
199 lines
7.3 KiB

# include "config.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <Eina.h>
#include <Ector.h>
#include <software/Ector_Software.h>
#include "ector_private.h"
#include "ector_software_private.h"
typedef struct _Ector_Renderer_Software_Image_Data Ector_Renderer_Software_Image_Data;
struct _Ector_Renderer_Software_Image_Data
Ector_Software_Surface_Data *surface;
Ector_Renderer_Image_Data *image;
Ector_Renderer_Data *base;
Ector_Buffer *comp;
Efl_Gfx_Vg_Composite_Method comp_method;
int opacity;
Eina_Matrix3 inv_m;
struct {
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
} boundary;
static Eina_Bool
_ector_renderer_software_image_ector_renderer_prepare(Eo *obj,
Ector_Renderer_Software_Image_Data *pd)
if (!pd->surface)
pd->surface = efl_data_xref(pd->base->surface, ECTOR_SOFTWARE_SURFACE_CLASS, obj);
if (!pd->image->buffer || !pd->surface->rasterizer->fill_data.raster_buffer)
return EINA_FALSE;
Eina_Matrix3 m;
double m11, m12, m21, m22, m31, m32;
int x = pd->surface->x + (int)pd->base->origin.x;
int y = pd->surface->y + (int)pd->base->origin.y;
int image_w, image_h;
ector_buffer_size_get(pd->image->buffer, &image_w, &image_h);
double px[4] = {x, x + image_w, x, x + image_w};
double py[4] = {y, y, y + image_h, y + image_h};
//Only use alpha color
pd->opacity = pd->base->color.a;
if (!pd->base->m)
eina_matrix3_scale(&m, (double)pd->surface->rasterizer->fill_data.raster_buffer->generic->w / (double)image_w,
(double)pd->surface->rasterizer->fill_data.raster_buffer->generic->h / (double)image_h);
eina_matrix3_copy(&m, pd->base->m);
eina_matrix3_values_get(&m, &m11, &m12, NULL,
&m21, &m22, NULL,
&m31, &m32, NULL);
//Calc draw boundbox
pd->boundary.x1 = MAX(pd->surface->rasterizer->fill_data.raster_buffer->generic->w , (unsigned int)image_w);
pd->boundary.y1 = MAX(pd->surface->rasterizer->fill_data.raster_buffer->generic->h , (unsigned int)image_h);
pd->boundary.x2 = 0; pd->boundary.y2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
pd->boundary.x1 = MIN(pd->boundary.x1, (int)(((px[i] * m11) + (py[i] * m21) + m31) + 0.5));
pd->boundary.y1 = MIN(pd->boundary.y1, (int)(((px[i] * m12) + (py[i] * m22) + m32) + 0.5));
pd->boundary.x2 = MAX(pd->boundary.x2, (int)(((px[i] * m11) + (py[i] * m21) + m31) + 0.5));
pd->boundary.y2 = MAX(pd->boundary.y2, (int)(((px[i] * m12) + (py[i] * m22) + m32) + 0.5));
eina_matrix3_inverse(&m, &pd->inv_m);
return EINA_TRUE;
//FIXME: We need to implement that apply op, clips and mul_col.
static Eina_Bool
_ector_renderer_software_image_ector_renderer_draw(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED,
Ector_Renderer_Software_Image_Data *pd,
Efl_Gfx_Render_Op op EINA_UNUSED, Eina_Array *clips EINA_UNUSED,
unsigned int mul_col EINA_UNUSED)
if (!pd->image->buffer || !pd->surface->rasterizer->fill_data.raster_buffer->pixels.u32)
return EINA_FALSE;
if (pd->opacity == 0)
return EINA_TRUE;
const int pix_stride = pd->surface->rasterizer->fill_data.raster_buffer->stride / 4;
Ector_Software_Buffer_Base_Data *comp = pd->comp ? efl_data_scope_get(pd->comp, ECTOR_SOFTWARE_BUFFER_BASE_MIXIN) : NULL;
Ector_Software_Buffer_Base_Data *bpd = efl_data_scope_get(pd->image->buffer, ECTOR_SOFTWARE_BUFFER_BASE_MIXIN);
double im11, im12, im21, im22, im31, im32;
uint32_t *dst_buf, *src_buf;
int image_w, image_h;
int dst_buf_width = MIN(pd->boundary.x2, (int)pd->surface->rasterizer->fill_data.raster_buffer->generic->w);
int dst_buf_height = MIN(pd->boundary.y2, (int)pd->surface->rasterizer->fill_data.raster_buffer->generic->h);
ector_buffer_size_get(pd->image->buffer, &image_w, &image_h);
dst_buf = pd->surface->rasterizer->fill_data.raster_buffer->pixels.u32;
src_buf = bpd->pixels.u32;
eina_matrix3_values_get(&pd->inv_m, &im11, &im12, NULL,
&im21, &im22, NULL,
&im31, &im32, NULL);
for (int local_y = pd->boundary.y1; local_y < dst_buf_height; local_y++)
for (int local_x = pd->boundary.x1; local_x < dst_buf_width; local_x++)
uint32_t *dst = dst_buf + ((int)local_x + ((int)local_y * pix_stride));
int rx, ry;
rx = (int)(((double)local_x * im11) + ((double)local_y * im21) + im31 + 0.5);
ry = (int)(((double)local_x * im12) + ((double)local_y * im22) + im32 + 0.5);
if (rx < 0 || rx >= image_w || ry < 0 || ry >= image_h)
uint32_t *src = src_buf + (rx + (ry * image_w)); //FIXME: use to stride
uint32_t temp = 0x0;
if (comp)
uint32_t *m = comp->pixels.u32 + ((int)local_x + ((int)local_y * comp->generic->w));
//FIXME : This comping can work only matte case.
// We need consider to inverse matte case.
temp = draw_mul_256((((*m)>>24) * pd->opacity)>>8, *src);
temp = draw_mul_256(pd->opacity, *src);
int inv_alpha = 255 - ((temp) >> 24);
*dst = temp + draw_mul_256(inv_alpha, *dst);
return EINA_TRUE;
static Eo *
_ector_renderer_software_image_efl_object_constructor(Eo *obj, Ector_Renderer_Software_Image_Data *pd)
obj = efl_constructor(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS));
if (!obj) return NULL;
pd->image = efl_data_xref(obj, ECTOR_RENDERER_IMAGE_MIXIN, obj);
pd->base = efl_data_xref(obj, ECTOR_RENDERER_CLASS, obj);
return obj;
static void
_ector_renderer_software_image_efl_object_destructor(Eo *obj, Ector_Renderer_Software_Image_Data *pd)
efl_data_xunref(pd->base->surface, pd->surface, obj);
efl_data_xunref(obj, pd->base, obj);
efl_data_xunref(obj, pd->image, obj);
efl_destructor(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS));
unsigned int
_ector_renderer_software_image_ector_renderer_crc_get(const Eo *obj,
Ector_Renderer_Software_Image_Data *pd)
unsigned int crc;
crc = ector_renderer_crc_get(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS));
crc = eina_crc((void*) pd->image, sizeof (Ector_Renderer_Image_Data), crc, EINA_FALSE);
return crc;
static void
_ector_renderer_software_image_ector_renderer_comp_method_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED,
Ector_Renderer_Software_Image_Data *pd,
Ector_Buffer *comp,
Efl_Gfx_Vg_Composite_Method method)
pd->comp = comp;
pd->comp_method = method;
#include "ector_renderer_software_image.eo.c"