
107 lines
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kbd 130 45
fuzz 20
# keyboard type
type ALPHA
# an icon for the keyboard so you know which one you have
icon alpha.png
# if the key out is in quotes - "q" for example, then this key is used for
# typing words and can be part of a dictionary match, any other key when
# pressed will end the dictionary match (u can disable dictionary matching in
# a layout by not having any outputs in quotes)
key 5 5 10 10
normal q "q"
shift Q "Q"
key 15 5 10 10
normal w "w"
shift W "W"
key 25 5 10 10
normal e "e"
shift E "E"
key 35 5 10 10
normal r "r"
shift R "R"
key 45 5 10 10
normal t "t"
shift T "T"
key 55 5 10 10
normal y "y"
shift Y "Y"
key 65 5 10 10
normal u "u"
shift U "U"
key 75 5 10 10
normal i "i"
shift I "I"
key 85 5 10 10
normal o "o"
shift O "O"
key 95 5 10 10
normal p "p"
shift P "P"
key 10 15 10 10
normal a "a"
shift A "A"
key 20 15 10 10
normal s "s"
shift S "S"
key 30 15 10 10
normal d "d"
shift D "D"
key 40 15 10 10
normal f "f"
shift F "F"
key 50 15 10 10
normal g "g"
shift G "G"
key 60 15 10 10
normal h "h"
shift H "H"
key 70 15 10 10
normal j "j"
shift J "J"
key 80 15 10 10
normal k "k"
shift K "K"
key 90 15 10 10
normal l "l"
shift L "L"
key 15 25 10 10
normal z "z"
shift Z "Z"
key 25 25 10 10
normal x "x"
shift X "X"
key 35 25 10 10
normal c "c"
shift C "C"
key 45 25 10 10
normal v "v"
shift V "V"
key 55 25 10 10
normal b "b"
shift B "B"
key 65 25 10 10
normal n "n"
shift N "N"
key 75 25 10 10
normal m "m"
shift M "M"
key 105 25 10 10
normal shift.png
key 115 5 10 10
normal . period
shift , comma
key 115 15 10 10
normal ? question
shift ! exclam
key 115 25 10 10
normal ' "'"
shift / slash