Elementary: Fix coords_finger_size_adjust and add commented out code for fonts.

Need to find out why they're generating a parsing error in Cython.
This commit is contained in:
Kai Huuhko 2013-04-17 13:57:57 +00:00
parent 2f7030d5bb
commit 8033275e70
2 changed files with 179 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
from efl.evas cimport Eina_List, Eina_Bool, const_Eina_List
#from efl.evas cimport Eina_Rectangle, Eina_Compare_Cb
from efl.evas cimport Evas_Object, const_Evas_Object, Evas_Smart_Cb, \
Evas_Font_Size, Evas_Coord
from efl.evas.enums cimport Evas_Callback_Type
@ -42,10 +41,6 @@ cdef extern from "time.h":
long int tm_gmtoff
const_char *tm_zone
cdef extern from "Python.h":
ctypedef struct PyTypeObject:
PyTypeObject *ob_type
cdef extern from "Ecore.h":
ctypedef void (*Ecore_Cb)(void *data)
@ -53,9 +48,6 @@ cdef extern from "Edje.h":
ctypedef void (*Edje_Signal_Cb)(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const_char *emission, const_char *source)
cdef extern from "Elementary.h":
# types & structs
ctypedef struct Elm_Color_RGBA:
unsigned int r
@ -68,7 +60,7 @@ cdef extern from "Elementary.h":
Eina_List *color_list
ctypedef Eina_Bool (*Elm_Event_Cb) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *src, Evas_Callback_Type t, void *event_info)
ctypedef Eina_Bool (*Elm_Event_Cb) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *src, Evas_Callback_Type t, void *event_info)
ctypedef struct Elm_Font_Overlay:
@ -81,16 +73,19 @@ cdef extern from "Elementary.h":
const_char *name
const_char *desc
ctypedef Evas_Object *(*Elm_Tooltip_Content_Cb) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *tooltip)
ctypedef Evas_Object *(*Elm_Tooltip_Item_Content_Cb) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *tooltip, void *item)
ctypedef struct Elm_Font_Properties:
const_char *name
Eina_List *styles
ctypedef Evas_Object * (*Elm_Tooltip_Content_Cb) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *tooltip)
ctypedef Evas_Object * (*Elm_Tooltip_Item_Content_Cb) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *tooltip, void *item)
# General
void elm_init(int argc, char** argv)
void elm_shutdown()
void elm_run() nogil
void elm_exit()
void elm_init(int argc, char** argv)
void elm_shutdown()
void elm_run() nogil
void elm_exit()
# General - Quicklaunch (XXX: Only used by macros?)
# void elm_quicklaunch_init(int argc, char **argv)
@ -105,21 +100,22 @@ cdef extern from "Elementary.h":
# char *elm_quicklaunch_exe_path_get(char *exe)
# General - Policy
Eina_Bool elm_policy_set(unsigned int policy, int value)
int elm_policy_get(unsigned int policy)
Eina_Bool elm_policy_set(unsigned int policy, int value)
int elm_policy_get(unsigned int policy)
# General - Language (py3: TODO)
void elm_language_set(const_char *lang)
# General - Language
# TODO: void elm_language_set(const_char *lang)
# Cache
void elm_cache_all_flush()
# Finger
void elm_coords_finger_size_adjust(int times_w, Evas_Coord *w, int times_h, Evas_Coord *h)
void elm_coords_finger_size_adjust(int times_w, Evas_Coord *w, int times_h, Evas_Coord *h)
#cdef int PY_REFCOUNT(object o)
#cdef _METHOD_DEPRECATED(self, replacement=*, message=*)
#cdef inline unicode _touni(char* s)
#cdef inline unicode _ctouni(const_char *s)
#cdef inline char* _fruni(s)
#cdef inline const_char *_cfruni(s)
# Font (elm_font.h)
# TODO: Elm_Font_Properties * elm_font_properties_get(const_char *font)
# TODO: void elm_font_properties_free(Elm_Font_Properties *efp)
# TODO: char * elm_font_fontconfig_name_get(const_char *name, const_char *style)
# TODO: void elm_font_fontconfig_name_free(char *name)
# TODO: Eina_Hash * elm_font_available_hash_add(Eina_List *list)
# TODO: void elm_font_available_hash_del(Eina_Hash *hash)

View File

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
.. _Elm_Policy:
.. rubric:: Policy types
@ -25,6 +27,8 @@
Under which circumstances the application should quit automatically.
.. _Elm_Policy_Quit:
.. rubric:: Quit policy types
@ -42,7 +46,8 @@ from cpython cimport PyObject, Py_INCREF, Py_DECREF
from cpython cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Free
from cpython cimport bool
from efl.eo cimport _touni, _ctouni
from efl.eo cimport _touni, _ctouni, convert_python_list_strings_to_eina_list, \
import sys
import traceback
@ -135,6 +140,33 @@ ELM_CURSOR_UR_ANGLE = "ur_angle"
cdef class FontProperties(object):
Elementary font properties
cdef Elm_Font_Properties *efp
property name:
""":type: unicode"""
def __set__(self, value):
if isinstance(value, unicode): value = value.encode("UTF-8")
self.efp.name = value
def __get__(self):
return _ctouni(self.efp.name)
property styles:
""":type: list of strings"""
def __set__(self, value):
self.efp.styles = convert_python_list_strings_to_eina_list(value)
def __get__(self):
return convert_eina_list_strings_to_python_list(self.efp.styles)
def init():
"""Initialize Elementary"""
@ -172,42 +204,76 @@ def exit():
"""Exit main loop"""
def policy_set(policy, value):
"""Set new policy value.
def policy_set(Elm_Policy policy, value):
"""policy_set(Elm_Policy policy, value) -> bool
Set new policy value.
This will emit the ecore event ELM_EVENT_POLICY_CHANGED in the main
loop giving the event information Elm_Event_Policy_Changed with
policy identifier, new and old values.
:param policy: policy identifier as in Elm_Policy.
:type policy: :ref:`Policy type <Elm_Policy>`
:param value: policy value, depends on identifiers, usually there is
an enumeration with the same prefix as the policy name, for
example: ELM_POLICY_QUIT and Elm_Policy_Quit
:type value: :ref:`Quit policy <Elm_Policy_Quit>`
:return: True on success or False on error (right
now just invalid policy identifier, but in future policy
value might be enforced).
return elm_policy_set(policy, value)
return bool(elm_policy_set(policy, value))
def policy_get(policy):
"""Gets the policy value set for given identifier.
def policy_get(Elm_Policy policy):
"""policy_get(Elm_Policy policy) -> value
Gets the policy value set for given identifier.
:param policy: policy identifier as in Elm_Policy.
:type policy: :ref:`Policy type <Elm_Policy>`
:return: policy value. Will be 0 if policy identifier is invalid.
:rtype: :ref:`Quit policy <Elm_Policy_Quit>`
return elm_policy_get(policy)
def coords_finger_size_adjust(times_w, w, times_h, h):
cdef Evas_Coord width
cdef Evas_Coord height
width = w
height = h
def coords_finger_size_adjust(int times_w, int w, int times_h, int h):
"""coords_finger_size_adjust(int times_w, int w, int times_h, int h) -> tuple
Adjust size of an element for finger usage.
:param times_w: How many fingers should fit horizontally
:type times_w: int
:param w: Width size to adjust
:type w: int
:param times_h: How many fingers should fit vertically
:type times_h: int
:param h: Height size to adjust
:type h: int
:return: The adjusted width and height
:rtype: (int **w**, int **h**)
This takes width and height sizes (in pixels) as input and a
size multiple (which is how many fingers you want to place
within the area, being "finger" the size set by
elm_config_finger_size_set()), and adjusts the size to be large enough
to accommodate the resulting size -- if it doesn't already
accommodate it.
.. note:: This is kind of low level Elementary call, most useful
on size evaluation times for widgets. An external user wouldn't
be calling, most of the time.
cdef Evas_Coord width = w, height = h
elm_coords_finger_size_adjust(times_w, &width, times_h, &height)
return (width, height)
def cache_all_flush():
@ -219,3 +285,82 @@ def cache_all_flush():
# XXX: These create some weird parsing error in Cython
# def font_properties_get(font):
# """Translate a font (family) name string in fontconfig's font names
# syntax into a FontProperties object.
# :param font: The font name and styles string
# :return: the font properties object
# .. note:: The reverse translation can be achieved with
# :py:func:`font_fontconfig_name_get`, for one style only (single font
# instance, not family).
# """
# if isinstance(font, unicode): font = font.encode("UTF-8")
# cdef:
# Elm_Font_Properties *efp
# FontProperties ret = FontProperties.__new__()
#ret.efp = elm_font_properties_get(<const char *>font if font is not None else NULL)
# elm_font_properties_free(efp)
# return ret
# def font_fontconfig_name_get(font_name, style = None):
# """font_fontconfig_name_get(unicode font_name, unicode style = None) -> unicode
# Translate a font name, bound to a style, into fontconfig's font names
# syntax.
# :param font_name: The font (family) name
# :param style: The given style (may be None)
# :return: the font name and style string
# .. note:: The reverse translation can be achieved with
# :py:func:`font_properties_get`, for one style only (single font
# instance, not family).
# """
# cdef:
# unicode ret
# char *fc_name
# if isinstance(font_name, unicode): font_name = font_name.encode("UTF-8")
# if isinstance(style, unicode): style = style.encode("UTF-8")
# fc_name = elm_font_fontconfig_name_get(<const char *>font_name,
# <const char *>style if style is not None else NULL))
# ret = _touni(fc_name)
# elm_font_fontconfig_name_free(fc_name)
# return ret
# TODO: Create an Eina_Hash -> dict conversion function for this
# def font_available_hash_add(list):
# """Create a font hash table of available system fonts.
# One must call it with @p list being the return value of
# evas_font_available_list(). The hash will be indexed by font
# (family) names, being its values @c Elm_Font_Properties blobs.
# :param list: The list of available system fonts, as returned by
# evas_font_available_list().
# :return: the font hash.
# .. note:: The user is supposed to get it populated at least with 3
# default font families (Sans, Serif, Monospace), which should be
# present on most systems.
# """
# EAPI Eina_Hash *elm_font_available_hash_add(Eina_List *list)
# """Free the hash returned by elm_font_available_hash_add().
# :param hash: the hash to be freed.
# """
# elm_font_available_hash_del(Eina_Hash *hash)