C# Hello Gui tutorial: bring it closer to the C version

Configure all widgets inside their constructors and a couple more minor things
to make the C# Hello Gui more similar to the C version, which should simplify
the tutorial.

Reviewers: lauromoura, vitor.sousa

Reviewed By: vitor.sousa

Differential Revision: https://phab.enlightenment.org/D6906
This commit is contained in:
Xavi Artigas 2018-08-24 11:41:29 -03:00 committed by Vitor Sousa
parent 006760cdf6
commit ad93666875
1 changed files with 31 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -9,59 +9,55 @@ public class Example
#if WIN32
public static void Main()
// Initialize EFL and all UI components
// Create a window and initialize it
efl.ui.IWin win = new efl.ui.Win(null, (efl.ui.IWin ewin) => {
// Request a simple window
efl.ui.IWin win = new efl.ui.Win(efl.App.GetLoopMain(), (efl.ui.IWin ewin) => {
// Set the window's title
ewin.SetText("Hello World");
// Request that the window is automatically hidden when the "close"
// button is pressed
// Hook to the Hide event
ewin.HideEvt += QuitCb;
// Hook to the Hide event
win.HideEvt += QuitCb;
// Create a box container
efl.ui.IBox box = new efl.ui.Box(win);
// Set its minimum size
eina.Size2D sz;
sz.W = 360;
sz.H = 240;
// Set the box as the content for the window
// The window size will adapt to the box size
efl.ui.IBox box = new efl.ui.Box(win, (efl.ui.IBox ebox) => {
// Set its minimum size
ebox.SetHintMin(new eina.Size2D(360, 240));
// Set the box as the content for the window
// The window size will adapt to the box size
// Create a text label widget
efl.ui.IText text = new efl.ui.Text(box);
// Set its content and customize it
text.SetText("Hello World. This is an Efl.Ui application!");
text.SetHintWeight(1.0, 0.9);
text.SetHintAlign(0.5, 0.5);
// Add the text to the box container
new efl.ui.Text(box, (efl.ui.IText etext) => {
// Set its content and customize it
etext.SetText("Hello World. This is an Efl.Ui application!");
etext.SetHintWeight(1.0, 0.9);
etext.SetHintAlign(0.5, 0.5);
// Add the text to the box container
// Create a button widget
efl.ui.IButton button = new efl.ui.Button(box);
// Customize it
button.SetHintWeight(1.0, 0.1);
// Set the method to be called when the button is pressed
button.ClickedEvt += QuitCb;
// Add the button to the box container
new efl.ui.Button(box, (efl.ui.IButton ebutton) => {
// Customize it
ebutton.SetHintWeight(1.0, 0.1);
// Set the method to be called when the button is pressed
ebutton.ClickedEvt += QuitCb;
// Add the button to the box container
// Start the EFL main loop