using System; public class Example { public static void FocusChangedCb(object sender, EventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine($"Focus for object {((Efl.Text)sender).GetText()} changed to {((Efl.Ui.Widget)sender).GetFocus()}"); } #if WIN32 [STAThreadAttribute()] #endif public static void Main() { // Initialize EFL and all UI components Efl.All.Init(Efl.Components.Ui); // Create a window and initialize it var win = new Efl.Ui.Win(null); win.SetWinType(Efl.Ui.WinType.Basic); win.SetText("Focus example"); win.SetAutohide(true); win.VisibilityChangedEvt += (object sender, Efl.Gfx.EntityVisibilityChangedEvt_Args e) => { // Exit the EFL main loop if (e.arg == false) Efl.Ui.Config.Exit(); }; // Create the main box container var vbox = new Efl.Ui.Box(win); vbox.SetHintSizeMin(new Eina.Size2D(360, 240)); win.SetContent(vbox); // Create some check boxes Efl.Ui.Check first_checkbox = null; for (int i = 0; i< 5; i++) { var checkbox = new Efl.Ui.Check(vbox); checkbox.SetText("Check " + i); checkbox.SetHintAlign(0.5, 0.5); checkbox.FocusChangedEvt += FocusChangedCb; vbox.DoPack(checkbox); if (i == 0) first_checkbox = checkbox; }; // Create an horizontal box to contain the two buttons var hbox = new Efl.Ui.Box(vbox); hbox.SetDirection(Efl.Ui.Dir.Horizontal); vbox.DoPack(hbox); // Create a "Focus Mover" button var button = new Efl.Ui.Button(hbox); button.SetText("Focus mover"); button.FocusChangedEvt += FocusChangedCb; button.ClickedEvt += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { Console.WriteLine("Clicked Focus Mover"); // Manually transfer focus to the first check box Efl.Ui.Focus.Util.Focus(first_checkbox); }; hbox.DoPack(button); // Create a Quit button button = new Efl.Ui.Button(hbox); button.SetText("Quit"); button.FocusChangedEvt += FocusChangedCb; button.ClickedEvt += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { Console.WriteLine("Clicked Quit"); Efl.Ui.Config.Exit(); }; hbox.DoPack(button); // Show the focus highlight win.SetFocusHighlightEnabled(true); // Start the EFL main loop Efl.Ui.Config.Run(); // Shutdown EFL Efl.All.Shutdown(); } }