homescreen: Simplify code and UI structure

Remove global variables.
Add comments.
General beautification.
This commit is contained in:
Xavi Artigas 2020-02-12 19:22:43 +01:00
parent ac5879e3e5
commit f3076c6d19
1 changed files with 238 additions and 173 deletions

View File

@ -1,240 +1,305 @@
#include <Efl_Ui.h> #include <Efl_Ui.h>
#include <Efreet.h> #include <Eio.h>
static Efl_Ui_Spotlight_Container *over_container; #define TABLE_COLUMNS 4
#define TABLE_ROWS 5
#define SCALE 0.5 typedef struct _Build_Data
typedef struct
{ {
Eina_Position2D position; Eo *over_container;
const char *name; Efl_Io_Manager *io_manager;
const char *icon; Eo *table;
Efl_Event_Cb cb; int x, y;
} Icon; } Build_Data;
static void _fake_app_cb(void *data, const Efl_Event *ev); static const char *launcher_apps[][3] =
{ { "Call", "", "call-start" },
{ "Contacts", "", "contact-new" },
{ "Home", "xdg-open $HOME", "user-home" },
{ "Mail", "xdg-email ''", "mail-send-receive" },
{ "Documents", "xdg-open $(xdg-user-dir DOCUMENTS)", "folder-documents" } };
#define P "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/" static void
_icon_clicked_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *ev EINA_UNUSED)
const char *command = data;
printf("%s\n", command);
efl_add(EFL_EXE_CLASS, efl_main_loop_get(),
efl_core_command_line_command_string_set(efl_added, command),
static Icon workspace1[] = { static void
{ EINA_POSITION2D(0, 0), "Firefox", P"firefox.png", NULL}, _icon_deleted_cb(void *data, const Efl_Event *ev EINA_UNUSED)
{ EINA_POSITION2D(0, 1), "Monodevelop", P"monodevelop.png", NULL}, {
{ EINA_POSITION2D(0, 2), "Terminal", "utilities-terminal", NULL}, free(data);
static Icon workspace2[] = { // If "string" begins with the "key" prefix, sets "value" to whatever comes after "key"
{ EINA_POSITION2D(0, 3), "web-browser", "web-browser", _fake_app_cb}, // up until the next \n, replacing it with a \0, in a newly allocated string
{ EINA_POSITION2D(1, 3), "Emacs", P"emacs.png", _fake_app_cb}, // (which must be freed).
{ EINA_POSITION2D(2, 3), "etui", P"etui.png", _fake_app_cb}, // Returns 1 if key was found.
{ EINA_POSITION2D(3, 3), "CAD", P"librecad.png", _fake_app_cb}, static int
{ EINA_POSITION2D(4, 3), "Libreoffice", P"libreoffice-base.png", _fake_app_cb}, _parse_token(const char *string, const char *key, char **value)
{ EINA_POSITION2D(0, 4), "Riot", P"riot.png", _fake_app_cb}, {
{ EINA_POSITION2D(1, 4), "Tex", P"texstudio.png", _fake_app_cb}, if (eina_str_has_prefix(string, key))
{ EINA_POSITION2D(2, 4), "Telegram", P"telegram.png", _fake_app_cb}, {
{ EINA_POSITION2D(3, 4), "Vlc", P"vlc.png", _fake_app_cb}, int key_len = strlen(key);
{ EINA_POSITION2D(4, 4), "Mono", P"monodevelop.png", _fake_app_cb}, const char *end = strchr(string + key_len, '\n');
{ EINA_POSITION2D(2, 0), NULL, NULL, NULL}, if (!end)
}; end = string + strlen(string); // Point to EOF '\0'
int len = end - string - key_len;
if (*value) free(*value);
*value = eina_strndup(string + key_len, len + 1);
*((*value) + len) = '\0';
return 1;
return 0;
static Icon workspace3[] = { // Reads a .desktop file and returns the app name, the command to launch and the icon name.
{ EINA_POSITION2D(0, 0), "bla", P"remmina.png", NULL}, // Returns 0 if it didn't work.
{ EINA_POSITION2D(1, 1), "bla", "ic2", NULL}, // Free the strings after usage.
{ EINA_POSITION2D(0, 2), "bla", "ic", NULL}, static int
{ EINA_POSITION2D(1, 3), "bla", "ic2", NULL}, _parse_desktop_file(const char *desktop_file_path, char **app_name, char **app_command, char **app_icon_name)
{ EINA_POSITION2D(0, 4), "bla", "ic", NULL}, {
{ EINA_POSITION2D(2, 0), "bla", "ic", NULL}, EINA_RW_SLICE_DECLARE(slice, 1024);
{ EINA_POSITION2D(3, 1), "bla", "ic2", NULL}, Efl_Io_File *desktop_file;
{ EINA_POSITION2D(2, 2), "bla", "ic", NULL}, int ret = 0;
{ EINA_POSITION2D(3, 3), "bla", "ic2", NULL},
{ EINA_POSITION2D(2, 4), "bla", "ic", NULL},
{ EINA_POSITION2D(4, 0), "bla", "ic", NULL},
{ EINA_POSITION2D(4, 2), "bla", "ic", NULL},
{ EINA_POSITION2D(4, 4), "bla", "ic", NULL},
static Icon* workspaces[] = {workspace1, workspace2, workspace3}; desktop_file = efl_new(EFL_IO_FILE_CLASS,
efl_file_set(efl_added, desktop_file_path),
efl_io_closer_close_on_invalidate_set(efl_added, EINA_TRUE));
static void _home_screen_cb(void *data, const Efl_Event *cb); if (!desktop_file)
return 0;
static Icon start_line_config[] = { char *name = NULL, *command = NULL, *icon = NULL;
{ EINA_POSITION2D(0, 0), "Call", "call-start", _fake_app_cb}, while (!efl_io_reader_eos_get(desktop_file) &&
{ EINA_POSITION2D(0, 0), "Contact", "contact-new", _fake_app_cb}, efl_io_reader_read(desktop_file, &slice) == EINA_ERROR_NO_ERROR)
{ EINA_POSITION2D(0, 0), "Home", "applications-internet", _home_screen_cb}, {
{ EINA_POSITION2D(0, 0), "Mail", "emblem-mail", _fake_app_cb}, char *content = eina_rw_slice_strdup(slice);
{ EINA_POSITION2D(0, 0), "Documents", "emblem-documents", _fake_app_cb}, char *ptr = content;
{ EINA_POSITION2D(0, 0), NULL, NULL, NULL}, while ((ptr = strchr(ptr, '\n')))
}; {
_parse_token(ptr, "Name=", &name);
_parse_token(ptr, "Exec=", &command);
_parse_token(ptr, "Icon=", &icon);
if (name && command && icon)
*app_name = name;
*app_command = command;
*app_icon_name = icon;
ret = 1;
if (name)
if (command)
if (icon)
static Eo *compositor; efl_unref(desktop_file);
return ret;
static Efl_Ui_Widget* // Creates a widget "button" with the specified name, icon and command
_create_icon(Icon *icon, Eo *parent) // to execute on click.
// These buttons are actually just an image with a label below.
static Efl_Ui_Widget *
_create_icon(Eo *parent, const char *name, const char *command, const char *icon)
{ {
Eo *box = efl_add(EFL_UI_BOX_CLASS, parent); Eo *box = efl_add(EFL_UI_BOX_CLASS, parent);
// Icon // Icon
Eo *ic = efl_add(EFL_UI_IMAGE_CLASS, box, efl_add(EFL_UI_IMAGE_CLASS, box,
efl_ui_image_icon_set(efl_added, icon->icon), efl_ui_image_icon_set(efl_added, icon),
efl_gfx_hint_weight_set(efl_added, 1.0, 1.0), efl_gfx_hint_weight_set(efl_added, 1.0, 1.0),
efl_gfx_entity_size_set(efl_added, EINA_SIZE2D(300, 300)), efl_gfx_hint_size_min_set(efl_added, EINA_SIZE2D(64, 64)),
efl_pack(box, efl_added)); efl_event_callback_add(efl_added, EFL_INPUT_EVENT_CLICKED, _icon_clicked_cb, command),
if (icon->cb) efl_event_callback_add(efl_added, EFL_EVENT_DEL, _icon_deleted_cb, command),
efl_event_callback_add(ic, EFL_INPUT_EVENT_CLICKED, icon->cb, icon); efl_pack(box, efl_added));
// Label // Label
efl_add(EFL_UI_TEXTBOX_CLASS, box, efl_add(EFL_UI_TEXTBOX_CLASS, box,
efl_text_set(efl_added, icon->name), efl_text_set(efl_added, name),
efl_canvas_textblock_style_apply(efl_added, "effect_type=soft_shadow shadow_color=black"), efl_text_multiline_set(efl_added, EINA_TRUE),
efl_text_horizontal_align_set(efl_added, 0.5), efl_canvas_textblock_style_apply(efl_added,
efl_text_interactive_editable_set(efl_added, EINA_FALSE), "effect_type=soft_shadow shadow_color=#444 wrap=word font_size=10 align=center ellipsis=1"),
efl_text_interactive_selection_allowed_set(efl_added, EINA_FALSE), efl_gfx_hint_size_min_set(efl_added, EINA_SIZE2D(0, 40)),
efl_pack(box, efl_added)); efl_text_interactive_editable_set(efl_added, EINA_FALSE),
efl_text_interactive_selection_allowed_set(efl_added, EINA_FALSE),
efl_pack(box, efl_added));
return box; return box;
} }
static Efl_Ui_Table* // Creates a widget "button" for the specified .desktop file.
_hs_screen_new(Icon *icons) // These buttons are actually just an image with a label below.
static Efl_Ui_Widget *
_create_app_icon(Eo *parent, const char *desktop_file_path)
{ {
Efl_Ui_Table *table; char *name = NULL, *command = NULL, *icon = NULL;
Eo *widget = NULL;
table = efl_add(EFL_UI_TABLE_CLASS, over_container); if (!_parse_desktop_file(desktop_file_path, &name, &command, &icon))
return NULL;
for (int y = 0; y < 5; ++y) widget = _create_icon(parent, name, command, icon);
for (int x = 0; x < 5; ++x)
Eo *obj = efl_add(EFL_CANVAS_RECTANGLE_CLASS, table, efl_gfx_color_set(efl_added, 0, 0, 0, 0));
efl_pack_table(table, obj, x, y, 1, 1);
for (int i = 0; icons[i].name; ++i) free(name);
{ free(icon);
Eo *icon = _create_icon(&icons[i], table); return widget;
efl_pack_table(table, icon, icons[i].position.x, icons[i].position.y, 1, 1);
return table;
} }
static Efl_Ui_Widget* // Adds a new empty page to the homescreen
_build_homescreen(Efl_Ui_Win *win) static void
_add_page(Build_Data *bdata)
bdata->table = efl_add(EFL_UI_TABLE_CLASS, bdata->over_container,
efl_pack_table_size_set(efl_added, TABLE_COLUMNS, TABLE_ROWS));
efl_pack_end(bdata->over_container, bdata->table);
bdata->x = bdata->y = 0;
// Adds all files in the array to the homescreen, adding pages as they become full.
static void
_app_found(void *data, Eina_Array *files)
unsigned int i;
const char *item;
Eina_Array_Iterator iterator;
Build_Data *bdata = data;
EINA_ARRAY_ITER_NEXT(files, i, item, iterator)
Eo *app = _create_app_icon(bdata->over_container, item);
if (app)
if (!bdata->table)
efl_pack_table(bdata->table, app, bdata->x, bdata->y, 1, 1);
if (bdata->x == TABLE_COLUMNS)
bdata->x = 0;
if (bdata->y == TABLE_ROWS)
bdata->table = NULL;
// Called when directory listing has finished
static Eina_Value
_file_listing_done_cb (void *data, const Eina_Value file, const Eina_Future *dead EINA_UNUSED)
Build_Data *bdata = data;
// Fill any remaining empty cells with invisible rectangles so the rest of the cells
// keep the same size as other pages
while (bdata->y < TABLE_ROWS)
while (bdata->x < TABLE_COLUMNS)
efl_add(EFL_CANVAS_RECTANGLE_CLASS, bdata->table,
efl_gfx_color_set(efl_added, 0, 0, 0, 0),
efl_pack_table(bdata->table, efl_added, bdata->x, bdata->y, 1, 1));
bdata->x = 0;
return file;
// Create Spotlight widget and start populating it with user apps.
static void
_build_homescreen(Efl_Ui_Win *win, Build_Data *bdata)
{ {
Efl_Ui_Spotlight_Indicator *indicator = efl_new(EFL_UI_SPOTLIGHT_ICON_INDICATOR_CLASS); Efl_Ui_Spotlight_Indicator *indicator = efl_new(EFL_UI_SPOTLIGHT_ICON_INDICATOR_CLASS);
Efl_Ui_Spotlight_Manager *scroll = efl_new(EFL_UI_SPOTLIGHT_SCROLL_MANAGER_CLASS); Efl_Ui_Spotlight_Manager *scroll = efl_new(EFL_UI_SPOTLIGHT_SCROLL_MANAGER_CLASS);
bdata->over_container = efl_add(EFL_UI_SPOTLIGHT_CONTAINER_CLASS, win,
over_container = efl_add(EFL_UI_SPOTLIGHT_CONTAINER_CLASS, win, efl_ui_spotlight_manager_set(efl_added, scroll),
efl_ui_spotlight_manager_set(efl_added, scroll), efl_ui_spotlight_indicator_set(efl_added, indicator)
efl_ui_spotlight_indicator_set(efl_added, indicator)
); );
bdata->table = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) Eina_Future *future = efl_io_manager_ls(bdata->io_manager, "/usr/share/applications", bdata, _app_found, NULL);
{ eina_future_then(future, _file_listing_done_cb, bdata, NULL);
Eo *screen = _hs_screen_new(workspaces[i]);
efl_pack_end(over_container, screen);
return over_container;
} }
// The main box, with an upper space for the apps list and a lower space
// for the quick-action buttons.
static Efl_Ui_Widget* static Efl_Ui_Widget*
_build_overall_structure(Efl_Ui_Win *win, Efl_Ui_Widget *homescreen) _build_overall_structure(Efl_Ui_Win *win, Efl_Ui_Widget *homescreen)
{ {
Efl_Ui_Widget *o, *start_line; Efl_Ui_Widget *box, *start_line;
o = efl_add(EFL_UI_BOX_CLASS, win); box = efl_add(EFL_UI_BOX_CLASS, win);
efl_pack_end(o, homescreen);
//start line // Set box background
start_line = efl_add(EFL_UI_BOX_CLASS, win); // Objects retrieved with efl_part() only survive one function call, so we ref it
Eo *background = efl_ref(efl_part(box, "background"));
efl_file_key_set(background, "e/desktop/background");
efl_file_set(background, "../src/Hills.edj");
efl_pack_end(box, homescreen);
// Start line
start_line = efl_add(EFL_UI_BOX_CLASS, win,
efl_gfx_color_set(efl_part(efl_added, "background"), 128, 128, 128, 128));
efl_gfx_hint_weight_set(start_line, 1.0, 0.0); efl_gfx_hint_weight_set(start_line, 1.0, 0.0);
efl_ui_layout_orientation_set(start_line, EFL_UI_LAYOUT_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); efl_ui_layout_orientation_set(start_line, EFL_UI_LAYOUT_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
efl_gfx_hint_size_min_set(start_line, EINA_SIZE2D(5*150*SCALE, 150*SCALE)); efl_pack_end(box, start_line);
efl_gfx_hint_size_max_set(start_line, EINA_SIZE2D(-1, 150*SCALE));
efl_pack_end(o, start_line);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(launcher_apps)/sizeof(launcher_apps[0]); ++i)
{ {
efl_pack_end(start_line, _create_icon(&start_line_config[i], start_line)); efl_pack_end(start_line, _create_icon(start_line,
} }
return o; return box;
static Efl_Ui_Widget*
_build_compositor(Efl_Ui_Win *win)
Efl_Ui_Widget *comp;
Efl_Ui_Spotlight_Manager *stack;
efl_ui_spotlight_manager_set(efl_added, stack));
return comp;
} }
// Called when the app is closed
static void static void
_home_screen_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *cb EINA_UNUSED) _gui_quit_cb(void *data, const Efl_Event *event EINA_UNUSED)
Efl_Canvas_Rectangle *rect;
rect = efl_add(EFL_CANVAS_RECTANGLE_CLASS, compositor);
efl_ui_spotlight_push(compositor, rect);
static void
_fake_app_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *ev EINA_UNUSED)
Efl_Ui_Table *table = efl_add(EFL_UI_TABLE_CLASS, compositor);
Efl_Canvas_Rectangle *rect = efl_add(EFL_CANVAS_RECTANGLE_CLASS, compositor);
efl_gfx_color_set(rect, 50, 50, 50, 255);
efl_pack_table(table, rect, 0, 0, 1, 1);
Efl_Ui_Textbox *text = efl_add(EFL_UI_TEXTBOX_CLASS , table);
efl_text_interactive_editable_set(text, EINA_FALSE);
efl_text_multiline_set(text, EINA_FALSE);
efl_text_set(text, "This is a testing application");
efl_pack_table(table, text, 0, 0, 1, 1);
efl_ui_spotlight_push(compositor, table);
static void
_gui_quit_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *event EINA_UNUSED)
{ {
Build_Data *bdata = data;
if (bdata->io_manager)
efl_exit(0); efl_exit(0);
} }
efl_main(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *ev EINA_UNUSED) efl_main(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *ev EINA_UNUSED)
{ {
Eo *win, *over_container, *desktop, *background; Eo *win, *desktop;
Build_Data *bdata = calloc (1, sizeof(Build_Data));
efreet_init(); bdata->io_manager = efl_add(EFL_IO_MANAGER_CLASS, efl_main_loop_get());
win = efl_add(EFL_UI_WIN_CLASS, efl_main_loop_get(), win = efl_add(EFL_UI_WIN_CLASS, efl_main_loop_get(),
efl_ui_win_autodel_set(efl_added, EINA_TRUE)); efl_ui_win_autodel_set(efl_added, EINA_TRUE));
// when the user clicks "close" on a window there is a request to delete // when the user clicks "close" on a window there is a request to delete
efl_event_callback_add(win, EFL_UI_WIN_EVENT_DELETE_REQUEST, _gui_quit_cb, NULL); efl_event_callback_add(win, EFL_UI_WIN_EVENT_DELETE_REQUEST, _gui_quit_cb, bdata);
efl_gfx_entity_size_set(win, EINA_SIZE2D(720*SCALE+15, 1280*SCALE));
over_container = _build_homescreen(win); _build_homescreen(win, bdata);
desktop = _build_overall_structure(win, over_container); desktop = _build_overall_structure(win, bdata->over_container);
efl_content_set(win, desktop);
compositor = _build_compositor(win);
//efl_pack_end(compositor, desktop);
efl_ui_spotlight_push(compositor, desktop);
efl_gfx_entity_size_set(compositor, EINA_SIZE2D(720*SCALE, 1280*SCALE));
background = efl_add(EFL_UI_IMAGE_CLASS, win,
//efl_file_set(efl_added, "../src/wood_01.jpg"),
efl_file_key_set(efl_added, "e/desktop/background"),
efl_file_set(efl_added, "../src/Hills.edj"),
efl_gfx_image_scale_method_set(efl_added, EFL_GFX_IMAGE_SCALE_METHOD_EXPAND));
efl_content_set(win, background);
} }