Wiki page start changed with summary [typo "Eolian"] by jpeg

This commit is contained in:
jpeg 2015-06-29 22:33:44 -07:00 committed by apache
parent dde190fdad
commit 6a15934abe
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ You will use a range of libraries to make use of the above, and so learning the
|Emile |Compression & Encryption |*INTERNAL* Compression and encryption utilities and abstractions |
|Emotion |Video & Audio Playback |Wrapping Gstreamer, Xine and/or VLC to provide Video playback in Evas objects as well as audio playback controls |
|Eo |Object System |Core object system for EFL with handling of classes, references, inheritance, safe object access and method execution etc. |
|Eloian |Object Code Generation |Used with Eo to generate both C boilerplate src, and for generating bindings |
|Eolian |Object Code Generation |Used with Eo to generate both C boilerplate src, and for generating bindings |
|Ephysics |Physics & Object Glue |Glues the Bullet physics library to Evas objects and is used by Edje |
|Escape |PS3 LibC Filler |*INTERNAL* Fills in missing LibC functionality for PS3 |
|Ethumb |Image Thumbnailer |A library and service for async thumbnail generation and caching |