#include "main.h" #define PROTO #include "tests.h" #undef PROTO static double start = 0.0; static double t_start = 0.0; static double t_loop = 0.0; static int f_start = 0; static int f_loop = 0; static char data_dir[4096]; typedef struct _Menu_Item Menu_Item; struct _Menu_Item { Evas_Object *o_icon; char *icon; char *text; void (*func) (void); }; int async_render = 0; static Evas_Object *o_bg = NULL; static Evas_Object *o_wallpaper = NULL; static Evas_Object *o_title = NULL; static Evas_Object *o_byline = NULL; static Evas_Object *o_menu_logo = NULL; static Evas_Object *o_menu_icon = NULL; static Evas_Object *o_menu_icon_sel = NULL; static Evas_Object *o_menu_icon_sel2 = NULL; static Evas_Object *o_menu_text_sel = NULL; static Evas_Object *o_menu_title = NULL; static Eina_List *menu = NULL; static int menu_sel = 0; static int menu_active = 0; static double menu_anim = 0.0; static double menu_anim_sel = 0.0; static double p_fps = 0.0; static void (*key_func) (char *key) = NULL; static void (*loop_func) (double t, int f) = NULL; static int run_all = 0; static int run_test = 0; static int list_test = 0; static int exit_after_test = 0; static double weights[] = { 0.0, // no test 0 50.4851, // test 1 97.3703, // test 2 10.0000, // test 3 87.3703, // ... 10.0000, 150.0000, // test 6 10.0000, 150.0000, 10.0000, 150.0000, 10.0000, // test 11 150.0000, 10.0000, 10.6493, 38.4818, 40.7314, // test 16 32.0866, 21.3337, 21.2167, 71.6141, 64.8893, // test 21 95.0880, 121.0438, 41.2646, 162.7149, 89.1650, // test 26 105.3571, 40.9657, 98.4671, 28.4322, 60.000, // test 31 75.5507, 51.6601, 135.4753, 38.2705, 35.9915, // test 36 31.9500, 22.6752, 38.2702, 37.4459, 37.2009, // test 41 34.5459, 38.5043, 50.0000, 37.0282, 55.8886, // test 46 17.2535, 23.1457, 36.9874, 37.9336, 17.1830, // test 51 20.7521, 29.0141, 131.6784, 13.6851, 23.4462, // test 56 14.7573, 36.5261, 5.0000, 5.0000, 24.3482, // test 61 10.4611, 86.0290, 82.0735, 18.6459, 37.4608, // test 66 32.4417, 11.5449, 5.0000, 11.4172, 13.3682, // test 71 10.0324, 10.0584, 10.0170, 5.4029, 10.6349, // test 76 21.7728, 12.7933, 19.4177, 34.4192, 23.9110, // test 81 22.8287, 41.2399, 30.1383, 22.0342, 38.2952, // test 86 5.5560, 0.5000, 1.000, 10.000, 5.000, // test 91 20.000, // MASK 20.000, // MASK 2 20.000, // MASK 3 20.000, // MASK 4 20.000, // test 96 20.000, // MASK 6 20.000, // MASK 7 20.000, // MASK 8 20.000, // MASK 9 20.000, // test 101 20.000, // MASK 11 20.000, // MASK 12 20.000, // MASK 13 20.000, // MASK 14 20.000, // test 106 MASK 15 1.000, 2.000, 1.000, 2.000, 1.000, // test 111 2.000, 1.000, 2.000, 1.000, 2.000, // test 116 10.000, 10.000, 0.0, // Exit 0.0, // no final test - add a 0 at the end anyway to pad 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; static void _ui_exit(void) { Menu_Item *mi; EINA_LIST_FREE(menu, mi) { free(mi->icon); free(mi->text); free(mi); } engine_abort(); } extern const char *profile; extern int win_w, win_h; extern const char *engine; extern int loops; extern int fullscreen; static int cmp_report = 0; static void _ui_all(void) { Eina_List *l; double fps = 0.0; double wfps = 0.0; unsigned int t_count = 0; unsigned int i; double avgw = 0.0; Menu_Item *mi; eo_do(o_menu_logo, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_menu_title, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_menu_icon, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_menu_icon_sel, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); /* FIXME: ask if it's ok o_menu_icon_sel2 == NULL */ eo_do(o_menu_icon_sel2, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_menu_text_sel, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_title, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_byline, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(menu, l, mi) { if ((mi->func == about_start) || (mi->func == _ui_exit) || (mi->func == _ui_all)) continue; if (mi->func) mi->func(); eo_do(o_title, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_byline, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); while (p_fps == 0.0) { engine_loop(); ui_loop(); if (async_render) { Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE; eo_do(evas, evas_canvas_sync(), evas_canvas_render_async(NULL, NULL, &ret)); } else { evas_render(evas); } } /* This give time to delete the objects of the previous test and make the result of next test more accurate. Draw back, some time is not counted at all. */ if (async_render) { Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE; eo_do(evas, evas_canvas_sync(), evas_canvas_render_async(NULL, NULL, &ret)); } else { evas_render(evas); } t_count++; fps += p_fps; wfps += (p_fps * weights[t_count]); key_func("Escape"); } for (i = 1; i < t_count + 1; i++) avgw += weights[i]; avgw /= t_count; if (t_count > 0) { char datestr[1024]; struct tm *tim; time_t now; now = time(NULL); tim = localtime(&now); if (tim) strftime(datestr, sizeof(datestr), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tim); else snprintf(datestr, sizeof(datestr), "unknown"); // printf("%5.2f , EVAS SPEED\n", fps / t_count); if (cmp_report) printf("%5.2f , EVAS SPEED (WEIGHTED), " "tn, %i , " "t, %s , " "ev , %i.%i.%i.%i , " "p , %s , " "sz , %i , %i , " "c , %i , " "e , %s , " "fs , %i\n" , wfps / (t_count * avgw), // fps / t_count, t_count, datestr, evas_version->major, evas_version->minor, evas_version->micro, evas_version->revision, profile, win_w, win_h, loops, engine, fullscreen); else printf("\n#####Test Result#####\n" "evas fps speed: %5.2f\n" "evas fps speed(weighted): %5.2f\n" "testcase count: %i\n" "date: %s\n" "evas version: %i.%i.%i.%i\n" "profile: %s\n" "window size: %i, %i\n" "loop count: %i\n" "engine: %s\n" "full screen: %i\n", (fps / t_count), (wfps / avgw) / t_count, t_count, datestr, evas_version->major, evas_version->minor, evas_version->micro, evas_version->revision, profile, win_w, win_h, loops, engine, fullscreen); } } static void _ui_num(int n) { double fps = 0.0; double wfps = 0.0; int t_count = 0; Menu_Item *mi; unsigned int i; double avgw = 0.0; eo_do(o_menu_logo, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_menu_title, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_menu_icon, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_menu_icon_sel, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_menu_icon_sel2, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_menu_text_sel, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_title, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_byline, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); mi = eina_list_nth(menu, n); if (mi) { if ((mi->func == about_start) || (mi->func == _ui_exit) || (mi->func == _ui_all)) goto done; if (mi->func) mi->func(); eo_do(o_title, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_byline, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); while (p_fps == 0.0) { ui_loop(); engine_loop(); if (async_render) { Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE; eo_do(evas, evas_canvas_sync(), evas_canvas_render_async(NULL, NULL, &ret)); } else { evas_render(evas); } } /* This give time to delete the objects of the previous test and make the result of next test more accurate. Draw back, some time is not counted at all. */ if (async_render) { Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE; eo_do(evas, evas_canvas_sync(), evas_canvas_render_async(NULL, NULL, &ret)); } else { evas_render(evas); } t_count++; fps += p_fps; wfps += (p_fps * weights[n]); key_func("Escape"); } done: for (i = 1; i < ((sizeof(weights) / sizeof(double)) - 1); i++) avgw += weights[i]; avgw /= (i - 1); if (t_count > 0) { // printf("%5.2f , EVAS SPEED\n", fps / t_count); printf("%5.2f , EVAS SPEED (WEIGHTED)\n", wfps / (t_count * avgw)); } } static void _ui_select(void) { Eina_List *l; int i; void (*func) (void) = NULL; eo_do(o_menu_logo, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_menu_title, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_menu_icon, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_menu_icon_sel, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_menu_icon_sel2, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_menu_text_sel, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_title, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_byline, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); for (i = 0, l = menu; l; l = l->next, i++) { Menu_Item *mi; mi = l->data; eo_do(mi->o_icon, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); if (i == menu_sel) func = mi->func; } menu_active = 0; if (func) func(); eo_do(o_title, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); eo_do(o_byline, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_FALSE)); } static void _ui_key(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info) { Evas_Event_Key_Down *ev; ev = event_info; if (key_func) { key_func(ev->keyname); return; } if ((!strcmp(ev->keyname, "Escape")) || (!strcmp(ev->keyname, "q")) || (!strcmp(ev->keyname, "Q"))) { _ui_exit(); } if (menu_active) { if (!strcmp(ev->keyname, "Left")) menu_sel++; if (!strcmp(ev->keyname, "Right")) menu_sel--; if (menu_sel < 0) menu_sel = 0; else if ((unsigned int)menu_sel >= eina_list_count(menu)) menu_sel = eina_list_count(menu) - 1; menu_anim_sel = menu_sel; if (!strcmp(ev->keyname, "Return")) _ui_select(); } } static Evas_Coord down_x, down_y; static int down_menu_sel = 0; static void _ui_mouse_down(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info) { Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *ev; ev = event_info; if (ev->button != 1) return; if (menu_active) { down_x = ev->canvas.x; down_y = ev->canvas.y; down_menu_sel = menu_sel; } } static void _ui_mouse_up(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info) { Evas_Event_Mouse_Up *ev; ev = event_info; if (ev->button != 1) return; if (menu_active) { Evas_Coord dx, dy; dx = ev->canvas.x - down_x; dy = ev->canvas.y - down_y; if ((((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) < (20 * 20)) && (menu_sel == down_menu_sel)) _ui_select(); } else { evas_event_feed_key_down(evas, "Escape", "Escape", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); evas_event_feed_key_up(evas, "Escape", "Escape", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); } } static void _ui_mouse_move(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info) { Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *ev; ev = event_info; if (ev->buttons != 1) return; if (menu_active) { menu_sel = down_menu_sel + ((ev->cur.canvas.x - down_x) / 25); /* scroll */ if (menu_sel < 0) menu_sel = 0; else if ((unsigned int)menu_sel >= eina_list_count(menu)) menu_sel = eina_list_count(menu) - 1; menu_anim_sel = menu_sel; } } static void _ui_menu_item_add(char *icon, char *text, void (*func) (void)) { Menu_Item *mi; mi = malloc(sizeof(Menu_Item)); mi->o_icon = eo_add(EVAS_OBJ_IMAGE_CLASS, evas); eo_unref(mi->o_icon); eo_do(mi->o_icon, evas_obj_image_file_set(build_path(icon), NULL), evas_obj_size_set(32, 32), evas_obj_image_fill_set(0, 0, 32, 32)); mi->icon = strdup(icon); mi->text = strdup(text); mi->func = func; menu = eina_list_append(menu, mi); eo_do(o_menu_icon_sel2, evas_obj_raise()); } static void _ui_setup(void) { Evas_Object *o; Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; time_t t0, t; o = eo_add(EVAS_OBJ_RECTANGLE_CLASS, evas); eo_unref(o); eo_do(o, evas_obj_position_set(0, 0), evas_obj_size_set(win_w, win_h), evas_obj_color_set(0, 0, 0, 0), evas_obj_layer_set(1000), evas_obj_focus_set(1), evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); evas_object_event_callback_add(o, EVAS_CALLBACK_KEY_DOWN, _ui_key, NULL); evas_object_event_callback_add(o, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _ui_mouse_down, NULL); evas_object_event_callback_add(o, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _ui_mouse_up, NULL); evas_object_event_callback_add(o, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE, _ui_mouse_move, NULL); o_bg = o; o = eo_add(EVAS_OBJ_RECTANGLE_CLASS, evas); eo_unref(o); eo_do(o, evas_obj_position_set(0, 0), evas_obj_size_set(win_w, win_h), evas_obj_color_set(255, 255, 255, 255), evas_obj_layer_set(-99), evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); o_wallpaper = o; o = eo_add(EVAS_OBJ_TEXT_CLASS, evas); eo_unref(o); eo_do(o, evas_obj_text_font_set("Vera-Bold", 10), evas_obj_text_text_set("EXPEDITE"), evas_obj_layer_set(100), evas_obj_color_set(0, 0, 0, 100), evas_obj_pass_events_set(1), evas_obj_size_get(&w, &h)); x = (win_w - w) / 2; y = 0; eo_do(o, evas_obj_position_set(x, y), evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); o_title = o; o = eo_add(EVAS_OBJ_TEXT_CLASS, evas); eo_unref(o); eo_do(o, evas_obj_text_font_set("Vera", 9), evas_obj_text_text_set("LEFT/RIGHT - select, ENTER - select, ESCAPE - exit."), evas_obj_layer_set(100), evas_obj_color_set(0, 0, 0, 60), evas_obj_pass_events_set(1), evas_obj_size_get(&w, NULL)); x = (win_w - w) / 2; y = h + 2; eo_do(o, evas_obj_position_set(x, y), evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); o_byline = o; o = eo_add(EVAS_OBJ_IMAGE_CLASS, evas); eo_unref(o); eo_do(o, evas_obj_position_set((win_w - 120) / 2, ((win_h - 160) / 2)), evas_obj_image_file_set(build_path("e-logo.png"), NULL), evas_obj_image_fill_set(0, 0, 120, 160), evas_obj_size_set(120, 160), evas_obj_layer_set(-98), evas_obj_color_set(255, 255, 255, 255), evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); o_menu_logo = o; o = eo_add(EVAS_OBJ_IMAGE_CLASS, evas); eo_unref(o); eo_do(o, evas_obj_position_set(win_w - 128, - 128), evas_obj_image_fill_set(0, 0, 256, 256), evas_obj_size_set(256, 256), evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); o_menu_icon = o; o = eo_add(EVAS_OBJ_IMAGE_CLASS, evas); eo_unref(o); eo_do(o, evas_obj_position_set(0, 0), evas_obj_image_file_set(build_path("icon_sel.png"), NULL), evas_obj_size_set(48, 48), evas_obj_image_fill_set(0, 0, 48, 48)); o_menu_icon_sel = o; o = eo_add(EVAS_OBJ_IMAGE_CLASS, evas); eo_unref(o); eo_do(o, evas_obj_position_set(0, 0), evas_obj_image_file_set(build_path("text_sel.png"), NULL), evas_obj_size_set(96, 32), evas_obj_image_fill_set(0, 0, 96, 32), evas_obj_image_border_set(7, 7, 7, 7)); o_menu_text_sel = o; o = eo_add(EVAS_OBJ_TEXT_CLASS, evas); eo_unref(o); eo_do(o, evas_obj_text_font_set("Vera", 10), evas_obj_text_text_set(""), evas_obj_color_set(0, 0, 0, 100), evas_obj_pass_events_set(1), evas_obj_size_get(&w, &h)); x = (win_w - w) / 2; y = (win_h - h) / 2; eo_do(o, evas_obj_position_set(x, y)); o_menu_title = o; _ui_menu_item_add("e.png", "About", about_start); _ui_menu_item_add("e.png", "All Tests", _ui_all); #define UI #include "tests.h" #undef UI _ui_menu_item_add("exit.png", "Exit", _ui_exit); #ifdef HAVE_SYNC /* make sure disk io isn't going to turn up unexpectedly */ sync(); sync(); sync(); #endif /* warm up the cpu with some spinning */ if (run_all) { t0 = time(NULL); for (;;) { t = time(NULL); if (t - t0 > 2) break; } } if (run_all) { _ui_all(); } else if (run_test > 0) { _ui_num(run_test); } else if (list_test > 0) { Eina_List *l; int i; for (l = menu, i = -1; l; l = l->next, i++) { Menu_Item *mi; mi = l->data; if (i > 0) printf("%3i - %s (Weight %0.2lf)\n", i, mi->text, weights[i]); } } else { menu_active = 1; } if (exit_after_test) _ui_exit(); } void ui_args(int argc, char **argv) { int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-a")) { run_all = 1; exit_after_test = 1; } else if ((!strcmp(argv[i], "-t")) && (i < (argc - 1))) { run_test = atoi(argv[i + 1]) + 1; exit_after_test = 1; if (run_test < 2) run_test = 2; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-l")) { list_test = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-m")) { cmp_report = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-y")) { async_render = 1; } } _ui_setup(); start = get_time(); } void ui_loop(void) { static int first = 1; static double pt = 0.0; double t, t2; eo_do(o_bg, evas_obj_size_set(win_w, win_h)); eo_do(o_wallpaper, evas_obj_size_set(win_w, win_h)); if (loop_func) { t = get_time(); f_loop++; f_start++; if ((t - t_loop) >= 1.0) { // ui_fps((double)f_loop / (t - t_loop)); t_loop = t; f_loop = 0; } loop_func(t - t_start, f_start); return; } t2 = get_time(); if (first) { t = 0.1; pt = t2; } else { t = t2 - pt; pt = t2; } first = 0; /* menu layout */ if (menu_active) { Eina_List *l; int i; static double tr = 0.0; double tt; tt = t; tt += tr; while (tt > 0.001) { menu_anim = (menu_anim * 0.995) + (menu_anim_sel * 0.005); tt -= 0.001; } tr = tt; for (i = 0, l = menu; l; l = l->next, i++) { char buf[4096]; Menu_Item *mi; Evas_Coord x, y, w, h, tw, th; Evas_Coord len; double a; Evas_Object *o; mi = l->data; o = mi->o_icon; eo_do(o_menu_logo, evas_obj_size_get(&w, &h)); len = ((w * 3) + 10) / 4; eo_do(o, evas_obj_size_get(&w, &h)); x = (win_w / 2) + (sin((menu_anim - (double)i) * 0.33) * len) - (w / 2); y = (win_h / 2) + (cos((menu_anim - (double)i) * 0.33) * len) - (h / 2); eo_do(o, evas_obj_position_set(x, y)); a = menu_anim - (double)i; if (a < 0) a = -a; a = 255 - (30 * a); eo_do(o, evas_obj_color_set(a, a, a, a), evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); if (i == menu_sel) { a = menu_anim - (double)i; if (a < 0) a = -a; a = 255 - (255 * a); o = o_menu_icon_sel; eo_do(o, evas_obj_position_set(x - ((48 - w) / 2), y - ((48 - h) / 2)), evas_obj_color_set(a, a, a, a)); o = o_menu_title; eo_do(o, evas_obj_color_set(a, a, a, a), evas_obj_text_text_set(mi->text), evas_obj_size_get(&tw, &th)); x = (win_w - tw) / 2; y = (win_h / 2) + len + 48; eo_do(o, evas_obj_position_set(x, y)); o = o_menu_text_sel; w = tw + 24; h = 28; x = x - 12; y = y + ((th - h) / 2); eo_do(o, evas_obj_position_set(x, y), evas_obj_size_set(w, h), evas_obj_image_fill_set(0, 0, w, h), evas_obj_color_set(a, a, a, a)); o = o_menu_icon; snprintf(buf, 4096, "%s%s", data_dir, mi->icon); eo_do(o, evas_obj_image_file_set(buf, NULL), evas_obj_color_set(a / 2, a / 2, a / 2, a / 2)); } } eo_do(o_menu_logo, evas_obj_position_set((win_w - 120) / 2, ((win_h - 160) / 2)), evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); eo_do(o_menu_title, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); eo_do(o_menu_icon, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); eo_do(o_menu_icon_sel, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); eo_do(o_menu_icon_sel2, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); eo_do(o_menu_text_sel, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); } else { } } void ui_menu(void) { eo_do(o_title, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE)); eo_do(o_byline, evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE), evas_obj_text_text_set ("LEFT/RIGHT - select, ENTER - select, ESCAPE - exit.")); menu_active = 1; key_func = NULL; loop_func = NULL; } void ui_func_set(void (*kfunc) (char *key), void (*lfunc) (double t, int f)) { key_func = kfunc; loop_func = lfunc; t_loop = t_start = get_time(); f_loop = f_start = 0; ui_fps(0.0); } void ui_fps(double fps) { /* char buf[256]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ESCAPE - exit, FPS: %4.3f", fps); eo_do(o_byline, evas_obj_text_text_set(buf)); */ p_fps = fps; }