What entrance do: open session with pam User can choose the WM to open Admin can make a script who are called to open session (/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc) Everything can be configured in entrance.conf You could put an customized icon for your user in /var/cache/entrance/users/(username).edj with groupname "entrance/user/icon" BIG THX to http://tux.crystalxp.net for tux g1 ! Specificaly to all authors of each tux present in this build. to enable grub2 reboot feature use --enable-grub2 on configure. But you need to add this line 'GRUB_DEFAULT=saved' to /etc/default/grub build and install: ./autogen.sh --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr make make install On some systems (not debian like), you need to overide the pam file. Please try cp data/entrance.other /etc/pam.d/entrance or copy one of slim, gdm, kdm ... pam file to /etc/pam.d/entrance