.. currentmodule:: efl.elementary Thumb ##### .. image:: /images/thumb-preview.png Widget description ================== A thumbnail object is used for displaying the thumbnail of an image or video. You must have compiled Elementary with ``Ethumb_Client`` support. Also, Ethumb's DBus service must be present and auto-activated in order to have thumbnails generated. You must also have a **session** bus, not a **system** one. Once the thumbnail object becomes visible, it will check if there is a previously generated thumbnail image for the file set on it. If not, it will start generating this thumbnail. Different configuration settings will cause different thumbnails to be generated even on the same file. Generated thumbnails are stored under ``$HOME/.thumbnails/``. Check Ethumb's documentation to change this path, and to see other configuration options. Emitted signals =============== - ``clicked`` - This is called when a user has clicked the thumbnail object without dragging it around. - ``clicked,double`` - This is called when a user has double-clicked the thumbnail object. - ``press`` - This is called when a user has pressed down over the thumbnail object. - ``generate,start`` - The thumbnail generation has started. - ``generate,stop`` - The generation process has stopped. - ``generate,error`` - The thumbnail generation failed. - ``load,error`` - The thumbnail image loading failed. Available styles ================ - ``default`` - ``noframe`` Enumerations ============ .. _Elm_Thumb_Animation_Setting: Thumb animation mode -------------------- .. data:: ELM_THUMB_ANIMATION_START Play animation once .. data:: ELM_THUMB_ANIMATION_LOOP Keep playing animation until stop is requested .. data:: ELM_THUMB_ANIMATION_STOP Stop playing the animation .. _Ethumb_Thumb_FDO_Size: Thumb FDO size -------------- .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_NORMAL 128x128 as defined by FreeDesktop.Org standard .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_LARGE 256x256 as defined by FreeDesktop.Org standard .. _Ethumb_Thumb_Format: Thumb format ------------ .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_FDO PNG as defined by FreeDesktop.Org standard .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_JPEG JPEGs are often smaller and faster to read/write .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_EET EFL's own storage system, supports key parameter .. _Ethumb_Thumb_Aspect: Thumb aspect ------------ .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_KEEP_ASPECT keep original proportion between width and height .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_IGNORE_ASPECT ignore aspect and foce it to match thumbnail's width and height .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_CROP keep aspect but crop (cut) the largest dimension .. _Ethumb_Thumb_Orientation: Thumb orientation ----------------- .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_ORIENT_NONE keep orientation as pixel data is .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_ROTATE_90_CW rotate 90° clockwise .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_ROTATE_180 rotate 180° .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_ROTATE_90_CCW rotate 90° counter-clockwise .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_FLIP_HORIZONTAL flip horizontally .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_FLIP_VERTICAL flip vertically .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_FLIP_TRANSPOSE transpose .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_FLIP_TRANSVERSE transverse .. data:: ETHUMB_THUMB_ORIENT_ORIGINAL use orientation from metadata (EXIF-only currently) Inheritance diagram =================== .. inheritance-diagram:: Thumb :parts: 2 .. autoclass:: Thumb