#include #include #include #include static Eina_Bool do_read = EINA_FALSE; static Eina_Bool do_discard = EINA_FALSE; static Eina_Slice line_delm_slice; static void _connected(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *event) { fprintf(stderr, "INFO: connected to '%s' (%s)\n" "INFO: - local address=%s\n" "INFO: - do read=%u\n" "INFO: - do discard=%u\n", efl_net_dialer_address_dial_get(event->object), efl_net_socket_address_remote_get(event->object), efl_net_socket_address_local_get(event->object), do_read, do_discard); } static void _eos(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *event) { fprintf(stderr, "INFO: end of stream.\n"); /* on _error() we close it, then do not read as it has nothing */ if (efl_io_closer_closed_get(event->object)) return; fprintf(stderr, "-- BEGIN RECEIVED DATA --\n" EINA_SLICE_STR_FMT "-- END RECEIVED DATA--\n", EINA_SLICE_STR_PRINT(efl_io_buffered_stream_slice_get(event->object))); } static void _can_read(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *event) { Eina_Bool can_read = efl_io_reader_can_read_get(event->object); /* * Since we have more high level events, such as "slice,changed" * and "line", it's not that interesting to monitor * "can_read,changed" anymore. We do and print out, but no actual * reads as we print from _line() or _eos(). * * But reads can be done as usual, see the '#if' block below. */ fprintf(stderr, "INFO: can read=%d\n", can_read); #if 0 if ((can_read) && (do_read)) { char buf[4]; Eina_Rw_Slice rw_slice = EINA_SLICE_ARRAY(buf); Eina_Error err; do { err = efl_io_reader_read(event->object, &rw_slice); if (err) { if (err == EAGAIN) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: read all available data\n"); break; } fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not read: %s\n", eina_error_msg_get(err)); efl_loop_quit(efl_loop_get(event->object), eina_value_int_init(EXIT_FAILURE)); return; } fprintf(stderr, "INFO: read '" EINA_SLICE_STR_FMT "'\n", EINA_SLICE_STR_PRINT(rw_slice)); } while (err == 0); } #endif } static void _line(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *event) { const Eina_Slice slice = *(const Eina_Slice *)event->info; if (!eina_slice_endswith(slice, line_delm_slice)) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: received without line-delimiter '" EINA_SLICE_STR_FMT "'\n", EINA_SLICE_STR_PRINT(slice)); } else { Eina_Slice s = slice; s.len -= line_delm_slice.len; fprintf(stderr, "INFO: received '" EINA_SLICE_STR_FMT "'\n", EINA_SLICE_STR_PRINT(s)); } /* * If you used the line and it's not interesting anymore, then you * can discard it. * * It has the same effect as calling efl_io_reader_read() as per * #if block below */ if (do_discard) { #if 1 efl_io_buffered_stream_discard(event->object, slice.len); #else { /* efl_io_buffered_stream_discard() paired with * efl_io_buffered_stream_slice_get() + 'slice,changed' or * 'line' events is a faster alternative than reading, * since it doesn't copy the data. */ char *buf = malloc(slice.len); Eina_Rw_Slice rw_slice = { .mem = buf, .len = slice.len, }; Eina_Error err = efl_io_reader_read(event->object, &rw_slice); fprintf(stderr, "INFO: read error=%s '" EINA_SLICE_FMT "'\n", eina_error_msg_get(err) ? eina_error_msg_get(err) : "success", EINA_SLICE_PRINT(rw_slice)); free(buf); } #endif } } static void _resolved(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *event) { fprintf(stderr, "INFO: resolved %s => %s\n", efl_net_dialer_address_dial_get(event->object), efl_net_socket_address_remote_get(event->object)); } static void _error(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *event) { const Eina_Error *perr = event->info; fprintf(stderr, "INFO: error: %d '%s'\n", *perr, eina_error_msg_get(*perr)); if (!efl_io_closer_closed_get(event->object)) efl_io_closer_close(event->object); efl_loop_quit(efl_loop_get(event->object), eina_value_int_init(EXIT_FAILURE)); } static void _done_sending(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *event) { fprintf(stderr, "INFO: done sending\n"); if (!do_read) efl_loop_quit(efl_loop_get(event->object), EINA_VALUE_EMPTY); } static void _done_receiving(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *event EINA_UNUSED) { fprintf(stderr, "INFO: done receiving\n"); } static void _done(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *event) { fprintf(stderr, "INFO: done sending and receiving\n"); efl_loop_quit(efl_loop_get(event->object), EINA_VALUE_EMPTY); } EFL_CALLBACKS_ARRAY_DEFINE(dialer_cbs, { EFL_NET_DIALER_EVENT_DIALER_CONNECTED, _connected }, /* optional */ { EFL_NET_DIALER_EVENT_RESOLVED, _resolved }, /* optional */ { EFL_IO_READER_EVENT_CAN_READ_CHANGED, _can_read }, /* optional, can be used to read data, here just for monitoring */ { EFL_IO_READER_EVENT_EOS, _eos }, /* recommended, notifies no more incoming data */ { EFL_IO_BUFFERED_STREAM_EVENT_LINE, _line }, /* optional, could use 'slice,changed' or 'can_read,changed' instead */ { EFL_IO_BUFFERED_STREAM_EVENT_ERROR, _error }, /* recommended */ { EFL_IO_BUFFERED_STREAM_EVENT_WRITE_FINISHED, _done_sending }, /* optional */ { EFL_IO_BUFFERED_STREAM_EVENT_READ_FINISHED, _done_receiving }, /* optional, same as 'eos' */ { EFL_IO_BUFFERED_STREAM_EVENT_FINISHED, _done }); /* recommended, notifies both send and receive are finished */ static char * _unescape(const char *str) { char *ret = strdup(str); char *c, *w; Eina_Bool escaped = EINA_FALSE; for (c = ret, w = ret; *c != '\0'; c++) { if (escaped) { escaped = EINA_FALSE; switch (*c) { case 'n': *w = '\n'; break; case 'r': *w = '\r'; break; case 't': *w = '\t'; break; default: w++; /* no change */ } w++; } else { if (*c == '\\') escaped = EINA_TRUE; else w++; } } *w = '\0'; return ret; } static const char * protocols[] = { "tcp", "udp", "ssl", #ifndef _WIN32 "unix", #endif NULL }; static const Ecore_Getopt options = { "efl_net_dialer_simple_example", /* program name */ NULL, /* usage line */ "1", /* version */ "(C) 2016 Enlightenment Project", /* copyright */ "BSD 2-Clause", /* license */ /* long description, may be multiline and contain \n */ "Example of Efl_Net_Dialer_Simple usage, sending a message and receiving a reply\n", EINA_FALSE, { ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_TRUE('r', "read", "Wait for data to be read."), ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_TRUE('D', "discard-lines", "Lines that are read are discarded from final output."), ECORE_GETOPT_APPEND('s', "send", "send the given string to the server once connected.", ECORE_GETOPT_TYPE_STR), ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_STR('d', "line-delimiter", "If set will define a line delimiter for copy operation, instead of a fixed chunk size. This will trigger line events."), ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_ULONG('l', "buffer-limit", "If set will limit buffer size to this limit of bytes. If used alongside with --line-delimiter and that delimiter was not found but bffer limit was reached, the line event will be triggered without the delimiter at the end."), ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_ULONG('c', "read-chunk-size", "If set will change the base chunk size used while reading."), ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_DOUBLE('i', "inactivity-timeout", "If greater than zero, specifies the number of seconds without any reads or writes that the dialer will be timed out."), ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_DOUBLE('t', "connect-timeout", "If greater than zero, specifies the number of seconds without any reads or writes that the dialer will be timed out."), ECORE_GETOPT_VERSION('V', "version"), ECORE_GETOPT_COPYRIGHT('C', "copyright"), ECORE_GETOPT_LICENSE('L', "license"), ECORE_GETOPT_HELP('h', "help"), ECORE_GETOPT_CHOICE_METAVAR(0, NULL, "The dialer protocol.", "protocol", protocols), ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_METAVAR_STR(0, NULL, "The address (URL) to dial", "address"), ECORE_GETOPT_SENTINEL } }; static Eo *dialer = NULL; EAPI_MAIN void efl_pause(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *ev EINA_UNUSED) { } EAPI_MAIN void efl_resume(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *ev EINA_UNUSED) { } EAPI_MAIN void efl_terminate(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *ev EINA_UNUSED) { /* FIXME: For the moment the main loop doesn't get properly destroyed on shutdown which disallow relying on parent destroying their children */ if (dialer) { efl_del(dialer); dialer = NULL; } fprintf(stderr, "INFO: main loop finished.\n"); } EAPI_MAIN void efl_main(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *ev) { const Efl_Class *cls; Eina_List *to_send = NULL; char *str; char *line_delimiter_str = NULL; char *address = NULL; char *protocol = NULL; unsigned long buffer_limit = 0; unsigned long read_chunk_size = 0; double timeout_inactivity = 0.0; double connect_timeout = 0.0; Eina_Bool quit_option = EINA_FALSE; Ecore_Getopt_Value values[] = { ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_BOOL(do_read), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_BOOL(do_discard), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_LIST(to_send), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_STR(line_delimiter_str), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_ULONG(buffer_limit), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_ULONG(read_chunk_size), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_DOUBLE(timeout_inactivity), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_DOUBLE(connect_timeout), /* standard block to provide version, copyright, license and help */ ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_BOOL(quit_option), /* -V/--version quits */ ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_BOOL(quit_option), /* -C/--copyright quits */ ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_BOOL(quit_option), /* -L/--license quits */ ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_BOOL(quit_option), /* -h/--help quits */ /* positional argument */ ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_STR(protocol), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_STR(address), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_NONE /* sentinel */ }; int args; Eo *loop; Eina_Error err; args = ecore_getopt_parse(&options, values, 0, NULL); if (args < 0) { fputs("ERROR: Could not parse command line options.\n", stderr); goto end; } if (quit_option) goto end; loop = ev->object; args = ecore_getopt_parse_positional(&options, values, 0, NULL, args); if (args < 0) { fputs("ERROR: Could not parse positional arguments.\n", stderr); goto end; } if (!protocol) { fputs("ERROR: missing protocol.\n", stderr); goto end; } if (strcmp(protocol, "tcp") == 0) cls = EFL_NET_DIALER_TCP_CLASS; else if (strcmp(protocol, "udp") == 0) cls = EFL_NET_DIALER_UDP_CLASS; else if (strcmp(protocol, "ssl") == 0) cls = EFL_NET_DIALER_SSL_CLASS; #ifdef EFL_NET_DIALER_UNIX_CLASS else if (strcmp(protocol, "unix") == 0) cls = EFL_NET_DIALER_UNIX_CLASS; #endif #ifdef EFL_NET_DIALER_WINDOWS_CLASS else if (strcmp(protocol, "windows") == 0) cls = EFL_NET_DIALER_WINDOWS_CLASS; #endif else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unsupported protocol: %s\n", protocol); goto end; } /* A delimiter is optional, if empty or unset, buffered stream uses * a copier that will execute writes based on read_chunk_size and * only event "data" is emitted. * * If a line delimiter is set, it will hold writes until the * delimiter is found, source reached End-of-Stream (eos) or the * copier buffer limit is reached. The "line" event is emitted. */ line_delimiter_str = _unescape(line_delimiter_str ? line_delimiter_str : "\\r\\n"); if (line_delimiter_str) line_delm_slice = (Eina_Slice)EINA_SLICE_STR(line_delimiter_str); dialer = efl_add(EFL_NET_DIALER_SIMPLE_CLASS, loop, efl_name_set(efl_added, "dialer"), efl_net_dialer_simple_inner_class_set(efl_added, cls), /* alternatively you could create the inner dialer and set with efl_io_buffered_stream_inner_io_set() */ efl_io_buffered_stream_line_delimiter_set(efl_added, line_delm_slice), /* optional */ efl_io_buffered_stream_max_queue_size_input_set(efl_added, buffer_limit), /* optional, defaults to unlimited */ efl_io_buffered_stream_max_queue_size_output_set(efl_added, buffer_limit), /* optional, defaults to unlimited */ efl_io_buffered_stream_read_chunk_size_set(efl_added, read_chunk_size), /* optional, defaults to 4096 */ efl_io_buffered_stream_timeout_inactivity_set(efl_added, timeout_inactivity), /* optional, defaults to 0.0 (disabled) */ efl_net_dialer_timeout_dial_set(efl_added, connect_timeout), /* optional, defaults to 0.0 (disabled) */ efl_event_callback_array_add(efl_added, dialer_cbs(), NULL)); err = efl_net_dialer_dial(dialer, address); if (err != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not dial %s '%s': %s", protocol, address, eina_error_msg_get(err)); goto no_mainloop; } /* unlike low-level I/O that wouldn't write data until it's * connected, the simple dialer will queue it in memory, sending when * it's ready. Thus just write & forget. */ if (!to_send) { if (!do_read) { Eina_Slice s = EINA_SLICE_STR_LITERAL("Hello World!"); fprintf(stderr, "INFO: sending '" EINA_SLICE_STR_FMT "'\n", EINA_SLICE_STR_PRINT(s)); efl_io_writer_write(dialer, &s, NULL); if (line_delm_slice.len) { Eina_Slice sw = line_delm_slice; efl_io_writer_write(dialer, &sw, NULL); } } else fprintf(stderr, "INFO: nothing to send, just read...\n"); } else { EINA_LIST_FREE(to_send, str) { /* ignore empty sends, but add line delimiter, so we can do HTTP's last line :-) */ if (str[0] != '\0') { Eina_Slice s = EINA_SLICE_STR(str); fprintf(stderr, "INFO: sending '" EINA_SLICE_STR_FMT "'\n", EINA_SLICE_STR_PRINT(s)); efl_io_writer_write(dialer, &s, NULL); } free(str); if (line_delm_slice.len) { Eina_Slice sw = line_delm_slice; efl_io_writer_write(dialer, &sw, NULL); } } } efl_io_buffered_stream_eos_mark(dialer); /* we're done sending */ return ; no_mainloop: efl_del(dialer); end: EINA_LIST_FREE(to_send, str) free(str); efl_loop_quit(efl_loop_get(ev->object), eina_value_int_init(EXIT_FAILURE)); } EFL_MAIN_EX();