Wayland support in Enlightenmen Caution: Support for running Enlightenment in a Wayland-Only configuration is considered Highly Experimental !! Use at your own risk !! We are not responsible if it nukes your files, burns up your cpu, kills your cat, sells your house, divorces you, or otherwise messes Anything up ! Use at your own risk !! You have been warned !! Requirements: ------------- Aside from the normal requirements that Enlightenment needs, there are a few things to note in order to get Enlightenment to build without X11 support. Firstly, you MUST have EFL built with the following options: --enable-drm --enable-wayland --enable-systemd This Readme does not address the dependencies needed to enable Wayland in EFL. If you require any information for that, please see: https://phab.enlightenment.org/w/wayland/ If you would like support for EGL in Wayland, then also build EFL with: --enable-egl --with-opengl=es The above options can be enabled for EFL without any adverse effects to existing applications. Wayland-Only: ------------- If you wish to test out the Highly Experimental standalone Wayland-Only (no X11) compositor, then read below about how to compile support for a wayland-only Enlightenment. Compiling: ------------- Next, you will need to adjust the options that you pass to Enlightenment during the compile phase. Please note, we recommend installing This version of Enlightenment into it's own separate prefix so that you can still safely fallback to the X11 version. This can be done by passing: --prefix= --with-systemdunitdir=/some/path Now, on to the magic bits ;) In order for Enlightenment to be compiled without X11, using Wayland only, you will need to pass a few more options to the configure stage of Enlightenment: --enable-wayland-clients --enable-wl-drm If you wish to test the experimental Wayland-Only compositor, then also pass to configure: --enable-wayland-only Since this is all still a work-in-progress, there are a few Enlightenment modules that have not been "fixed" to work without X11 yet. Those will need to be disabled if you enabled the wayland-only option: --disable-shot --disable-xkbswitch --disable-conf-randr --disable-wl-x11 At this stage, you should have EFL properly built, and Enlightenment properly built. Let's move on to running it... Usage: ------------- Hopefully at this stage you have successfully built EFL and Enlightenment in preparation for a Wayland-only setup. Congratulations !! Now, let's get it running... The following steps assume you are currently at a Virtual Terminal without anything else running (ie: no other window managers, X11, etc). In order for Enlightenment to function without X11, we need to setup the environment. In your current tty, do: export E_WL_FORCE=drm export ELM_DISPLAY=wl export ELM_ACCEL=opengl (or 'none' for SHM engine) This will make sure that Enlightenment renders using DRM, and any Elementary applications use a Wayland engine. At this point, you should just be able 'cd' to the Enlightenment prefix where you installed, and issue: ./enlightenment_start Please Note: It is suggested that you create a separate configuration profile with only a Minimum of modules loaded. Due to the experimental (and ongoing) status of Wayland-Only support in Enlightenment, Many modules May Not Work. Very few have actually been tested yet !! If you have a separate configuration profile (as suggested) that you would like to use, you can tell Enlightenment to use that when you start it: ./enlightenment_start -profile Notes: ------------- Please Note: There is currently NO support for running X11 applications with this !! So basically, your web browsers won't work, don't expect to be able to run Firefox, Thunderbird, or practically Any Other X11 application yet. About the only things "known" to work so far are EFL/Elementary applications. Bugs: ------------- Yes, there are Lots of them !! Yes, I am already aware of 99.9% of them. Yes, you can start reporting them ... if you do create tickets for any bugs, please note in your ticket that you are using the e_comp_wl branch. When we feel that the work is reaching a "finalizing" stage, we will put out a request for actual testers and bug reports !