Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri 45b90e26e2 Add expedite-cmp to create nice comparison tables for expedite results.
Python script that outputs both console and html comparison
sheets/table for results, a good run is:

   expedite -e x11 -a > expedite-x11.log
   expedite -e xr -a > expedite-xr.log
   expedite -e gl -a > expedite-gl.log

   # text, with colors!
   expedite-cmp -p expedite-x11.log expedite-xr.log expedite-gl.log

   # html
   expedite-cmp -p -r html expedite-x11.log expedite-xr.log expedite-gl.log > expedite-cmp.html

SVN revision: 38553
2009-01-12 15:36:37 +00:00
bin Add expedite-cmp to create nice comparison tables for expedite results. 2009-01-12 15:36:37 +00:00
.cvsignore .cvsignore++ 2007-05-27 15:19:55 +00:00
Makefile.am add expedite to cvs! finally! :) it's in decent shape. 2007-04-11 11:58:32 +00:00