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=== Ephoto 1.0 Final Released ===
* //2017-03-29 - by Stephen M Houston//
It is with great pleasure that I announce the first major release of Ephoto is now available to download! This release comes just a few short weeks after Ephoto 1.0-beta3 and it coincides with EFL version 1.19 final.
Please report any bugs or feedback to http://phab.enlightenment.org .
You can find the tarballs here:
Ephoto is a comprehensive image/photo viewer written in C and using the Enlightened Foundation Libraries. The application supports file system browsing for photos and images, enhancement and editing features, and moving slideshows.
Interested in learning more about Ephoto?
Please visit the Ephoto page at http://www.smhouston.us/ephoto/ as well as
Thank you for your support over the years!!
**Stephen Houston**