.. module:: efl.elementary What is elementary? ******************* Elementary is a the high level toolkit based on the underlying efl technologies (:doc:`Evas `, :doc:`Edje `, :doc:`Ecore `, etc...). It provide all the widget you need to build a full application. It is meant to make the programmers work almost brainless but give them lots of flexibility. Callbacks ********* Widget callbacks ================ Widget callbacks are set with callback_*_add methods which take a callable, and optional args, kwargs as data. The callbacks have a signature of either:: obj, *args, **kwargs or:: obj, event_info, *args, **kwargs Event callbacks =============== Event callbacks have signature of:: object, source_object, event_type, event_info, *args, **kwargs A sample Python Elementary program ********************************** .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/elementary/test_win_dialog.py :language: python API Reference ************* Enumerations ============ .. _Elm_Object_Layer: Object layers ------------- .. versionadded:: 1.14 .. data:: ELM_OBJECT_LAYER_BACKGROUND where to place backgrounds .. data:: ELM_OBJECT_LAYER_DEFAULT Evas_Object default layer (and thus for Elementary) .. data:: ELM_OBJECT_LAYER_FOCUS where focus object visualization is .. data:: ELM_OBJECT_LAYER_TOOLTIP where to show tooltips .. data:: ELM_OBJECT_LAYER_CURSOR where to show cursors .. data:: ELM_OBJECT_LAYER_LAST last layer known by Elementary .. _Elm_Policy: Policy types ------------ .. data:: ELM_POLICY_QUIT Under which circumstances the application should quit automatically. .. data:: ELM_POLICY_EXIT Defines elm_exit() behaviour. (since 1.8) .. data:: ELM_POLICY_THROTTLE Defines how throttling should work (since 1.8) .. _Elm_Policy_Quit: Quit policy types ----------------- .. data:: ELM_POLICY_QUIT_NONE Never quit the application automatically .. data:: ELM_POLICY_QUIT_LAST_WINDOW_CLOSED Quit when the application's last window is closed .. _Elm_Policy_Exit: Exit policy types ----------------- Possible values for the ELM_POLICY_EXIT policy. .. data:: ELM_POLICY_EXIT_NONE Just quit the main loop on exit(). .. data:: ELM_POLICY_EXIT_WINDOWS_DEL Delete all the windows after quitting the main loop. .. _Elm_Policy_Throttle: Throttle policy types --------------------- Possible values for the #ELM_POLICY_THROTTLE policy. .. data:: ELM_POLICY_THROTTLE_CONFIG Do whatever elementary config is configured to do. .. data:: ELM_POLICY_THROTTLE_HIDDEN_ALWAYS Always throttle when all windows are no longer visible. .. data:: ELM_POLICY_THROTTLE_NEVER Never throttle when windows are all hidden, regardless of config settings. .. _Elm_Process_State: Elm_Process_State ----------------- .. data:: ELM_PROCESS_STATE_FOREGROUND The process is in a foreground/active/running state - work as normal. .. versionadded:: 1.12 .. data:: ELM_PROCESS_STATE_BACKGROUND The process is in the bacgkround, so you may want to stop animating, fetching data as often etc. .. versionadded:: 1.12 .. _Elm_Sys_Notify_Closed_Reason: Notify close reasons -------------------- The reason the notification was closed .. data:: ELM_SYS_NOTIFY_CLOSED_EXPIRED The notification expired. .. versionadded:: 1.10 .. data:: ELM_SYS_NOTIFY_CLOSED_DISMISSED The notification was dismissed by the user. .. versionadded:: 1.10 .. data:: ELM_SYS_NOTIFY_CLOSED_REQUESTED The notification was closed by a call to CloseNotification method. .. versionadded:: 1.10 .. data:: ELM_SYS_NOTIFY_CLOSED_UNDEFINED Undefined/reserved reasons. .. versionadded:: 1.10 .. _Elm_Sys_Notify_Urgency: Notify urgency levels --------------------- Urgency levels of a notification :see: :py:func:`sys_notify_send` .. data:: ELM_SYS_NOTIFY_URGENCY_LOW Low .. versionadded:: 1.10 .. data:: ELM_SYS_NOTIFY_URGENCY_NORMAL Normal .. versionadded:: 1.10 .. data:: ELM_SYS_NOTIFY_URGENCY_CRITICAL Critical .. versionadded:: 1.10 .. _Elm_Glob_Match_Flags: Glob matching ------------- Glob matching bitfiled flags .. data:: ELM_GLOB_MATCH_NO_ESCAPE Treat backslash as an ordinary character instead of escape. .. versionadded:: 1.11 .. data:: ELM_GLOB_MATCH_PATH Match a slash in string only with a slash in pattern and not by an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?) metacharacter, nor by a bracket expression ([]) containing a slash. .. versionadded:: 1.11 .. data:: ELM_GLOB_MATCH_PERIOD Leading period in string has to be matched exactly by a period in pattern. A period is considered to be leading if it is the first character in string, or if both ELM_GLOB_MATCH_PATH is set and the period immediately follows a slash. .. versionadded:: 1.11 .. data:: ELM_GLOB_MATCH_NOCASE The pattern is matched case-insensitively. .. versionadded:: 1.11 .. _General: General ======= General Elementary API. Functions that don't relate to Elementary objects specifically. Here are documented functions which init/shutdown the library, that apply to generic Elementary objects, that deal with configuration, et cetera. .. autoclass:: EthumbConnect .. autoclass:: ConfigAllChanged .. autoclass:: PolicyChanged .. autoclass:: ProcessBackground .. autoclass:: ProcessForeground .. autofunction:: on_ethumb_connect .. autofunction:: on_config_all_changed .. autofunction:: on_policy_changed .. autofunction:: on_process_background .. autofunction:: on_process_foreground .. autofunction:: init .. autofunction:: shutdown .. autofunction:: run .. autofunction:: exit .. autofunction:: policy_set .. autofunction:: policy_get .. autofunction:: language_set .. autofunction:: process_state_get .. _Fingers: Fingers ======= Elementary is designed to be finger-friendly for touchscreens, and so in addition to scaling for display resolution, it can also scale based on finger "resolution" (or size). You can then customize the granularity of the areas meant to receive clicks on touchscreens. Different profiles may have pre-set values for finger sizes. .. autofunction:: coords_finger_size_adjust .. _Caches: Caches ====== These are functions which let one fine-tune some cache values for Elementary applications, thus allowing for performance adjustments. .. autofunction:: cache_all_flush .. _Fonts: Fonts ===== These are functions dealing with font rendering, selection and the like for Elementary applications. One might fetch which system fonts are there to use and set custom fonts for individual classes of UI items containing text (text classes). .. autofunction:: font_properties_get .. autofunction:: font_properties_free .. autofunction:: font_fontconfig_name_get .. autoclass:: FontProperties .. _Debug: Debug ===== Don't use them unless you are sure. .. autofunction:: object_tree_dump .. autofunction:: object_tree_dot_dump .. _Sys_Notify: Sys Notify ========== .. autofunction:: sys_notify_close .. autofunction:: sys_notify_send .. autofunction:: on_sys_notify_notification_closed .. autofunction:: on_sys_notify_action_invoked .. autoclass:: SysNotifyNotificationClosed .. autoclass:: SysNotifyActionInvoked Widgets ======= .. toctree:: * :glob: :maxdepth: 1 Inheritance diagram =================== .. inheritance-diagram:: efl.elementary.Actionslider efl.elementary.Background efl.elementary.Box efl.elementary.Bubble efl.elementary.Button efl.elementary.Calendar efl.elementary.Check efl.elementary.Clock efl.elementary.Colorselector efl.elementary.Configuration efl.elementary.Conformant efl.elementary.Ctxpopup efl.elementary.Datetime efl.elementary.Dayselector efl.elementary.Diskselector efl.elementary.Entry efl.elementary.Fileselector efl.elementary.FileselectorButton efl.elementary.FileselectorEntry efl.elementary.Flip efl.elementary.FlipSelector efl.elementary.Frame efl.elementary.Gengrid efl.elementary.Genlist efl.elementary.GestureLayer efl.elementary.Grid efl.elementary.Hover efl.elementary.Hoversel efl.elementary.Icon efl.elementary.Image efl.elementary.Index efl.elementary.InnerWindow efl.elementary.Label efl.elementary.Layout efl.elementary.List efl.elementary.Map efl.elementary.Mapbuf efl.elementary.Menu efl.elementary.MultiButtonEntry efl.elementary.Naviframe efl.elementary.Notify efl.elementary.Object efl.elementary.ObjectItem efl.elementary.Panel efl.elementary.Panes efl.elementary.Photo efl.elementary.Photocam efl.elementary.Plug efl.elementary.Popup efl.elementary.Progressbar efl.elementary.Radio efl.elementary.Scroller efl.elementary.SegmentControl efl.elementary.Separator efl.elementary.Slider efl.elementary.Slideshow efl.elementary.Spinner efl.elementary.Systray efl.elementary.Table efl.elementary.Theme efl.elementary.Thumb efl.elementary.Toolbar efl.elementary.Transit efl.elementary.Video efl.elementary.Web efl.elementary.Window :parts: 1