gld->glapi;
static const GLfloat red[4] = { 0.8, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0 };
static const GLfloat green[4] = { 0.0, 0.8, 0.2, 1.0 };
static const GLfloat blue[4] = { 0.2, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0 };
GLfloat m[16];
gl->glClearColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.1, 0.5);
memcpy(m, gld->proj, sizeof m);
rotate(m, 2 * M_PI * gld->view_rotx / 360.0, 1, 0, 0);
rotate(m, 2 * M_PI * gld->view_roty / 360.0, 0, 1, 0);
rotate(m, 2 * M_PI * gld->view_rotz / 360.0, 0, 0, 1);
draw_gear(gld, gld->gear1, m, -3.0, -2.0, gld->angle, red);
draw_gear(gld, gld->gear2, m, 3.1, -2.0, -2 * gld->angle - 9.0, green);
draw_gear(gld, gld->gear3, m, -3.1, 4.2, -2 * gld->angle - 25.0, blue);
static void render_gears(GLData *gld)
gld->angle += 2.0;
/* new window size or exposure */
static void
gears_reshape(GLData *gld, int width, int height)
Evas_GL_API *gl = gld->glapi;
GLfloat ar, m[16] = {
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
if (width < height)
ar = width;
ar = height;
m[0] = 0.1 * ar / width;
m[5] = 0.1 * ar / height;
memcpy(gld->proj, m, sizeof gld->proj);
gl->glViewport(0, 0, (GLint) width, (GLint) height);
static const char vertex_shader[] =
"uniform mat4 proj;\n"
"attribute vec4 position;\n"
"attribute vec4 normal;\n"
"varying vec3 rotated_normal;\n"
"varying vec3 rotated_position;\n"
"vec4 tmp;\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_Position = proj * position;\n"
" rotated_position = gl_Position.xyz;\n"
" tmp = proj * normal;\n"
" rotated_normal = tmp.xyz;\n"
static const char fragment_shader[] =
"#ifdef GL_ES\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform vec4 color;\n"
"uniform vec3 light;\n"
"varying vec3 rotated_normal;\n"
"varying vec3 rotated_position;\n"
"vec3 light_direction;\n"
"vec4 white = vec4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0);\n"
"void main()\n"
" light_direction = normalize(light - rotated_position);\n"
" gl_FragColor = color + white * dot(light_direction, rotated_normal);\n"
static void
gears_init(GLData *gld)
Evas_GL_API *gl = gld->glapi;
const char *p;
char msg[512];
p = vertex_shader;
gld->vtx_shader = gl->glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
gl->glShaderSource(gld->vtx_shader, 1, &p, NULL);
gl->glGetShaderInfoLog(gld->vtx_shader, sizeof msg, NULL, msg);
printf("vertex shader info: %s\n", msg);
p = fragment_shader;
gld->fgmt_shader = gl->glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
gl->glShaderSource(gld->fgmt_shader, 1, &p, NULL);
gl->glGetShaderInfoLog(gld->fgmt_shader, sizeof msg, NULL, msg);
printf("fragment shader info: %s\n", msg);
gld->program = gl->glCreateProgram();
gl->glAttachShader(gld->program, gld->vtx_shader);
gl->glAttachShader(gld->program, gld->fgmt_shader);
gl->glBindAttribLocation(gld->program, 0, "position");
gl->glBindAttribLocation(gld->program, 1, "normal");
gl->glGetProgramInfoLog(gld->program, sizeof msg, NULL, msg);
printf("info: %s\n", msg);
gld->proj_location = gl->glGetUniformLocation(gld->program, "proj");
gld->light_location = gl->glGetUniformLocation(gld->program, "light");
gld->color_location = gl->glGetUniformLocation(gld->program, "color");
/* make the gears */
gld->gear1 = make_gear(gld, 1.0, 4.0, 1.0, 20, 0.7);
gld->gear2 = make_gear(gld, 0.5, 2.0, 2.0, 10, 0.7);
gld->gear3 = make_gear(gld, 1.3, 2.0, 0.5, 10, 0.7);
static void
gldata_init(GLData *gld)
gld->initialized = 0;
gld->mouse_down = 0;
gld->view_rotx = -20.0;
gld->view_roty = -30.0;
gld->view_rotz = 0.0;
gld->angle = 0.0;
gld->light[0] = 1.0;
gld->light[1] = 1.0;
gld->light[2] = -5.0;
static void
_init_gl(Evas_Object *obj)
GLData *gld = evas_object_data_get(obj, "gld");
static void
_del_gl(Evas_Object *obj)
GLData *gld = evas_object_data_get(obj, "gld");
if (!gld)
printf("Unable to get GLData. \n");
Evas_GL_API *gl = gld->glapi;
gl->glDeleteBuffers(1, &gld->gear1->vbo);
gl->glDeleteBuffers(1, &gld->gear2->vbo);
gl->glDeleteBuffers(1, &gld->gear3->vbo);
evas_object_data_del((Evas_Object*)obj, "..gld");
static void
_resize_gl(Evas_Object *obj)
int w, h;
GLData *gld = evas_object_data_get(obj, "gld");
elm_glview_size_get(obj, &w, &h);
// GL Viewport stuff. you can avoid doing this if viewport is all the
// same as last frame if you want
gears_reshape(gld, w,h);
static void
_draw_gl(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_GL_API *gl = elm_glview_gl_api_get(obj);
GLData *gld = evas_object_data_get(obj, "gld");
if (!gld) return;
static Eina_Bool
_anim(void *data)
return EINA_TRUE;
static void
_on_done(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
static void
_del(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas *evas __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
Ecore_Animator *ani = evas_object_data_get(obj, "ani");
static void
_key_down(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
Evas_Event_Key_Down *ev;
ev = (Evas_Event_Key_Down *)event_info;
GLData *gld = evas_object_data_get(obj, "gld");
if (strcmp(ev->keyname, "Left") == 0)
gld->view_roty += 5.0;
if (strcmp(ev->keyname, "Right") == 0)
gld->view_roty -= 5.0;
if (strcmp(ev->keyname, "Up") == 0)
gld->view_rotx += 5.0;
if (strcmp(ev->keyname, "Down") == 0)
gld->view_rotx -= 5.0;
if ((strcmp(ev->keyname, "Escape") == 0) ||
(strcmp(ev->keyname, "Return") == 0))
//_on_done(data, obj, event_info);
static void
_mouse_down(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
GLData *gld = evas_object_data_get(obj, "gld");
gld->mouse_down = 1;
static void
_mouse_move(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *ev;
ev = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *)event_info;
GLData *gld = evas_object_data_get(obj, "gld");
float dx = 0, dy = 0;
if (gld->mouse_down)
dx = ev->cur.canvas.x - ev->prev.canvas.x;
dy = ev->cur.canvas.y - ev->prev.canvas.y;
gld->view_roty += -1.0 * dx;
gld->view_rotx += -1.0 * dy;
static void
_mouse_up(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info __UNUSED__)
GLData *gld = evas_object_data_get(obj, "gld");
gld->mouse_down = 0;
Evas_Object *bg, *bx, *bt, *gl;
Ecore_Animator *ani;
GLData *gld = NULL;
// alloc a data struct to hold our relevant gl info in
if (!(gld = calloc(1, sizeof(GLData)))) return;
// new window - do the usual and give it a name, title and delete handler
// add a standard bg
bg = elm_bg_add(win);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(bg, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
elm_win_resize_object_add(win, bg);
bx = elm_box_add(win);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(bx, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
elm_win_resize_object_add(win, bx);
// Add a GLView
gl = elm_glview_add(win);
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(gl, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(gl, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
elm_glview_mode_set(gl, ELM_GLVIEW_ALPHA|ELM_GLVIEW_DEPTH);
elm_glview_resize_policy_set(gl, ELM_GLVIEW_RESIZE_POLICY_RECREATE);
elm_glview_render_policy_set(gl, ELM_GLVIEW_RENDER_POLICY_ALWAYS);
elm_glview_init_func_set(gl, _init_gl);
elm_glview_del_func_set(gl, _del_gl);
elm_glview_resize_func_set(gl, _resize_gl);
elm_glview_render_func_set(gl, (Elm_GLView_Func_Cb)_draw_gl);
elm_box_pack_end(bx, gl);
// Add Mouse/Key Event Callbacks
elm_object_focus_set(gl, EINA_TRUE);
evas_object_event_callback_add(gl, EVAS_CALLBACK_KEY_DOWN, _key_down, gl);
evas_object_event_callback_add(gl, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _mouse_down, gl);
evas_object_event_callback_add(gl, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _mouse_up, gl);
evas_object_event_callback_add(gl, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE, _mouse_move, gl);
// Animator and other vars
ani = ecore_animator_add(_anim, gl);
gld->glapi = elm_glview_gl_api_get(gl);
evas_object_data_set(gl, "ani", ani);
evas_object_data_set(gl, "gld", gld);
evas_object_event_callback_add(gl, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _del, gl);
/* add an ok button */
bt = elm_button_add(win);
elm_object_text_set(bt, "OK");
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(bt, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(bt, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0);
elm_box_pack_end(bx, bt);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(bt, "clicked", _on_done, win);
evas_object_resize(win, 320, 480);